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Certified Automotive Parts Association ������������

“One of the most important things we try to convey [about calibration training] is the best practice, knowing your environment and really what the manufacturer needs or what that system needs to calibrate,” said Emily Jackson, marketing director of Mygrant Glass, during a special ADAS session held during Auto Glass Week.

Jackson said the company has eight hours a day to train each individual.


George Lesniak, director of sales and training at Autel Automotive Intelligence USA, emphasized training as well.

“There are so many important things when it comes to training, let alone ADAS training,” Lesniak said. “I guess the first thing is, ADAS training is not a one-and-done. It’s not something you do once, and you’re trained.”

According to Lesniak, individuals continue to learn about ADAS even after the official training period is complete.

“The best practices are what help you perform proper and accurate calibrations,” he added. “It doesn’t matter what equipment you use. If you’re not following instructions to the letter and understanding why you’re performing the calibration, it’s hard to do it accurately.”

Eric Newell, executive vice president of AirPro Diagnostics, said understanding systems and processes is also important for training.

“And understand, more importantly, the why behind the calibration,” he said.

Jackson cautioned installers should also be aware some systems are best suited to particular environments.

“Do not purchase on price,” she said.

Lesniak added owners and managers should not only ask themselves, “What should I buy?,” but also, “Should I buy?”

“ADAS calibration is not right for everyone,” he said. “I’ve learned that the hard way by selling equipment to people who should not have calibration equipment.”

A company needs the technicians, location and equipment to perform calibrations properly.

Chris Guiterrez, director of technology and innovation at Protech Automotive Solutions, agreed with the other panelists but said a prequel to training exists.

“Know your audience, know where you’re at and know what you’re doing and know what you’re about to get into,” Guiterrez said.

He asked audience members to describe themselves. Do they mainly install glass, mostly interact with customers or do they work with collision centers.

“Your audiences are different. How you approach things is different. How you’re going to get into this whole thing is different,” he said.

Jacques Navant, technical director for frogitout and Don’s Mobile Glass and chairperson of the Auto Glass Safety Council’s (AGSC) ADAS Calibration Committee, said the committee is planning CE courses for shop owners, fleet managers, technicians and insurance providers.

“So we’ll be able to kind of take all the shade and shadows off of all things ADAS,” Navant said. “And really educate everyone involved.”

Bob Beranek, president of Automotive Glass Consultants, began in the industry in 1973 as a tech and is the AGSC’s AGRSS Standards Committee chair.

“Because ADAS is a major part of the automotive design of the future, we have to address it,” Beranek said “… we’re going to need to develop parts of our standard to address the issue.”

Navant said the industry keeps hearing the future is now. His son is about to start driving, and he will be operating vehicles maintained to the standards set forth by the industry now.

“But holistically as [an industry], we have a long way to go to catch up to the technology in these vehicles,” Newell said.

Guiterrez added that not only does the collision repair industry need to catch up to technology in vehicles, “the customer is as naïve with what they have in their car like everybody else.”

Nobody is ready for the technology coming out in vehicles right now, according to Guiterrez.

Tara Taffera, AGRR editorial director, moderated the session, and asked the panelists what myths they would like to end. Newell’s choice was the myth that if a light does not come on in the dashboard warning of a problem in a car, nothing is wrong.

Lesniak cited myths about liability. “If you worked on the car, you’re liable,” he said.

Jackson said the glass is not always the problem and warned, “Your ego is not always your amigo.”

During a question-and-answer period, Taffera asked the panelists why a shop should not pursue ADAS. Newell said proper space and environment, as well as training, are necessary.

“If you can’t do it correctly, don’t do it at all,” he said.

Jackson said shops that want to cut corners should not pursue ADAS.

“They should. Every shop should,” Beranek said.

“It’s here, it’s part of us, it’s not going away,” Lesniak said.

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