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Classifi eds

Chicago’s Kennedy-King College Collision Program to Benefit from CREF’s November TopGolf Fundraiser

Kennedy-King College’s collision auto body repair industry. It is an aging workforce and desperprogram, the only post-secondary industry partners like these that ate need for entry-level staff. This collision program within the City enable us to prepare students for focused effort to support KenneColleges of Chicago, will receive high-skill, high-wage careers both dy-King College’s collision prohalf of the funds raised during the Collision Repair Education Foun dation’s (CREF) event, from 6 to “Across the country, this industry is facing an issue of an 9 p.m. Nov . 20 at TopGolf Schaaging workforce and desperate need for entry-level staff. umburg. Funds raised during the netThis focused effort to support Kennedy-King College’s working event will help Kennecollision program will not only help current but also dy-King’s collision program purchase needed tools, equipment and future students within their collision program.” supplies to best prepare students for entry-level industry employment. — Brandon Eckenrode College staff, Kennedy-King College collision students and other locally and nationally. We are ex gram will not only help current but guests are anticipated to attend, in cited about the opportunity to supalso future students within their addition to participating industry port the industry and highlight our collision program.” members and businesses. Collision T echnology program.” There are both corporate spon


“Kennedy-King College and “We look forward to bringing sorship and registration opportuthe City Colleges of Chicago value together industry members from nities to participate. CREF is also the support and commitment from the greater Chicagoland area for looking for raffle table item donaCREF to serve our students,” said an evening of fun but more impor tions to help raise additional funds Eddie Phillips, Kennedy-King tantly, to help raise additional supat the event. Those looking to parCollege vice president of academ port for Kennedy-King College’s ticipate in the event are encouraged ic student affairs. “Kennedy-King collision program,” said Brandon to contact Eckenrode at Brandon. College’ s Collision Technology Eckenrode, CREF director of deEckenrode@ed-foundation.or g. program can play a vital role in velopment. “Across the country, meeting growing demand in the this industry is facing an issue of Source: CREF

CREF Supporting COVID Impacted Schools

The Collision Repair Education Foundation (CREF) wants to publicly thank the insurance industry for rallying behind it during a time when raising funds is extremely difficult.

Six extremely generous insurance organizations have stepped in to offer their support, donating funds that can help CREF make good on its mission of connecting the next genera tion of collision repairers with education and resources to help further advance the industry at large.

Donations to CREF are down nearly 50% due to COVID-19, putting critical programs, including school grants and support, in jeopardy for 2020 and beyond.

CREF would like to thank the following insurers for their generous 2020 donations: All state, Erie Insurance, Farmers Insurance, GEICO, Liberty Mutual Insurance, Nationwide, State Farm and USAA.

Source: CREF

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