__Jackie Frady’s Retirement
Outgoing President and Executive Director Jackie Frady thanked the people and organizations who made another successful year possible, and thanked the Museum’s Board of Trustees, Boeger Winery and Roundabout Catering and Party Rentals for helping to sponsor the party. She recognized and thanked Museum members of 30 or more years, Trustees, staff and volunteers.
Ranson Webster, Chairman of the Museum’s Board of Trustees, along with Board Secretary Jann Chubb, thanked Jackie Frady for her 38 years of service to the Museum, congratulated her on her retirement, and presented her with a commemorative crystal vase.
The Museum’s Board of Trustees sponsored a retirement video which chronicled Jackie Frady’s career and commitment to the Museum.The video included photographs from throughout the years and memories from Board members, staff, friends and family.
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