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Introduction Processing status and change history Version 1.0 dated 04.09.96. Corresponds Software Stand "NCS Expert Tool Version 1.0" Version 1.1 of 24.03.97. Corresponds Software Stand "NCS Expert Tool Version 1.2.2" Version 1.2 of 23.12.97. Corresponds Software Stand "NCS Expert Tool Version 1.2.4" Version 1.3 of 04.03.99. Corresponds Software Stand "NCS Expert Tool Version 2.1.2" NCS New data-coding system

Overview The document describes the installation, configuration and operation of the NCS Expert tools. The NCS-Expert Tool provides a surface for coding of ECUs with Coding data in the format of the New data-coding system (NCS) and Coding process description files (CABD). In addition, it serves as an interface to call the NCS core functions (COAPI). Installation and Configuration Install disk Setting up the NCS Expert tools made by calling SETUP on the installation disk. The routine copies the program and the necessary files and subdirectories under "C:\CABI". After the first start the program, the NCS expert tool following entry in the WIN.INI file: [NCSEXPERT] NcsExpertExePath=C:\CABI\BIN\

Directory Structure \CABI\BIN Contains all the necessary program files (EXE, DLL) and the initialization NCSEXPER.INI. Furthermore, it serves as a working directory to store files and other errors while the program is run, temporary files created

\CABI\CFGDAT Contains initialization for Coding interpretation (INPA.INI) and for COAPI (COAPI.INI). It also contains text files for EDIABAS and COAPI error and for the NCS Expert Tool. \CABI\SGDAT Contains header files and CABDs in the source (IPS) and Object file format (IPO)

IPS Code interpretation source File IPO Code interpretation object code file

\CABI\STDAT Default directory for control files for the verification mode. Verification mode The verification mode is used to automatically orders a control file processed. The result files are saved. The result is expressed in the report file \CABI\PFL Contains the profile file (*. PFL).

\CABI\VERPLATZ Working directory for the verification mode for storing the trace files.

\CABI\WORK Working directory for COAPI and NCS experts Tool to store trace and differential files and for input files (for example, ASW read from file). The working directory can be accessed via the file COAPI.INI changed. ASW Keyword order

Configuration of the program When NCS-expert tool can define a default profile can be defined. Most of the system-specific settings are made via the initialization COAPI.INI. see also:

Default-profile at program start to define If the NCS expert tool with a defined profile, you can name the profile file as program parameters. To that end, in the Windows Program Manager, the NCS Expert Tool icon and clicked the menu item "File / Properties function. In the dialog box "command line" is the path and file name of the profile file as program parameters: e.g. "C:\CABI\BIN\NCSEXPER.EXE C:\CABI\PFL\DEFAULT.PFL" Configuration of NCSEXPER.INI The initialization "\ CABI \ BIN \ NCSEXPER.INI" is used for configuration of directories and system data for the expert tool. The following sections and entries for the NCS expert tool of importance: Section [path] Here is the list "PFAD_TEXTE" specified in the error text files are stored and the directory "PFAD_PROFILE" in the profile files are stored. Section [Settings] Here, the coordinates of the window position under the identifier "Window position" may be indicated. About the entry "VmKonsistenzCheck" can be "ON" or "OFF" Check the consistency test in VM Program on or off will be. Section [Remote Operation] 1. Entry "REMOTE_BETRIEB" Here is the remote operating on or off. 2. Entry "REMOTE_PFAD" Server directory on the operation of handshaking between the server and the client is settled. 3. Entry "REMOTE_TIMEOUT" Indicate in "seconds". Reacts switching the program during the Handshake is not holding to the demands of the expert tool will Remote operation is aborted and the tool goes into expert Basic position. 4. Entry "CBD_ANFORDERUNG" This calls for switching the program to the file "CBD_LISTE" CBD Coding Descriotion File 5. Entry "CBD_ERSTELLT" The expert tool with this file indicates that the file "CBD_LISTE" was created. 6. Entry "CBD_LISTE" File in the expert tool SG nicknames and the CBD

File names for the switching control tables enters. 7. Entry "CBD_ERROR" File in the circuit enters the control program that does not could be. Configuration of COAPI.INI The initialization "\ CABI \ CFGDAT \ COAPI.INI" is used for configuration of directories and file system data for the COAPI-core functions. The following sections and entries for the NCS Expert tool of importance: Section [Series] (Sektion [Baureihe]) About the "series" can be released to be series (eg series = E38, E39, E46). Section [path] (Sektion [Pfadangaben] )( The path for compressed Codierdaten for each series can be specified (eg E46_PFAD_DATEN). The entry "EXX_PFAD_DATEN" series is designed for independent Codierdaten (eg SWT) files thought. The path for the VM-scaffolds in ASCII format and the compressed configuration files (eg E46_CONF.BAP) for each series can be specified (eg E46_PFAD_TAB). The entry "EXX_PFAD_TAB" series is designed for independent VM scaffolding (eg VEXXBEG.000) thought. The entry "WORKING_DIR" indicates the directory that is to COAPI trace and difference files used (Defaultpfad: \ CABI \ WORK). Section [System Data] (Sektion [Systemdaten]) System data, i.e. Function Key words direct parameter assignment on this section can be set. If the system date "CODIERDATUM" no value is given, of COAPI automatically determines the current date. The system data GM_SCHLUESSEL, SA_SCHLUESSEL, VN_SCHLUESSEL, AM_SCHLUESSEL, FAHRGESTELL_NR and FAHRGESTELL_NR_KOMPL are also COAPI automatically. Menus File menu About the File menu you can profile files are opened, edited and saved and the program terminated. From the profile version 1.1 is in the profile stored a checksum. This checksum is loading the profile review. If the checksum is not correct, then the profile can not be loaded. Profiles with version 1.0 are valid from 1.1.1998 and from that date can not be loaded.

see also: Menu item "load profile" ("Profil laden") Loading a new profile. It will profile the profile names of all files in the directory "\CABI\PFL" and identified in a selection window. Has a profile in the Profile Editor, you will first make a query whether the current profile will be saved. Menu item "edit profile" ("Profil editieren") Edit the current profile in the Profile Editor. Before the profile can be edited, a password must be entered. Menu item "Save Profile" ("Profil speichern") Save the current profile. This menu is only active if the currently loaded profile in the profile editor has been changed. Is it a new profile, i.e. that there is still no file name is assigned, then when selecting the menu item the dialog box "Save profile" is displayed. Menu item "Save Profile as" ("Profil speichern unter") Save the current profile under a new filename. A dialog box appears in which you drive, the directory and file name can be. Menu item "Quit" ("Beenden") Exiting NCS Expert tools. Has a profile in the Profile Editor, it seems a query whether the current profile will be saved. Menu Display About the menu display, errors and trace files. see also: Menu "CABI.ERR" Displays the error file to which the error, when compiling the CABD occurred are included. Leaving the show with "ESC" or Alt-F4.

Menu "error.log" Displays the error error.log file to which error messages from the COAPI and CDH-functions. Leaving the show with "ESC" or Alt-F4. Menu "CABD parameters" Displays the current contract set parameters and result in a CABD. Leaving the show with "ESC" or Alt-F4.

Menu "System Data" ("Systemdaten") Displays the current system data, i.e. the function of key words with direct assignment to parameter. Leaving the show with "ESC" or Alt-F4. Menu "ASW trace file" ("ASW-Tracedatei") Shows a working directory "\CABI\WORK" COAPI-existing ASW trace file Leaving the show with "ESC" or Alt-F4. Menu "FSW-/PSW-trace file" ("FSW-/PSW-Tracedatei" ) Shows a working directory "\CAB \WORK" in existing COAPI-FSW-/PSWTracedatei Leaving the show with "ESC" or Alt-F4. Menu "Net trace data file" (“Nettodaten-Tracedatei") Shows a working directory "\ CABI \ WORK 'existing COAPI net trace data file Leaving the show with "ESC" or Alt-F4. Menu "individualization trace file" ("Individualisierungs-Tracedatei") Shows a working directory "\ CABI \ WORK 'existing customization file to trace Leaving the show with "ESC" or Alt-F4.

Help menu This menu can help launch and program information are displayed. see also: Page content ("Inhalt") This command shows the opening screen of the Help function. Menu item "About ..." ("Info...") This command shows program version and copyright information.

Operation Overview of Coding (a Codierablauf) A typical coding is as follows: 1. Loading a profile via the menu "File / Load Profile"

2. Function key "FG / ZCS" here to determine the chassis number and the ZCS. In the Function Submenu (Funktionstastensubmen端) can ZCS on manual input, read from a control file or reading from the vehicle to be determined. What input options are active in the profile editor can be set. The FG / ZCSdetermination is by pressing the "Back" Function key ended. 3. After setting the chassis number and the ZCS will be subject to the profile settings, the formation of the ASW, FSW/PSW- and SGET data. Education Is the data successfully, it appears the function "encode FLV" and "SG edit". 4. The function button encode FLV "to get into the vehicle to Function Submenu coding. This submenu can be a complete coding of the vehicle or COAPI-core functions, the control unit is not specific. The running code with a complete coding is on the profile editor configurable. 5. About the function key "SG edit" to get into the Function Submenu to control coding. About this submenu, you can: - Select a control - SGET the data for a control change - A job CABD select - A carry control coding - Or a job-CABD - A COAPI-core functions The running code with a control coding is on the profile editor configurable. 6. After leaving the Function Submenu to vehicle or control by re-encoding can determine the ZCS (see point 2) a new running code start. A detailed description of the importance of each function in running code made in the description of the profile editor, because the meaning depends on the profile settings. Profile Editor Overview of the Profile Editor The Profile Editor is used for: Configuration of the selectable functions and function One-off COAPI trace functions Down the Code record processing steps Determining the running codes Graphical user interface

The profile editor is the graphic representation Code record processing steps: The Profile Editor displays a green icon file, which Code data (ZST, ZCSUT, CVT, SGET table) are processed. Prerequisite for the processing of a Code data is that the processing has been activated and that the necessary input data are active. The Profile Editor displays a green icon vault, which Code data (ASW, FSW / PSW, SGET data) are available. Prerequisite for the availability of data is that a processing step to generate the data has been activated and that the necessary input data for this processing step are available. Ending the Profileditierung and consistency check Editing a profile is by pressing the OK button in the main window of the profile editor quits. It will automatically create a consistency check of the profile data and profile in the NCS Expert Tool on. The consistency check can also separately on the appropriate button will be triggered. By pressing the CANCEL button, the editing of a profile is canceled and the changes to the profile is discarded. Profile Info Setting This dialog box may contain general information about the profile and can be set. Profile format version Displays the internal version number of the profile formats. The version number will be managed by the program and can not be changed. Profile file name Displays the path and filename of the profile. The profile file name in the Profile Editor can not be changed. To change a profile file, see the menu option "Save Profile". Profile Application Setting About this dialog box, the application can be set identifier. This application is CABD ID as a parameter. This allows the CABD applikationsspezfisch perform different operations. Profile Verification Setting This dialog box can be the verification of the mode and mode ZCS conversion in batch mode can be set. Settings verification options: Verification mode ON If this option is selected, the function key "verification" active. The standard function keys are inactive in this mode. ECU-Coding A If this option is selected, during the execution of the control file, the encoding of the control carried out.

Control file Here you can control the name of a file. The file must be located in the directory "\ CABI \ STDAT" position. If a name is specified, then after selecting the function key "verification" does not query the control file. ZCS-A-Batch conversion If this option is selected, the function key "ŽUT batch" active. The standard function keys are inactive in this mode. Control file Here you can control the name of a file. The file must be located in the directory "\ CABI \ STDAT" position. If a name is specified, then after selecting the function key "ŽUT batch" does not query the control file. Profil-FG/ZCS/Baureihen-Ermittlung Setting About this dialog box you can use the function for the FG / ZCS / series-set and identify options for the manual input of the chassis number and the ZCS to be set. Note: The processing technology is ZCSUT on "profile encoding setting is enabled. FG-/ZCS-Eingabe-Optionen: View Calculate Checksum If the option is displayed in the FGNR-/ZCS-Eingabe-Dialogbox the radio button "calculate checksum" for attaching the check sum to the chassis number or to the ZCS. Before entering Delete If the option was selected, when opening the FGNR-/ZCS-Eingabe-Dialogbox the old values for the chassis number or the ZCS previously deleted. Function: FG / ZCS eingeben If the option was selected, the function key "FG / ZCS enter" on hand entering the chassis number and the ZCS active. FG / ZCS from vehicle If the option was selected, the function key "ZCS from SG" to read the chassis number and the ZCS of the active vehicle. When you call this function in the operator must Codierablauf the series and the ZCS-select control. Then the reading of the SFO and the ZCS started. Selecting this option automatically activates the button "Select Series". FG / ZCS from file If the option was selected, the function to read the chassis number and the ZCS from a control file in the verification space format is active. In Codierablauf appears the button "Open File" if you have no control file has been opened. If this is active, it may be a file on the control file to be opened. It is the first ZCS automatically read from the file. After the successful opening of a tax file appear the function "ZCS from file" to read the next ZCS and "File

Close" to close the control file. Select Series If the option was selected, the button "BR select" to select the active series. The function is used for example Jump to the series for the function "FG / ZCS of vehicle". Profile ASW-set identification This dialog box can be the nature of the ASW data set and identify the ASW trace activated. ASW read The order keyword can identify are as follows: ASW-processed inactive, i.e. there are no identified ASW ASW from ZST, i.e. the order keywords are on file ZST determined. The prerequisite is that the ZCS is available ASW from file, i.e. The order key words are from an ASCII file in COAPI ASW trace-file read ASW trace If the option is selected, then when reading the ASW in the ZST-ASW COAPI a trace file in COAPI working directory ( "\ CABI \ WORK") is created. Profil-FSW/PSW-Ermittlung Setting This dialog box can be the nature of the FSW / PSW identification data set and the FSW / PSW Trace to be activated. FSW / PSW read The function keyword and parameter identification can be set as follows: FSWPSW processing inactive, i.e. no FSW / PSW data FSW / PSW from CVT, i.e. the FSW / PSW Data are on the CVT file identified. The prerequisite is that the ASW data available FSW / PSW from file, i.e. the FSW / PSW data from an ASCII file in COAPI -FSW/PSW-Tracedateiformat Read FSW / PSW trace If the option is selected, then when reading the FSW / PSW from a CVT COAPI-FSW/PSW-Tracedatei in COAPI working directory ( "\ CABI \ WORK") is created. FSW / PSW manipulating If the option was selected, according to the determination of the FSW / PSW data, according to the contents of the file manipulation FSW_PSW.MAN changed.

Profile SGET-set identification About this dialog box, the type of SGET data set and identify the specific function SGET activated. SGET read If the option was selected, the SGET data on file SGET determined. The prerequisite is that the ASW data are available. Function: Control selection If the option was selected, the function key "SG Select" to select a control unit within the current active control investigation. SGET eingeben If the option was selected, the function key "SGET change" to change or enter data SGET active. Profile Codierablauf Setting This dialog box can be set Codierablauf and codierspezifische function activated. ZCS-lรถschen/umrechnen/schreiben: ZCS coding before delete If the option is selected, it is always faced with a coding of ZCS in all ZCS ECUs deleted. After a successful encoding of ZCS is back in all ZCS Controllers entered. ZCSUT actively processing If the option was selected, before coding the controllers for all identification codierrelevanten control identified and where appropriate, the ZCS-ZCSUT on the table. ZCS encoding after write It can be one of the following options are selected: ZCS encoding after not write: The ZCS, after a successful encoding only be written if the option "Coding ZCS before delete" is active ZCS after encoding always write: After a successful encoding is always in the ZCS all registered ZCS Controllers ZCS only change write: After a successful encoding is the only ZCS in all ZCS controllers received if the ZCS-ZCSUT through a conversion has been changed Net Data Trace If the option is selected, then the net when reading data from a CBD COAPI Net trace data file in COAPI working directory ( "\ CABI \ WORK") is created.

Special CABD job Here is another CABD-specified job name, as the default job "SG_CODIEREN". Function: Codierjob change If the option was selected, the button "job change" to choose a job CABD active. There are all CABD jobs from the current CABD calculated and displayed. Core functions If the option was selected, the function key "core functions" to select a core function COAPI active. In Funktionstastensubmen端 "SG edit" control unit will also be specific core functions. SG edit If the option is selected, is the Funktionstastensubmen端 "SG edit" to control individual encoding active. About the "function words" can have a different label for the button to start a SG-encoding can be specified. Vehicle encode If the option is selected, is the Funktionstastensubmen端 "FLV Encode" to encode all ECUs of a vehicle active. About the "function words" can have a different label for the button to start a vehicle encoding can be specified. Profile Customization Setting This dialog box can be the individualization and customization of the trace to be activated. Personalization If the option was selected, the individualization activated. Individualization Trace If the option was selected, shall be deposited with the individualization individualization-COAPI a trace file in COAPI working directory ( "\ CABI \ WORK") is created. Personalization Overview of Personalization The individualization serves to: Customizable display of FSWs Interpreting the current setting of the vehicle indiviual FSWs Changing the current PSWs indiviual FSWs

Coding of the revised PSWs a vehicle Graphical user interface The surface of the individualization consists of a special operator's side with 4 display lists: List Mode FSW-list PSW-list List of changed PSWs The typical procedure for the individualization is as follows: 1. Function key "Individualization" here. -> The Control page shows the individualization ZCS possible for indiviual FSWs with selectable PSWs. The nominal state of PSWs is preceded by a 'S' marked. 2. Function key "read" here. -> The actual condition of the indiviual PSWs of FSWs is determined and preceded by a 'I' marked. 3. Button "Apply" below. -> The current PSW is selected as the new target value for the vehicle in the list of amended PSWs over. 4. Button "Submit" below. -> The control of the vehicle where PSWs were changed to be encoded. Modified will be the PSWs the list of changed PSWs. Verification and ZCSUT Overview of the Verification and ZCSUT In the profile editor can select button under the "Verification" means the verification of ZCS and the conversion of ZCS (ZCSUT) can be set. Verification This is from a control file (*. ssd), in which one or more of ZCS are included, the control associated with the identified Codierindices. Example of a control file: M E38_CODIERSCHL ALL ; Z 001 WBACH31E36AB12345J 41110100J 00000A40080000084 000000CEA8J Y LCM 16 GR2 04 IHK 04 IKE 05 EMS 01 Line which is preceded by a semicolon are comment lines. In lines that start with "M" will begin the series. Then says "_CODIERSCHL". At the end of the line can be either "ALL", taking all ECUs be verified in the ZCS stand, or a SG-name, where only this SG specifically verified. In lines that start with "Z" is the start ZCS. In each case with a space separated the order ID, the chassis number, the Gm-key, sat-key, and the Vn-key. Lines that start with "Y" will

start for the "SGVT" processing specified. In each case with a space separated the SG with his actual Codierindex specified. A "Y" line should not exceed 80 characters. It can be any number of "Y" lines between them are arranged. ZCSUT batch Here you can ZCS-key in a batch file which, because of new controllers with new Codierindex need to be transcoded. Example: ; E46 test Z E46 653212004 00000A00C5BC72AAH 000000000BE KMB CDNR 02 00 Line which is preceded by a semicolon are comment lines. In lines that start with "Z" to start the information to Umschl端sseln. They are each equipped with a space separated series of Gm-key, sat-key, the Vn-key, the relevant control, the password for the Codierindex "CDNR", the new Codierindex and the existing Codierindex specified.

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