Alternator operation and reasons for failure

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Paul Norman Jasper StaffwriterfatfAuto Parts University,f whosefreplacementfautofpartsfreviewsf andfreplacement car parts reviewsfaref popular.

Af vehiclef alternatorf isf af complexf componentf atf thef heartf off thef electricalf system.f Itf containsf anf outsidef statonaryf winding,f thef statorf andf af rotatngf innerfwindingforfrotator.fVoltagefrunsfthroughfthefvoltagefregulatorfandfthenf tof thef rotorf tof energizef thef alternatorf andf transformf itf intof af magnet.f Thef drivefbeltfthatfmakesfitfturnfoperatesfthefrotor.fThefmagnetcffeldfproducedf byf thef rotorf makesf ACf currentf inf thef stator.f Thef diodesf convertf thef ACf currentf tof DCf currentf tof operatef af vehiclesf electricalf system.f Thef voltagef regulatorf isf typicallyf builtf inf tof thef alternatorf andf itf controlsf thef outputf off voltage.

Reasons for Alternator Failure Anyfportonfoffthefcomplexfalternatorfcanffailfincludingfthefinnerfandfouterf bearings.f Af warningf signf off bearingf failuref isf whenf thef alternatorf whines.f Carbonf brushesf insidef offthef alternatorfcanfbefwornf asf wellf asf thef contactf ringsf andf thef voltagef regulator,f allf off whichf leadf tof mechanicalf failure.f Rebuildingfanfalternatorfincludesfreplacingfallfoffthesefpartsfwithinfit.

Thefalternatorfisf af workhorsef off powerf tof producef electricityf tof thef entref vehiclef tof rechargef thef batery,f powerf thef headlightsf andf allf electricalf accessories,f runf thef fuelf pumpf andf injectorsf asf wellf asf thef ignitonf system.f Thisf placesf af tremendousf loadf onf anf alternatorf asf itf generatesf af massivef amountfoffinternalfheatfasfitfruns.fThefdiodesfthatfconvertfACftofDCfelectricalf currentf canf overheatf andf burnf out,f causingf af mechanicalf failuref off anf alternator.fVehiclesfthatfarefdrivenfinftrafcfandfidlefforfaflongfperiodfofftmef withf highf electricalf loadsf canf generatef enoughf heatf tof alsof damagef thef stator,frotorfwindings,fbrushesfandfevenfthefwiringfleadsftofthefalternator.

Af vehiclef startsf byf usingf electricityf fromf thef batery.f Aferf startng,f thef alternatorfsuppliesfthefelectricityftofafcarfandfalsofrechargesfthefbateryfsof youfcanfcrankfthefenginefagain.fIffthefvehiclefhasfanfolderfbatery,fitfmayfnotf bef holdingf thef chargef thatf thef alternatorf isf supplyingf tof it.f Loosef bateryf cablesforfcablesfwithfcorrosionfonfthemfwillfnotfallowftheffullfcurrentfloadftof befreturnedftofthefbateryffromfthefalternator.fJump-startngfafdeadfbateryf thatfonlyfkeepsfthefenginefrunningfforfafveryfshortftmefisfanfindicatonfoffaf badf batery.f Replacingf bateriesf whenf theyf nearf thef endf off thef warrantyf periodf isf advisablef tof keepf customersf fromf havingf af stalledf vehiclef onf thef sidefoffthefroadfprematurely.

About Autopartsu.comfisfthefwebsitefoffAutofPartsfUniversity.fThisfsitefprovidesf informatonfonfvariousfcarfpartsfwithfdetailedfreviewsftofhelpfvisitors.fSitef contentf helpsf thef visitorsf tof fndf rightf solutonf forf autof parts.f Thisf sitef providesf artclesf thatf coverf detailedf informatonf off autof parts,f features,f generalf informaton,f fnancingf informatonf andf technicalf advicef artcles.f Replacementf autof partsf reviewsf atf autopartsu.comf aref popular.f Replacementf carf partsf reviewsf atf autopartsu.comf aref knownf forf theirf credibility.fItfofersfinformatonfonfafwidefvarietyfoffautofparts.fForfmoref detailsfonfthefautofpartsfpleasefvisitfhtp:// ffffffffThankfyoufforfspendingfyourfpreciousftmefinfreadingfthisfartcle.

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