Autonomous Intellect Issue #2

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Issue 2. 2012.

Iranian Gays on DEATH ROW By Anisa Varasteh

IN 2009 IN CENTRAL LONDON “A TEENAGE GIRL WAS SO OUTRAGED BY TWO GAY MEN HOLDING HANDS THAT SHE STAMPED ONE OF THEM TO DEATH” (The West Australia 2011). In a world where homosexuality is rarely tolerated by a citizen of the developed world, being gay in a developing country like Iran is living hell. Homosexual acts are prohibited by law in Iran and punishable by death, therefore gay men and women are forced to live a secret life. In 2005 two teenage boys were executed

is not purely a personal choice, or as

for homosexual acts and prior to their

it is being perceived by many religious

execution the two were given 228 lashes

cultures a “sexual deviation” or a sin.

each (BBC news 2005).

In a country where the President denies

Reading this sounds disturbing enough

the existence of any homosexuals it is

let alone living through such terror every

hard to estimate the population of gay

day of your life. Whether being gay is

people. Interestingly, Iran has the second

a cause of nature (genes) or nurture

highest rate of sex change surgery in the

(environment), or both is debatable but

world (after Thailand) (BBC News 2008).

here in the Western world we have come

At first glance this appears paradoxical

to respect the fact that homosexuality

to the limitation and pressures on gay


people. However, examining the subject

This however is not the life of every

in context reveals that it is the only

gay person in Iran. Despite all the

“solution” to the problems gay men and

restrictions many manage to date and

women face in Iran.

maintain a relationship in secret. Since

The first reason is that even though

many aspects of social life which are

homosexuals are considered people with

considered conventional in the West are

sick sexual tastes, transgendered people

prohibited in Iran it is difficult for people

are viewed as abnormal people who

to find dates outside of their usual social

can be treated. Therefore, so many gay

network. Music (dance music), dance,

people are labelled as transgendered

alcoholic drinks and friendship with the

so that they could be “fixed”.

opposite sex are illegal and in some

Furthermore, many of those who go

cases could be punishable by lashes.

through the excruciating procedure

Therefore, social places such as bars,

of sex reassignment therapy are from

pubs, clubs etc do not exist in the world

“Islam has a cure for people suffering from this problem. If they want to change their gender the path is open.” Hojatolah Kariminia, Iranian Cleric low income, traditional families who

of Iranians. Young people usually meet

constantly are condemned, humiliated,

others through their family and friends

or threatened by the people around

or occasionally work places which limits

them (even their own families). Hence,

the number of possible candidates for a

sex change seems like an optimal


solution to their constant pain of humiliation, guilt and disgrace. However, in many cases they are disowned by their


efore 1990 (in Tehran) gay people’s only social place to meet other gays

was in a park which was crammed with

families after the surgery because they

male prostitutes and many heterosexual

cannot deal with the shame that their

men who were seeking casual sex with

son/brother has turned into a woman.

young guys (as females were not always

Some of these unfortunate victims of

accessible and easy to find). In the 90s

such brutal ignorance are forced into the

more and more people started to have

world of prostitution.

access to the internet and it was a


A man is beaten by state para-military forces during Iranian anti-government protests [anonymous source]

turning point for homosexuals. Online

All the restrictions and limitations

chatting and the ability to contact

however have not taken away the love

people who otherwise would be a life

and passion of young people (regardless

time away brought a new vibe and thrill

of their sexual orientation) to party and

to every young person’s life including

socialise with their like minded peers.

gays and lesbians. However, this change

They are willing to take the risk of

was not without its disadvantages.

getting lashes or going to jail to spend

Disguised police officers and/or militias,

some time away from their limiting and

Anti-gays and many psychopaths had also

sick society in the haven of their homes.

easy access to identifying, and abusing

There are also many underground artists

gay men and women.

and activists in Iran who work hard for


their voices to be heard by other Iranians

of such extremist views forced upon

and people around the world. Sayeh

them is devastating FOR ALL IRANIAN

Sky is a lesbian rapper who produces


songs and is known for her feminist and challenging views. Many web bloggers also act in secret and educate people about the issues homosexuals face in Iran but unfortunately many have been identified by the government and face persecution.

Anisa is a psychological science graduate from the University of South Australia. Cover photo by Pedram Veisi

This consistent pressure has lead many gay people to flee Iran and seek asylum in other countries such as Turkey. However, since proving one’s sexual orientation is difficult (if not impossible) they usually face long waits and undesirable conditions while waiting for a refugee visa to resettle in a third country. In 2008 the organization IRQO (Iranian Queer Organization) was formed by Arsham Parsi, a gay activist, in Toronto Canada. IRQR provides assistance with asylum applications, provides housing and financial assistance to those in desperate need, and petitions Western and other governments on behalf of Iranian LGBTs facing deportation back to Iran (IRQO. net 2012). It is also worthwhile to note that before the Islamic revolution in 1979, Iranians used to experience freedom of speech and life-style (similar to the ones practiced in the Western countries today) therefore the psychosocial effects


Actually, your place is in the kitchen A modern guide to feminism by Keelie Ferguson

LET ME START BY SAYING I MAY LOSE A FRIEND OR TWO IN WRITING THIS… dear friends, I hope we can respectfully agree to disagree if I cause you any offense. You see, someone I used to go to school with has recently discovered feminism and left-wing politics. Not literally discovered, I don’t think, but has become involved in actively promoting communism (no, not socialism. Yes, I do know the difference) and feminism in the recent months that have passed us by. Day after day, she tweets and makes facebook posts about both movements she’s involved with. She goes to the protests, reads the literature and attends meetings with other communists/feminists.

Now, while I’m definitely into discussing

who wrote for a defense magazine (not a

politics (for hours… and hours and hours)

typo, that’s what it’s called). The thing

and I’m into feminism in a really big way,

about these scenes that immediately

I have a real problem with her lifestyle. I

repelled me was the nature of the

also have a big problem with the lifestyle

people involved when they got home.

of a few people at work who have

I’ve visited cleaner dumpsters. Their

similarly off-beat political views. It’s not

homes, a gaggle of literature half-

their beliefs, but just the simple fact

strewn across every surface, clothes

that they are completely unable to take

and dirty plates, half drunk coffee cups,

care of themselves. This goes beyond

burnt down candles… the fridge would

the usual adolescent dilly-dallying with

almost definitely be devoid of anything

alcohol, tobacco

edible. They ate out

and recreational

whenever possible

drugs (of which I am

(or ordered in…?),

also guilty at some stage or another in my life) that people either grow out of or become rehabilitated for, a rite of passage in

My new idea of ‘feminism’ is to fuck feminism right off, along with the archaic idea that women are of lesser worth than men.

hardly washed (then again, I was too scared to shower in their place either) and only cleaned up the things they would be

privileged white,

using immediately

middle-class society.

afterward, like

I mean literally unable to feed, wash

dishes or pots they were about to use.

and nurture themselves. This no longer

Their culinary skills involved a mastery

applies to my aforementioned friend,

of mi goreng and toast, maybe the

before the angry phone calls pour in.

occasional cup of tea.

You see, I’ve been actively involved

Growing up with a completely anal

with similar groups of political or

mother, I am the last person to judge

humanitarian ideals. Let’s face facts,

someone’s home if it’s a bit messy, but

I’m a vegetarian feminist with a slight

this was actually ridiculous. I was scared

touch Marxist ideology. I’ve been there,

of contracting some horrible disease by

done that and written the f***ing book

simply breathing in the air. The problem

several years ago. To my right wing dad

is, if I addressed it (which would be


incredibly rude), I would have been

AND women. Most single guys who move

faced with a barrage of “Keelie, it’s

out of home will admit that they have

not a woman’s job to cook and clean all

no bloody clue on how to cook, hate

day! The fifties is over!”. Umm… ok, but

cleaning up and just buy new clothes or

if you won’t cook and clean, who will?

get their mum to help if their clothes get

The problem with protesting this old

a hole or loose stitching.

stereotype is that it encourages the kind of slobbery that requires a few shots of

This is such a stupid thing to even get

penicillin. It’s completely revolting to

so riled up about, I realise that, but it’s

live in your own filth and eat instant food

still the cause of nearly every domestic

all day just to make a political point.

argument (cleaning AND cooking)

And, no, the socialists I hung out with

because nobody understands what the

were no better or worse.

boundaries are and one side thinks that the best thing to do is make a tug of war

My new idea of ‘feminism’ is to f*ck

until someone snaps, disgusted by the

feminism right off, along with the

mountains of dishes and laundry, and

archaic idea that women are of lesser

cleans up.

worth than men. Equal rights means equal responsibility. Yes, you do belong in the kitchen. Yes, you do need to spend a solid day cleaning once in a while. Yes, you should know how to sew… but so should men. The problem is that most men are not taught these life skills as boys and that most women feel resentful that they seem to be automatically resigned to doing any form of cooking, cleaning or mending of clothing. There is a catch, though; you should also be able to change a washer (in a tap), fix a door, assemble (or build) basic furniture and do basic repairs to your car/bicycle if you use one. Both genders. This isn’t feminism, this is basic adult responsibility. It applies to men


ere are my new rules, and they apply to you if you’re over 15

and aim to be an independent, selfsufficient human being one day: Learn how to cook. Anything from a packet or with “two-minute” or “threeminute” in the title does not count. Neither does toast or cereal. Not only do you need REAL food to survive, but it will save your wallet and impress your friends/family/significant other/ when there’s some amazing food in your kitchen. Bring leftovers to uni/school/ work/etc. It saves thousands over a year. Clean up your living space/working space. Not obsessively and not


necessarily everyday, but enough that

clean up while they do something else.

you don’t feel a sense of dread when

Learn how to sew and do laundry

you need to lift up a pile of something

properly. While being able to make basic

that there may be mice/rats/mould/

clothing is ideal, I also understand it’s

cockroaches/maggots underneath. If you

not actually a necessity. Male or female,

live alone, sorry, but you need to clean

you need to know how to patch up a

up everything. Don’t ask your parents,

hole in a pair of jeans, get a stain out of

siblings or friends… they won’t come

your favourite shirt, hem pants, skirts

back and I wouldn’t blame them. If you

and jackets and sew a button. You’ll

German philosopher and social theorist Karl Heinrich Marx - photo by Mark Surman live with a roommate/partner then clean

understand how important this is when

your personal spaces, drawers, allotted

you rip your favourite article of clothing

kitchen space and clean up shared

and don’t want to replace it with

spaces once in a while. Convincing a

something new…. Or anytime you stain

roommate that they should clean up may

a work shirt with curry, wine or pasta

be tough, but they’ll probably feel like


you’re judging them after seeing you


For god’s sake, go online and look up

To me, the suffragettes and every

how to do basic repairs to your home.

women’s right protester since then has

Even if you live with your parents, you

been trying to accomplish the ideal

don’t exactly want them coming into

that men and women could be equal

the bathroom when you’ve clogged a

and do the same things. We kind of

pipe, taken a tap off the wall or taken

have that society in the Australia now.

the sliding door off the shower for the

Not completely, but for the most part

millionth time. Learn how to use power

even a girl who “hates feminists” would

tools, where the switchboard is, the

be outraged by the idea that a woman

main water tap, gas tap, etc and how to

would be paid less an hour than a man

turn them on and off. Learn how to do

on the same job, would receive a lesser

basic repairs to doors and windows and

education, would receive unwelcome

at the very least, sit down and figure out

sexual attention from a boss at work,

how to assemble the ikea furniture that

etc. Our generation has grown up

you still haven’t put together because

with this, we don’t know any better.

the instructions are so damn vague it

We assume that feminists are gender

makes you want to cry. Admittedly, I’m

supremacists. They’re not, on the whole,

the handy person in my household and

but I think that a lot of people who are

my boyfriend’s vision is so bad (probably

trying to make a political point often

why he’s with me) that I simply don’t

end up cutting of their nose to spite

trust him to use anything sharp, heavy or

their face. The only thing we should

motorised around the house. I built some

aspire to be is independent… financially

of our furniture, assembled some of it,

and otherwise. It sends a stronger

erected shelves, fixed the taps, change

message when someone who’s relatively

the lightbulbs and am the only person

‘together’ gets up to say something

heading to the switchboard when we

about the state of the world we live in…

blow a fuse. As I like the control, I never

and at least they won’t be eaten alive by

complain about this… especially as he

rats when they’re sleeping.

does a good 70% of the cleaning.

Keelie Ferguson is situated in Melbourne, and likes to keep a tidy place. Cover photo by Alex Stretton, article photo by Mark Surman.


Jacob and Jed Wolki took their bikes to ride across the US, these photos are just a taste of what they saw


Knitting needles & spray cans Thoughts from a girl with an eye for art that resides outside of institutional walls by Gaby Poly Cotton Memories of my grandparents conjure

pastimes such a street art and graffiti

up the images of the paint chipped

however does appear that some of

rocking horse on the porch or the sweet

the blue rinse brigade are letting go

smell of apple strudel which was baked

of tradition for tradition’s sake and

to perfection. The metallic smell of

are embracing life creatively from

ironlak does not ordinarily bring to mind

nontraditional perspectives. The desire

gerontology and some may even wonder

to express one’s creative edge is not lost

how the two fit together, both socially

over time or of course with age.

and culturally.

Typically, older individuals (like your

The preventative measures of systematic

Nana) have knitted themselves into

ageism, social norms and sanctions have

woolgasms by making scarves and

often excluded older individuals from

cardigans, however there is a new breed

participating in youth or subculture

of Nana warming her feet by the fire.


No longer content with maintaining

ups or paint, intimidating. Adelaide’s

the social norm of attending bowls on

streets and statues are randomly graced

a Tuesday, she wants to get her hands

with the delicate touch of gorilla knitters

dirty and hit the street. Luckily for Nana

who are often overlooked by security

there are outlets for her creative juices,

guards or business owners. The threat

even if her weapon of choice remains the

of prosecution for ‘property damage’

knitting needle.

is also significantly reduced, if not

Yarn bombing, gorilla knitting or knit

eliminated, if one chooses to yarn bomb.

graffiti has grown in popularity since

I do not know of anyone who has been

it’s urban introduction in the U.S. in

successfully prosecuted for vandalizing a

2005. This progressive phenomena has

tree with lace doily’s, wrapping a woolen

continued to wind it’s woolly way around

piece around a light pole or ‘enhancing’

the globe while being embraced by both

a public sculpture with pom poms.

the young and young at heart. London’s

Various city councils around Australia

graffiti knitting art collective Knit

have recognised the shared nature of

the City ( has

the public domain and are trying to

some fine examples of non threatening

balance the delicate task of stakeholder

semi permanent graffiti that utilizes a

management in the urban environment

traditional medium in a new counter

in a cross generational manner. Some

culture format. The semi permanent

older people may find art on the street

nature of yarn bombing enables it to be

(graffiti – tags, throw ups & larger

embraced by those who may find other

pieces) offensive and even intimidating

forms of art on the street, such as paste

whilst younger generations may find


this freedom of expression exhilarating.

how to knit, if the main objective is

Progressive councils are embracing the

greater understanding and tolerance for

inevitable - illicit art on the street is

both generations? Let’s be honest, there

something that cannot be contained

are some grandparents around who hit

and will not recede quietly. It can

the streets with paint when they were

however be harnessed and used as a

younger and are now encouraging their

tool to unify generations and cultures

grandchildren to do the same. I would

which have, by appearance, nothing in

not necessarily encourage this however

common. Council funded workshops

it is clear that age does not impact on

which encourage older individuals to

one’s desire to create. For some older

paint and socialize with those who may

urban creative’s, age will not weary

have once intimidated them will assist in

them and the twinkle in their eye is their

breaking down both social and cultural

imagination plotting a new adventure….

stereo types. Is there a difference

the medium that they choose should not

between a teen teaching his elderly

be defined by social or cultural bounds

neighbour how to paint with a spray can

but by what their imagination (and

or a nana teaching her granddaughter

walking stick) allows.

Gaby Poly Cotton is a graduate from the University of South Australia and street art lover. Photo below by Chris Tamm

Environmental ‘Disasters’ and Cognitive D i s s o n a n ce Cognitive Dissonance as defined by the Penguin Dictionary of Psychology is ‘an emotional state set up when two simultaneously held attitudes or cognitions are inconsistent or when there is conflict between belief and overt behaviour’ (p. 128). The recent headlines regarding a train derailment in Western Australia yesterday rekindled a thought I’d had early last year about the reporting of and subsequent disgust by the public of environmental calamities caused by corporations and/or business and the actual behaviour of that same ‘disgusted’ public towards the environment. In Western Australia at the site of the train derailment the Department of Environment and Conservation was present at the scene as growing ‘fears’ mounted of an environmental effect. This only got me thinking of the recent BP oil spill in the gulf of Mexico. Perhaps one of the largest and widespread environmental calamities of our time (or is it?) which has seen significant public outrage and criminal convictions. But I argue that there is something much more significant than the public outcry at BP’s black oil flowing freely into the ocean. I argue that indeed the oil is not the primary issue here the primary issue is the psychology behind the public outrage, and the behaviour of those who are against big corporations destroying the environment.

As I previously mentioned, cognitive dissonance plays a large role in the way everyone perceives environmental disasters - and perhaps the occurance of environmental disasters serves the purpose of minimising the ‘guilt’ aspect of cognitive dissonance with regards to the environment. Let me explain… At the first level, we (the majority of the population) hold the attitude that preserving the environment is a good thing. In light of environmental disasters perpetrated by large corporations we are immediately outraged, if the BP oil spill did not outrage you then I would be concerned. Yet on the second level of cognitive dissonance, our behaviour does not align with our attitudes or beliefs. We get in our cars everyday and pollute the environment, we use electricity unnecessarily all day long, with no regard for how that impacts the environment. Yet we are disgusted by environmental disasters perpetrated by big business. Is it easier to blame them than ourselves? Is it easier to feel ashamed of a faceless corporation than to feel ashamed of our family, friends and our own behaviours? Being able to place the blame on a corporation minimises the emotional distress we feel by having opposing attitudes and behaviours. It co-opts us into a state where we no longer question ourselves, but forever question others who will never change, because we, as the consumers, will continue to consume their products regardless of their environmental impact. It is the perfect equation for a capitalist, consumer driven economy. Before I started my Honours thesis in Psychology last year I had this idea and posed it to a leading researcher of my university. I brought up the idea that cognitive dissonance plays a significant role in how we behave towards the environment. I was met with a blank stare, and then a flat out dismissal of this idea - ‘No, I don’t think there is much relation’. What do you think?

Written by Alex Stretton, photo by Duncan Davidson

Issue #2 2012 P2-5 Iranian Gays on Death Row by Anisa Varasteh P6 - 10 Actually, Your Place is in the Kitchen by Keelie Ferguson P11 - 12 Photography by Jacob Wolki P13 - 15 Thug for Life or Just Your Nanna? by Gaby Poly Cotton P16 - 18 IEnvironmental ‘Disasters’ and Cognitive Dissonance by Alex Stretton If you would like to write an article for AI Magazine, please do not hesitate to contact Alex at

No Machines, No Stationery Bikes, Just high quality personal/group fitness training. Contact Raul for more details:

So here we are once again, wrapping up the second issue of Autonomous Intellect. The response from the first issue was overwhelming and I thank everyone who contributed articles, artwork and their expertise towards this humble project. We received over 1500 readers online from all over the world, garnered an interview with the opposing UniSA magazine and managed to sell out of all the limited editions. Yay! I would like to thank the authors and artists who helped create this second issue. I would like to make it clear that Autonomous Intellect is 100% funded by myself, and this money is made back by selling limited art editions of the magazine. We are not funded through any advertising or affiliated with any institution. All advertising you see in the magazine is done for free to support local businesses who are doing something unique. If you would like to purchase a limited art edition or a standard edition of the magazine please contact All comments or submissions can be sent to this address. Keep your minds active Peace and love

Autonomous Intellect Issue #2 Edition...


Editor... Alex Stretton Cover Art... Chantel Lee Photography... Jacob Wolki Logo... Tim Richardson Background photo on this page by Adam Lau

AI exists because of the following people: James Burgess, Helen Dockrell, Ling Na Yan, Anisa Varasteh, Emily Loren Moss Ferrel, Tim Richardson, Chris Buttignol, Kari Raos Clark, Gaby Poly Cotton, Stephen Russell, Ashley Hooper, Stas Kosmodopoulos and Zak Holman

Thank You

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