Thank you for helping the Museum by contributing to the Museum’s 2019 Annual Giving Campaign!
Every donation makes a difference and we sincerely thank each of you for making it possible to raise $50,850 (so far) during the 2019 Annual Giving Campaign.
$ 5 ,0 0 0 & A B O VE Norman L. Dianda
$ 1 ,0 0 0 T O $4,999 Leslie Adams Bacon Family/Minden Automotive Museum Roger Bergmann Wanda Casazza Clark/Sullivan Construction The William E. Connor Foundation, Inc. Deborah C. Day The Deborah and T.J. Day Foundation Paul and Heidi Georgeson Edwin D. Hale Janice Hamilton
Ronald and Susan Krump Foundation Stan Lucas Dick and Jan Petersen Dan and Maureen Rovig Robert and Marilyn Rusk John and Gail Sande DeArmond and Joyce Sharp Preston and Dianne Sides Ron and Linda Smith Stephen Stepler and Susan Scarritt
UP TO $999 Al and Linda Abrahamson James Alder Tim Allen Byron and Louise Auten Milton and Jane Balian Tom Batchelor Richard Baumgartner Bruce Lee Bledsoe Janet L. Chubb Dominick A. Cipollini DeVonde and Kathleen Clemence Anthony Costa Wayne and Alzina Davis Tom Davison Philip DeLone Norman Dianda Irene Babcock Drews Joan Dyer Ron Ebert Sidney Burr and Sharon Ellis ERGS, Inc.
Steve and Jackie Frady Paula Ganley Bruce and Christie Gescheider Steve and Blanche Gordon Luck Gravett, Jr. Susan Gulas James K. Hardy Roger Hedlund Michael Henry Bill and Jane Holhut Red and Connie Kittell Lawrence R. Klein Robert Lewis Michael Lockwood Hugh Roy and Cynthia Marshall Richard and Judith Maus Jim and Linda Milstead Leonard Moorhead John A. Nelson Jim and Penny Nicely Mark Paloolian
2 8 N AT I O N A L A U T O M O B I L E M U S E U M F E B R U A R Y 2 0 2 0
Verna Peeler and Merrilie ____Witham Janice C. Pine John Plough Danno Raffetto Reno British Car Club Kevin Schaller Steve and Danielle Schmidt Lawrence and Leona Seidell Richard Simmonds Jennifer Skelton Del Smart Rod and Sharon Smith Ted Stoever Brian D. Suen Ralph and Sandra Theiss John and Sharon Todd Hjalmar D. Trent Don and Barbara Waite John and Susie Young