September 2021 Southwest Edition

Page 46

Q: Who is your target market? David: Kustomine was designed for shops looking for change and/or better processes. This includes single, independent shops as well as giant MSOs. We feel that the product has great potential for the industry. We’re gearing up to launch our public beta of the cloud-based product on Sept. 1.

improvement. For example, we’ve been able to shorten the amount of time that needs to be spent on an estimate by figuring out how long it will be between first notice of loss (FNOL) and when an estimate is turned into a work order. We can track all of those metrics and figure out which ones take the longest.

David: One of the biggest benefits is the elimination of unnecessary waste. I think that our industry does enough wasting and we wanted to address that. With Kustomine, we created a paperless, seamless process that essentially eliminated the use of paper. This is especially relevant since the pandemic. Also, shops receive 100% clean data because David and Maria Dolores and their three sons, Tony, David and Rob customers are entering it themselves. We often re We’re hoping to have a short ceive the wrong email address due beta cycle and launch version one of to a keystroke error from the estimaKustomine by the end of the year so tor or a language barrier between the we’re ready for anyone who wants customer and CSR. Through the use to sign up and buy a beta license. As of this tool, we know we’ll have aca small company, we look forward curate information. to people’s input and find out how In our industry, a shop typically to make this worthwhile for every- writes an estimate and if the custombody. er leaves, you’re more than likely not going to get the job. By touching Q: What are some of the benefits for a customer immediately and sending auto body shops using Kustomine? them useful information, we have found the capture rate is greater beJeff: Kustomine securely stores all cause of the instant communication. of the documentation pertaining Nine times out of 10, it’s a custo the repair and generates reports tomer’s first accident in seven years. that are useful for growing the busi- Things change over time and people ness. For example, you can reach need to know their rights, including all of your customers who own a that they can go to the shop of their certain car brand and do individual choice. We ensure they receive that outreach. All of the information is information immediately. stored on an encrypted database and We are an OEM-centric company that takes pride in being part travels across a secure SSL channel. Based on this information, we of more than 10 OEM certification can create targeted communica- programs. Once we communicate tion to reach potential and current that to potential customers, I believe customers and focus on process it helps them decide to have their car

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repaired in one of our shops. Q: What is the importance of being OEM certified? David: Without a doubt, it’s the best way to fix a vehicle. With cars being more advanced and complex to repair, it’s essential to do your precrash analysis and calibration and understand what you are fixing. In our opinion, the OEM data is priceless. We do a lot of research and documentation to make sure we are repairing vehicles properly and putting them back to the OEM’s specifications. Although it can be a significant expense, we are willing to pay for it. There are too many things that could go wrong in the vehicle you are working on. Our job is to make our customers safe with every repair. This is going to become even more important in the future. Q: What type of philanthropy and community service does your family take part in? David: My parents are very passionate about community service and in-

stilled it in us. They have been key members of the Pleasanton Lion’s Club for at least 30 years. Although it is a small group, they do a tremendous amount of work in this area. My mom also supports the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, a global organization that funds Type 1 diabetes research. One of the organizations near and dear to my heart is Sunflower Hill, which is dedicated to creating places where adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, including autism, live and work. I have an employee and a friend who both have children with autism and I’m thankful that my wife and I can support that organization. We are also involved with the College is Real program, where we donate and assist underprivileged children apply to, attend and graduate from college. Some are the first kids in their families to earn their college education. Our family believes in philanthropy and loves to give back to the community where we grew up. We’ve been blessed with good fortune and want to give back.

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Classifieds ������������������������������������������������������

page 52

Ford Wholesale Parts Dealers��������������������������

pages 49-50

Toyota Wholesale Parts Dealers�����������������������

page 47

Volkswagen Wholesale Parts Dealers ��������������

page 48

Mazda Wholesale Parts Dealers ����������������������

page 46

Hyundai Wholesale Parts Dealers ��������������������

page 44

Mitsubishi Wholesale Parts �����������������������������

page 42

BMW Wholesale Parts Dealers ������������������������

page 40

Subaru Wholesale Parts Dealers����������������������

page 39

Freeman Mazda����������������������������������������������

page 36

Bob Utter Kia ��������������������������������������������������

page 38

Classic BMW���������������������������������������������������

page 37


page 34

Ken Garff West Valley Chrysler-Jeep-Dodge-Ram �

page 33

Equalizer Industries, Inc ����������������������������������

page 26

Certified Automotive Parts Association ��������������

page 10

Steve Landers Auto Group���������������������������������

page 8

Schomp Mazda�����������������������������������������������

page 14

Steck Manufacturing Company �����������������������

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Axalta Coating Systems ����������������������������������

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PPG ������������������������������������������������������������������

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