The leakage and the outside temperature can lower down the pressure of your car's tire over time.
If ten degree temperature drops in outside, then air in your tire decreases automatically by one pound per square inch (PSI).
So, it's very important to check the tires of your car very frequently on every month because the under-inflated tires can create serious damages.
The repairing cost of under-inflated tires is higher as well as dangerous. Here the given points define the hazards arises from the under-inflated tires.
Gas mileage
The properly inflated tires in your car increase its fuel mileage, enhance the performance of the car and its handling.
If the tire pressure is only placed only six PSI under the recommended tire pressure then it could reduce the total fuel economy to five percent.
The under-inflated tires not only decrease the gas mileage of your car but also create sudden accidents in the road.
Stopping time
The tires those are under-inflated in your car are takes a longer time to stop, especially on wet pavements.
Now in the recent study it proofs that the major causes car rollovers are the under-inflated tires.
The reason behind is the low tire skids more frequently on both wet and icy pavements as well as in dry pavements.
Thread life
The low tire pressure can eventually reduce the tire tread life of your car by up to twenty-five percent.
Replacing the tires of your car on time proper time can prevent the unusual accidents suddenly arises in your path.
If you neglect the underinflated tires then it will create additional expenses in your budget and dispose of landfills.
Tire failure
The under-inflated tires in the worst case lead to complete failure of tires and create unexpected issues in the road.
When the low-pressure tires can contact with the surface of the road too much, then it will increase the friction.
As a result, the heat generated from the friction can cause tread separation, blow tires and a bad accident on the road.
The under-inflated tires can be repaired with just a tire pump. When you refill the tire, consult the recommended PSI for their specific size.
Always try to close to this limit as much as possible without putting extra pressure in your car tire.