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NFS New Flash System

System Documentation

Version 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4

Date 20.08.2003 20.11.2003 14.01.2004 27.09.2004

Authors Georg Rauter Georg Rauter Georg Rauter Georg Rauter

Changes Generation (engl. version) Update for NFS Version 4.3.x Update GIS-Server and command line Enhancements for version 4.5 (enhanced trailermode) Update for Motorbikes Berlin



Georg Rauter



BMW AG Responsible: TI-430, Reinhold Drexel . Phone: FIZ-44236 - JOIN US!!! NFS – New Flash System

Contents 1 Overview ............................................................................................... 5 1.1 Function Overview ...........................................................................................5 1.2 CASCADE Operation......................................................................................5 1.3 NFS Operating Modes .....................................................................................5 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4 1.3.5 1.3.6

Normal Flow (Pre-Series Vehicles)............................................................................. 5 ZB_CHECK ................................................................................................................. 7 Trailer Operation......................................................................................................... 7 HO Mode ...................................................................................................................... 7 Emergency Flashing .................................................................................................... 7 Sample........................................................................................................................... 7

1.4 Multi-Channel Operation................................................................................7 1.5 Multi Instance Operation ................................................................................8 1.6 Requirements....................................................................................................8

2 Installation............................................................................................ 8 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5

Installation from the GIS Server ....................................................................8 Individualization ..............................................................................................8 Documentation and Online Help ....................................................................9 Questions and Answers....................................................................................9 Contact Persons................................................................................................9

3 Command Line................................................................................... 10 3.1 Call-up from CASCADE ...............................................................................10

4 Operation............................................................................................ 11 4.1 Main Window .................................................................................................11 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.1.5 4.1.6 4.1.7 4.1.8 4.1.9

Elements of the Main Window ................................................................................. 11 Traffic Light ............................................................................................................... 13 Signal Lights............................................................................................................... 13 Operating Elements for Process Control................................................................. 14 File Menu.................................................................................................................... 14 Menu Extras ............................................................................................................... 15 Emergency Flashing Menu ....................................................................................... 18 Configuration Menu .................................................................................................. 18 TestMode Menu ......................................................................................................... 18

System Documentation Version 1.5 / 2004-10-05 Author: Georg Rauter

Copyright © 2004 BMW AG Page 2 of 60

Responsible: TI-430 Reinhold Drexel, Tel. FIZ-44236 - JOIN US!!! NFS – New Flash System 4.1.10 Help Menu .................................................................................................................. 20

4.2 Additional Windows.......................................................................................20 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4

Display Window ......................................................................................................... 21 Selection Window....................................................................................................... 22 Message Dialog........................................................................................................... 23 Configuration dialog for trailermode....................................................................... 23

5 Program Flow..................................................................................... 27 5.1 Rough Flow .....................................................................................................27 5.2 Partial Flow: Normal Flow............................................................................28 5.2.1 Detailed Flow – Determining Vehicle Data (Flash) ................................................ 29 5.2.2 Detailed Flow - Flashing............................................................................................ 30

5.3 Partial Flow: CASCADE Run ......................................................................31 5.4 Partial Flow: Emergency Flashing ...............................................................32

6 Logging (Trace).................................................................................. 33 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8

Programming Diary .......................................................................................33 Current Vehicle ..............................................................................................34 Programmable ZB Numbers.........................................................................38 Vehicle Orders................................................................................................39 ID Data ............................................................................................................40 KMM Modification Plans..............................................................................41 KMM Backup Modification Plans................................................................42 Error Log ........................................................................................................42

7 Configuration Files ............................................................................ 44 7.1 ANLAGE.INI..................................................................................................44 7.2 NFS.INI ...........................................................................................................44 7.3 Multi Instance and Multi-Channel...............................................................50 7.3.1 7.3.2 7.3.3 7.3.4 7.3.5

Only One Instance ..................................................................................................... 50 Several Instances........................................................................................................ 51 Multi-Channel Operation.......................................................................................... 51 Sample Configuration OBD.INI ............................................................................... 52 Sample Configuration REMOTE.INI...................................................................... 52

8 Interfaces ............................................................................................ 53 8.1 CASCADE ......................................................................................................53

System Documentation Version 1.5 / 2004-10-05 Author: Georg Rauter

Copyright © 2004 BMW AG Page 3 of 60

Responsible: TI-430 Reinhold Drexel, Tel. FIZ-44236 - JOIN US!!! NFS – New Flash System 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6

EDIABAS ........................................................................................................54 Configuration Management (KMM)............................................................54 WinKFP ..........................................................................................................54 Signal Lights ...................................................................................................56 ECU SGBDs....................................................................................................57

9 Abbreviations and Glossary.............................................................. 59

System Documentation Version 1.5 / 2004-10-05 Author: Georg Rauter

Copyright © 2004 BMW AG Page 4 of 60

Responsible: TI-430 Reinhold Drexel, Tel. FIZ-44236 - JOIN US!!! NFS – New Flash System

1 Overview 1.1 Function Overview New Flash System (NFS) was conceived for application in the production environment and as a tool for the developer environment. NFS enables the review of current vehicle configurations and organizes the update of the ECUs. NFS comprises the following applications: •


Access via CASCADE (NFS-Light)

NFS normal operation

Manual operation

Trailer operation

Programming uninstalled ECUs

HO mode

Applications of the trade organizations

Emergency flashing

Programming a select ECU in the vehicle


For checking the flashability of all ECUs of a vehicle

1.2 CASCADE Operation If required, NFS is started from CASCADE. The required parameters are transmitted via the command line. After the task is completed, the program shuts down automatically. Application in the scope of CASCADE generally takes place in the productive environment (line) and is also called NFS-Light. The vehicle configuration is checked and the integration level updated. The result of the test (modification plan) is transmitted to CASCADE in the shape of an XML file for further utilization. Flashing the ECUs is not intended in this mode. If a check takes place at the A test site (APP_ZB_CHECK), the vehicle construction is possibly not complete yet. Missing ECUs are not treated as errors in this option but ignored instead.

1.3 NFS Operating Modes Normal operation designates control of the process in dialog with the operator. 1.3.1 Normal Flow (Pre-Series Vehicles) The vehicle is checked on the production line. To do so, the vehicle data is read out and compatibility management determines whether modifications are required. If this is the case, the vehicle is transferred for reworking. The check is repeated at the reworking place and modifications are carried out in accordance with the modification plan supplied by compatibility management. For each ECU, the modification plan defines whether it has to be changed or whether an update is carried out by means of flashing. Compatibility management contains the rules for the modification plans. An ECU is exchanged if this is required for technical reasons or when an exchange is more economic than flashing. During the flash process, the operator can already procure the ECUs that need to be exchanged.

System Documentation Version 1.5 / 2004-10-05 Author: Georg Rauter

Copyright © 2004 BMW AG Page 5 of 60

Responsible: TI-430 Reinhold Drexel, Tel. FIZ-44236 - JOIN US!!! NFS – New Flash System The flash process takes place in 3 steps. First, all ECUs are flashed that must be flashed when the ignition is on, then those when the ignition key is in the position "Radio" and in the end, all those where the ignition is off. After flashing, the ECUs that need to be exchanged are exchanged. The test is repeated with the ignition on, which serves to check the modification. However, repeating the test is optional and will generally not be carried out when no ECUs were exchanged. After the exchange of an ECU, repeating the test is recommended nonetheless. The following steps take place in detail: •

Checking the vehicle in the line o

Operator connects the PC to the vehicle


Ignition on (start button is activated)


Operator starts the test

Transfer to reworking o

Test result is displayed to the operator


Operator separates the PC from the vehicle


If required, the operator transfers the vehicle to reworking

Repeating the vehicle test at the reworking place o

Operator connects the PC to the vehicle


Ignition on (start button is activated)


Operator starts the test

Conducting the necessary modifications o

Test result is displayed to the operator


Operator prints out list with ECUs to be exchanged


Parallel to the following flash processes, the operator can procure the ECUs to be exchanged


(If necessary), operator starts flashing at Terminal_15


Ignition key in the position "Radio"


If necessary), operator starts flashing at Terminal_R


Ignition off


If necessary), operator starts flashing at Terminal_0


(If necessary), operator exchanges ECU(s)

Repeat of the test after modification (after an exchange)

System Documentation Version 1.5 / 2004-10-05 Author: Georg Rauter

Copyright © 2004 BMW AG Page 6 of 60

Responsible: TI-430 Reinhold Drexel, Tel. FIZ-44236

NFS – New Flash System o

Ignition on (start button is activated)


Operator starts the test


If the test is positive, the vehicle is released


Operator separates the PC from the vehicle

1.3.2 ZB_CHECK If the option ZB_CHECK is activated in the configuration file, only the applicant information field (AIF) is checked. This mode is intended for tests in the early phase of a series (Product Process Prototype = PPP) and without significance for normal operation. 1.3.3 Trailer Operation Trailer operation is the flashing of individual ECUs not installed in the vehicle. Special devices (trailers) are available at the plants for this purpose and on which, as a rule, up to two ECUs can be flashed simultaneously. The trailers are mainly applied when ECUs are equipped with new software. The reprogramming of the ECUs at the plant bridges the time until the software modification has also flown into the ECUs delivered by the manufacturer. 1.3.4 HO Mode There is an inherent operating mode for application in the trade organizations. This concerns modifications on the vehicles after status F2. Due to the transport paths, the processed vehicles may have a different I-level than that used at the plant at the same time (and thus also in the current KMM). The HO mode makes it possible to circumvent certain measures provided by KMM in the modification plan. When the HO mode is activated, this is indicated by a suffix in the header. 1.3.5 Emergency Flashing Emergency flashing enables the flashing of an individual ECU selected by the operator and is required when the programming of an ECU was terminated with errors and if other ECUs can only be reached via this now inoperable ECU. Emergency flashing enables the inoperable ECU to contact other secondary ECUs once again. 1.3.6 Sample In the sample mode, all ECUs of a vehicle are newly flashed in their current state. This is applied by system administrators in order to check whether all installed ECUs are flashable. If this is not the case, it might be due to a production defect at the supplier of the ECUs. The system administrator stipulates the necessity for the test and the corresponding intervals.

1.4 Multi-Channel Operation NFS supports parallel flashing across several channels. Especially with extensive orders, the parallel use of several transmission channels saves time.

System Documentation Version 1.5 / 2004-10-05 Author: Georg Rauter

Copyright Š 2004 BMW AG Page 7 of 60

Responsible: TI-430 Reinhold Drexel, Tel. FIZ-44236 - JOIN US!!! NFS – New Flash System 1.5 Multi Instance Operation NFS supports the operation of several simultaneously running applications on a computer. The prerequisite is the corresponding configuration of EDIABAS and the corresponding settings in the configuration files.

1.6 Requirements The following requirements are necessary for the operation of NFS: •

Release according to current BIV list (e.g. Siemens Simatic Rack-PC 840)

Windows NT or XP

EDIABAS (installation of EDIABAS on this computer)

NFS (installation of the "New Flash Tool" on this computer)

EDIABAS, NFS and WinKFP require additional hardware equipment for connection to the vehicle (e.g. serial interface and OBD plugs). Especially with regard to the combined application of multi channel and multi instance operation, you need to be aware that the computer power and memory of a single PC are limited. Per NFS and per channel, EDIABAS and WinKFP start separate instances, which still has to be multiplied with the number of instances. Example:

number of EDIABAS instances = (number of channels +1) * (number of instances)

The computer power required per instance also depends on the type of the hardware interface selected.

2 Installation 2.1 Installation from the GIS Server The installation of all components required for NFS takes place via the GIS server (Global Information Service). A corresponding authorization is required in order to use the functions of the GIS server. In GIS choose the forum "BMW Standard Tools" to access NFS in the directories "Standard Tools | WerksInstallationen | NFS". For additional information about GIS, refer to the GIS homepage http://gis.muc. Authorization can be applied for via the homepage.

2.2 Individualization With different settings in the configuration file, you can adapt the interface to special requirements. The most important settings are: •

Setting the language

Selecting the company logo

Fading out headers and/or terminal status

System Documentation Version 1.5 / 2004-10-05 Author: Georg Rauter

Copyright © 2004 BMW AG Page 8 of 60

Responsible: TI-430 Reinhold Drexel, Tel. FIZ-44236 - JOIN US!!! NFS – New Flash System 2.3 Documentation and Online Help With the installation of EDIABAS and NFS, the respective documents and online help files are automatically installed on the target PC. To view the documents in PDF format, you need the program "Acrobat Reader". File




<not available>

Overview and links to all relevant documents



Information about the application and operation of NFS (this document)



FAQs about NFS (German and English)


<not available >

Information about the flash tool used by NFS



Online help for NFS


<not available >

Online help for WinKFP

Note: Notation for paths relative to the NFS\bin path. At present, the Intranet information on EDIABAS and NFS is under construction. The link to these pages is http://www5.muc/ti4-web/ti-430/german/_index4.htm

2.4 Questions and Answers The answers to questions or problems encountered are listed in the document "NFS_FAQ.pdf". This bilingual document will be reviewed and updated more frequently according to demand.

2.5 Contact Persons For questions or problems that cannot be solved with the documentation or the online help, the following contact persons are available at BMW. Topic





NFS (installation, operation, updates)

Reinhold Drexel




Gerd Huber







System Documentation Version 1.5 / 2004-10-05 Author: Georg Rauter

Copyright © 2004 BMW AG Page 9 of 60

Responsible: TI-430 Reinhold Drexel, Tel. FIZ-44236

NFS – New Flash System

3 Command Line 3.1 Call-up from CASCADE In the command line that appears at the start of the program, NFS contains information about the control of the process. The following information in the command line is used in the scope of CASCADE: •


Cascade call-up, only verification of vehicle data (ZB-Numbers)


Cascade call-up, only verification of vehicle data (ZB-Numbers) not existing ECUs are ignored (vehicle not mounted complete yet)


Flash automatic mode (without user interaction)

APP_AUTOMATIC_FLASH Flash automatic mode (without user interaction), especial for APP, tolerant handling of missing components


Complete path to the Cascade XML file


Complete path to the Cascade DTD file


Chassis number of the current vehicle

Note: Only one of the options ZB_CHECK, APP_ZB_CHECK and AUTOMATIC_FLASH kann be used at the same time. The following defaults are used when the corresponding parameter is not contained in the command line (paths relative to executed file) : •







An example of a valid command line would be: NFS.EXE ZB_CHECK

–XMLC:\xxx\yyy\zzz.XML –DTDC:\aaa\bbb\ccc.XML –FGNRWBA12345678901234

NB: In the path you may also use "/" instead of "\" (is converted internally), which is helpful when the callup takes place from a Java program.

System Documentation Version 1.5 / 2004-10-05 Author: Georg Rauter

Copyright © 2004 BMW AG Page 10 of 60

Responsible: TI-430 Reinhold Drexel, Tel. FIZ-44236

NFS – New Flash System

4 Operation 4.1 Main Window After the start of the program, all important information is displayed in the main window.



Main menu

Vehicle ID

Traffic light

Operator information


Terminal status

Integration level

Version Responsible Facility


Illustration: Screenshot of the main window (example) with notes

4.1.1 Elements of the Main Window Element



Portrayal of the company logo. The logo to be used is defined in NFS.INI. The logo is part of the header and therefore only visible when the header is displayed.

System Documentation Version 1.5 / 2004-10-05 Author: Georg Rauter

Copyright Š 2004 BMW AG Page 11 of 60

Responsible: TI-430 Reinhold Drexel, Tel. FIZ-44236

NFS – New Flash System Element


Main Menu

Selection of the menu options. Menu options that don't make sense with regard to status or process are faded out or cannot be selected.

Vehicle ID

Display of the chassis number of the current vehicle (17 digits)

Operator information

Information for the operator (dialog to the process control by the operator)

Terminal status

Display of the status of the on-board supply voltage and ignition ON (terminal 15). With ignition ON, the circle is displayed filled out. You can activate or deactivate the display of the terminal status via the menu option "Extras".


Display of the version of the NFS program (NFS.EXE)


Display of the department responsible for NFS


Display of the facility name set in the configuration file ANLAGE.INI


Operating elements for process control by the operator All elements that are also reasonable and effective in the process are displayed.

Traffic light

Graphic visualization of the process status by means of a traffic light symbol. For the meaning of the display, see the next section "Traffic light".


This text field displays instructions for the user. The instructions contain information about the current process status and requests for the user to make entries regarding the further process control. Depending on the process status, the text field is displayed in one of the following background colors: white, green, yellow or red. NB: The text field is positioned in such a way that the entire available space is used (depends on the screen resolution). As a rule, the font size is adjusted in such a way that the entire row is still visible with the largest possible font size.

Integration level

The target integration level, which is determined from the corresponding parameter files on the basis of the actual integration level set in the vehicle, is displayed.


Display when the vehicle order is simulated

System Documentation Version 1.5 / 2004-10-05 Author: Georg Rauter

Copyright Š 2004 BMW AG Page 12 of 60

Responsible: TI-430 Reinhold Drexel, Tel. FIZ-44236

NFS – New Flash System 4.1.2 Traffic Light Traffic light display

Description Alternating with traffic light on, signals that the program is active.

Traffic light off see above Traffic light on Signals an error in the program flow that results in an abnormal termination. Traffic light red

Traffic light yellow

Signals an error in the program flow. Whether this will require a termination is decided at a later stage in the flow. Then the traffic light changes to either red or green (without user interference). Signals an error-free program flow.

Traffic light green

4.1.3 Signal Lights The current process status for trailer flashing is visualized by means of signal lights. Here, access takes place via the PC's parallel ports. For further information about connecting the signal lamps, see chapter "Interfaces". The following signal lights are possible: Signal Light Off

Description Programming runs or program inactive NB: Signaling only takes place when an action by the operator is required. It is therefore not possible to determine on the basis of the signal light whether the program is inactive or whether programming is running.

Red Yellow Green

An error has occurred and requires user input. Instruction, requires user input. Result OK. The ECU can be removed.

NB: The application of the signal lights requires the library file INPOUT.DLL, which is copied to c:\nfs\bin during installation.

System Documentation Version 1.5 / 2004-10-05 Author: Georg Rauter

Copyright Š 2004 BMW AG Page 13 of 60

Responsible: TI-430 Reinhold Drexel, Tel. FIZ-44236

NFS – New Flash System 4.1.4 Operating Elements for Process Control Button

Description In normal process flow, this button can only be pressed when a vehicle is connected and the ignition is on. Only visible and operable when user input is required in the process flow.

Only visible and operable when user input is expected in the process flow. Only visible and operable when user input is expected in the process flow. When pressing this button, certain actions (waiting steps, tests) are interrupted or skipped deviating from the normal process flow. For traceability, the pressing of this button is recorded in the trace file (ERROR.TRC). Prints out the current content of the text field "Instructions" on the PC's standard printer and mainly serves to document not OK events as well as printing out the list with the ECUs to be exchanged. The button is only visible in the following process states: •

Display of the ECUs to be exchanged or flashed

Checking the vehicle not OK

Emergency flashing not OK

NB: If no printer is configured on the PC, the button is visible but disabled.

4.1.5 File Menu

Illustration: screenshot file menu (example)

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Copyright © 2004 BMW AG Page 14 of 60

Responsible: TI-430 Reinhold Drexel, Tel. FIZ-44236

NFS – New Flash System Menu Option


Load new instance

Starts another NFS instance. It is possible to operate a maximum of 9 instances simultaneously on a computer (the menu option is only visible in multi instance operation).


Terminates the application NFS (respectively this instance of NFS in multi instance operation)

Exit all instances

Terminates all NFS instances running on this computer (this menu option is only visible in multi instance operation).

4.1.6 Menu Extras

Illustration: screenshot menu Extras (example)

The menu options for displaying the files are only enabled when the file to be displayed is actually available. System Documentation Version 1.5 / 2004-10-05 Author: Georg Rauter

Copyright Š 2004 BMW AG Page 15 of 60

Responsible: TI-430 Reinhold Drexel, Tel. FIZ-44236

NFS – New Flash System Menu Option


Display header

Fades the header in or out (logo, title and version/responsible/facility) By fading out the header, you enlarge the display field of the result display. The setting selected is saved in NFS.INI and is retained the next time the program is started.

Show battery and ignition

Fades the display of the battery and the ignition in or out (terminal status) By fading out the terminal status, you enlarge the display field of the result display. The setting selected is saved in NFS.INI and is retained the next time the program is started.

Example of the main window without header and terminal status View NFS.INI

Configuration file of NFS


Contains ECUs with unreliably functioning diagnosis, but that still have to be available depending on the equipment (for example, SINE).


List of ECUs included in the modification plan (independent of the KMM result).


List of ECUs to be exchanged. The ECUs contained in this list may not be flashed and must be exchanged.


List of the flash conditions and programming sequences. Here you define in which ignition key position and in which sequence the ECUs are flashed.


List of the ECUs to be simulated. Contains ECUs not currently available in the vehicle (e.g. door dismounted).

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Copyright Š 2004 BMW AG Page 16 of 60

Responsible: TI-430 Reinhold Drexel, Tel. FIZ-44236

NFS – New Flash System Menu Option



Contains a list of incompatibilities between ECUs, type keys, integration levels etc. Is only used in KMM backup mode instead of KMM, see NFS.INI


List of the ZB-numbers allowed for emergency flashing.


List of the ZB-numbers of the ECUs to be checked.


Contains the target integration level.

View NFS_01_24.DAT

Programming diary. The file name consists of the name of the facility (in this example NFS_01) and the calendar week (24). Contains each flash process conducted together with the result (OK or not OK). A new file is started each week.


All information about the last processed vehicle. Is overwritten with the next vehicle.


List of all ZB-numbers that can be programmed via WinKFP (details about the performance of the WinKFP version used).


List of all tested vehicles with details about the equipment (chassis number, type keys, special equipment)


List of all tested vehicles with the ID data of the individual ECUs.


List of all modification plans for the vehicles supplied by KMM. A maximum of 10 modification plans can be called up per vehicle. However, only the first modification plan is executed, the further modification plans merely serve for diagnosis.


Contains the results of the KMM backup solution (alternative to KMM when the option KMM_BACK=JA is activated).


XML file that was generated as a result of a CASCADE call-up (only in CASCADE operation). In case of OK, contains the modification plan, if not OK, merely a description of the error.


Result (feedback) from WinKFP after termination of an order (e.g. flash order). In multi-channel operation, one sub-menu with one item per channel is offered.


List of all errors, warnings and user interferences. Warnings can be turned off via the entry WARN_Log in the section [TRACE] in the NFS.INI.

System Documentation Version 1.5 / 2004-10-05 Author: Georg Rauter

Copyright © 2004 BMW AG Page 17 of 60

Responsible: TI-430 Reinhold Drexel, Tel. FIZ-44236

NFS – New Flash System 4.1.7 Emergency Flashing Menu Menu Option


Start emergency flash

Starts emergency flashing.

4.1.8 Configuration Menu The configuration menu will be visible only if the "Trailermode" option is activated in the NFS.INI. This menu allows to manage different configuratios and provides guides creation of parameter files fort he trailermode.

Illustration: screenshot configuration menu (example)

Menu Option


Trailer configuration

Opens the dialog for trailermade configuration. According to the done selections the files KMM_BACK.DAT and ID_CHECK.DAT will be created. Note: KMM is neccessary for configuration but not used during execution.


Views the file TRAILER.DAT and allows changes

<select configuration>

Here are shown the selections how defined in section [Trailerprofil] in NFS.INI. NFS.INI will be replaced by the selcted profile. Then will be done a reconfiguration automatically.

4.1.9 TestMode Menu The TestMode menu only serves to support the system administrator and should only be used by him/her. The visibility of the TestMode menu is controlled via an entry in the configuration file NFS.INI.

System Documentation Version 1.5 / 2004-10-05 Author: Georg Rauter

Copyright Š 2004 BMW AG Page 18 of 60

Responsible: TI-430 Reinhold Drexel, Tel. FIZ-44236

NFS – New Flash System

Illustration: screenshot TestMode menu

Menu Option


Create reconfiguration file

All configuration files are newly entered. Is required when configuration files are changed while the program is running (*.INI, *.DAT). The program will first work with the updated data after reconfiguration

Interpretation ID_CHECK.DAT

Checks the file ID_CHECK.DAT (display of FZG.TMP)

Interpretation AKTION.DAT

Checks the file AKTION.DAT (display of FZG.TMP)

Interpretation NOFLASH.DAT

Checks the file NOFLASH.DAT (display of FZG.TMP)

Interpretation KMM

Checks the overall configuration and the process flow (display of FZG.TMP)


Starts a CASCADE sequence for test purposes with the parameter ZB_CHECK (without chassis number).


Starts a CASCADE sequence for test purposes with the parameter APP_ZB_CHECK (without chassis number)

Start of CASCADE Automatic Flash

Starts a CASCADE sequence for test purposes with the parameter AUTOMATIC_FLASH (without chassis number). Runs automatically (without user interaction). Result will be stored in a xml-file.

Start of CASCADE APP_Automatic Flash

Starts a CASCADE sequence for test purposes with the parameter APP_AUTOMATIC_FLASH (without chassis number). Runs automatically (without user interaction). Result will be stored in a xml-file.

Delete all trace files

Deletes the log files in the directory TRACE with exception of the programming diary.

System Documentation Version 1.5 / 2004-10-05 Author: Georg Rauter

Copyright © 2004 BMW AG Page 19 of 60

Responsible: TI-430 Reinhold Drexel, Tel. FIZ-44236

NFS – New Flash System 4.1.10 Help Menu

Illustration: screenshot Help menu

Menu Option



Opens the NFS online help NFS.HLP; If English is preset, the file NFS_E.HLP is used.


Opens the information window with version information, copyrights and a history of the conducted changes (expansions or error corrections)

History: versions, function expansions, error corrections, etc.

Illustration: screenshot information window (example)with notice

NB: The history is only visible when the language is preset to German.

4.2 Additional Windows In addition to the previously described window contents (main window and information window), other windows are displayed in certain situations.

System Documentation Version 1.5 / 2004-10-05 Author: Georg Rauter

Copyright Š 2004 BMW AG Page 20 of 60

Responsible: TI-430 Reinhold Drexel, Tel. FIZ-44236

NFS – New Flash System 4.2.1 Display Window The display window shows the content of a previously selected text file (as a rule, from the Extras menu of the main window.) The user has the option of changing the contents of the file and saving them again. As a rule, contents are displayed for the purpose of informing the system administrator. Only the system administrator in charge may make changes to the file contents. Attention: Random changes to the files may result in the inoperability of NFS. The display elements listed below are contained in the display window: Element


Window title

The name of the displayed file is shown in the title of the window.

Change indication

If the content of the displayed file was changed, the file name receives the suffix "*".

Status information

Is only displayed when the edit modus is activated. Contains the number of the row the cursor is located in and the text input mode (overwrite or insert)


File menu (see the following description)

Display section for file content

The content of the file is displayed in this section and changed in edit mode.

Menu Option



Switches the currently displayed file to edit mode. Now you can change the file content. Attention: If you make changes to the displayed files, this may result in performance disruptions in the NFS or a complete malfunctioning.


Can only be selected when the edit mode is activated. Overwrites the selected file with the current (changed) content of the display section.


Prints the content of the display section.


Closes the display window. If there are changes in the display window that were not yet saved, you will be asked whether you want to save these.

System Documentation Version 1.5 / 2004-10-05 Author: Georg Rauter

Copyright Š 2004 BMW AG Page 21 of 60

Responsible: TI-430 Reinhold Drexel, Tel. FIZ-44236

NFS – New Flash System

Name of the displayed file

Change indication

Status information Menu

Display section for file content

Illustration: screenshot output window (example)with notes

4.2.2 Selection Window

Illustration: screenshot selection window (example) System Documentation Version 1.5 / 2004-10-05 Author: Georg Rauter

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Responsible: TI-430 Reinhold Drexel, Tel. FIZ-44236

NFS – New Flash System The selection window is only displayed with emergency flashing. The operator receives a list of ECUs and ZB-numbers from which he selects an entry. The button "OK" first becomes visible when a 17-digit chassis number has been entered and one of the ECUs offered in the list has been selected. NB: The file NOTFALL.DAT lists which ECUs can be selected for emergency flashing. 4.2.3 Message Dialog The message dialog either informs the operator about unforeseeable events or prompts him/her to make a decision. The message dialog is a modal window, meaning the program flow stops until the operator responds to the dialog. In the following example the operator has to decide whether he wants to save the changes that were made or discard them.

Illustration: screenshot message dialog (example)

In normal program flow, this message should never appear. As a rule, the message dialog is used to inform the operator that unforeseen problems are going to render continuation of the program flow impossible. Such problems are, for example: •

error with file operations

parameter files not available

parameter files in the wrong format cannot be interpreted

error with addressing EDIABAS or WinKFP

in multi-channel operation if the vehicle does not support multi-channel operation

4.2.4 Configuration dialog for trailermode According to the done selections the files KMM_BACK.DAT and ID_CHECK.DAT will be created new. Provided options are determined by the content of the KMM and the file TRAILER.DAT.

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NFS – New Flash System

Illustration: screenshot configuration dialog (example)

The selection of components for flashing has to be done in the following order: •



ECU (multiple selection possible)

Normaly the OK button accepts the selection and following files will be generated: •


new generated, old content will be lost


new generated, old content will be lost


will be completed; entries with VIN+carline (instead of VIN the IP name of the PC will be used)

Some ECU do not permit a unique correlation. In this cases the user will be prompted resolve the conflict manually. System Documentation Version 1.5 / 2004-10-05 Author: Georg Rauter

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NFS – New Flash System

Illustration: screenshot configuration dialog with ambiguous correlation (example)

The selection of the "proper" correlation requires especial knowlege and has to be confirmed with the following dialog:

Illustration: dialog to confirm selected ZB-Number (example)

If there is still ambiguity the proram tries to make the best choice. All remaining options are prompted to the KMM_BACK.DAT, all options beside the best choice are marked as comment. The user will be prompted that there is still a data conflict, an has to verfiy the generated file with the possibility to make changes.

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NFS – New Flash System

Illustration: information about existing data conflict

; ---------------------------------------------------------; Trailer configuration ; 20.09.2004 14:45 ; ---------------------------------------------------------; [E89X] E89X-04-12-431 29 S??? K6769019 Z6769779 ; DSC_DXC:DSC:MK60:E90 E89X-04-12-431 29 S??? K6769882 Z6769779 ; DSC_DXC:DSC:MK60:E90 E89X-04-12-431 29 S??? K6766118 Z6769781 ; DSC_DXC:DSC:E9X:MK60E5 (Plus) (6Z) E89X-04-12-431 29 S??? K6769840 Z6769781 ; DSC_DXC:DSC:E9X:MK60E5 (Plus) (6Z) E89X-04-12-431 29 S??? K6769884 Z6769781 ; DSC_DXC:DSC:E9X:MK60E5 (Plus) (6Z) E89X-04-12-431 29 S??? K6766120 Z6769781 ; DSC_DXC:DSC:E9X:MK60E5 (Plus) (6Z) E89X-04-12-431 29 S??? K6769842 Z6769781 ; DSC_DXC:DSC:E9X:MK60E5 (Plus) (6Z) E89X-04-12-431 29 S??? K6769886 Z6769781 ; DSC_DXC:DSC:E9X:MK60E5 (Plus) (6Z) E89X-04-12-431 29 S??? K6769783 Z6769781 ; DSC_DXC:DSC:E9X:MK60E5 (Plus) (6Z) ;E89X-04-12-431 29 S??? K6766118 Z6769783 ; DSC_DXC:DSC:E9X:MK60E5 (Plus) (6Z) : double !! ;E89X-04-12-431 29 S??? K6769840 Z6769783 ; DSC_DXC:DSC:E9X:MK60E5 (Plus) (6Z) : double !! ;E89X-04-12-431 29 S??? K6769884 Z6769783 ; DSC_DXC:DSC:E9X:MK60E5 (Plus) (6Z) : double !! ;E89X-04-12-431 29 S??? K6769781 Z6769783 ; DSC_DXC:DSC:E9X:MK60E5 (Plus) (6Z) : conflict !! ;E89X-04-12-431 29 S??? K6766120 Z6769783 ; DSC_DXC:DSC:E9X:MK60E5 (Plus) (6Z) : double !! ;E89X-04-12-431 29 S??? K6769842 Z6769783 ; DSC_DXC:DSC:E9X:MK60E5 (Plus) (6Z) : double !! ;E89X-04-12-431 29 S??? K6769886 Z6769783 ; DSC_DXC:DSC:E9X:MK60E5 (Plus) (6Z) : double !! E89X-04-12-431 29 S??? K4033011 Z4033013 ; DSC_DXC:DXC8+_E90/E91: xDrive (m.Kupplungsregelung) ;EOF

Illustration: Listing of automatically generated KMM_BACK.DAT with data conflict (example)

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NFS – New Flash System

5 Program Flow 5.1 Rough Flow


Initialisation after loading

CASCADE call-up



Reconfiguration + terminal status


Flow started?



Ignition on and start button

Processing normal flow

Processing CASCADE run

End, abandon?

Stop flow?


Program end

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NFS – New Flash System 5.2 Partial Flow: Normal Flow Partial flow: Normal flow




Initialization ZB_CHECK

Flash initialization

Veh. simulation?


N Detailed flow vehicle data (flash)

Detailed flow Flashing

Veh. simulation?



Edit simulation data

Detailed flow vehicle data (ZB_CHECK)

Edit simulation data

Detailed flow AIF check


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NFS – New Flash System 5.2.1 Detailed Flow – Determining Vehicle Data (Flash) Start determining vehicle data

Read vehicle order Read chassis number Read raw order data Decode raw data

Read integration stage

Test vehicle for multi-channel compatibility

FA_Log = „J“


Save FahrzeugAuftragsDatei


End of determining vehicle data

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NFS – New Flash System 5.2.2 Detailed Flow - Flashing

Start flashing (detailed flow)

Test on-board supply voltage


Read ID data Read AIF data Determine programming status

Check FahrzeugDaten




Compatibility management (KMM)

KMM_BACK (backup solution)

Check flash order

Modification plan empty?


Show modification plan and wait for start Flashing at: - Terminal 15 - Terminal R - Terminal 0

Wait for ECU exchange and ignition on Check ID data Delete error log

Write integration stage

End flashing

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NFS – New Flash System 5.3 Partial Flow: CASCADE Run

Start partial flow CASCADE

Initialization test module

Read vehicle order Read integration stage

Read ID data Read AIF Determine programming status

Check vehicle data

Generate modification plans (compatibility management)

Check ZB-numbers

Determine integration stage

Generate XML file for CASCADE

Show result OK/NOK and wait for resume by operator

End partial flow CASCADE

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NFS – New Flash System 5.4 Partial Flow: Emergency Flashing

Start emergency flashing

Search for free flash channel

Initialization test module

Load emergency flash file

Show selection mask and wait for operator selection (ECU and ZBnumber)

Generate flash order for WinKfp

Start flashing with Winkfp

Read and check WinKFP results

Show emergency flashing result and wait for operator to continue

De-initialize test module

End emergency flashing

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NFS – New Flash System

6 Logging (Trace) The logging (trace) of data and processes is controlled via the entries in the configuration file (section [Trace]). Here you have to be aware that files with activated function with the ending .TRC are not limited in size and therefore become larger and larger. They should be deleted manually from time to time (possibly saving first!). Deletion of the trace files takes place via an entry in the menu "TestMode" Saving the trace files takes place relative to the path of the executed .exe file. As a rule, the .exe file is located in C:\NFS\Bin. The trace files are also stored in the directory C:\NFS\Trace. There are corresponding menu options for viewing the files under "Extras". Below you will find some examples from the trace files with indication of the corresponding menu option and allocation of the respective entry in the configuration file (File [Section] Entry):

6.1 Programming Diary Activation: Menu option: Location:

always active Extras | NFS246_27.DAT c:\nfs\trace\

(facility name see ANLAGE.INI)

Contains the results of all flash processes performed for individual ECUs. Excerpt of the facility's programming diary (e.g. NFS246_27.DAT): 19.11.2003; 12:24:39; 12:24:48; 00:00:09; NFS_01; WBAGN82090DE78468; dummy ; 6764533; Klemme 15 ; 1; 50; 50; 0; i.O.; 1,0; .. E124-12-34-456; 0x38 19.11.2003; 12:24:58; 12:25:12; 00:00:14; NFS_01; WBAGN82090DE78468; dummy ; 6939151; Klemme 15 ; 1; 50; 50; 0; i.O.; 1,0; .. E124-12-34-456; 0x3B 30.06.2003; 12:37:09; 12:40:16; 00:03:07; NFS246; WBANC71050B147145; CDC60 ; 6938975; Terminal 15 ; 2; 50; 70; 0; OK; 13,7; 5.13 30.06.2003; 12:40:17; 13:07:03; 00:26:46; NFS246; WBANC71050B147145; MASKN1 ; 6941032; Terminal 15 ; 2; 50; 81; 4; OK; 13,7; 5.13 30.06.2003; 13:07:08; 13:12:14; 00:05:06; NFS246; WBANC71050B147145; MANSP1 ; 6940821; Terminal 15 ; 2; 50; 85; 4; OK; 13,7; 5.13 30.06.2003; 13:30:14; 13:30:24; 00:00:10; NFS246; WBANC710X0B147092; Shzh65 ; 6936672; Terminal 15 ; 1; 50; 50; 0; not OK; 14,1; 5.13 30.06.2003; 13:30:47; 13:34:01; 00:03:14; NFS246; WBANC71050B147145; SGMZ60 ; 6938938; Terminal 0 ; 1; 90; 1; 0; OK; 13,7; 5.13 30.06.2003; 13:34:02; 13:37:44; 00:03:42; NFS246; WBANC71050B147145; CAS260 ; 6927928; Terminal 0 ; 1; 90; 2; 0; OK; 13,7; 5.13 30.06.2003; 13:39:16; 13:40:56; 00:01:40; NFS246; WBANC71050B147145; DDE508 ; 7793543; Terminal 15 ; 1; 50; 25; 0; OK; 13,1; 5.13 30.06.2003; 16:08:36; 16:12:50; 00:04:14; NFS246; WBANA71070B100155; MASKG1 ; 6941038; Terminal 15 ; 1; 5; 30; 30; OK; 13,7; 5.13 30.06.2003; 16:13:24; 16:25:11; 00:11:47; NFS246; WBANA71070B100155; MDS450 ; 7533680; Terminal 15 ; 1; 50; 25; 0; OK; 13,7; 5.13 30.06.2003; 16:25:12; 16:31:05; 00:05:53; NFS246; WBANA71070B100155; DSCA60 ; 6766306; Terminal 15 ; 1; 50; 29; 0; not OK; 13,7; 5.13 30.06.2003; 16:31:06; 16:31:14; 00:00:08; NFS246; WBANA71070B100155; KBM60 ; 6939400; Terminal 15 ; 1; 50; 71; 0; not OK; 13,7; 5.13 30.06.2003; 16:31:16; 16:31:22; 00:00:06; NFS246; WBANA71070B100155; ACC65 ; 6766598; Terminal 15 ; 1; 50; 77; 0; not OK; 13,7; 5.13 30.06.2003; 16:31:23; 16:31:31; 00:00:08; NFS246; WBANA71070B100155; AFS60 ; 6766782; Terminal 15 ; 1; 50; 82; 0; not OK; 13,7; 5.13 30.06.2003; 16:31:33; 16:31:43; 00:00:10; NFS246; WBANA71070B100155; TEBF60 ; 6939712; Terminal 15 ; 1; 50; 83; 0; not OK; 13,7; 5.13

Illustration: Example of the contents of the flash diary

The meaning of the individual columns separated by ";" is: Column


Start date Start time End time Duration

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NFS – New Flash System Column


Facility name Chassis no. ECU family ZB-number Condition Channel Line Rank Waiting time Flash result Battery voltage Target integration level ECU address (hex)

6.2 Current Vehicle Activation: Menu option: Location:

NFS.INI [TRACE] FZG_Log = JA Extras | FZG.TMP c:\nfs\trace\

Temporary file, which is overwritten with the next vehicle. Contains all information gathered on a vehicle. New Flash System Version 4.2.1 Kmm Server Version 4.9 07.07.2003 13:05:36 VIN : WBANC71080B149648 Carline : E60 Multi channel : Yes Model code : NC71 Coding date : 0103 Actual I-step : 4.64 Nominal I-step : 5.13 Paint code : 0475 Upholstery code: LCSW Nos. of SA : 27 SA169 SA205 SA2RA SA320 SA403 SA423 SA428 SA441 SA442 SA459 SA465 SA473 SA494 SA502 SA508 SA522 SA524 SA534 SA540 SA548 SA606 SA785 SA801 SA851 SA863 SA879 SA915 Nos. of E word : 1 B110 Nos. of HO word: 0 Ident data Addr GROUP SGBD BMW-No. | ZB-No. UIF-date UIF-VIN | Programming status 0x00 D_ZGM ZGM_E65 6937704 | 6937704 **.**.**** ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ | 0x01 Normalbetrieb 0x01 D_SIM SGM_60_2 6940303 | 6940303 08.05.2003 ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ | 0x01 Normalbetrieb 0x02 D_SZL SZL 6937208 | 6937208 14.04.2003 ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ | 0x01 Normalbetrieb System Documentation Version 1.5 / 2004-10-05 Author: Georg Rauter

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| Clear error memory | Status | OKAY | OK | OKAY | OK | OKAY | OK Responsible: TI-430 Reinhold Drexel, Tel. FIZ-44236

NFS – New Flash System 0x05 D_STVL TEFA60 6937701 | 6937701 14.04.2003 ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ | 0x01 Normalbetrieb | OKAY | OK 0x06 D_STVR TEBF60 6937702 | 6937702 14.04.2003 ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ | 0x01 Normalbetrieb | OKAY | OK 0x0E D_SFZ SFZ60 6937692 | 6937692 14.04.2003 ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ | 0x01 Normalbetrieb | OKAY | OK 0x12 D_MOTOR D50M57C0 7793210 | 7793292 30.06.2003 B149648 | 0x01 Normalbetrieb | OKAY | OK 0x17 D_EKP EKP_60 6765705 | 6765705 13.06.2003 B149648 | 0x01 Normalbetrieb | OKAY | OK 0x18 D_EGS GS19A 7532362 | 7534606 30.06.2003 B149648 | 0x01 Normalbetrieb | OKAY | OK 0x22 D_ALC ALC_60 6934122 | 6934122 12.06.2003 ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ | 0x01 Normalbetrieb | OKAY | OK 0x29 D_DSC DSC_60 6766302 | 6766302 24.04.2003 0000000 | 0x01 Normalbetrieb | OKAY | OK 0x3B D_NAV NAVL60 6933234 | 6933234 24.06.2003 0000000 | ---- --| OKAY | OK 0x40 D_CAS CAS 6927927 | 6927927 17.04.2003 0000000 | 0xFF Reserviert fuer Zulieferer | OKAY | OK 0x43 D_POW MPM_60 6938358 | 6938358 20.06.2003 B149648 | 0x01 Normalbetrieb | OKAY | OK 0x44 D_SHD SD_KWP 6935690 | 6935690 18.12.2002 B149648 | 0xFF Reserviert fuer Zulieferer | OKAY | OK 0x45 D_RLS RLS_E65 6935249 | 6935249 10.01.2003 B149648 | 0x01 Normalbetrieb | OKAY | OK 0x60 D_KOMBI KOMB60 6937608 | 6937618 24.06.2003 B149648 | 0x01 Normalbetrieb | OKAY | OK 0x62 D_MOSTGW MCGW60 6940520 | 6940520 24.06.2003 ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ | 0x01 Normalbetrieb | OKAY | OK 0x63 D_MMI MASK60 6940518 | 6940518 24.06.2003 0000000 | 0x01 Normalbetrieb | OKAY | OK 0x64 D_PDC PDC_E65 6922785 | 6922785 01.07.2002 ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ | 0xFF Reserviert fuer Zulieferer | OKAY | OK 0x65 D_BZM SZM_60 6938317 | 6938313 24.06.2003 ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ | 0xFF Reserviert fuer Zulieferer | OKAY | OK 0x67 D_EC ECL60 6934259 | 6934259 10.05.2003 ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ | 0xFF Reserviert fuer Zulieferer | OKAY | OK 0x6D D_FAS FAS_65_2 6927262 | 6927262 21.11.2002 ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ | 0x01 Normalbetrieb | OKAY | OK 0x6E D_BFS BFS_65_2 6927262 | 6927262 21.11.2002 ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ | 0x01 Normalbetrieb | OKAY | OK 0x70 D_LM LM_60 6936997 | 6936997 24.06.2003 ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ | 0x01 Normalbetrieb | OKAY | OK 0x72 D_KBM KBM_60 6938530 | 6938530 14.03.2003 0000000 | 0xFF Reserviert fuer Zulieferer | OKAY | OK 0x73 D_CID CID_60 6938109 | 6938109 16.01.2003 ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ | 0xFF Reserviert fuer Zulieferer | OKAY | OK 0x78 D_KLIMA IHKA60 6938550 | 6938550 18.06.2003 ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ | 0x01 Normalbetrieb | OKAY | OK 0x90 ----6939735 | 6939735 24.06.2003 ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ | 0x01 Normalbetrieb | OKAY / SERVICE_NOT_SUPPORTED | OK 0x91 ----6940519 | 6940519 24.06.2003 0000000 | 0x01 Normalbetrieb | OKAY / SERVICE_NOT_SUPPORTED | OK 0x92 ----6934493 | ------- | ---- --| OKAY / SERVICE_NOT_SUPPORTED | OK 0xA1 D_SBSL2 SBSL85 6939737 | 6939737 12.05.2003 ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ | 0x01 Normalbetrieb | OKAY | OK 0xA2 D_SBSR2 SBSR85 6939738 | 6939738 12.05.2003 ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ | 0x01 Normalbetrieb | OKAY | OK Action data Addr ZB-No. Conversion plan data Addr ZB-No. Action ECU family 0x00 6938932 FlashEcu ??? 0x01 6938931 FlashEcu ??? 0x05 6939709 FlashEcu ??? 0x06 6939712 FlashEcu ??? 0x0E 6939287 FlashEcu ??? 0x12 7793543 FlashEcu ??? 0x40 6927928 FlashEcu ??? 0x43 6939655 FlashEcu ??? 0x62 6941038 FlashEcu ??? 0x63 6941032 FlashEcu ??? 0x72 6939400 FlashEcu ??? 0x91 6940821 FlashEcu ??? 0xA1 6942099 FlashEcu ??? 0xA2 6942100 FlashEcu ??? No flash data Addr ZB-No. 0xA0 4118225 0x63 4118234 0x62 4118218 0x3F 4116968 0x3F 4117084 0x62 4119369 0xA0 4119357 0x63 4119390 0x47 6936957 0x3F 4117835 0x47 4118233 Sequence data NFS = Remote:OW02MOPPS245_DiagBus,A Channel 1 = Remote:OW02MOPPS245_DiagBus,A Channel 2 = Remote:OW02MOPPS245_MOST_CTRL,B Channel 3 = Remote:OW02MOPPS245_MOST_ASYNC,C Addr Condition Channel Line Ranking Delay time

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NFS – New Flash System 0x00 Terminal 0 0x01 Terminal 15 0x02 Terminal 15 0x03 Terminal 15 0x04 Terminal 15 0x05 Terminal 15 ….. …. 0xA1 Terminal 15 0xA2 Terminal 15

1 (default) 90 1 1 (default) 50 (default) 99 1 (default) 80 5 1 (default) 50 (default) 83 1 (default) 50 (default) 83 1 (default) 50 (default) 83

0 (default) 0 (default) 0 (default) 0 (default) 0 (default) 0 (default)

1 (default) 50 (default) 83 1 (default) 50 (default) 83

0 (default) 0 (default)

Flash order data Addr ZB-No. Action Condition Channel Line Ranking Delay time ECU family 0x62 6941038 FlashEcu Terminal 15 1 5 30 30 MASKG1 0x12 7793543 FlashEcu Terminal 15 1 50 25 0 DDE508 0x72 6939400 FlashEcu Terminal 15 1 50 71 0 KBM60 0x63 6941032 FlashEcu Terminal 15 2 50 81 4 MASKN1 0x05 6939709 FlashEcu Terminal 15 1 50 83 0 TEFA60 0x0E 6939287 FlashEcu Terminal 15 1 50 83 0 SFZ60 0x06 6939712 FlashEcu Terminal 15 1 50 83 0 TEBF60 0xA1 6942099 FlashEcu Terminal 15 1 50 83 0 SBL260 0xA2 6942100 FlashEcu Terminal 15 1 50 83 0 SBR260 0x43 6939655 FlashEcu Terminal 15 1 50 84 0 MPM60 0x91 6940821 FlashEcu Terminal 15 2 50 85 4 MANSP1 0x01 6938931 FlashEcu Terminal 15 1 50 99 0 SGMS60 0x00 6938932 FlashEcu Terminal 0 1 90 1 0 SGMZ60 0x40 6927928 FlashEcu Terminal 0 1 90 2 0 CAS260 KMM data Addr Ident Action 0x00 6937704 0x01 6940303 0x02 6937208 0x05 6937701 0x06 6937702 0x0E 6937692 0x12 7793292 0x17 6765705 0x18 7534606 0x22 6934122 0x29 6766302 0x3B 6933234 0x40 6927927 0x43 6938358 0x44 6935690 0x45 6935249 0x60 6937618 0x62 6940520 0x63 6940518 0x64 6922785 0x65 6938313 0x67 6934259 0x6D 6927262 0x6E 6927262 0x70 6936997 0x72 6938530 0x73 6938109 0x78 6938550 0x90 6939735 0x91 6940519 0x92 6934493 0xA1 6939737 0xA2 6939738

Conv. plan Kmm status 6938932 ILevel 6938931 ILevel EcuOkay 6939709 ILevel 6939712 ILevel 6939287 ILevel 7793543 ILevel EcuOkay EcuOkay EcuOkay EcuOkay EcuOkay 6927928 ILevel 6939655 ILevel EcuOkay EcuOkay EcuOkay 6941038 ILevel 6941032 ILevel EcuOkay EcuOkay EcuOkay EcuOkay EcuOkay EcuOkay 6939400 ILevel EcuOkay EcuOkay EcuOkay 6940821 ILevel EcuOkay 6942099 ILevel 6942100 ILevel

8 Conversion plans available 1. Conversion plan 0x00 6938932 FlashEcu 6937704 K-Line 0x01 6938931 FlashEcu 6940303 K-Line 0x05 6939709 FlashEcu 6937701 K-Line 0x06 6939712 FlashEcu 6937702 K-Line 0x0E 6939287 FlashEcu 6937692 K-Line

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NFS – New Flash System 0x12 7793543 FlashEcu 0x40 6927928 FlashEcu 0x43 6939655 FlashEcu 0x62 6941038 FlashEcu 0x63 6941032 FlashEcu 0x72 6939400 FlashEcu 0x91 6940821 FlashEcu 0xA1 6942099 FlashEcu 0xA2 6942100 FlashEcu 2. Conversion plan 0x00 6938932 FlashEcu 0x01 6938931 FlashEcu ….. …. 8. Conversion plan 0x00 6938932 FlashEcu 0x01 6938931 FlashEcu 0x05 6939709 FlashEcu 0x06 6939712 FlashEcu 0x0E 6939287 FlashEcu 0x12 7793543 FlashEcu 0x3B 6933335 ReplaceEcu 0x40 6927928 FlashEcu 0x43 6939655 FlashEcu 0x62 6941038 FlashEcu 0x63 6941032 FlashEcu 0x70 6937759 ReplaceEcu 0x72 6939400 FlashEcu 0x73 6941492 ReplaceEcu 0x91 6940821 FlashEcu 0xA1 6942099 FlashEcu 0xA2 6942100 FlashEcu

7793292 K-Line 6927927 K-Line 6938358 K-Line 6940520 K-Line 6940518 MOST-CONTROL 6938530 K-Line 6940519 MOST-CONTROL 6939737 K-Line 6939738 K-Line 6937704 K-Line 6940303 K-Line

6937704 K-Line 6940303 K-Line 6937701 K-Line 6937702 K-Line 6937692 K-Line 7793292 K-Line 6933234 6927927 K-Line 6938358 K-Line 6940520 K-Line 6940518 MOST-CONTROL 6936997 6938530 K-Line 6938109 6940519 MOST-CONTROL 6939737 K-Line 6939738 K-Line

Illustration: Example of the contents of the file FZG.TMP

The meanings of the individual sections are: Section


Version ID

of NFS and KMM

Date and time

of the generation of this file

Vehicle order

Complete vehicle order (incl. lacquer, upholstery, E numbers, HO numbers)

ID data

List of the determined ECUs in the vehicle with their properties

Action data

Measures determined on the basis of the content of AKTION.DAT

Modification plan data

Modification measures determined according to the 1st modification plan supplied by KMM

NoFlash data

Measures determined on the basis of the content of NOFLASH.DAT

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NFS – New Flash System Section


Sequence data

Information determined from the content of SEQUENZ.DAT, which is used for setting the programming sequence

Flash order data

List of the flash orders sorted according to condition, line and rank

KMM data

List of the ECUs in the vehicle with the allocated modification measures

Modification plans

Result of KMM. A maximum of 10 modification plans are called up, only the first one is applied

6.3 Programmable ZB Numbers Activation: Menu option: Location:

NFS.INI [TRACE] ZB_Log = JA Extras | ZB.TMP c:\nfs\trace\

Contains a list of all capabilities of WinKFP regarding the programming of ECUs. The following listing contains only an excerpt of the 2798 entries in this version. 03.07.2003; 09:52 Number of ZB-Nos. = 2798 SGFAM ZB-No. HW-No. SW-No. ACC65 6760063 6760063 --ACC65 6760156 6760156 --ACC65 6760584 6760584 --ACC65 6761728 6761728 --ACC65 6763392 6763392 --ACC65 6763604 6763604 --ACC65 6762329 6762329 --ACC65 6764350 6764350 --ACC65 6764843 6764843 --ACC65 6765923 6765923 --ACC65 6766507 6766507 --ACC65 6766598 6766598 --AFS60 4021119 4021119 4021119 AFS60 4021123 4021123 4021123 AFS60 4023685 4023685 4023685 AFS60 4022439 4022439 4022439 AFS60 4025245 4025245 4025245 AFS60 4024993 4024993 4024993 AFS60 4025801 4025801 4025801 AFS60 4025334 4025334 4025334 AFS60 6764871 6764871 6764871 AFS60 6766395 6766395 6766395 ….. ………. Zgm_65 6937956 6937956 --Zgm_65 6936740 6936740 --Zgm_65 6939134 6939134 ---

Illustration: Example of the contents of the file ZB.TMP

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NFS – New Flash System Section


Date and time Number of entries Each entry contains the ECU family, ZB number, hardware* number and (optional) software number


6.4 Vehicle Orders Activation: Menu option: Location:

NFS.INI [TRACE] FA_Log = JA Extras | FA.TRC c:\nfs\trace\

Contains important parts of the vehicle order for all processed vehicles. 11.03.2003; 09:23; WBANC71050B137053; E60 ; Multi channel ; NC71; 0103; 4.42 ; SA169 SA217 SA229 SA261 SA2RA SA302 SA356 SA415 SA423 SA428 SA430 SA431 SA438 SA441 SA456 SA465 SA494 SA496 SA502 SA508 SA522 SA524 SA534 SA536 SA540 SA548 SA563 SA606 SA638 SA672 SA677 SA785 SA801 SA851 SA863 SA879 SA902 SA915 SA991. 11.03.2003; 09:34; WBANC71080B147057; E60 ; Multi channel ; NC71; 0103; 4.40 ; SA169 SA205 SA217 SA229 SA261 SA302 SA356 SA415 SA423 SA428 SA430 SA431 SA435 SA441 SA456 SA465 SA494 SA496 SA502 SA508 SA522 SA524 SA534 SA536 SA540 SA548 SA563 SA588 SA606 SA638 SA672 SA677 SA785 SA801 SA851 SA863 SA879 SA902 SA915 SA991. 11.03.2003; 09:46; WBANA31040B007196; E60 ; Multi channel ; NA31; 0103; 4.44 ; SA216 SA261 SA2RA SA302 SA354 SA403 SA423 SA428 SA431 SA438 SA456 SA465 SA473 SA494 SA502 SA508 SA534 SA540 SA548 SA606 SA640 SA677 SA785 SA801 SA851 SA863 SA879 SA909 SA915 SA998.

Illustration: Example of the contents of the file FA.TRC

The meanings of the individual columns separated by ";" are: Column


Date Time

Time of entry in the file

Chassis number Series Multi-channel capability of the vehicle Type key Coding level Target integration level SE numbers

Listing of all SE numbers contained in the vehicle order

Termination character


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NFS – New Flash System 6.5 ID Data Activation: Menu option: Location:

NFS.INI [TRACE] ID_Log = JA Extras | ID.TRC c:\nfs\trace\

All ECUs installed in a vehicle are determined prior to flashing. The result is a listing of ECUs with their properties that are documented in this file. KMM calculates the modification plans with this information.

02.07.2003; 19:04; WBANC71040B149646; 0x00 H6937688 Z6937688; 0x01 H6940307 Z6940307; 0x02 H6937208 Z6937208; 0x05 H6937699 Z6937699; 0x06 H6937700 Z6937700; 0x0E H6937692 Z6937692; 0x12 H7793210 Z7793292; 0x17 H6765705 Z6765705; 0x18 H7532362 Z7534606; 0x22 H6934122 Z6934122; 0x29 H6766302 Z6766302; 0x3B H6933234 Z6933234; 0x40 H6927927 Z6927927; 0x41 H6940588 Z6940588; 0x43 H6938358 Z6938358; 0x44 H6935690 Z6935690; 0x45 H6935249 Z6935249; 0x50 H6936009 Z---; 0x60 H6937608 Z6937626; 0x62 H6940520 Z6940520; 0x63 H6940518 Z6940518; 0x67 H6934259 Z6934259; 0x70 H6936997 Z6936997; 0x72 H6939400 Z6939400; 0x73 H6938109 Z6938109; 0x78 H6938550 Z6938550; 0x90 H6939735 Z6939735; 0x91 H6940519 Z6940519; 0x92 H6934493 Z---; 0xA1 H6939737 Z6939737; 0xA2 H6939738 Z6939738. 02.07.2003; 20:55; WBANA71030B102257; 0x00 H6937704 Z6937704; 0x01 H6940303 Z6940303; 0x02 H6937208 Z6937208; 0x05 H6937699 Z6937699; 0x06 H6937700 Z6937700; 0x0E H6937692 Z6937692; 0x12 H7527072 Z7533680; 0x18 H7530853 Z7533352; 0x29 H6766302 Z6766302; 0x40 H6927927 Z6927927; 0x43 H6938358 Z6938358; 0x45 H6935249 Z6935249; 0x60 H6937608 Z6937610; 0x62 H6940520 Z6940520; 0x63 H6940516 Z6940516; 0x67 H6934259 Z6934259; 0x70 H6937758 Z6937758; 0x72 H6939400 Z6939400; 0x73 H6938109 Z6938109; 0x78 H6938548 Z6938548; 0x90 H6939735 Z6939735; 0x91 H6940517 Z6940517; 0x92 H6934492 Z---; 0xA1 H6939737 Z6939737; 0xA2 H6939738 Z6939738. 02.07.2003; 21:05; WBANA31080B009128; 0x00 H6937704 Z6937704; 0x01 H6940303 Z6940303; 0x02 H6937208 Z6937208; 0x05 H6937701 Z6937701; 0x06 H6937702 Z6937702; 0x0E H6937692 Z6937692; 0x12 H7527072 Z7533672; 0x22 H6934122 Z6934122; 0x29 H6766302 Z6766302; 0x3B H6933234 Z6933234; 0x40 H6927927 Z6927927; 0x43 H6938358 Z6938358; 0x44 H6935690 Z6935690; 0x45 H6935249 Z6935249; 0x60 H6937608 Z6937610; 0x62 H6940520 Z6940520; 0x63 H6940518 Z6940518; 0x64 H6922785 Z6922785; 0x65 H6938317 Z6938313; 0x67 H6934259 Z6934259; 0x6D H6927262 Z6927262; 0x6E H6927262 Z6927262; 0x70 H6937759 Z6937759; 0x72 H6938530 Z6938530; 0x73 H6938109 Z6938109; 0x78 H6938550 Z6938550; 0x90 H6939735 Z6939735; 0x91 H6940519 Z6940519; 0x92 H6934493 Z---; 0xA1 H6939737 Z6939737; 0xA2 H6939738 Z6939738.

Illustration: example of the contents of the file ID.TRC

The meanings of the individual columns separated by ";" are: Column


Date Time

Time of entry in the file

Chassis number Listing of the ECUs

Per ECU with hex address of the ECU, hardware* number and ZB number as well as the comment (optional) "ignored" (corresponding to the content of SGSIM.DAT)

Termination character


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NFS – New Flash System 6.6 KMM Modification Plans Activation: Menu option: Location:

NFS.INI [TRACE] KMM_Log = JA Extras | KMM.TRC c:\nfs\trace\

Listing of the modification plans provided by KMM. A maximum of 10 modification plans can be called up but only the first modification plan is applied.

03.07.2003; 07:48; WBANA31010B009231; 1. Conversion plan, 0x00 6938932 FlashEcu, 0x01 6938931 FlashEcu, 0x05 6939709 FlashEcu, 0x06 6939712 FlashEcu, 0x0E 6939287 FlashEcu, 0x40 6927928 FlashEcu, 0x43 6939655 FlashEcu, 0x62 6941038 FlashEcu, 0x63 6941031 FlashEcu, 0x72 6939400 FlashEcu, 0x91 6940820 FlashEcu, 0xA1 6942099 FlashEcu, 0xA2 6942100 FlashEcu. 03.07.2003; 07:48; WBANA31010B009231; 2. Conversion plan, 0x00 6938932 FlashEcu, 0x01 6938931 FlashEcu, 0x05 6939709 FlashEcu, 0x06 6939712 FlashEcu, 0x0E 6939287 FlashEcu, 0x40 6927928 FlashEcu, 0x43 6939655 FlashEcu, 0x62 6941038 FlashEcu, 0x63 6941031 FlashEcu, 0x72 6939400 FlashEcu, 0x73 6941492 ReplaceEcu, 0x91 6940820 FlashEcu, 0xA1 6942099 FlashEcu, 0xA2 6942100 FlashEcu. 03.07.2003; 07:48; WBANA31010B009231; 3. Conversion plan, 0x00 6938932 FlashEcu, 0x01 6938931 FlashEcu, 0x05 6939709 FlashEcu, 0x06 6939712 FlashEcu, 0x0E 6939287 FlashEcu, 0x40 6927928 FlashEcu, 0x43 6939655 FlashEcu, 0x62 6941038 FlashEcu, 0x63 6941031 FlashEcu, 0x70 6936997 ReplaceEcu, 0x72 6939400 FlashEcu, 0x91 6940820 FlashEcu, 0xA1 6942099 FlashEcu, 0xA2 6942100 FlashEcu. 03.07.2003; 07:48; WBANA31010B009231; 4. Conversion plan, 0x00 6938932 FlashEcu, 0x01 6938931 FlashEcu, 0x05 6939709 FlashEcu, 0x06 6939712 FlashEcu, 0x0E 6939287 FlashEcu, 0x40 6927928 FlashEcu, 0x43 6939655 FlashEcu, 0x62 6941038 FlashEcu, 0x63 6941031 FlashEcu, 0x70 6936997 ReplaceEcu, 0x72 6939400 FlashEcu, 0x73 6941492 ReplaceEcu, 0x91 6940820 FlashEcu, 0xA1 6942099 FlashEcu, 0xA2 6942100 FlashEcu. 03.07.2003; 09:17; WBANA31010B009231; 1. Conversion plan, Blank conversion plan. 03.07.2003; 09:17; WBANA31010B009231; 2. Conversion plan, 0x73 6941492 ReplaceEcu. 03.07.2003; 09:17; WBANA31010B009231; 3. Conversion plan, 0x70 6936997 ReplaceEcu. 03.07.2003; 09:17; WBANA31010B009231; 4. Conversion plan, 0x70 6936997 ReplaceEcu, 0x73 6941492 ReplaceEcu.

Illustration: example of the contents of the file KMM.TRC (in the example, modification plans for 2 vehicles)

The meaning of the individual data: Column


Date Time

Time of entry in the file

Chassis number Name of the modification plan

1., 2., etc.

List of the modification measures per ECU

Per ECU with hex address, ZB-number and measure (flash or replace)

Termination character


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NFS – New Flash System 6.7 KMM Backup Modification Plans Activation: Menu option: Location:

NFS.INI [TRACE] KMM_Log = JA Extras | KMM_BACK.TRC c:\nfs\trace\

Corresponds to the KMM modification plans with regard to content, however, the modification plans are not generated by KMM but from KMM_BACK.DAT. 10.06.2003; 15:25; WBANA71040B100114; 0x05 6937701 FlashEcu; 0x06 6937702 FlashEcu; 0x22 6934122 FlashEcu; 0x29 6766302 FlashEcu; 0x3F 4122227 FlashEcu; 0x43 6938358 FlashEcu; 0x44 6935690 FlashEcu; 0x47 4122234 FlashEcu; 0x60 6937610 FlashEcu; 0x63 4124511 FlashEcu. 10.06.2003; 16:21; WBANA71040B100125; 0x3F 4122227 FlashEcu; 0x47 4122234 FlashEcu; 0x63 4124511 FlashEcu. 10.06.2003; 16:33; WBANA71040B100131; 0x62 4124474 FlashEcu; 0x47 4122234 FlashEcu.

Illustration: Example of the contents of the file KMM_BACK.TRC

6.8 Error Log Activation: Menu option: Location:

always active; warning can be turned off (NFS.INI [Konfiguration] Warn_LOG = "N") Extras | ERROR.TRC c:\nfs\trace\

Listing of errors, warnings and operator interventions. 01.07.2003; 16:27; WBANC71050B147159; Prüfung der ZB-Nummern: Laut KMM Umbau erforderlich 01.07.2003; 16:27; WBANC71050B147159; Warnung: Steuergeräte Simulationsdaten erzeugen: Reales Steuergerät an SG-Adresse 0x7D ignoriert 01.07.2003; 16:28; WBANC71050B147159; Prüfung der ZB-Nummern: Laut KMM Umbau erforderlich 01.07.2003; 17:29; WBANA71080B102304; 0x36 TELE60 6938781 Telefon ECE,US,Japan Variante Programmierung n.i.O. Abbruch AIF-Info: Das Anwenderinfofeld ist noch 1 Mal programmierbar SG programmieren? 02.07.2003; 08:11; WBANA31010B009228; Warnung: Wartezeit ignoriert 02.07.2003; 08:11; WBANA31010B009228; Warte auf Programmierbeginn ABBRUCH durch den Anwender 02.07.2003; 09:30; WBANA71080B102318; 0x36 TELE60 6938781 Telefon ECE,US,Japan Variante Programmierung n.i.O. fataler Fehler 02.07.2003; 09:30; WBANA71080B102318; 0x3C CDC60 6938975 Audio CD-Changer Programmierung n.i.O. fataler Fehler 02.07.2003; 09:30; WBANA71080B102318; 0x63 MASKC1 6941031 MMI Audio System Kontroller Programmierung n.i.O. fataler Fehler 02.07.2003; 09:31; WBANA71080B102318; 0x91 MACSP1 6940820 --- Programmierung n.i.O. fataler Fehler 02.07.2003; 11:15; wbana71080b102318; 0x36 programmieren?

6938781 Programmierung n.i.O. Abbruch AIF-Info: Das Anwenderinfofeld ist noch 1 Mal programmierbar SG

02.07.2003; 11:20; WBANA71080B102318; 0x62 6941038 Programmierung n.i.O. fataler Fehler 02.07.2003; 11:22; WBANA71080B102318; 0x36 TELE60 6938781 Telefon ECE,US,Japan Variante Programmierung n.i.O. fataler Fehler 02.07.2003; 11:22; WBANA71080B102318; 0x3C CDC60 6938975 Audio CD-Changer Programmierung n.i.O. fataler Fehler 02.07.2003; 11:22; WBANA71080B102318; 0x63 MASKC1 6941031 MMI Audio System Kontroller Programmierung n.i.O. fataler Fehler 02.07.2003; 11:22; WBANA71080B102318; 0x91 MACSP1 6940820 --- Programmierung n.i.O. fataler Fehler 02.07.2003; 11:40; WBANA71080B102318; 0x36 TELE60 6938781 Telefon ECE,US,Japan Variante Programmierung n.i.O. fataler Fehler 02.07.2003; 11:40; WBANA71080B102318; 0x3C CDC60 6938975 Audio CD-Changer Programmierung n.i.O. fataler Fehler 02.07.2003; 11:40; WBANA71080B102318; 0x63 MASKC1 6941031 MMI Audio System Kontroller Programmierung n.i.O. fataler Fehler 02.07.2003; 13:01; WBANA71080B102318; 0x63 MASKC1 6941031 MMI Audio System Kontroller Programmierung n.i.O. fataler Fehler 02.07.2003; 13:01; WBANA71020B102282; Bordnetzspannung zu gering! Ist: 12,2 Soll: 12,8 02.07.2003; 13:03; WBANA71080B102318; 0x91 MACSP1 6940820 --- Programmierung n.i.O. fataler Fehler 02.07.2003; 14:42; WBANA71080B102318; 0x3C CDC60 6938975 Audio CD-Changer Programmierung n.i.O. fataler Fehler 02.07.2003; 14:45; ; Auswahl Notfallflashen ZB-Nr ABBRUCH durch den Anwender 02.07.2003; 14:46; WBANA71080B102318; 0x3C CDC60 6938975 Audio CD-Changer Programmierung n.i.O. fataler Fehler 03.07.2003; 01:11; WBANC71000B137932; 0x36 TELE60 6938781 Telefon ECE,US,Japan Variante Programmierung n.i.O. Abbruch AIF-Info: Das Anwenderinfofeld ist noch 1 Mal programmierbar SG programmieren?

Illustration: Example of the contents of the file ERROR.TRC (german Version)

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NFS – New Flash System The meaning of the individual columns: Column


Date Time

Time of entry in the file

Chassis number Hex address of the ECU


ECU family

(optional), ECU family

ZB number


Error text

Individual error message, either generated in NFS or from another source (error history, etc.)

NB: ECU-specific information is only included (optional) when the entry refers to a specific ECU.

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NFS – New Flash System

7 Configuration Files The NFS reads information for the configuration from the following files (INI files) •



Both files are located in the same directory as the executed file. NB: The name of the executed file is used for the NFS.INI configuration file. If another version is used for a test, for example, (e.g. NFS_Test.EXE), the configuration file must be named accordingly (NFS_Test.INI). The content of the configuration files is described as follows: [Section]


Name of the entry

String, integer etc.


Configuration File Explanation of the entry

Name of the further entry

If the entry is not contained in the configuration file, the program works with the setting described under Default.













ANLAGE.INI Name of the test site, appears in the main window, log is maintained by this name (e.g. NFS_01).


System Documentation Version 1.5 / 2004-10-05 Author: Georg Rauter

NFS.INI The number of repeat attempts when accessing the vehicle via EDIABAS; can be set to 0, as EDIABAS already conducts repeats internally. The value stated here is to be understood as multiplier of the internal repeat attempts.

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NFS – New Flash System [KONFIGURATION]






NFS.INI Only the 1st letter is relevant. You define the logo to be displayed: •

"" = BMW Group logo (default, BMW&Mini)

B = BMW Logo (2 logos are distinguished according to the language setting (see "Language"))

R = Rolls Royce logo

M = Mini logo

Serves to individualize the user interface depending on the location. Language



Only the first letter is relevant. Defines which language is used: D = German E = English




Only the first letter is relevant (J/N). Defines, whether processing continues with the HW*-number if the ZB number cannot be determined.




Only the first letter is relevant (J/N). Defines whether processing continues with the ZB number if the HW* number cannot be determined.




Only the first letter is relevant (J/N). Defines whether a flash is performed when the KMM does not provide a clear decision.




Only the first letter is relevant (J/N). Defines whether the flash instructions contained in AKTION.DAT are to be carried out regardless of the results of KMM/KMM_BACK.




Only the first letter is relevant (J/N). Defines whether the backup solution is to be used for KMM. The content of the file KMM_BACK.DAT is then used instead of KMM. Is used when KMM is not up to date yet due to alterations or when the KMM result is to be circumvented on purpose (e.g. in trailer operation)




Only the first letter is relevant (J/N). Defines whether menus "TestModus" and "Configuration" are displayed.

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NFS – New Flash System [KONFIGURATION]






NFS.INI Only the first letter is relevant (J/N). Defines whether NFS is operated in sampling mode.




Only the first letter is relevant (J/N). Defines whether a ZB number check is to be conducted. Only the AIF is checked and no flash orders are performed.




Only the first letter is relevant (J/N). Defines whether the vehicle order is simulated.




Only the first letter is relevant (J/N). Defines whether NFS is operated in multi instance mode.




Only the first letter is relevant (J/N). With "Y", the operator cannot position the instance windows. Instead, the program arranges them automatically.




Only the first letter is relevant (J/N). Defines whether NFS is operated in HO mode.




Only the first letter is relevant (J/N). Defines whether NFS is operated in trailer mode.




Only the first letter is relevant (J/N). Defines whether signal lights are accessed or not (used in connection with trailer operation)
















Only the first letter is relevant (J/N). Defines whether several channels are used in an instance.

_i… Instance number, _k… Channel number

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NFS – New Flash System For a description of the sections [INSTANZ], [INSTANZ_i], see the following chapter, "Multi Instance and Multi-Channel ".







NFS.INI Only the first letter is relevant (J/N). Defines whether the vehicle ID data is recorded in a file. File = \..\TRACE\ID.TRC Content: the ID data of the vehicle.




Only the first letter is relevant (J/N). Defines whether recordings are made in a file. File = \..\TRACE\FA.TRC Contents: order data of the vehicle




Only the first letter is relevant (J/N). Defines whether recordings are made in a file. File = \..\TRACE\KMM.TRC Content: modification plans of compatibility management




Only the first letter is relevant (J/N). Defines whether warnings are recorded in the ERROR.TRC file in addition to errors.




Only the first letter is relevant (J/N/S). Defines whether recordings are made in a file. File = \..\TRACE\FZG.TMP




N: data will not be recorded

J: all information known about this vehicle and overwritten again with the next vehicle

S: function like "J", additonally a copy of the file will be generated for eyery vehicle. (filename = <VIN>.TRC; e.g. WBAUF11090JR92179.TRC). Existing files will be overwritten with repeating VIN.

Only the first letter is relevant (J/N). Defines whether recordings are made in a file. File = \..\TRACE\ZB.TMP Content: File with ZB numbers (Winkfp)

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NFS – New Flash System







NFS.INI Default: C:\NFS\BATCH\MESSAGE.MSG Is used to inform NFS that the configuration has changed. If NFS is idle and detects this file, an automatic reconfiguration takes place and the current parameter files are read in new. NB: In multi instance operation, the instance number is added to the file name. This way NFS checks the first instance for the file MESSAGE_1.MSG, the 2nd instance for the file MESSAGE_2.MSG etc. in multi instance operation.




Default: C:\NFS\BATCH\MESSAGE.OLD After conducting a reconfiguration due to the abovementioned file, DateiNameEin is renamed to DateiNameAus (naming convention in multi instance operation: see above at DateiNameEin).

The settings in the sections [ANZEIGE], [ANZEIGE_1] etc. define the configuration for the program start. The values can be changed when the program is running and are updated and saved in the configuration file.







Only the first letter is relevant (J/N). Defines whether a header is displayed (this setting can be changed via the "Extras" menu).




Only the first letter is relevant (J/N). Defines whether the terminal status is displayed (this setting can be changed via the "Extras" menu).



Window position for the next program start. The program generates information automatically.

If the program is used several times simultaneously on a computer, the section names are numbered consecutively (e.g. [ANZEIGE_1], [ANZEIGE_2] etc.). The content of these sections is the same as that of the section [ANZEIGE]. The series matrix is a kind of translation list for series. For each series you can determine which parameters and treatment of another series should be used in the further course of the program.

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NFS – New Flash System Examples for the structure of the section [BAUREIHENMATRIX]: [BAUREIHENMATRIX]






NFS.INI "E65" E66 is treated as an E65 in the further course of the program.




"E67" E67 is treated as an E65 in the further course of the program.




Alternative SGBD to obtain the vehicle data set. Use only for motorbikes in Berlin! SGBD (e.g. "MRK24") will be used instead of "CAS".

Example of the structure of a series-specific section: [E65]






The parameter set here is transferred 1:1 without testing as ECU to the EDIABAS interface and must be defined in the respective SGBD (database management system) of the vehicle series.




The parameter set here is transferred 1:1 without testing as JOB to the Ediabas interface and must be defined in the respective SGBD of the vehicle series.




The parameter set here is transferred 1:1 without testing as result name ECU to the EDIABAS interface and must be defined in the respective SGBD of the vehicle series (on-board supply voltage)




Limit value for checking the "on-board supply voltage" result.




Limit value for checking the "on-board supply voltage" result.


If no section or UBatt_SGBD entry can be found for a vehicle series, the following default settings are used: •











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NFS – New Flash System Example for the content of the section with trailer profiles: [Trailerprofil]






Text for the menu item of the first trailer profile in the configuration menu.




Sourcefile to overwrite NFS.INI with selection of the first trailer profile.














It is possible to manage up to 9 trailer profiles. As the program searches for profile 1 to 9, coninuous numbering is not neccessary. This allows to fade out temporary not used profiles by marking as comment.

7.3 Multi Instance and Multi-Channel The following contains a description of the correlations between EDIABAS, WinKFP and NFS regarding the configuration in NFS. Further information is contained in the documentation for EDIABAS and WinKFP. 7.3.1 Only One Instance In single instance operation, the [INSTANZ] section is only required when either • NFS is supposed to use a different channel to the one preset in EDIABAS, or • NFS is to be operated in multi-channel mode. By leaving out the section, you ensure that switching the channel in EDIABAS also becomes automatically effective for NFS without having to adapt NFS.INI. A known application example for different channels is communication via radio adapter. NFS reads out the vehicle configuration via radio using EDIABAS. The vehicle does not have to be connected. However, if it becomes apparent that an ECU must be flashed, this takes place via another channel (vehicle is connected) with a higher transmission rate and higher transmission safety. [INSTANZ] Interface=STD:OBD Unit=A MEHRKANAL=nein

Example of an individual channel with one instance (excerpt from NFS.INI)

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NFS – New Flash System 7.3.2 Several Instances In multi instance operation, however, the section is compulsory for each instance ([INSTANZ_1], [INSTANZ_2] etc.). [INSTANZ_1] Interface=STD:OBD Unit=A MEHRKANAL=nein [INSTANZ_2] Interface=STD:OBD Unit=B MEHRKANAL=nein

Example of 2 instances with OBD (excerpt from NFS.INI) 7.3.3 Multi-Channel Operation In multi-channel operation, sections [INHALT] and/or [INHALT_x] must be expanded by 2 entries per channel. The Interface and Unit entries describe the channel used by NFS (via EDIABAS), entries Interface_x and Unit_x describe the channels used by WinKFP. As NFS and WinKFP are never used simultaneously, NFS may use the same channel as one of the WinKFP instances. [INSTANZ_1] Interface=remote:OPPS_DIAGNOSE_NUR_K_LINE_OPPS1 --> Verweis auf remote.ini Unit=A MEHRKANAL=ja Interface_1= Unit_1 = Interface_2= Unit_2 =


[INSTANZ_2] Interface=remote:OPPS_DIAGNOSE_NUR_K_LINE_OPPS2 Unit=A MEHRKANAL=ja Interface_1= remote:OPPS_DIAGNOSE_NUR_K_LINE_OPPS2 Unit_1 = A Interface_2= remote:OPPS_DIAGNOSE_NUR_MOST_OPPS2 Unit_2 = A

Example of 2 instances with 2 channels each (excerpt from NFS.INI)

System Documentation Version 1.5 / 2004-10-05 Author: Georg Rauter

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Responsible: TI-430 Reinhold Drexel, Tel. FIZ-44236

NFS – New Flash System 7.3.4 Sample Configuration OBD.INI ; Start OBD.INI [OBD] Port=Com1 Hardware=OBD RETRY=OFF Tracelevel =0 ;Tracelevel=0xFFFFFFFF ;Tracelevel=0x0FFF0000 ;Tracelevel=0xFFFFFFFF ;Tracelevel=0xF0000000 ;Tracelevel=0x0000FFFF ; Bit 0 = Funktionsaufruf ; Bit 1 = io Ergebnis ; Bit 2 = nio Ergebnis ; Bit 3 = Detailinfos ; Nibble 0 = readchar_wait ; Nibble 1 = main ; Nibble 2 = cmd ; Nibble 3 = obd ; Nibble 4 = send_and_receive_... ; Nibble 5 = read_telegram_... ; Nibble 6 = send_telegram ; Nibble 7 = SendData [UNIT_1] Port=Com1 MODE=KBUS Tracelevel=0x0FFF00FF [UNIT_2] Port=Com2 MODE=KBUS [UNIT_A] Port=Com1 [UNIT_B] Port=Com2 [UNIT_C] Port=Com3 [UNIT_D] Port=Com4 ; Ende OBD.INI

Example of OBD.INI (correlation to NFS.INI) This sample configuration shows the OBD.INI referred to in the examples for NFS.INI. This is supposed to clarify the correlation between the entries in NFS.INI and OBD.INI. In individual cases, OBD.INI must be adapted to the prevailing circumstances (hardware configuration etc.). For further information about the configuration, refer to the EDIABAS documentation. 7.3.5 Sample Configuration REMOTE.INI This sample configuration shows the REMOTE.INI referred to in the examples for NFS.INI. This is supposed to clarify the correlation between the entries in NFS.INI and REMOTE.INI. In individual cases, OBD.INI must be adapted to the prevailing circumstances (hardware configuration, etc.). For further information about the configuration, refer to the EDIABAS documentation. System Documentation Version 1.5 / 2004-10-05 Author: Georg Rauter

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NFS – New Flash System

; Start REMOTE.INI ; REMOTE.ini (ab EDIABAS 6.4) [Common] ;TimeoutConnect=2000 ;TimeoutReceive=2000 ;TimeoutFunction=10000 ;DisconnectOnApiEnd=1 [OPPS_DIAGNOSE_NUR_K_LINE_OPPS1] ; Mehrfachbetrieb: Nutzt nur K-Line, gibt MOST frei RemoteHost = opps1000 Port = 6801 InitCmd0 = FE 05 00 80 05 [OPPS_DIAGNOSE_NUR_MOST_OPPS1] ; Mehrfachbetrieb: Nutzt MOST, gibt K-Line frei RemoteHost = opps1000 Port = 6802 InitCmd0 = FE 05 00 80 01 [OPPS_DIAGNOSE_NUR_K_LINE_OPPS2] ; Mehrfachbetrieb: Nutzt nur K-Line, gibt MOST frei RemoteHost = opps1001 Port = 6801 InitCmd0 = FE 05 00 80 05 [OPPS_DIAGNOSE_NUR_MOST_OPPS2] ; Mehrfachbetrieb: Nutzt MOST, gibt K-Line frei RemoteHost = opps1001 Port = 6802 InitCmd0 = FE 05 00 80 01 ; E O F ; Ende REMOTE.INI

Example of REMOTE.INI (correlation to NFS.INI)

8 Interfaces 8.1 CASCADE The parameters for controlling the NFS are provided by CASCADE as described in the chapter, "Command Line". NFS reports back with the result in the file CASCADE.XML. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?> <!DOCTYPE Auftrag-Report SYSTEM "C:\Nfs\Bin\..\TRACE\CASCADE.DTD" > <Ausfuehrungs-Report version="Report Ausfuehrung: V1.0.0"> <DateiInfo> <Datum>16.07.2003, 15:42:50</Datum> <Kommentar>Report Auftrag</Kommentar> <Autor name="NFS V4.2.2"/> </DateiInfo> <Fahrzeugdaten> <Fahrgestell nummer=""/> </Fahrzeugdaten> <Ergebnis> <ID name="NFS APP_ZB_CHECK"/> <Werkzeug name="NFS"/> <Parameter-1 name=""/> <Parameter-2 name=""/> <Parameter-3 name=""/> <Ergebnisname name=""/> <Ergebniswert wert=""/> <Min-Wert wert=""/> <Max-Wert wert=""/> <Anzahl-Wiederholungen anzahl="0"/> System Documentation Version 1.5 / 2004-10-05 Author: Georg Rauter

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NFS – New Flash System <Fragetext text=""/> <Antworttext text=""/> <Anweisungstext text=""/> <Fehlertext text="Prüfung der ZB-Nummern: Laut KMM Umbau erforderlich"/> <Hinweistext text="Integrationsstufe = 6.109A"/> <Fehlertyp typ="F"/> </Ergebnis> <Ergebnis> <ID name="NFS APP_ZB_CHECK"/> <Werkzeug name="NFS"/> <Parameter-1 name=""/> <Parameter-2 name=""/> <Parameter-3 name=""/> <Ergebnisname name=""/> <Ergebniswert wert=""/> <Min-Wert wert=""/> <Max-Wert wert=""/> <Anzahl-Wiederholungen anzahl="0"/> <Fragetext text=""/> <Antworttext text=""/> <Anweisungstext text=""/> <Fehlertext text="SG: SASR ZB-Nr Ist: 0000059 ZB-Nr Soll: 6929559 Steuergerät tauschen"/> <Hinweistext text=""/> <Fehlertyp typ="F"/> </Ergebnis> </Ausfuehrungs-Report>

Illustration: example of the contents of the file CASCADE.XML

8.2 EDIABAS The NFS program uses the functionality of EDIABAS by calling up the functions contained in APIVB32.DLL.

8.3 Configuration Management (KMM) The configuration management consists of a correlated set of signed text files and a program library (KMMSVR.DLL) designed for the use in VB for access.

8.4 WinKFP WinKFP is started by calling up WinKFPT.exe from NFS. Information for control in batch mode is provided in the command line. Parameter




Name of the batch file

e.g. C:\NFS\BATCH\FLASH.CTL resp. FLASH_#.CTL (#=channel number in multi-channel operation)


Starts WinKFP in batch operation


Defines the HW interface (optional)


Defines the unit (optional)

Example of a valid call-up of WinKFP: "WINKFPT.EXE –BATCH=C:\NFS\BATCH\FLASH.CTL –RUN" System Documentation Version 1.5 / 2004-10-05 Author: Georg Rauter

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Responsible: TI-430 Reinhold Drexel, Tel. FIZ-44236

NFS – New Flash System

Once started, WinKFP continuously checks whether there is a FLASH.CTL file. If a file is found, the content is interpreted and the corresponding commands processed. Afterwards, WinKFP deletes the file. [FGNUMMER] FGN = WBAGL63473DP66387 [ZBNUMMER] ZBN0000 = 6929559 ZBN0001 = 6929558 [SGADRESSE] SGADR0000 = 04 SGADR0001 = 05

Illustration: example of the contents of the file FLASH.CTL

WinKFP communicates the result of the execution in a file with the same name and the extension .PRT (e.g. FLASH.PRT). NFS evaluates the contents of this file. [C:\Nfs\Bin\..\BATCH\FLASH.CTL] [16.07.2003 15:44:51] [Batch] END=OFF [FGNUMMER] fgn = WBAGL63473DP66387 [ZBNUMMER] ZBN0000 = 6929559 / SGADR0000 = 04 ZBN0001 = 6929558 / SGADR0000 = 05 [PROCESSING] [6929559 / 04] fgn = WBAGL63473DP66387 INFO000=ok ERG=Programmierung i.O. [6929558 / 05] fgn = WBAGL63473DP66387 INFO000=ok ERG=Programmierung i.O.

Illustration: example of the contenta of the file FLASH.PRT

NFS generates the .CTL files for controlling WinKFP. A .TMP file is always generated in order to avoid overlaps. Once generated, this is renamed.CTL. Then NFS waits for the result in the PRT. file. NB: NFS also controls the termination of WinKFP via the file FLASH.CTL. Here it is important that during the programming of WinKFP, NFS activates the inherent EDIABAS instance in such a way that the communication channels to the vehicle are completely available to the EDIABAS instance (instances) of WinKFP. In order to differentiate between the files when using several channels/instances, the file name is generated as follows: FLASH_k_i.PRT resp. FLASH_k_i.CTL (k = channel, i = instance). If the corresponding preselection is not activated, the corresponding part in the name is omitted (_k resp. _i).

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Copyright © 2004 BMW AG Page 55 of 60

Responsible: TI-430 Reinhold Drexel, Tel. FIZ-44236 - JOIN US!!! NFS – New Flash System 8.5 Signal Lights Accessing the signal lights takes place via the computer's printer interfaces (LPT). For direct access to the ports, NFS uses the library INPOUT.DLL, which must be included in the path c:\nfs\bin and which must be registered. Registration takes place either by calling up the batch file, c:\nfs\bin\regsvr32.bat, or going direct to RegSvr32.exe in the input prompt (C:\NFS\BIN>regsvr32 inpout.dll). The following table shows the assignment of the individual bits on the printer ports. There are a maximum of 3 printer ports available. Signal lamps for a maximum of 6 instances can be supplied from NFS with these. LPT 3 (0x3BC)


LPT 2 (0x278)

LPT 1 (0x378)


7 6 5 4 3











































y g x 6






x = not used, r = red, y = yellow, g = green

Important: Accessing the signal lights takes place LOW-Active Signal condition logical 1 corresponds to

lamp OFF

Signal condition logical 0 corresponds to

lamp ON

Important Note: The usability of additional cards with parallel ports has to be proved. Port addresses shown above can not be changed! To check the function of connected signallights the program "NFS Signallampentest.exe" (in c:\nfs\bin) can be used.

System Documentation Version 1.5 / 2004-10-05 Author: Georg Rauter

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Responsible: TI-430 Reinhold Drexel, Tel. FIZ-44236

NFS – New Flash System 8.6 ECU SGBDs NFS accesses the functions of the individual ECUs via EDIABAS. In order to ensure uniform access and not have to map any ECU-specific properties in NFS, all SGBD’s must fulfill specific requirements. The prerequisite for each job is that the execution result returned is at least JOB_STATUS.

The following SGBD’s and jobs are always required regardless which series is concerned: SGBD












Alternative SGBD can be set in NFS.INI (only for motorbikes Berlin!)


FAHRZEUGAUFTRAG Vehicle order in raw format; is transferred as parameter to FA/ FA_STREAM2STRUCT.



Supplies decoded vehicle order.


System Documentation Version 1.5 / 2004-10-05 Author: Georg Rauter

Copyright © 2004 BMW AG Page 57 of 60

Responsible: TI-430 Reinhold Drexel, Tel. FIZ-44236 - JOIN US!!! NFS – New Flash System A series-dependent SGBD is also used, whereby the name of the SGBD is identical to the name of the series. Please note: links in the series matrix may result in the application of other series names! SGBD





Required for multichannel operation.


Required for multichannel operation.










In addition and if required, for every series the name of the SGBD’s, the job and the result can be set individually in the configuration file NFS.INI for checking the on-board supply voltage (programming voltage).

System Documentation Version 1.5 / 2004-10-05 Author: Georg Rauter

Copyright © 2004 BMW AG Page 58 of 60

Responsible: TI-430 Reinhold Drexel, Tel. FIZ-44236

NFS – New Flash System

9 Abbreviations and Glossary The following list contains the most important terminology and abbreviations. Term or Abbreviation



Applicant Information Field; standardized data structure that contains information about an ECU


A test site


(under development)


Abbreviation for "Control Application Sequences for Coding and Diagnostics Execution"; client-server architecture for electronic check-out test


Completely Knocked Down


Electronic control unit


Electronic Diagnosis Basic System


Status report upon hand-over of the vehicle from production to sales


Vehicle order; all data required for the production control of a vehicle (chassis number, type key, special equipment, upholstery, lacquer, etc.)


The transmission of programs and/or data to an ECU


Global Information Service


Trade organization (BMW distribution structure)

HW number, hardware number

Describes the basic hardware of the ECU (without program and data). As an ECU is always delivered with a program, NFS works exclusively with the hardware* number

HW*-Number, Hardware*Number

The hardware* number (called hardware asterisk number) clearly describes a combination of ECU hardware and program status. The HW* number is determined with the job IDENT_FUNKTIONAL (Result ID_BMW_NR). If the ECU does not have its own data section, the HW* number corresponds to the ZB number.


Interpreter for test processes

IO, i.O., OK

The name given to an error-free process


Name of a contract contained in the SGBD; generally serves for transmitting information from/to an ECU


Compatibility management


New Flash System


NFS operated in connection with CASCADE

NOK, not OK, NIO

Not OK. The result of a corrupt process

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Responsible: TI-430 Reinhold Drexel, Tel. FIZ-44236 - JOIN US!!! NFS – New Flash System Term or Abbreviation



OBD plug, OBD interface, pin-plug cable for connecting a PC to the diagnosis interface of the vehicle


Product Process Prototype; early phase of a vehicle series


Special equipment; features as part of the production order


ECU description file


Ignition OFF


Ignition ON


Ignition key in the "Radio" position


Logging process information in ASCII files


Vehicle Identification Number


Flash tool for transmitting programs and/or data to ECUs installed in the vehicle


Standardized format for structured data description

ZB-number, ZB-No.

The ZB number clearly describes a combination of the ECU's hardware, the program and the data status. The ZB-number only differs from the HW* number if the ECU has its own data section (e.g. characteristic line). The ZB number is determined with the job AIF_LESEN_FUNKTIONAL (Result AIF_ZB_NR). It is also possible to order exactly the same ECU at a later stage using the ZB number.

System Documentation Version 1.5 / 2004-10-05 Author: Georg Rauter

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Responsible: TI-430 Reinhold Drexel, Tel. FIZ-44236

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