October 2021 Southeast Edition

Page 50

Third-Generation MSO Steps Up Philanthropy During Pandemic partnership. “NABC does a great job and Auto body shops all over the coun- the process is absolutely seamless,” try put their charitable efforts on Kendrick said. “They make it easy hold during the pandemic for ob- and that’s why we will keep workvious reasons. But a few shops out ing with them on these car presentathere took the opportunity to step up tions.” and do even more, by reaching out Here is a lengthy list of Kendto their local communities and find- rick Paint & Body’s charitable efing more ways to help. forts: A good example is Kendrick They recently delivered 50 Paint & Body, a third-generation boxed lunches from Fat Man’s to the MSO with eight locations in Geor- University Hospital Emergency Degia. partment in Augusta, with Kendrick there to assist. “We thank all the health care workers giving their all during this continued pandemic,” he said. A local promotional company, Showpony, designed a T-shirt for Kendrick Paint & Body, and donated $2,000 from the proceeds to Ronald McDonald House Charities of Augusta (RMCHA). “Since the COVID-19 Steve Kendrick Jr., center, stepped up his company’s pandemic began, the RMcharitable efforts during the pandemic HCA hasn’t been able to In 2008, owner Steve Kend- operate at full capacity due to occurick Jr. bought the shop from his fa- pancy and social distancing requirether, whose father had founded it in ments, and they have placed some 1950, and decided to scale the fami- families in local hotels,” Kendrick ly’s successful business. As a result, said. “The hotels were an additional, today they have eight locations with non-budgeted item, and that’s why 165 employees and fix approximate- we’re happy to help cover some of ly 1,300 cars monthly. the expense with our donation.” During the pandemic, Kendrick Kendrick Paint and Body decided to continue on the path his teamed up with Manuel’s Bread Cafe grandfather started. and delivered 100 meals to the staff Some shops put one person in at Augusta University. Kendrick, charge to coordinate all of their com- Manuel Carron, Ansley Kendrick pany’s philanthropy, and that’s why and Britton Zier delivered meals at Kendrick’s Operations and Market- lunch. ing Specialist Carson McLaughlin “We were happy to donate and is always busy. give appreciation for our incredible “She has done an amazing medical professionals,” Kendrick job,” Kendrick said. “We find new said. causes and organizations in need The company recently partall the time, especially here in Au- nered with David Goodbread and gusta, where we cover a large area FP Mehan of Insurance Services of in a fast-growing community. I tell Augusta and delivered meals to the people it’s a ‘small big town’ where North Augusta Public Safety, and everyone knows everyone. So be- also delivered 100 lunches to Aiken ing known for helping others, that’s Regional Medical Center. huge and something we’re proud Kendrick Paint & Body and the of.” JLA Group teamed up to help beau The business has been involved tify downtown Augusta by providwith NABC’s Recycled Rides for ing landscaping on the Broad Street several years and has given away medians between 13th and 15th eight vehicles since entering into a streets. by Ed Attanasio

48 OCTOBER 2021 AUTOBODY NEWS / autobodynews.com

For the past several years, Enterprise has partnered with Kendrick Paint & Body to present a $2,000 grant to the American Red Cross Augusta Chapter. “The money helps the Red Cross continue operations in our area,” Kendrick said. “The Augusta chapter covers 15 counties with only three paid employees. The remainder are dedicated volunteers. “In 2018 alone, we had six natural disasters. As a result, the Red Cross sheltered more people in 45 days than in the last five years combined. The Augusta chapter sheltered more than 3,000 people during Hurricane Irma. The donations help keep these operations in place to ensure the Red Cross is able to help serve in disasters and tough times.” Every February, the company participates in the Red Cross Boot Scoot Boogie, an annual event that generates more than $100,000 for the Augusta Chapter of the American Red Cross. Each year, Kendrick Paint & Body supports SafeHomes Domes-

tic Violence Center by sponsoring the Fake It to Make It lip sync competition. The event has raised more than $160,000 annually to help fund SafeHomes’ mission. “SafeHomes is committed to ending domestic violence through advocacy, awareness and education,” he said. “They have an array of highly-specialized and comprehensive services to assist victims, regardless of the stage they are at on their journey. All services are completely free and completely confidential.” By constantly looking for more ways to give, Kendrick is proud to be a contributing member of his community, a role he wants to play as long as he can. “There will always be people and organizations out there that will need help, and if we’re in a position to do it, why not?” www.autobodynews.com


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Classifieds ������������������������������������������������������

pages 60-61

BMW Wholesale Parts Dealers ������������������������

page 59

Hyundai Wholesale Parts Dealers ��������������������

page 56

Ford Wholesale Parts Dealers��������������������������

page 57

Volkswagen Wholesale Parts Dealers ��������������

page 54

GM Wholesale Parts Dealers ���������������������������

page 55

Subaru Wholesale Parts Dealers����������������������

page 53

Mercedes-Benz Wholesale Parts Dealers ��������

page 52

Audi Wholesale Parts Dealers��������������������������

page 50

Riverside Ford-Lincoln ������������������������������������

page 47

John Heister Automotive ���������������������������������

page 46

Mercedes-Benz of Cutler Bay��������������������������

page 42

Beaman CDJR Wholesale Parts �����������������������

page 37

Gus Machado Ford������������������������������������������

page 38

Parks Chevrolet�����������������������������������������������

page 40

Audi Gwinnett �������������������������������������������������

page 36

Harper Volkswagen�����������������������������������������

page 35

Benchmark Automotive�����������������������������������

pages 30-31

Sorbothane Soft-Blow Mallet ��������������������������

page 18

Malco �������������������������������������������������������������

page 22

JEN6 Equipment �����������������������������������������������

page 10

Steck Manufacturing Company �����������������������

page 24

American Icon Automotive Finishes�����������������

page 20

Certified Automotive Parts Association ������������

page 16

Jim Cogdill Chrysler-Dodge-Jeep-Ram �����������

page 14

Florida Filtration & Spray Booth Services���������

page 12
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