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The MSO Symposium, an exclusive one-day conference created by and for multi-shop owners and operators, will be held Oct. 31, the Monday before SEMA/ AAPEX, in Las Vegas.
Developed by the Automotive Service Association (ASA) and the MSO Symposium advisory board, the conference includes unique programming with insight on a diverse set of topics top-ofmind to the leadership of the industry’s most influential collision repair operators in North America and beyond.
The event begins at 9:30 a.m. PDT with a light breakfast, networking and vendor displays. Three additional networking opportunities for attendees during this event include a formal luncheon sponsored by Berkeley Capital Advisors, a refreshment break sponsored by Axalta Coating Systems and an exclusive industry reception sponsored by Repairify, from 5:15-6:30 pm.
Below is an overview of the MSO Symposium’s 2022 conference timeline and agenda:
Monday, Oct. 31
9:30–10:30 a.m.: Networking Breakfast, Sponsor Showcase 10:30–10:45 a.m.: Welcome and Introductions 10:45–11:45 a.m.: Industry Macro & Micro Trends with Vincent Romans & CCC Intelligent Solutions 11:45–12:30 p.m.: Panel discussion: Inclusion and Diversity 12:30–1:30 p.m.: Formal Luncheon 1:30–2:15 p.m.: Panel discussion: Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) & Why it Matters 2:15–3 p.m.: Economic Trends 3–3:30 p.m.: Labor Trends, Challenges and Opportunities 3:30–4 p.m.: Networking Break 4–4:30 p.m.: Electric Vehicles 4:30–5:15 p.m.: Artificial Intelligence and New Technology 5:15–6:30 p.m.: Industry Reception
Those interested in registering for the 2022 event are advised attendance is limited and one must qualify to attend. Those invited to attend include multi-shop operators of all sizes, insurers, OEMs and single-location repair facilities with revenue exceeding $3 million in annual sales.
To begin the registration application process, go to the MSO Symposium’s website: www.msosymposium.com/register
Attendance by media personnel and equipment or service providers is available, but also limited. For additional information visit msosymposium.com or send your questions or requests for sponsorship information to Jennie Lenk or Brian Nessen.
Source: MSO Symposium
was repairing a vandalized Jeep and needed to disassemble the dash to remove broken glass. The two O-rings needed as part of that work weren’t in his shop’s estimating system, so he had to locate them in OEConnection’s RepairLink, then manually enter them into his estimate.
“Luckily the O-rings were $24.30 each, so we’re at least making a little more money than we would on a $3 O-ring,” he said. “But it still can make my blood boil when I just spent 20 minutes to sell $50 worth of O-rings that should have just been a simple click in the [estimating] system.”
Panel moderator Danny Gredinberg of the Database Enhancement Gateway encouraged the industry to report such missing parts to his organization, something Wagner does regularly.
“Submit that inquiry, and we’ll work with the information providers to hopefully get that added in there,” Gredinberg said.
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