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Sorbothane Soft-Blow Mallet ��������������������������
The University of the Aftermarket Foundation (UAF) has awarded a record-setting $706,250 in scholarships to students throughout the country, it was announced July 26 by Danielle Sonnefeld, AAP, chair of the UAF scholarship committee.
UAF scholarship recipients will be attending a twoyear or four-year college or university or an accredited automotive vocational program during the 2021-22 academic year.
While the majority are studying to become mechanical, collision or heavy-duty repair professionals, others are pursuing degrees in such fields as business, engineering and IT/ cybersecurity that will lead to a career in the automotive aftermarket.
A complete list of recipients can be found at www. automotivescholarships.com/ scholarship-alumni.
Source: University of the Aftermarket Andrews Transportation Group in Brentwood, TN, announced plans to expand mechanical services to its core business servicing Cadillac, Jaguar and Land Rover products.
To accommodate the expansion, the dealership in a press release said it is phasing out collision repair through September and that space will convert to mechanical services.
“Even with our recent expansion of our Jaguar Land Rover service and parts departments, we continue to experience accelerated growth with our core business of selling and servicing Cadillac, Jaguar and Land Rover,” Andrews Transportation Group President and CEO Nelson Andrews said in a prepared statement. “In order to better serve our customers, we are moving away from collision re-
pair, servicing all makes and models, and expanding mechanical to support the sales and maintenance operations on our core brands.”
“We have enjoyed having Andrews Cadillac Collision Repair as part of our operations these past 40 years, but we’ve had to come to the realization that this is no longer the best use of our space in our Maryland Farms facility.”
The dealership is phasing out the collision department through August and September and will partner with a local collision center to assume future repairs.
Collision repair employees have several options including transitioning to another position within the dealership, receiving a severance package or taking a position at another collision center.
Andrews Transportation Group just recently completed a multi-million-dollar expansion of its Jaguar Land Rover service and parts departments in Brentwood to match the dealership’s 200% unit sales increase.
The expansion accommodates 16 new service bays and a state-of-the-art carwash in the 8,362 square feet added to the building. The group has also built a two-story parking deck along Old Hickory Boulevard to supply approximately 100 additional parking spaces for the inventory of vehicles for sale.
“In order to better serve our customers, we are moving away from collision repair, servicing all makes and models, and expanding mechanical to support the sales and maintenance operations on our core brands.” — Nelson Andrews
Is It a Secret? Florida Court Decides Confidentiality Issues
by Rebecca Barnabi, glassBYTEs�com
After more than two years in litigation, the case of Allstate v. Auto Glass America and its owner Charles Isaly continues in court.
“Having waded through page upon page of ad hominem attacks and accusations of lies, ‘contumacious’ and ‘perfidious’ conduct levied against both sides, it has become clear that the parties are now arguing over the meaning and enforcement of their agreed upon and fully executed confidentiality agreement,” wrote Judge Leslie Hoffman in her order dated July 30.
As previously reported by glassBYTEs.com, Allstate filed a lawsuit against Auto Glass America, owned by Isaly, in December 2018 alleging the glass company engaged in a plan to unlawfully obtain payment for excessive and/or unreasonable charges by submitting inflated invoices.
Allstate also alleged AGA sued them 1,400 times when the insurance company paid less than the invoice amount, a practice known as “short payment.”
Allstate contended AGA billed the insurance company on average $900 per invoice between Jan. 1, 2015 and Sept. 30, 2018. However, Allstate reported the average invoice amount from other glass companies in Florida during the same time was $350.
The July 30 order by the judge denied AGA’s motion for sanctions against Allstate. It partially granted an alternative motion by Allstate to leave the file under seal. It allowed certain exhibits to be filed under seal by Aug. 4.
The court will then review the documents and decide which are and are not properly subject to seal.
Rather than grant AGA’s request for confidentiality seal to the full depositions of Don Joslin and Joseph Scauzillo, the Judge wants to know the exact pages and exhibits AGA wants sealed, also by Aug. 3. Hoffman said these deadlines will not be extended. (C) 2021 by glassbytes.com. Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved. For more information contact www.glassbytes.com.
