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More Tesla Semis Ready To Deliver After
Final Inspections
By Steven Loveday InsideEVs
More newly completed Tesla Semis were seen at the automaker’s Nevada facility, reportedly being readied for delivery.
Tesla still owes PepsiCo many more electric Semis, and while a great deal was learned at the recent electric semi-truck delivery event, there are still many unanswered questions.
Tesla is typically pretty quiet about the goings-on at the company. From time to time, it releases major announcements, especially if it’s good news, but that’s not the case on the daily. Instead, more news comes from hardcore Tesla followers and drone photographers. For these reasons, it’s not known for sure how many or how quickly Tesla is producing the Semis, and exactly when and where they’re headed.
According to a tweet by Zanegler (@HinrichsZane), shared by Teslarati, several finished Tesla Semis are waiting at the secret Nevada site near
Tesla’s original battery Gigafactory in Nevada. They reportedly need final inspections before they head out for delivery. While they’re not yet wrapped with a logo, it’s assumed they’ll be on the way to PepsiCo in Modesto, CA.
Zanegler just saw the Semis on Jan. 10. He said there were a total of eight new electric semitrucks ready at the factory. Only a few of the Semis can be seen in the video, but it appears there are many trailers ready for the others. Zanegler said just a few minutes before he shot the video, he saw two more new Tesla Semis on the nearby freeway doing test runs.
PepsiCo and Frito-Lay together were among the first companies to order the Semi from Tesla in 2021. PepsiCo aims to have 100 of the fully electric haulers in service sometime this year, and some of its current Semis have already been seen out on the road.
Teslarati reached out to PepsiCo to try to learn more, though the company didn’t respond to the request for comment.
2022 U.S. Car Rental Revenue of $36.1B Shatters Records
By Auto Rental News Staff
Despite continuing challenges around vehicle supply, staffing shortages, demand shifts and the cloud of a recession, the

Meanwhile, the estimated number of new vehicles sold into rental fleets in 2022 represents less than half the total number of vehicles sold in 2019. However, rental companies are holding their cars in fleets longer to compensate.
The high-pricing, tight fleet environment drove another new record for revenue per unit per month (RPU) of $1,424.
U.S. car rental industry earned an estimated $36.1 billion in revenue for 2022, based on data collected by Bobit.
That yearly total represents a 24.7% growth over 2019’s record year and is likely the highest yearover-year gain in industry history.
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