Automotive Refinisher July-August 2014

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T H E   V O I C E   O F   T H E   I N D U S T R Y July - August 2014

Edition 174






COLLISION REPAIR ASSOCIATION 2_Layout 1 2014/03/19 11:25 AM Page 1

Enjoy the recognition you deserve.

In the last two decades the South African collision repair market has really come of age as right across the country top independent repair concerns have moved forward to embrace the changing technology of todays complex modern vehicles. One of the foremost concerns in recent years has been the constant bottom line profitability erosion partially due to the lack of standards which has lead to a over-traded repair environment. Top class independent shops have been left with only policies of a reactive nature and much difficulty in finding a proper return on their investment through a lack of recognition of the standards needed to run a professional repair facility. The Collision Repairers Association has adopted an entirely new approach to the industry and some of its challenges by recruiting the cream of the crop of the repair industry who have invested in standards and continue to put out quality repairs with the aim to please customers. The vast knowledge of the officials and staff will drive forward a strategic plan to improve repairer profits and gain recognition for the vast number of independent key role players in every area of activity in collision repair in South Africa.

The CRA over the past year have worked closely with some major insurers in putting together guidelines to progress the needs of both the insurance and repair sectors. The time has come for major structural repairers and the smaller nonstructural repair shops to have a dedicated voice at the negotiating table. Not only do we have to understand the insurance industry and some of their unique challenges, but we need to also offer long term sustainable solution to problems that have existed over the past 3 decades. The CRA is also driving a recognizable legislated standard via the DTI that will become compulsory for any repairer to trade in South Africa. This should see the repairers that have already invested in standards gain the recognition they so rightly deserve. The industry has certainly been begging for change and change has arrived in the form of the CRA. So call us soon to gain your place on the road forwards with the new trade organisation of the future in collision repairs. JOIN THE CRA AND GET THE RECOGNITION YOU DESERVE!

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Contents JULY - AUGUST 2014



Auto Escalate Campaign IBIS Conference MVP Business Solutions Roadshow



Standard Bank Review Auction Nation Auto Industry Insider


Top Shop


Interbilt Re-Vamp All New C-Class A Clean Promise



Kanye Vimba Moves House

4 10 16 20 32 36 43 56 60 82 89

Front Cover: Toyota i-Road e-scooter Contents: Isle of Man TT



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EDITOR’S BIT - by Claire Macfie



y the time you read this issue we will be in the thick of winter and hopefully the magazine will provide some respite from the cold weather and the monotony of trying to keep warm. In order to remain current we have redesigned our website to look as sleek as our new layout - on which we have had great feedback, thank you. Take a look at and see our feature stories, past editions and get information from the company index amongst other information. The team at A utomotive Refinisher have been travelling the globe of late and bring you feature stories from Spain (IBIS), Finland (Mirka) and the Isle of Man (TT Races) in this edition. Locally the collision repair market has been very newsworthy with the launch of a new salvage initiative – Auction Nation. This new venture seems set to change the face of how body shops and the public aquire damaged vehicles, just as Hyundai transformed the South African car market a few decades ago with their offer of warranties and new levels of customer service. We take a look at the new business of Freeway Toyota – a new body shop in Johannesburg. Commercially speaking we feature Interbilt who specialise in the repair of bigger truck bodies. All very interesting to read up on. Hands on advice on how standard operating procedures can improve the day-to-day running of your business is highlighted. By getting back to basics you can conserve time, energy and increase your productivity – a win-win situation all round. Who will support the new vehicle is a Future Tech article about how vehicle manufacturers design away without much thought to the collision repairer or aftermarket at all. It’s something the magazine has always felt important and once again this topic has been significant enough to have a look at again.

and already the vehicle damage levels have sunk in excess of 20% in Europe with these technology future world of gadgetry. So while we are worrying about getting on a particular repair approved insurance panel, the game changer is in full motion and there is an ever present elephant in the room – as every single part of each car gets upgraded with each nip and tuck design. To further contribute to this basic right to repair a damaged vehicle comes the trend that some major insurers are writing off vehicles at a rate of some 50% of retail value. What does that really mean to us? Well, as usual it’s a complex matter for not all insurers recommend this level and due to pure competition levels operate to go over 60% and more. With a number of playing fields in motion, as usual it’s hard to get a grip on exactly what the losses are to the body shop business. Given that on entry level vehicles a couple of air bags and a front fender section repair can quickly reach over R50 000 as motor maker’s parts to rebuild cars that have a spectrum of safety additions. With escalating parts prices and a falling Rand we see more bound for the scrapyards in the new world of collision repair. In my opinion, only those who take a keen interest in technology and pursue a road to get trained up on new model repairs are going to be around in this business for the long term. It’s estimated that only 30% of South African drivers are insured and with the accident road fund just about insolvent, who’s coming on a big white horse to save the trade? Absolutely no one. Margins are always under pressure because of constant insurance dominance and their mindless micro-managing of the repair cycle, so things aren’t stacking up too well. For now you have to give workmanship guarantees, supply courtesy cars, invest in new methodology like there is no tomorrow all on a one figure gross net margin. It’s going to be a big ask to keep going and with these salvage cars returning back into the system, who will carry these long term warranties? It’s then no surprise to see companies like Honda, Nissan, Hyundai and now VW amongst others, moving to save the car if it’s a borderline write-off vehicle. At least that’s a step in the right direction for the trade.

Write-off rates a worry

This month or two have been exceptionally busy with some high profile changes taking place as the captains of industry chop and change once more. A brief drive in the C-Class world car that’s a major success story for Mercedes-Benz soon showed built-in safety in every area of its design. The park distance control in all probability will be a mandatory piece of kit on cars sold in the next decade if the legislators and the safety crazy politicians have their way. It will undoubtedly contribute to a big downturn in vehicle road crashes












T H E   V O I C E   O F   T H E   I N D U S T R Y

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“Auto Escalate will provide body shop repairers with a sustainable future”, says Aleeshen Kisten.


he CRA have negotiated the most important development in the past decade, an automatic labour rate increase with insurers. Guaranteed annual escalations of labour rates equivalent to gazetted wage increases implemented by repairers. Auto Escalate is the future to ensure sustainability. What is Auto Escalate? With the latest wage negotiations concluded, repairers once again find themselves facing uncontrollable escalating costs. Whilst this may not address all of the direct and indirect cost escalations, it does provide a benchmark in moving labour rates in the industry consistently forward and creating a more sustainable environment. In recent times some insurers have provided for annual increases in line with government gazetted wage increases, however, the ambiguity of the content of such clauses have left us once again in a deprived situation and a victim of corporate dominance. As a result, annual increases have taken insurers a cycle of eight months to be implemented and in most instances at a lower percentage increase. This has created a cycle of three increases in a five-year period, exploiting repairers of their right to fair and reasonable annual, inflationary adjustments. There is no other industry that will accept or be forced to survive without annual increases. Do your landlords re-negotiate the rent every year on a 10year lease? No – the contract has a fixed annual escalation which is the norm. Would your staff be willing to work without an annual increase? Would insurance employees be willing to work for increases once every three years? Over the past decade insurers have over time and through deliberate processes ensured that the labour offerings remain stagnant and even at times forced repairers to accept less favourable terms to that which was applicable historically. Most repairers received labour rates of R260/per hour from Mutual and Federal in 2008, now the average rate in the contracts are around R250/per hour mark some six years later (discounted by inflation this means that you are earning the equivalent of R180/per hour). Such repairers have closed their shops by committing financial suicide in accepting these terms. Had Mutual & Federal escalated their 2008 labour rate by labour gazetted wage increases as should have been done, the rate for 2014 would be R420/per hour plus VAT, most other insurers are no better. Historically, we have tolerated these practices from insurers.

Repairers around the country have voted enough is enough. Repairers will no longer be subject to renegotiated terms that aim to diminish the labour remuneration. Besides it being linked directly to a social imperative of paying a liveable wage in an industry plagued by a scarcity of skills, it just does not make financial sense. The CRA and the industry have vowed to ensure automatic annual escalations in labour rates in line with gazetted wage rate increases. No contracts will be signed without this as a prerequisite. It is about time some fairness is brought back to the negotiating table. There is a major campaign aligning both the DTI and the trade unions in this imperative going foward. Every insurance contract signed by a repairer must contain the Auto Escalation Clause otherwise, we do not sign. Do not sign the future of your business into bankruptcy. Auto Escalate will be the only saviour of the repair industry for the future. Auto Escalate - A Practical Example Current Labour Rate : R300 per hour Apply Auto Escalation on 1 September every year (gazetted wage increase 8%) • 1 September 2014 - Guaranteed new labour rate - R324 per hour • 1 September 2015 - Guaranteed new labour rate - R350 per hour This is to be implemented by the repairers for every insurance contract each year on the 1st September. It will be unilaterally accepted by all insurers and is not negotiable. The CRA will hold a national members’ conference towards the end of July where we will launch the rollout of this groundbreaking campaign. Like the previous conference held in the past year, it promises to be the industry event of the year. More detail to follow shortly. The Auto Escalate Clause The labour and paint rates as stipulated will be automatically adjusted annually in line with the Government gazetted annual wage rate increase for the motor industry published as follows: • On 1 September ... % and thereafter annually as gazetted. For purposes of clarification of this clause the individual repairer will on the above stipulated date automatically increase his labour and paint rates by the stipulated increases. The insurer will update their system/advise their loss adjustors accordingly.


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Auto Escalate National Repairers and Staff Holiday The CRA and its members have declared the 1st of September each year to be a National repairers and Staff Holiday. It will be the day that both staff and employers receive their guaranteed increases. To add effect to this the CRA will host a number of sponsored events across the country with members and their staff in celebration of this revelation. When in doubt never hesitate, ensure your contracts contain Auto Escalate. Santam Admin Requirements - Good News After the recent communication from Santam regarding the uploading of supplier invoices to a central network point the CRA has received numerous complaints from members citing the need to employ additional resources for this function. The CRA have raised its members’ concerns at the recent Santam/MBR Associational meeting where the stance of CRA was that this was unacceptable to the MBR industry and placed a significant administrative burden on body shops leading to greater inefficiencies. Santam have conceded that this project will not be implemented which appeased the objections of the members and the ordinary course of business will continue. For further enquiries or complaints on this matter kindly email

Cap Parts Project With various insurers underway with the plan to roll out the certified alternate parts projects, the CRA will be keeping a watchful eye on how these projects unfold. Firstly, the protection of the rand value profit margin should always be a top priority, together with the quality and availability of supply of such parts. Santam have already run a pilot project and will create an internal escalation mechanism for any problematic cases. Other insurers are soon to follow in the pilot phase and we will be engaging them in due course on their roll out plan and mechanisms of dealing with supply, quality and financial remuneration. Hollard Negotiations The communication sent out late last year brought about extensive engagements with Hollard over the past few weeks and we are now in a position to provide a written signed agreement on various aspects raised previously with Hollard. Whilst this agreement is signed by CRA on behalf of its members, this agreement will have to be strictly policed by the members on the ground and measured against the complaints previously raised by CRA members. Our next national members conference is in July. Annual labour rate increases will come in on 1 September each year, annually gazetted.


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atsun marked its return to South Africa with the market introduction of the Datsun GO. The Datsun GO is designed to meet the needs and aspirations of today’s customers and is destined to carve a distinctive niche as a lifestyle vehicle for first time new car buyers. The return of Datsun reiterates the confidence in a brand that grew to iconic status in South Africa in the period between the 1960s and 1980s. Datsun brings with it a global heritage and reputation for durable, attractive and trustworthy vehicles that resulted in more than 20 million sales around the globe when the brand was a household name. “The return of Datsun to South Africa is integral to our expansion in high-growth markets where there are increasing numbers of upwardly-mobile people. With the introduction of Datsun here we are finalising the return and launch phase of this legendary brand. 2014 will be the year we realise this goal, when the brand becomes a reality for many customers across India, Indonesia, Russia and South Africa,” said Vincent Cobee, global head of Datsun. As the name suggests, the Datsun GO is designed for ‘people on the GO’– people who are active, have defined priorities and pursue the optimum choice for their stage of life. These young customers want a stylish, accessible, roomy and economical vehicle, which fits comfortably with their rapidly changing lifestyle. Datsun GO is designed to answer those needs. “We believe our riser customers are doing more to be even more successful in their pursuits, enabling them to break through in life. In the South African context dreams, accessibility and trust translate into working hard, having a thirst for growth, and living life as an adventure without losing sight of the community or your roots,” said Desmond Fenner, GM, head of Datsun in South Africa. “It’s about having aspirations of being a better person and we believe that Datsun products are the enablers that assist in making the “Break Through” in life,” continued Fenner. Datsun GO is planned to go on sale in the last quarter of 2014 and their aim is to bring the car in at below R100k making it a real value proposition for first time new car buyers. Sales and service will be initially established through a network of 30 Datsun branded dealerships throughout South Africa, a number to be doubled in mid-term. For more Datsun news and information visit the Datsun website on, like our Facebook page,, view our youtube site on, find us on Instagram, and/or #Datsunisback on Twitter.



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he 10th annual IBIS was hosted this year in the famous Hotel D’arts next to Barcelona’s thriving beachfront promenade in Spain. On arrival 350 of the world’s most influential delegates were treated to welcome drinks at the IBIS ‘networking party’ at Shoko - one of Barcelona’s premuim beach bars. With everyone settled in the following morning started with an opening welcome note from event director David Lingham. David said that he hadn’t seen so much change in the industry as he had done over the past 12 months and that whoever he spoke with, all seemed to be asking the same questions. He added that everywhere he had visited recently, including developing areas of Europe, that there were pockets of excellence to be seen. He summed it up by saying, “You can go anywhere in the world today and see excellence”. This years IBIS programme comprised of various components, but all followed a ‘best practice’ theme, with emphasis made at each stage that qualification and quality work ethics are critical for business growth. You cannot achieve that kind of best practice to any degree in any business without having the best people working with for you. Several sessions of the conference referred to the people aspect of the business. You have to have the right quality of person who will take your business to the next level. We were then introduced to Lori Blaker, President/CEO of TTi Global, a global staffing, learning, research and consulting company based in the US. Under Lori’s leadership, TTi Global grew 263% over the past five years and is now a worldwide business spanning 23 offices on four continents. Lori couldn’t emphasise enough how critical it is to find the right qualified people for the job, in any business. Lori said “It’s crucial for customer satisfaction”. If they are not happy on the job it creates a significant impact on the company because of the low standard of work they produce - low standards affect business. “The solution to improve a company’s work force is by working smarter and more creatively to attract the right kind of talent to your business. You now need to be a brand with personality that’s attractive to work for, or you’re not going to find the right talent” said Lori. The statistic that drove it home for me was that by 2016, 70% of people will be accessing the net or browsing from their cellphones to find jobs, so it’s not as simple as just placing an ad in the newspaper anymore. Lori’s resolution for the matter was for companies to develop a better marketing strategy for recruitment. It has now become very necessary for a company to have an online presence and it is imperative to further your brand. Her five steps to becoming more web-Savvy would be to build a complete strategy around social media, which best creatively markets your business. In doing so, you have contact with those prospective clients if they feel the need to query anything. Once this is done you will be well on your way to becoming the company others want to work for as you develop your employer brand and company mojo. “Your brand plays a huge role in talent recruitment,” said Lori. She then moved on to examples of other well known brands such as Coca Cola, Apple, Google and Ikea - making sense of how they had become ‘cool’ to prospective employees by making YouTube video’s or even adverts to spark interest in the company from the prospective target group. Peter De Roo of EMM then hosted an innovative session entitled, ‘Move to retail – can it work?’ where he revealed EMM’s new two hour repair initiave. He highlighted how it requires ‘a different mindset and a new experience’. Peter said, “Can body shops move more into retail? Yes, we do believe that.” He explained that since the Dutch economy had changed so rapidly it became mandatory for local shops to explore new ideas and implement them. The old school body shop owner had to quickly move into a new mindset to recognise potential new business for their shops. The plan was to create a “high tech environment” within the existing perimetre where cosmetic car repair can be done, but now do it - within two hours. All the while with the customer enjoying a perfect cup of coffee and possibly browsing their time away using free company Wi-Fi?


David Lingham

Peter De Roo

Lori Blaker

Dr Thomas Aubel

Pics & story by Jay Groat They could even view the repair live on a TV set creating a ‘feel good’ experience for the client knowing that everything is taken care of and learning about your company process at the same time. This ‘while you wait’ concept opens up a massively under-developed side of this market. It would be an initial slow for any company in the beginning, but would build up to a sustainable part of your business, plus attract new customers that normally wouldn’t have bothered to call due to the fact that a repair would take too long. It has the potential to be a two cars a day repair with a futher 3-4 cars diverted into your regular shop per week. The financials at the end of the day look better with the payoff being that you are able to offer the client a two hour solution. The body shop generated more business compared to its standard operation module and is currently up 10% over the first period of operating in the new format. Dr Thomas Aubel of TUV Rheinland gave insight into “A best practice test in Spain”. He started by showing the ‘perfect world’ and then highlighted the global reality with some case studies made in Japan. He exhibited TUV’s global improvement concept and suggested to delegates ‘drive your improvements the way you want, with the speed that you want’. He told the IBIS audience, “We want to work on developing standards and close the gap to achieve high quality across the world”. The company working together with Axalta have interests globally in getting together with large corporates to monitor and manage growth, performance and training. They are currently making Spain an example of their progress and should, by 2015, have some figures of how well their complete system works. Some case studies of clients were shown where a rise in come back and company productivity were seen. Their initial interest was to manage global networks productivity and better accommodate the repairer ensuring good communication between insures and repairers and maintain OEM standards of repair across the globe. 11

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NEWS FROM THE ZOO - by Roger Houghton



he global motor industry is generally undecided as to which is the motive power choice of the future. There are now several options and they seem to wax and wane in popularity. Look at the recent Le Mans 24-hour race where three vastly different power units were used by three carmakers – the equivalency was amazing. The result was a very exciting and closely fought race that still failed to champion one type of powertrain over another. Audi, winners for the 13th year, used a four-litre, single turbo, V6 diesel engine with energy retrieval via a front axle kinetic system with storage in the flywheel of the virtually all-new R18 E-Tron Quattro. Ranged against the latest technology from Ingolstadt were the brand new Porsche 919 Hybrid and the Toyota TS040 Hybrid, both of which used petrol as fuel. However, there the similarity ended. The Porsche used a two-litre single turbo V4 engine linked to an energy retrieval system that used a front axle kinetic system in tandem with an exhaust gas driven turbine with the electricity stored in water-cooled lithium ion batteries. The Toyota was powered by a normally-aspirated 3.7-litre V8 with energy retrieval from kinetic systems on the front and rear axles and electricity storage in a super-capacitor. Pure electric cars, which are being championed in some quarters, are certainly not new and go right back to the early years of the motorised horse carriage in the late 19th century. There has been intermittent interest in this power source in the intervening years, particularly as smaller and more efficient battery packs were developed. Those people of my era can still remember the silent, electric “floats” that were used for the daily home delivery of milk in SA. Subsequently I have driven an electric Toyota RAV 4 and a Nissan Leaf as well as watching electric motorcycles lapping the Isle of Man TT course at high speed; this year a Mugen ridden by multiple TT winner John McGuinness lapped the 67km circuit at an average of more than 190km/h – but then the battery was virtually flat! A comparatively short range before recharging remains a big turnoff for buyers of pure electric vehicles, as Nissan with the Leaf and GM with the Chevrolet Volt and Opel Ampere have experienced. Even with internal combustion range extenders it is difficult to overcome a driver’s range anxiety. One exception among electric cars appears to be the Tesla, which is the brainchild of SA-born Elon Musk. The company seems to be selling up a storm but there are ongoing doubts about the viability and sustainability of Musk’s entire business model. 14

Once again the combination of a diesel engine and a complex hybrid system proved a winning recipe for Audi at Le Mans.

Pure electric vehicles also need expensive investment in a charging grid infrastructure in urban areas and one should also remember that a substantial amount of the electricity used in the world is generated by coal-fired power stations that belch noxious gases into the atmosphere and use up global coal deposits at a rapid rate. Hybrids, be they petrol-electric or diesel-electric, seem to be the most popular option to cut emissions and fuel consumption. This is where Toyota, the largest and most successful motor company in the world, has hedged its bets. I was privileged to be at the unveiling of the Prius Hybrid concept car by Toyota at the Tokyo Motor Show in 1995 and visited the factory that made many of the specialised components. This gamechanging car came to market at the end of 1997 and Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) has now sold more than six million hybrids under the Toyota and Lexus badges. The majority of these cars have been members of the growing Prius family, but TMC now makes 24 passenger car models with hybrid power units. The company claims its hybrids have resulted in 41-million tons less of CO2 going into the atmosphere and a saving of 15-million kilolitres of petrol. Most motor manufacturers now have one or more hybrid model in their ranges but none have put as much focus on this alternative power source as TMC. Plug-in hybrids which permit a hybrid car’s batteries to be charged by mains electricity are even more sparing on fuel and hence emissions into the atmosphere and are becoming more popular. The new buzz word these days is the hydrogen fuel cell car, but again they need an extensive infrastructure to provide the necessary liquid hydrogen to keep them operating. This is certainly not a new concept and I remember travelling in a Hino fuel cell bus in Japan a couple of decades ago, while last year I experienced Hyundai fuel cell power in one of its buses in Korea. However, significant steps have been made in the intervening years to make this motive power more efficient and the components smaller and lighter, so it seems to have a bright future. Several carmakers are very serious about fuel cell cars and will start rolling them out in increasing numbers in the next couple of years. Only time will tell what is the Holy Grail for motive power in the future, but you can be assured that the current petrol and diesel internal combustion engines, which are becoming much more frugal and less polluting, will be with us for a long time yet.


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“Quality First” is the simple and effective philosophy that Carsystem® stand by and you really feel it throughout their range of products.


arsystem® is a complete range of quality paint related products for intelligent and practical solutions for professional body shops. The German based company Vosschemie which launched Carsystem® worldwide was founded in 1955 by Klaus-Wilhelm Voss. Vosschemie originally produced products and techniques in the field of cold curing plastics. The company, which was a family enterprise, was highly innovative and through their innovation and investment in research and development they established themselves a manufacturer of quality products. The origin of Carsystem® lies in the development of polyester putties specifically developed for automotive body repairs. With the rising demand for competitively priced refinish accessories they expanded their range of products in order to offer professional body shops worldwide a comprehensive system of paint related products. Carsystem® today has a range of more than 2 000 products which are distributed by 59 distributors and partners worldwide. The products are precisely matched to ensure perfect results. The quality of their products is guaranteed by their professional management system that complies with the DIN EN 9001:2008 requirements. Carsystem® has a simple but highly effective philosophy – quality first. They believe in listening closely to the needs of the body shops and doing it better than their competitors. They adjust their product range continually in a quest for perfection to ensure that body shops use products that achieve the finest finish and minimise the costs of consumption of paint related products. They have high expectations from themselves which is the primary reason for their international success. Carsystem® products have been distributed in Southern Africa by Bulldog Abrasives Southern Africa since the latter part of the 1990’s. The growth in the market share of the Carsystem® products in South Africa is testimony to the fact that their products do indeed achieve the finest finish and minimise the costs of consumption of paint related products.



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ollowing the success of the 2013 ‘Go Green’ road show, PPG Coatings South Africa’s Refinish Division embarked on their annual road show, during the early days of May. Joining them this time around was Juan Navarro, Business Solutions & Branding Director PPG Automotive Refinish EMEA (Europe, Middle East & Africa) and Matteo Carraro, EMEA Business Solutions Manager. South Africa is a highly competitive market and is growing fast. That is why premium products and services are playing a fundamental role to win the challenges of meeting the increasing expectations of body shops and influencers for top quality standards, repair process optimisation and high customer satisfaction. For this reason the Refinish Division introduced a value added proposition offer to the market, called MVP Business Solutions. During the full week event, the local sales teams and marketing organisation travelled across the country, organising customer events in all the key cities, where they had the opportunity to interact with some of their top customers as well as key prospects and leading market influencers; these events were also supported by local key distributors. The road show commenced in Pretoria at the majestic Royal Elephant Hotel and Conference centre, situated on the banks of the Hennops River, continued on to Johannesburg, Durban and concluded in Cape Town at the Cassia Restaurant on the Nitida Wine Estate. The presentation guided the delegates through the key challenges body shops need to deal with on a daily basis, from market changes, industry challenges and the demands and expectations from OE’s, Insurers and customers. It explained how the MVP programme can bring solutions and how it can assist body shops to use key success factors for increased productivity and profitability. MVP Business Solutions provides the body shop with tools, training and business development services directed at optimal success. One of MVP’s key messages and mission is to give people enough understanding about what really drives cycles times in body shops in order to be effective in solving problems and developing solutions on their own. In order to move ahead, change is required, but change is not always easy and this is where PPG’s MVP Programme will assist and guide the body shop to their full potential, with increased productivity and 16

From left to right: Errol Ferreira, Matteo Carraro, Juan Navarro and Laura Chapman were on hand from PPG for the national roadshow.

The PPG customer events were met with great enthusiasm. Each event saw a good representation of PPG’s clients.

The MVP Business Solutions programme was well received nation wide as it will assist and guide the body shop to their full potential with increased productivity and profitability. Seen here Tammy Robberts and the staff from Balco Coatings Cape. profitability. The implementation process will start with a good analysis of the body shop, followed with benchmark reports and recommendations for optimal improvement and success. The recommendations will be reviewed on a regular basis and adapted to suit the needs of the body shop until the best satisfactory levels are met.

The feedback on the roadshow has been met with great enthusiasm with all participants declaring their interest in the MVP project. In conclusion – “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, not the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change” – Charles Darwin. PPG continues to be a leading coatings and specialty product’s company.


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For more information call +27 (0)11 953 2576 or visit

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s the attention of football fans around the world turns to Brazil, the DeVilbiss team has captured all the excitement in the latest special edition GTi Pro Lite Spray gun, the ‘Brazil’. The colours of the Brazilian flag have been carefully blended in heavy-duty anodising over the ergonomically designed, forged-aluminium body of the GTi Pro Lite and the football theme continues with super high-quality laser engraving, no ridiculous transfer fees apply here! Unlike the world’s best strikers there’s no-kick when it comes to the GTi Pro Lite’s air valve that is rapidly establishing itself as the industry standard of precision trigger control for professional painters. Meanwhile the world’s best players acknowledge DeVilbiss’ industry-leading atomisation with all professional refinish materials, in particular waterborne basecoats, where a perfect pattern ensures excellent flake lay and accurate colour matching. Perfect control is the hallmark of every world-class player, so you can specify your Brazil spray gun with the HV30 air cap for basecoats, or a TE 10 or TE 20 High Efficiency air cap for base and clear coats. Fluid tip size choices are the 1.2, 1.3 or 1.4. Supplied as complete refinishers’ kits they include the spray gun, gravity cup and paint filter, four coloured ID snap rings, the Torx screwdriver, combination spanner and cleaning brush together with an exclusive Brazil T-shirt. Ask your official DeVilbiss distributor to put your name down for a Brazil spray gun – you don’t want to end up in the reserves.




his new fully automatic spot welder from Telwin is of the water-cooled type and the transformer spot welding system comes fully kitted with a tungsten system. The software in use features the latest high power pulse welding technology and accreditation for approved use is already in place with MercedesBenz, Volvo and Ford OEM carmakers. The unit can easily weld high strength steels (HSS) and galvanised sheet metals with the power clamp units. The spec sheets are impressive for the Smart Aqua machine and its fully automatic performance capability. The Inverterspotter 14 000 Smart Aqua 400V +ACC is a medium frequency, direct current (MFDC) inverter technology, microprocessor controlled resistance welding machine. The innovative Smart Autoset technology, thanks to the automatic recognition of the materials and thickness, eliminates setup times and guarantees optimal spot welding, even if the types of steel to be processed are not known. It is particularly suitable for body shop applications and industrial use and gives excellent results also on high strength steel (HSS)/boron and galvanised metal sheets. The multifunction digital panel can be used to select the automatic Smart Autoset mode as well as the easy, Pro, Multi semiautomatic technology allows for high spot-welding currents with low absorption rates, the use of longer (5M) and lighter cables for a better holding and wider range of action and minimum magnetic fields around the cables. Automatic pressure monitoring ensures excellent adjustment of the force applied to the clamp electrodes. Characteristics: l Pre and post-heating for interventions on HSS and galvanised metals l Automatic recognition of the arm and inserted tool l Monitoring of mains voltage l Automatic cooling control of machine, clamp and cables l Regulation of approach, slope welding and holding times l Regulation in pulsed welding


l Automatic/manual regulation of pressure between electrodes, complete with water-cooled pneumatic clamp and trolley. Contact Andre or Hendry on +27 (0)11 793 1251 to arrange a personal demonstration on the new inverter welder. The water-cooled 14 000 Inverterspotter delivers excellent results with Boron (HSS) or galvanised sheet metal as well as all types of mild steel parts. Included is a water-cooled pneumatic clamp and mobile trolley package.


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hile the Reserve Bank remains confident that the economy is unlikely to fall into a recession, the possibility that South Africa could slide into a recession if a second quarter of negative economic activity is recorded, will impact on the sales of light and commercial vehicles alike, says Standard Bank. The increasing pressure on the automotive sector has been particularly felt in the sales of new vehicles, says Steven Barker, head of secured lending at Standard Bank. This has been apparent in the slowdown of credit growth within households, to its lowest level since November 2012 when it stood at a high of 10.4%. In April this dropped to only 4.6%. Commercial vehicle sales are also under pressure across all categories. Fleets are getting older as replacement cycles are lengthened, and this has resulted in rapidly increased vehicle maintenance costs. Fierce competition for loads between transport operators is also leading to reduced profit margins, placing further stress on the sector. When considering that fuel costs have increased considerably and continue to fluctuate, insurance premiums are up, and wear and tear increases as vehicles exceed their replacement cycles, and their values depreciate, the pressures within the commercial sector become obvious.” “It was therefore no surprise that recent sales figures revealed that during May, domestic sales of new light commercial vehicles, bakkies and minibuses continued to decline year on year by 5.1% to 13 866 units, although in comparison to April of the same year, we have seen a marginal increase in the number of units sold. Sales of medium commercial vehicles, at 752 units continued to drop 14.4% year on year whilst new heavy trucks and bus sales increased by 4.3% to 1 785 units.

“Vehicle Exports continue to show a sharp decline year on year at 40.5% with a total of 15 613 units, some 10 000 less units than May 2013. Expectations of increased exports rest heavily on an improved production in the second quarter and an introduction of another vehicle for the export market,” Barker says. With inflation creeping past the 6% ‘comfort level’ set by the Reserve Bank, many potential car and commercial vehicle buyers could also be delaying purchasing decisions, says Barker. “There was a welcome respite last month when the Reserve Bank decided not to increase the base prime interest rate – despite many predictions to the contrary.” It can be expected, however, that rates will be on the up. More cautious vehicle buyers will consider this and the impact it could have on mortgages and other financial commitments. On the other hand, many buyers will stay in the market and either ‘buy down’ or look to acquire a preowned vehicle in the belief that buying now could pre-empt further increases later in 2014 and early in 2015.” “A bright spot in an otherwise subdued outlook for the remainder of the year is that exports of the new Mercedes-Benz CClass are expected to begin in July. This could see volumes of exports increasing and a recovery in export sales in the second half of 2014.” Although various authoritative sources within the industry expect either a decline (Naamsa 3,5%) in new car sales, there is consensus that the second-hand car market will show significant growth in the personal market. “The value of sales in this arena will be bolstered by the number of low mileage vehicles that come on the market with portions of service and maintenance contracts intact. This sector will be made

Steven Barker, Standard Bank Head of Secured Lending.

more attractive by expected subdued economic growth. Further price increases for new vehicles will be above the inflation rate due to pressure on the rand and interest rates. “Whilst businesses are under strain, we urge business owners to weigh up the increased costs of servicing older fleets plus the increased down-time on your business versus purchasing new vehicles. When your maintenance costs outweigh the cost of a new vehicle, then the obvious choice of replacing becomes financially sound.” “Many will regard the purchase of a new vehicle at this stage of the year as a way of staying in the market, and will attempt to stabilise their motoring costs by defining their budgets and holding them at a set level. Mechanisms like balloon payments, no deposits, as well as competition amongst finance houses will undoubtedly assist these decisions.” “Other buyers will purchase down to stay with their favourite car brand, with the belief that we have weathered recessions before, and that economic downturns are cyclical events. They will rationalise that where there is a downturn there must be an upturn, and that the purchase of a new vehicle should be seen in this light,” says Barker.


Teknikloth high-tech lint free surface cleaners are an absolute must for all paint shops and provide less wastage and linting than other systems of preparation. Teknikloth is available from: l All BASF Branches l l l l l l l l

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ew between April and May 2014, consumers are continuing to buy vehicles, but are adopting new strategies to relieve the increasing financial pressure being placed on their household income, says Standard

Bank. The National Association of Automobile Manufacturers of South Africa (Naamsa) reported that new car registrations increased from 30 873 in April up to 32 984 at the end of May this year. Briefing the media at a Standard Bank event in Johannesburg, Nicholas Nkosi, head of vehicle and asset finance at Standard Bank – Personal Markets, said the financial challenges being faced by most South Africans have been put in the spotlight considering that the market has suffered a 7% decline in new registrations comparing year to date May 2013 to year to date May 2014. However, the market has been granted respite due to the Reserve Bank’s recent decision not to increase the base-lending rate – despite inflationary pressure on the economy. “History has shown that a .5% increase in the base interest rate results in vehicle sales dropping by about 2%. While this pressure has been avoided, the relief will undoubtedly prove to be temporary if inflation continues to cause concern to monetary authorities.” Consumers considering buying new cars will be heartened by rates remaining stable and many will continue with their plans to purchase new vehicles. Those with a short-term view on the potential of interest rates rising could shield themselves from higher rates by buying ‘down’ and taking advantage of the special offers that abound in times like these,” said Nkosi. “Vehicle affordability has been placed under pressure not only by the low value of the rand internationally, but domestic pressure that has included toll fees, fluctuating fuel costs and increasing vehicle maintenance costs. As a result, those looking for value in the personal car segment are opting to buy low mileage preowned vehicles,” reiterated Nkosi. “Smaller vehicles are also enjoying an upsurge in popularity. In


this competitive sector, demand is primarily being driven by the attraction of lower operating costs. The introduction of high Nicholas Nkosi, Standard Bank Head of Vehicle specification levels, and Asset Finance. which often rival those found in more expensive vehicles, is also driving sales.” “South African motorists will continue to view cars as an aspirational purchase. Their love affair with vehicle brands will continue to play a major role in purchasing decisions.” “Brand loyalty will result in many consumers opting to buy vehicles without a deposit. The ‘balloon payment’ option will be accepted as part of these purchases so that monthly payments can be contained within personal budgets.” Nkosi believes the rationale behind these purchases is that these vehicles can be traded in on a regular basis. The costs that would have been incurred by a balloon payment are then avoided as this is simply rolled over into the cost of the next vehicle. The relative affordability of pre-owned vehicles has seen sales increase dramatically. This is mainly due to the fact that many vehicles were traded in to avoid balloon payments. This meant additional value to pre-owned vehicle purchasers who often acquired vehicles that had maintenance and service plans that were still valid. “In many cases maintenance and service plans are tied to terms of 100 000 kilometres. When this is reached, many owners sell their vehicles because they have documented maintenance records, and are considered attractive purchases. “Although activity in the market will continue, it remains to be seen whether industry predictions that 150 000 new vehicles will be sold in 2014 will be reached,” concluded Nkosi.


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he Gallagher Convention centre will be the host site on all things automotive from the 13th to 17th of October 2014. With a huge trade show and conferences it promises to become Africa’s premier automotive manufacturing trade show offering component manufacturing industries to show their products to both up stream and down stream clients. It’s held every two years and designed to be the showcase of the continent’s wares. This year’s key feature is the unprecedented level of participation from policy makers and government agencies with a big boost also coming from manufacturers in the sector. “It’s designed to expose to foreign visitors our professional status on component makers,” says Andrew Binning, “with electric vehicles and green energy alternative fuels and logistical infrastructure.” South Africa has a big footprint in the

component export market. The venue will assist in developing brands both nationally and internationally with excellent opportunities for networking and establishing partnerships on the continent. The show is also fully endorsed by national government, the MINP programme and all South African Automotive industry associations. As a venue and trade expo covering industrial machinery component makers, aftermarket products, robotics, shipping companies, OEMs it looks set to be able to bring international delegations from the widest backgrounds in Africa to the metropolis of Gauteng for a full, actionpacked programme of events in Midrand. Join The Conference Carlos Ghosn has increased the savings targets for the Renault-Nissan alliance by

7.5%. Ford intends to reduce its supplier base by 40%. GM is sourcing a one cost model sourcing approach. /The implications for the supplier community is clear, maintaining business with the biggest OEMs will require additional cost downs. That is why we are pleased to invite you to join us for this full day workshop. ‘Defending Price’, which is specifically designed to help automotive industry suppliers resist demand for discounts. Suppliers in South Africa who have attended this seminar in the past have rated it highly. Nearly 700 automotive and heavy duty suppliers have attended, including 84 of the Top 100 European suppliers. Complete programme information, including pricing and registration information can be found by clicking the following link: or call Graziella Ventresca Norton on +27 (0)41 363 0310 for more details.

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yundai’s all-new Grand i10 has arrived in South Africa, and this small well-endowed hatchback has all the potential to fill the shoes of a forerunner that has helped to put the Korean car brand’s name on the map in our country. The all-new Grand i10 is launched in South Africa in three derivatives: the 1.25 Motion manual, the 1.25 Fluid manual (with a slightly higher specification level) and the 1.25 Fluid with a four-speed automatic gearbox. Influenced by Hyundai Motor Company’s design philosophy, “fluidic sculpture”, the Grand i10 features sleek and substantial lines that emphasise the naturally athletic stance of a model that is longer, wider and lower than its predecessor. The larger body shell of the Grand i10 yields one of the roomiest occupant cabins on the market, as well as an impressive 256 litres of trunk capacity. Up to 1 202 litres becomes available when the rear seats are folded – also one of the best in its class. New levels of craftsmanship can be found in the spacious interior, together with levels of comfort and safety equipment commonly only found in segments above. Among the many features of the all-new Grand i10 are luxury items such as Bluetooth connectivity to the sound system; keyless


entry and electrically heated and folding side mirrors (for the two Fluid derivatives); USB and AUX ports for the sound system; an air conditioner and central locking for all the derivatives. All three derivatives are also equipped with front fog lamps, a full–size spare wheel, attractive 14-inch alloy wheels, height adjustment for the driver’s seat, and remote controls for the sound system on the steering wheel. The Grand i10’s 1,25-litre engine belongs to Hyundai Motor’s popular “Kappa” engine family and incorporate a range of advanced technical features that raise power and torque, and enhance smoothness and driveability. The 1 248 cc engine delivers 64kW peak power at 6 000 r/min., and reaches its maximum torque delivery of 120Nm at 4 000 r/min. The power is delivered in a spirited fashion and the small, yet perky engine never gives the impression that it is labouring. Fuel consumption can be as low as a measured 5,9 litres/100km, with emissions of 130g/m in the 1.25 Motion manual and 1.25 Fluid manual derivatives, and 6,9 litres/100km with emissions of 147g/km for the 1.25 Fluid with the four-speed automatic gearbox. The McPherson strut front suspension of

the all-new Grand i10 features revised geometry and a new tie-rod design that greatly enhances steering feedback and precision, while improving handling characteristics. The body shell of the Grand i10 is stiffer than its i10 sibling, thanks to the use of hightensile steel, tailored blanks, reinforcing loops and additional bracing, with torsional rigidity increased by 27% compared to the smaller i10. High-tensile steel forms 29,2% of the body structure of the Grand i10 – a huge increase over the 9% used in the original i10. Dual airbags: one for the front passenger and the other for the driver – and an Advanced Brake System (ABS) takes care of safety in the all-new Grand i10. At a price range from R139 900 to R159 900, with Hyundai’s five-year/150 000km warranty and roadside assistance thrown in, the Grand i10 offers exceptional value. The red interior option with a leather cloth combination would add R5 000 to the price. A service plan is also an optional item. The Grand i10 is available in eight colours, ranging from Star Dust, Phantom Black and Pure White to a lovely Golden Orange, Aqua Blue and Red Passion. Twilight Blue and Sleek Silver completes the choice of colours.


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hatcham Research’s campaign to secure government-funded support to buy cars with anti-crash technology is achieving global acclaim. Crash-test experts from around the world met at the Global NCAP Forum in Melbourne, Australia, recently to mark the third anniversary of the UN Decade of Action on Road Safety and share international knowledge on cutting deaths and injuries on the world’s roads. The importance of fleet safety was highlighted with the launch of the Global NCAP Fleet Buyer’s Guide. The Guide establishes best practice for fleet operators in their vehicle selection and provides guidelines on sourcing safe vehicles. In particular, the guide recommends fleet buyers to opt for cars with the top ‘five star’ safety rating. At the Forum, research director of Thatcham, Matthew Avery, outlined the huge reduction in crashes with AEB equipped cars and the need for NCAPs worldwide to encourage system fitment by integrating global test standards. Thatcham’s current “Stop the Crash” campaign, which is gaining UK support points out that those who choose to buy a car with autonomous emergency braking are seeking to minimise the risk to other road users and that the government should meet buyers halfway, with a concessionary £500 as an incentive. “This has huge potential for fleet buyers, who purchase half of the two million cars sold in the UK every year, says Avery. “Motivated by a combination of duty of care for employees, corporate social responsibility and effective cost controls, a growing number of organisations are introducing fleet safety policies and selecting only five-star cars for their employees. BHP Billiton, the world’s largest resource extraction company, and the Governments of Australia and Sweden have already adopted this policy. We are delighted that the Global NCAP guide rates vehicles with electronic stability control and pedestrian protection as “strongly preferred” and the new crash avoidance technology AEB as “highly recommended”. Max Mosley, chairman of Global NCAP, said: “If a company provides a car for their staff to use, it should be as safe as reasonably possible. A five-star or Top Pick safety rating is the best indication of this. It’s prudent also to check whether cars also meet the UN’s minimum safety regulations. With so many global brands neglecting to apply these regulations, fleet managers and company car drivers should not assume basic safety comes as standard.”




report released from the Quality Parts Coalition (QPC) demonstrated a significant price gap between original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and aftermarket or alternative versions of the 20 most commonly sold auto collision parts from 2009-14. The research was conducted by the Certified Automotive Parts Association (CAPA) and compiled by QPC. All parts used in the study were certified by the CAPA. According to the study by QPC, the top 20 aftermarket parts were priced, on average, 29% less than the OEM versions of the parts. The largest discrepancy was 50%. In total, the price differences accounted for an $80 million savings for car owners since 2009. “This report reinforces the importance of consumers having a choice when making collision repairs to their cars,” said Ed Salamy, executive director of the QPC. “Without competition, auto manufacturers would be free to charge inflated prices, and consumers would have no other options.” According to its release, QPC “represents the interests of the independent parts industry, repairers, insurers, consumers and seniors.” -



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With three national outlets planned, Auction Nation hope to find new owners for over 1 000 accident damaged and recovered insurance vehicles a month.


uction Nation auctioneers have a whole new makeover in dealing with insurance salvage nationally. Bluespec Holdings, the leading service provider of outsourced procurement solutions for major South African Insurance Companies, including FNOL (first notice of loss), auto body repair, roadside incident services, salvage management solutions and vehicle logistics is proud to announce the newest member of the group. An entirely new arm of the business called Auction Nation has been developed to offer salvage buyers a welcoming environment that caters for their salvage needs. The group has been in operation since 2002 and is listed on all major insurance company panels. The operations within the group pride themselves on the highest levels of technical proficiency and service enhancements. Auction Nation will follow suit in order to provide its clients with the same superior levels of service provision. The auction site will be furnished with state-of-the-art technology, streamlining the auction process and enabling buyers to view each and every vehicle that is being auctioned on any given day, whilst it is being auctioned. “Auction Nation will change the face of Salvage Auctioneering. Traditionally these auctions are held in unwelcoming warehouses with little to no facilities and clientele are treated purely as a number. Our facilities are of a superior standard with comfortable arena seating, fully equipped reception and accounts areas as well as internet stations and canteen and lounge facilities,” said Errol Levin, COO of Auction Nation. Dedicated staff will be on hand to assist first time visitors through the entire auctioning process to take the uncertainty out of the equation and to make the experience an exciting and adventurous one. Whether the client is a regular salvage purchaser 32

who repairs the cars to resell them or purchases the vehicles for their parts, or a once-off buyer who intends repairing the vehicle to drive it, every buyer will be treated in the same regard and every effort will be made to ensure that the environment is a nonintimidating one. What would an auction be without a dynamic auctioneer? Auction Nation’s auctioneer is Gift Ngwenya, well known in the industry with decades of experience on the auction floor. At age 19, Gift began working Zimbabwe’s largest auction house, Hammer and Tongues. He later became the youngest auctioneer on the tobacco sales floor and later spent many years actively involved in selling horses. Through his knowledge of this industry, he quickly became one of Zimbabwe’s top horseracing commentators. Upon returning to South Africa, Gift joined Auction Alliance until 2012. Since then, he’s worked as a freelance auctioneer for a variety of auction houses, selling anything from properties to cattle to vehicles and horses. Auctions are held every Tuesday in Johannesburg, and every two weeks in Cape Town and Durban. The process has been simplified in order to facilitate a less time-consuming experience for bidders. The first step involves registration which can be done in three ways: online via, on the phone by dialling 08610 28948, or on the day. The next step involves receiving a unique buyer’s number and an Auction Nation loyalty card packed with great benefits, such as receiving advance notice of cars being sold, free car wash, access to the VIP section and more. And finally the last step – going to the auction. Prior to the auction the online catalogue can be viewed three days beforehand; the vehicles can be viewed onsite.


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hen you first meet Gys Steyn, CEO of Auction Nation – latest addition to the Bluespec Holdings group – you can’t help but feel a little intimidated. A chartered accountant by profession with a commanding presence, he loves getting his teeth stuck into the growth of a business. Before long you realise that Gys is a driven, motivated, focused individual who holds honesty and ethics in the workplace in high regard. Steyn started Care Assist in 1992 that later merged with Europ Assistance where he remained the CEO until taking on this new challenge at Auction Nation. Auction Nation opened its doors to the public on 13 May, 2014 with a determination to change the face of salvage auctioneering in South Africa. Steyn hopes to position Auction Nation as the leaders of the salvage auctioning sector and he believes this can be achieved through enhancing the buyers experience and remaining technically proficient. One month into it and Steyn can already see the potential to advance auctioneering online as opposed to boardroom style. “While I believe the boardroom style auctions will continue to take place, I firmly believe that more and more people will move to online bidding,” concluded Steyn.

Once a vehicle has been purchased from a client or insurer, it stays on a special body rack carrier until it’s sold by the Auction Nation company.

Auction units are towed on special body racks and live bids are seen on the auction TV screen with many late models on view. It’s a very professional salvage vehicle approach.


A body shop professional wholesale division sees vehicles that need professional repairs. 33

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n the March/April 2014 issue Automotive Refinisher ran an interview on Christian Bust, arvato South Africa’s Managing Director, about a new Customer Research System called “Arvato Customer Experience” (ACE). Some key benefits for MBRs, insurances and OEMs were mentioned. Here is some direct feedback from severalmotor body repairers (MBRs), who are currently using the ACE system in their workshops, in order to validate the usability and advantages of the system. What arvato found was - without exception - very positive feedback from various body shops. In the interview it was highlighted that ACE is aiming at being more than just a Customer Service Index (CSI) tool. By giving detailed information on client satisfaction levels during every step of the repair process, ACE was designed to also be a Management System for the body shops and OEMs, in order to improve their processes and increase customer happiness accordingly. This concept seems to work very well, as Milande Groenewald from VDS Autobody in Roodepoort confirmed: “The reports are comprehensive and areas of concern can be identified immediately to assist us to improve or service”. An additional aspect they have picked up is that clients seem to be happy with the service level and support they are getting from arvato and their ACE team. It is not just a quick sign-up process and then you never hear from them again. Arvato is making an effort to be present at the shops and giving on-site support like short system-demos, assisting with datauploads and explaining the reporting functionalities. Of course they cannot be regularly at each and every MBR but there seems to be quite an emphasis on good customer-relations and on-site system support whenever possible. Many MBRs have received their ACE membership certificate in person from the arvato team, which is a great individual touch, in order to put a face to the name and knowing who to call for support, if needed. Katherina Ververis from MV Panelbeaters & Spraypainters in Alberton mentioned: “The arvato ACE team themselves are incredibly accessible, very professional, open to discussing new ideas that will develop our business and extremely personable.” 34

Brendon Venter (left) from arvato and Moeneeb Fataar from Alfa Bodyworks in Cape Town are yet another satisfied user of the “Arvato Customer Experience” (ACE) system.

And then there is the cost factor: ACE was introduced to the market in 2013 as an OEM–approved CSI alternative with a cost benefit for the MBRs. In the meantime the other competitors have lowered their CSI pricing to similar levels as ACE. That cannot be a coincidence and it shows that healthy competition amongst suppliers is always good for the Industry, as the CSI fees throughout the past years went only in one direction – up. So even with cost being a very important factor for the MBRs, the convenient and easy usability of the CSI system, a helpful service team and

meaningful CSI data are the main criteria for choosing the right CSI provider in the long run. Effectively measuring customer feedback and acting according to the results will benefit any MBR business, the OEMs and insurances. So CSI should not be seen as a “necessary evil” but rather an opportunity to be able to perform better than the next guy. Katherina from MV Panelbeaters sums it up perfectly: “I would highly recommend this product to anyone, as it has vastly improved the way we view CSI in our Industry.”

Sunette Aylward (left) from arvato is seen with Katherine Ververis from MV Panelbeaters and Spraypainters in Alberton who highly recommend this product to improve your CSIs.


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very increasing complexity of each new vehicle unveiled around the world shows a strong trend which is not going to go away any time soon. From the humble tyre through to the paint system technology is being developed at a pace far faster than ever before. There are some awkward contrasts however. Just as not only are manufacturers creating more product lines than ever before to reach those all important market niches, the remains of the Financial Industry gift that just keeps giving (the 2007 / 2008 financial collapse which affected big parts of Europe and the USA) caused an important shift in policy right across the automotive manufacturing sector. Spare parts are frequently limited to known ‘fast moving’ components typically used in routine servicing, in order to reduce the number of parts held by dealership as well as the national hub(s). Quite simply vehicle manufacturers were forced to do the unthinkable and reduce stock. The result? Waiting a few more days for parts to arrive from a national warehouse operation through to waiting for a few weeks for the next batch of imported spare parts to arrive at the local dealership. Even if the vehicle is made / built inside the same country, the spare parts are treated exactly the same way to reduce the amount of stock held locally or nationally for the after-market. Not one automotive consumer market around the world is exempt from this policy. The one automotive sector most affected by this policy shift is the vehicle collision repair business. Let’s look into a new trend which is gradually gaining traction in mass market vehicles – putting together panels not with MIG / MAG welding, spot welds, or indeed any type of weld. The rapidly improving technology of structural adhesives along with an entire sub-culture of rivet technology its advancing. Why? Quite simply the modern mass market steel alloy based body shell can have an array of steels and material thicknesses which make successful welding inside the automotive manufacturing plant a bit challenging. That is a challenge in spite of much higher tip pressures

and energy levels that are available from typical aftermarket spot welders, for example. Glue Away Step one for the automotive manufacturers is to reduce the environmental impact of the manufacturing plant – which means trying to use fewer spot welds, for example. To recover the joint strength but reduce the number of spot welds a bonding agent is used – applied before the panels are assembled together and then the joint is spot welded. Locally around the spot weld the bonding agent will fail, but the area between the spot welds – which would otherwise not be attached between adjacent panels – is now a fully functional joint. The spot welds hold the panels in position whilst the bonding agent cures. Step two is the use of bonded joints held together by rivets during the curing process. One of the first production vehicles to feature this technology way back in 1997 was the Lotus Elise, but more famous (and slightly more common) the technique has been used on three generations of Audi A8, the Audi A2, half of the soon to be replaced Audi TT, Mercedes–Benz AMG SLS, two generations of Chevrolet Corvette chassis, two generations of Jaguar XJ, the latest Porsche 911 (type 991), the latest Boxster/Cayman (type 981), the latest Range Rover (L405) as well as Range Rover Sport (L494). Indeed there are many more vehicles which have used a hybrid of steel alloys and aluminium alloys (such as the Mercedes–Benz C class W205. From 2015 the highest volume production vehicle line, the Ford F-150, retains a steel alloy chassis but otherwise all the body panels are made from aluminium (or was that aluminum?). Whilst this is big news for the automotive industry, the aerospace sector has had fully bonded structures flying round the world for decades. Bonded versus welded joints The main advantages of ‘cold’ joining processes (‘bonding’) over localised fused joints (‘welding’) are:

The new Range Rover, when compared to its predecessor, sees a total energy saving of 50% in the weld shop with the number of spot welds down from 6000 to 3886 rivets instead. 36


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The all new 2015 TT uses an increased content of steel in it new body structure that uses a lot of aluminium and steel alloys. There are many vehicles using a hybrid of steel and aluminium alloys and this could prove to be a growing trend.

With so many dedicated tools needed for the various rivet types and limited OEM approvals for each rivet tool machine, there is a huge aftermarket issue, especially as future generation vehicles will sport even more bonded structural joints.

• More efficient load distribution in the joint compared with welding. • No change in the panel properties around the joint zone due to heat during the joint formation. • Ability to join materials which do not ordinarily weld. • Reduced strip of vulnerable components in the area due to the lack of sparks/grinds. So, why use rivets? The bonding agents needs time and stability between adjacent panels to build strength. The rivets pin the shell together to allow the bonding agent to fully cure while the assembly is sealed, painted and dressed into a complete vehicle during the manufacturing process. The body assembly using bonded joints cannot be completed at anything like the same pace as for a welded structure without the use of rivets. Just as with welding processes, access to both sides of the panel joint is not always possible and has produced an everincreasing array of rivets – some of which do not even use rivets but mechanically lock panels together. The primary task of the rivet is to clamp panels together along a joint flange, and as such perform a relatively minor role in the final joint strength. Vehicle manufacturers who blazed the trail for aluminium intensive mass production vehicle structures have and continue to share technology information with each other along with suppliers of sheet metal/bonding agents/rivets. Some pretty impressive things have been developed to improve repairability as a result, but the bottom line is there are too many rivet variations. Given the present and rapidly increasing variety of rivets, this product complexity is hard to understand apart from a relatively narrow manufacturing perspective.

handle more than one type of rivet to build shells. One can see from these details the process is fully optimised for manufacture.

Rivets, rivets everywhere Vehicle manufacturer support of rivet identification via dealer outlets in the aftermarket has remained poor to average. Add to that the number of different types of rivet forming tools required, and then add to that the limited number of product approvals by each vehicle manufacturer together with a relatively small (but increasing) number of applications. Check this out. The Range Rover twins used the platform from the Jaguar XJ (X351), so the joining technology is a mix of solutions used for the past 11 years along with some new features. Compared with the previous Range Rover’s spot welded steel alloy body, the number of joints has gone down from more than 6000 spot welds to 3886 rivets, with a total energy saving in the weld shop of 50%. Each body shell has 161 m of structural adhesive applied to it without a single weld. The JLR body structure uses 10 different diameter/length/hardness combinations of self piercing rivet, and a further seven different types of rivet with disposable stem. The production plant uses more than 250 robots, each of which can


The result? Repair methods and training offered by vehicle manufacturers for bonded structural repair have been detailed as well as thorough. However, the picture is not complete since the methods refer to a rivet type – but does the local dealer know what that rivet part number is? The main issue is a proliferation of dedicated tools that exist mainly because of the proliferation of rivet types and limited vehicle manufacturer approvals for each rivet tool machine. For most common repairs (body side, front and rear rails) there should only be two to three different types of rivet. Indeed this aftermarket issue will become the main focus as future vehicle generations adopt bonded structural joints. The trend is firmly underway with the increased steel content in the 2015 TT (all new body structure that happens to use aluminium and steel alloys), rapid expansion of the JLR aluminium intensive vehicle lines and the hybrid structures on offer in the Mercedes–Benz W205 C class as well as the W222 S class. Indeed the biggest volume player so far – the new 2015 Ford F-150, is set to bring many more repairers face to face with structural bonding. The solution? Pure bonded structures. But whilst the bonding agent technology already exists and is even used in things like buses let alone aircraft, it would require a complete re-think about how vehicle bodies are manufactured. For the repairer it would be almost the same as welding in new panels – except paying close attention to degreasing/surface matching/temperature control/humidity control to ensure maximum bond strength once cured. So, what we have here is a evolving mass production technology which will purge less successful joint types in coming product generations. Until then, an element of chaos reigns in the aftermarket. A bout A uto Industry C onsulting A uto Industry C onsulting is an independent provider of technical information to the global collision repair industry. Products include EziMethods, our online collision repair methods system and A uto Industry Insider, our collision repair industry technical information website. Fo r mo re info rmatio n please visit the w ebsites: and or contact


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new national agreement will enact the controversial Massachusetts Right to Repair bill’s provision nationwide and eliminate the need for additional US states to pursue similar legislation. The Massachusetts bill, which was approved in November 2012, requires automobile manufacturers to provide the same diagnostic tools, repair and service information, and software for all light vehicles to independent repair shops as they do for dealerships. Complying with the bill will require auto manufacturers to make all necessary repair information publicly available immediately, and make every vehicle compatible with a standardised J-2534 diagnostic interface by model year 2018, says Daniel Gage, director of communications for the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers (Alliance). In January, the Alliance, Association of Global Automakers, Automotive Aftermarket Industry Association (AAIA), and Coalition for Automotive Repair Equality (CARE) agreed to a national Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to prevent other states from pursuing Right to Repair actions while the Massachusetts model is implemented across the country. “We want to make sure we can do the same thing in 50 states, we don’t want 50 different state laws,” says Mike Stanton, president and CEO of Global Automakers. Supporters say Right to Repair will level the playing field for shops, but some in the industry are concerned about manufacturer compliance and whether the impact of the bill will be significant, since repair information is already available through several other sources. Automotive Service Association (ASA) chairman Darrell Amberson says though the organisation supports voluntary agreements and non legislative solutions, the Right to Repair effort will likely not make much difference as far as repair information is concerned. The information has been available to shops for more than a decade through resources such as Alldata, Identifix, National Automotive Service task Force (NASTF), OEM websites and other information providers. “Shops already have access to everything they need for the most part,” says Amberson, an executive at LaMettry’s Collision Inc, a Minnesota-based operator or eight collision centres and two mechanical shops. “Some of the concerns that have been addressed have been exaggerated, which represents a lack of effort on some peoples’ part to find the information.” But Sandy Bass-Cors, executive director of CARE, argues that although shops previously had access to OEM information, it wasn’t a requirement for all auto manufacturers to provide it, and there were several circumstances when shops couldn’t find what they needed.

“This has been piecemealed before. You would have one car company that was good about providing information that we would pay for, but others were not,” she says. An enforcement protocol has been put in place to resolve issues caused by non-compliant OEMs, Bass-Cors says. Independent repairers can submit direct requests to auto manufacturers, and manufacturers are required to respond within 30 days. If the outcome isn’t satisfactory, repairers can submit the issue to a new dispute resolution panel to make a ruling. Obtaining the information still won’t be free though, Gage says. There will be costs associated with acquiring the information just like there are today. The most significant impact of the MOU, Gage says, is that auto manufacturers are required to transition all diagnostic information from proprietary systems to the J-2534 standard diagnostic interface by vehicle model year 2018. Gage says shops will still incur costs associated with diagnostic information because the J-2534 interface will require regular software updates, but needed tools should be reduced. “That’s the real benefit to independent shops,” Gage says, noting there are multiple tool manufacturers that provide J-2534 compliant devices and a majority of shops already use one. “Eventually (Oems), will use the same hardware and setup so shops don’t need to have multiple tools and laptops specific to one brand. The need to have a tool for each manufacturer will be obsolete.” The ASA however, believes the J-2534 standard could prevent adoption of improved diagnostic options in the future, Amberson, says. There are concerns that it’s not realistic for all auto manufacturers to comply with the standard, the interface might not be able to do everything that has been proposed, and it could restrict future technology advances. Gage says the MOU ensures future innovation of diagnostics and enhancements beyond J-2534. Aaron Low, vice president of governmental affairs for AAIA, says each manufacturer will be on its own timeline to meet the standard. He anticipates most companies will be compliant sooner than 2018, and some companies, such as Toyota, already are. “All shops will be able to perform every repair that a dealership can do,” Lowe says. “This is going to increase the capability and affordability for independent shops to work on multiple makes and models of cars.”

America’s Number 1 Manufacturer of Filler & Finishing Putties Evercoat has a solution for filling any surface condition and all the catalysts are inter-mixable for a perfect result every time. 40

EPT Systems: Tel: 021 556 1991 or 083 488 1593 AUTOMOTIVE R E F I N I S H E R

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oogle will launch its own fleet of autonomous vehicle prototypes, with no steering wheels and no gas or brake pedals, as the technology giant begins a new phase of its self-driving car project. Google designed the car and plans to have about 100 test vehicles that are fully autonomous with extra safety features, company co-founder Sergey Brin said during a conference hosted by technology blog Relcode in Rancho Palos Verdes, California. The New York Times reported that a Detroit area manufacturer is building the cars for Google, which declined to name the manufacturer, according to the Times’ story. In an announcement posted to the company’s blog, Google says it will begin testing the prototypes this summer. Early versions will include manual vehicle controls and will be tested by company ‘safety drivers’, Google said. A small pilot programme in California may follow “in the next couple of years” if steady progress is made on the project, Chris Urnson, director of Google’s self-driving car project, wrote in the blog post. By building its own prototypes, Google is entering a new chapter in its ambitious autonomous vehicles project, bring the deeppocketed tech giant closer to established automakers such as Volvo Car Corp and Nissan Motor Corp that have pledged to put fully autonomous vehicles on the road by the end of the decade. Google has been developing self-driving vehicle technology since 2009, using a fleet of test vehicles equipped with sensors, lasers, radar and computers that process mapping and drive software to

allow their vehicles to be driven autonomously. Google says its test fleet has racked up some 700 000 miles of autonomous driving during thus far. The Google prototypes are small pod-shaped cars that appear to be the size of a Smart For Two with two seats and two doors. The cars don’t have steering wheels, brake pedals or accelerator pedals, “because they don’t need them. Our software and sensors do all the work,” Urnson wrote in the company’s blog post. The prototypes, which have safety items such as additional foam at the bumper and a plastic-like windshield, are part of the company’s research laboratory called Google X, which is led by Brin. The cars are powered by an electric motor and have a top-speed limited to 25 mph. In its post, Google did not say whether the cars were based on an existing platform from an established automaker. The Acura RLX flagship sedan, can drive on the highway without steering input from the driver for short periods. The car’s adaptive cruise control maintains a constant speed and safe distance between cars and objectives on the road ahead while a lane-keeping system prevents the car from drifting out of its lane, but only for a few seconds before warning the driver to return his hands to the wheel. Brin said the Google vehicle is still being worked on at this point.




ennsylvania-based body shop Crawfords Auto Centre has filed a lawsuit against seven insurers for conspiring to establish an artificial market value for collision repairers. The suit was filed in Illinois earlier this year and names State Far, Allstate, GEICO, Progressive, Farmers Liberty Mutual and Nationwide as defendant insurers illegally conspiring to control the repair process and costs, in conjunction with industry information providers. It is filed under the Racketeer Influence and Corrupt Organisations Act (RICO). The plaintiff lodged a 164-page complaint alleging that the defendants, along with industry information providers, have worked on implementing a prevailing rate for collision repair compensation that is lower than market value.

The complaint further alleges that the defendants have formed separate association-in-fact enterprises together with information providers to establish fraudulent prevailing rates for collision repairs by making false and misleading representations, and by concealing and omitting facts. These rates include hourly labour rates, reimbursement for paint and materials, the scope and extent of compensable repairs and parts prices. By suppressing these rates, repairers are under-compensated for repair work and services on vehicles covered by insurance. The plaintiff seeks to have the suit granted class action status in order to represent any repair facility that has done business with the defendants since 1 January 2006.


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The trusted name in body shop products just got better AUTOMOTIVE R E F I N I S H E R




11:21 AM

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Contact: Deon on 083 628 2288 or Andre on 072 463 9570

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erhaps an unusual title, but the quote comes from a senior engineer of a major global vehicle manufacturer. This was a direct reference to the continuing objective of reducing car weight to meet emissions targets that, whilst varied in different global regions, are increasingly demanding. At Thatcham we are often asked which of the competing material technologies, aluminium, composites, steel etc, will win. Well, we can safety say that all of them will. The simple, but daunting, fact is that ‘mixed material’ is the way forward. Overwhelmingly, the manufacturer engineering teams believe steel has a longterm future in the body structure of vehicles, but each new model will bring a higher percentage of the new generation steels. The processes for the production of cars in this material will need to change, as will how we handle them in repair. Joining corrosion protection and paint process will all be impacted. Aluminium will be joined to these steels. The joining methods of choice for aluminium to steel may appear to be adhesive, yet that is too slow in production. So we may see more friction stir welding, both linear and spot. We can also expect to see remote laser welding and brazing used in many areas of the structure and hang-on parts, already clearly evident on the VW Golf. The use of carbon fibre (CFRP), glass fibre (GRP) and other composites and plastics will also increase. We will see a mixture of these on many vehicles, performing many functions to lend strength and rigidity and to reduce weight. But CFRP and GRP brings challenges in repair. There are also the duty-of-care requirements, and responsibilities with recycling and disposal of materials. Again, adhesive bonding is the joining technique we’d initially thing of, yet mechanical fasteners, self-piercing rivets and even friction-joining are all being trialled. Even a spot weld or a length of adhesive adds weight to a car, so friction welding, joining two materials using their own molecular structure, is a distinct advantage. A new generation of fasteners is emerging too, specifically developed to spread loads and not to damage the fibres of the composite materials. There is development work underway to combine these new fasteners with friction joining. We also see the advent of the hybrid panel, a single panel mix of metal and composite. Even a simple sandwich, such as


B-post structure of a composite reinforcement between two steel or aluminium inner and outer panels, presents challenges to assess, repair (if possible) or to replace. But a metal panel lined with a composite material could significantly reduce the possible options for repair or partial replacement (sectioning) and again, the damage assessment could be hugely challenging. Adhesive bonding is likely to change too. The difference in thermal expansion between different materials poses huge challenges to vehicle engineers. On top of this, for crash impact absorption the collapse of the structures is critical. It is likely that the repairer of tomorrow (and I mean tomorrow, not even next year) will need to be able to replicate adhesive solutions with a much wider range of properties, selecting the right balance of strength and flexibility will be crucial. Hybrid polymer/epoxy compounds are in development that will be a lifeline to vehicle design engineers, and correct application of these may not even be the same as the adhesives of today. We can expect to see greater use of composites and new higher grade steels for engine, transmission, steering and suspension components. These too will need correct understanding and damage diagnosis. This is on top of safe and correct handling of a broader range of powertrains and fuel sources. The VW Golf of today is naturally available with petrol or diesel powertrains, with electric and hybrid versions to follow. Some markets will receive compressed natural gas g-tron versions, and the MQB (modular

transverse matrix) architecture that the Golf is built on was engineered from day one to accommodate hydrogen storage and a fuel cell. Not all vehicle manufacturers will use all these techniques and materials. But even relatively conventional construction materials may see new joining approaches and ‘bought in’ advanced materials for key panels such as composite sandwich lateral impact zone panels. Changes will be needed. No accident repair centre anywhere in the world today has the tools and equipment to handle the mixed material vehicles that are rapidly approaching. If the vehicle manufacturers are still learning and developing, at best the repair industry can try to catch up. It is possible we may eventually see repair options we could not consider today. Thatcham is aware of these developments and is in daily contact with vehicle manufacturers and key suppliers. With 40 year’s experience and expertise in repair technology and processes, Thatcham has a robust and evolving Repair Research strategy for future technologies. It is now embarking on a strategic programme looking at the ‘body shop of the future’ working with contributors from across the industry to gain knowledge and advanced opinion, which will add to its own researchbased focus on the future challenges and solutions surrounding repairability. If the accident repair centre of tomorrow wishes to remain effective and competitive in the future, perhaps they need to make the same observation as the vehicle manufacturer, “we can do no more with steel,” says Andrew Hooker. 43



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BRAND NEW AND GROWING This major crash sees a perfect replacement rear end repair using the Celette bench and measuring systems, says Mohamed Solomon, general manager at Freeway Toyota Autobody. he general manager of the all-new Freeway Toyota with fixtures and Naja Electric Three Dimensional Measuring take Autobody, Mohamed Solomon, has a full 30-year history in care of the major body structural repair. Special Jollift Fitma lower the Johannesburg body shop business. With a clean sheet level lifts incorporate an ideal repairer working height, for less designed body shop from Celette SA, the company has just working fatigue. started to repair damaged vehicles. To optimise process drying time IRT infra-red modules are The Freeway Toyota Autobody business is owned by the Lahier strategically placed around the shop which is very compact in size, family and they have spent every cent on a new design to make the but will undoubtedly be able to cope for a very long time to come body shop a state-of-the-art repair facility. It will eventually employ for the internal Toyota sales that Freeway service sells for the around 100 people. It has a full Toyota Sprinter spraybooth running Toyota brand. alongside the standard seven-metre Celette downdraft cabin. The Solomon says the company have taken a route on repair to buy capacity should, according to Richard Gajic from Celette, be in good and install the very best body repair equipment money can buy. shape for the next decade or so. However, he is under no misapprehensions in the fact that it will A new six-lane preparation deck features the very latest rising also take a bit of time to get a good working rhythm and come up floor which can be tilted down pneumatically and raised for the to speed, but a good starting point will greatly assist in the Toyota preparation to take place. This package comes with a full ring main Freeway top shop design. air supply for clean compressed air and also sees the Rupes “We will work for all the top insurers and get all the approvals Extraction and Dust Free arms in operation. necessary to retain our business advantage going forwards,� On the body straightening panelbeating section a Celette bench Soloman concluded.


The latest IRT infra red cassettes are in use at the Freeway Autobody preparation deck.


No expense was spared in the Celette SA designed paint shop with a full dust free area.


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Story and pics by Ian Groat

The pnuematically driven preparation deck adjusts downwards for easy entry for vehicles in repair and was designed by Celette because of space constraints in the shop.

The hygiene is top notch at Freeway Toyota in their designer spray room area of repair with a Sprinter booth installed.

Small damage repairs are using Jollift lifts for easy working.


Glasurit waterborne systems power the workshop. Alan Baragwanath (left), key account manager from BASF and Barand Smit, technical adviser.

In the start-up phase the shop will cater for the Toyota side of the business. 47

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by Dave Fall




ir Malcolm Campbell’s record-breaking aero-engined car ‘Bluebird’ was recently fired up for the first time in over 50 years. Originally constructed at the Sunbeam works in Wolverhampton, England in 1920, the car travelled all over the world in the hands of several illustrious owners including K. L. Guinness, Billy Cotton (well-known British band leader), and of course Campbell, all trying to find suitable venues to break land speed records (LSR) – some of which lasted only a matter of days before someone had raised the bar – often by just a single kilometre per hour. Not a man to take kindly to being usurped by such small margins and always up for the challenge of searching for suitable venues, Briton Captain Malcolm Campbell, his entire family, 56 crates of spare parts along with 800 gallons of aviation fuel for his De Havilland Tiger Moth and ‘Bluebird’ boarded the Carnarvon Castle in 1929 and headed for Cape Town. His destination – according to Cape Odyssey records – was Verneuk Pan, 550 km north-east of Cape Town where Campbell attempted to wrest the speed record once again for King and Country. Graham Scott, the Cape Times reporter who at the time interviewed Campbell, recorded that Campbell felt Daytona Beach in Florida, US, the celebrated home for attaining speed records – and still is – was “too variable, weather wise,” and had heard that Verneuk Pan in South Africa was well worth checking out. Verneuk is an Afrikaans word that means deceive – in reference to the ‘mirages’ encountered in the area. On a recce in the area all looked good to Campbell and his entourage, until closer inspection revealed sharp flint-like stones all over the Pan. Pushing the car up to 135 km/h (Campbell was hoping to achieve 400 km/h) it was obvious to him much work would have to be done to the strip if it was to be a successful attempt on the land speed record. Obliging as ever, the local Provincial Roads Department in the Cape came to the party creating a 15-metre wide, newly laid tar strip over a distance of 20 kilometres. No mean feat as hard-to-find water had to be transported from eight kilometres away. A white line was painted down the entire length of the circuit – and it’s still visible today. Alas, the venture took a turn for the worse – the pilot tasked with flying Campbell up for a recce stalled and crashed. Both were OK but

Campbell was swathed in bandages and obviously knocked about. Major Allister Miller, a well-known South African air force pilot, kindly offered to ferry Campbell back to Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town for further treatment. The return flight went well, the landing was fine, but a gust of wind overturned the Moth, reopening Campbell’s wounds. A newspaper quote from Campbell at the time read: “I cannot label the trip a resounding success but it certainly was interesting!” A week or so later Campbell was fit enough to tackle what he came all the way here for: an attempt at the mile world record. He failed, but in the process succeeded in snatching two other important milestones: improving the five-kilometre world record to a staggering 347 km/h and upping the eight-kilometre record to 339 km/h. So his trip over here was definitely not wasted, but another British record holder, Sir Henry Segrave, in his Golden Arrow machine, was still the man to beat. Incidentally, it was Segrave who was the first man to hold land and sea world records simultaneously – this he achieved in 1930. You may well ask what became of Bluebird down the years? Well, the car was exhibited at Garlicks showrooms in Cape Town, Durban and Johannesburg for about two years. Campbell meanwhile, was knighted in 1931 by finally capturing the world mile record in an allnew Bluebird at Daytona. In 1987 the car was repainted and the wheels rebuilt. Around 2007, the Beaulieu national motor museum workshop team started looking at the car with a view to repairing the engine and an initial strip-out allowed them to assess the damage sustained in the 1993 disastrous start-up. Examination showed that the con rod had come through the side of the crankcase, scoring the crankshaft and damaging three pistons and valves. Earlier this year the restored Sunbeam was transported to the Retromobile classic car show in Paris before being returned to the National Motor Museum to take its place in a new display – For Britain & For The Hell Of It – the story of British land speed records. More info from




ASF and BMW have once again teamed up, this time for the i3, the BMW Group’s first model driven purely by electric power. BASF is supplying basecoats in four colours for the new i3 production line at the BMW plant in Leipzig. The i3 was launched in November 2013. With the paints, BASF is contributing to the i3’s unique design, which is exceptionally clean, while at the same time, dynamic. The i3 has another special feature that also extends to the coating, the passenger compartment is made of carbon-fibre reinforced plastic, (CFRP). “We are very pleased to be a partner of the BMW Group also for this innovative model. Driving sustainable solutions is one of BASF’s strategic principles,” said Dr Alexander Haunschild, head of Automotive OEM Coatings Europe at BASF. The car consists of a CFRP body-in-white on which the coated plastic add-on parts are mounted. This concept means new


challenges for the coating of the add-on parts and for the associated application processes. BASF’s many years of experience in coating add-on parts has paid off. Frank Naber, BASF’s account manager for BMW Europe, explained, “Our laboratory teams joined forces with the BMW Group to develop a coating for the special construction of the i3. In Leipzig, we also provide technical field service on site on a daily basis.” BASF has been a supplier for the BMW plant in Leipzig since its start-up in 2005 and provides the automotive manufacturer with modern paint systems worldwide. 49

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COROLLA QUEST PRODUCTION Final finishing and preparation happen before the cathodic dipping process takes place.


anufacturing the worlds most loved car, the Toyota Corolla recently took Toyota down a different route to manufacturing one of the entry level segment cars with one of the fastest growth sales segment currently seen in South Africa and prominent export markets. The publisher was invited to the Prospecton production hub to see the result of another massive investment into local production of the Corolla Quest. Glen Compton, Vice President of Sales and Marketing was upbeat about the Corolla Quest saying that it ticked all the right boxes for consumers on space, specification and affordability in a 1.6 litre sub C-segment vehicle which was launched in May this year. Toyota had an excellent history with the Tazz that proved to be extremely popular in five-door configuration. So rather than phase out the 10th generation model altogether, their research showed a big demand existed for a budget four-door model in vehicle upgrades with an affordable price tag. The trick was according to Toyota to use over 22% of parts from the 11th generation Corolla to gain cost effective parts commonality using 50

a new matt black exterior trim front the grille and a new local design head lamp cluster with colour coded bumper and mirrors smarted up the vehicle. Safety features like dual full size air bags, ABS, EBD, BAS and a remote alarm are all built into the affordable price of some R174 900 asking price for the Corolla Quest. It’s taken over 30 months to get the new vehicle testing cycles completed. It also offers a best in class interior space profile, this plus the 1.6 aluminium in-line four that’s taken from the new generation model that delivers a top speed of some 192km/h, along with generous new front seats. The whole price, safety and warranty offer is right on the money. From a manufacturing point of view, Toyota has ramped up the production of the Corolla Quest to over 125 units per day at the Durban plant. On average it produces 120 000 units per year of Hilux and Fortuner, 27 000 Corollas with the new Corolla Quest and 15 000 annual output of Quantum and selected Hino trucks, the factory is buzzing along in every department. With a staff complement of 6 479 this year, the Toyota hub strategy in Africa has been fully implemented. We met some of

the team members in the recent upgrades of the Corolla Quest, they are Ben Pillay, Renner Mordley, Rajeen Jasath and Leveshen Naidoo. They are just part of the backroom team who have been hard at work for some 36 months to bring Corolla Quest into full scale production. The site is absolutely mind blowing, taking over an hour to see the whole operation in a Toyota golf cart, with localisation being a key driver for the group, says Anand Pather, vice president of manufacturing and engineering. The Toyota vehicle exports now cover Africa, Europe and Latin America and the local domestic markets. Every area has seen major change at Toyota since they took a majority share back in 2002. The huge blanking press shops were a first in Africa to press complete sides of vehicle chassis stampings and the massive Kamatsu presses are still punching them out with greater than ever production targets in view. Already Hilux and Fortuner lines are double shifting to cope with global demand and with over 50 engineers deployed across the factory production site. Type approval from Japan for the Corolla Quest took some time to complete, with sub-assembly welding


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putting together the foundation of the body parts. Some 3 500 sub–assemblies now cope with close to 5 000 components that go to build up the Corolla Quest model. Things are much more streamlined these days. It’s difficult to get your head around the logistics of harmonising all those various parts to come together and make a new car, all on time and at the right quality level. In my formative motor making days it was nothing like this degree of manufacturing excellence. Times have certainly moved ahead in the last four decades. Well that’s my feeling from the fossil department, anyway! With an in-house bumper making division, stampings, robotic welding everywhere, automatic robotics applications of sealers and a revitalised spray shop division, Toyota have covered all the bases at their Durban production African hub site. At Prospecton as you walk along the pedestrian walkways the huge production hall in some areas looks very clinical with no waste or environmental challenges to be seen anywhere. The quality control is almost fanatical with Kaizen worker meetings held each morning to keep quality at top-notch levels. The entire staff are competent, doing their work well and are committed to the company’s success. So the Corolla Quest remains in professional hands. A no nonsense budget brand Corolla Quest is now enjoying great economy of scale from the competency that’s built in to it and with the focus firmly on ‘no compromise’ on quality, durability or reliability, it’s important that customers realise that the Corolla Quest will become a no risk purchase from all angles of customer satisfaction. To the benefit of the fiercely contested customer pocket with the huge investment in people training, equipment investment, and sheer attention to motor making detail, Toyota are in many ways ahead of the game in a big way. The question one might ask is a simple one, what do Toyota South Africa see in the future for this country’s ability to stay competitive? It might be answered, a great deal more than most of the current population and it’s doubting-Thomas ability that seems to be ever present. Here is a huge success story for one and all to see. It’s making a nice change to get a positive spin on the nation’s capability and Toyota has harnessed just that in making the Corolla Quest model, for they are upwardly mobile, going forward and in good shape.


After the primer stage there is more sanding before the colour stage happens.

Layers of sealers complete the body-in-white process to increase vehicle protection and drive harshness.

Robotic and manual spraying takes place in the state-of-the-art spray painting section. 51

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Sub-assembly is made with almost perfect precision by a commited work force.

The electric canbuss wiring comes with a complete dash assembly.

The glass is inserted to the almost complete and painted Corolla Quest bodies. 52

Track side loading takes place of the doors complete with the correct interior colours.

Engine marriage is completed in just a matter of minutes.

The final buy off section for the Corolla Quest has clinical cleanliness standards.


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ot on the wheels of the new 11th generation Corolla, Toyota South Africa Motors is pleased to announce the launch of the Corolla Quest, a no-nonsense, sensible, spacious and, above all, affordable family car that is set to put the vehicular cat among the pigeons by creating a whole new sub-C segment. Glenn Crompton, vice president for sales and marketing, says, “When a new model arrives, the previous car is usually consigned to the history books. Not so for the outgoing Toyota Corolla. Launched in 2007, this model was the most successful Corolla to date and helped this motoring icon achieve best–seller status as the world’s most loved car. So, rather than phase the 10th generation out completely, it’s been reinvented as the ultimate value proposition. Of course this is not a first for Toyota, the tremendously popular Tazz, which was produced as a prolonged lifecycle model, was a budget hatchback based on the fifth generation Corolla five–door. “Now it’s the turn of Corolla Quest. What makes this newcomer unique, though, is that it’s the only sub-C segment contender. And, with prices starting from just R174 900, it’s got winner written all over it. Buyers that are looking to upgrade their vehicles, but aren’t in a position to make the financial leap from the B- to C-segment, now finally have a choice.”


The line-up has been restricted to just three models with two trim levels: the standard variant, available in manual or automatic guise and the Quest Plus, available solely as a manual. All cars in the range come standard with an immobiliser and alarm, remote central locking, dual front airbags, Isofix anchor points, air–conditioning and rake/reach adjustment for the steering wheel. The primary differences between the two trim levels are the wheels, alloys for the Plus version versus steel, body–coloured door handles for the Plus model, and the inclusion of an audio system for the Plus, which offers radio/CD playback as well as a USB port and auxiliary jack. The regular model does come pre-wired to accept an audio device and speakers. Toyota SA has been able to contain costs and ultimately offer the Corolla Quest at a low entry price point due to four main factors: i) the investment that was made from the 10th generation Corolla; ii) economies of scale i.e. the more you build, the lower the cost; iii) the commonisation of selected componentry between Corolla Quest and new generation Corolla eg: engines and front seats to name just two; and iv) intelligent editing of features. The minor changes to the exterior and interior have not compromised quality, durability or reliability in the least and Toyota

is pleased to have been able to retain aesthetic and comfort features that are still important to customers. Moving indoors, the carpeting and the roof headlining treatment is derived from IMVbased models (also built at Prospecton), thus reducing costs. The new Corolla Quest is brought bang up to date with a number of exterior refinements that not only provide a fresh take on the classic Corolla; some of these changes also provide an innovative way to contain costs like the new design headlights, the redesigned rear combination lamps, side indicator lamps are relocated from the door mirrors to the fender and the radiator grille changes from a grey colour to black and the licence plate trim changes from body colour to black. There’s no skimping on active safety features either, brake discs are fitted at each corner (the front items are ventilated while the rears are solid) and controlled by an antilock braking system incorporating electronic brake-force distribution and emergency brake assist. Underpinning the quality, reliability and durability of the new Corolla Quest is the three-year/100 000km warranty, threeyear/45 000km service plan, not to mention the support of TSAM’s extensive dealer network.


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ince 1974, the Rodcraft brand has stood for high-quality products and services. Founded in Germany, Rodcraft has grown steadily to become one of the world’s leading brands of pneumatic tools and workshop equipment dedicated to the vehicle service and industrial maintenance applications. Through constant investment in research and development, the Rodcraft products feature many patented designs such as our composite sander series and latest impact wrenches. With a strong European-based distribution channel, and local sales offices around the world, Rodcraft covers over 80 countries on a daily basis. We are close to our clients and able to provide fast service and support. To ensure and guarantee long–life performance, many strict testing and quality inspections are conducted through the tool and equipment design, production and assembly stages. When buying a Rodcraft product, you can be sure you are choosing quality and performance and getting one of the best designs available on the market today. The Rodcraft team is pleased to announce the release of the new Rodcraft website; On top of a fresh new look, and full responsive design, Rodcraft customers can enjoy a brand new powerful online eCatalog service for easy and informative tools and equipment selection. The new site has responsive design and provides optimal and efficient viewing. Online visitors will now be able to view the Rodcraft website in a consistent and user–friendly navigation manner regardless of platform, be it computers, tablets or smartphones. On smaller screens, the website will always show at its optimum, no matter which device the visitor is using. In addition to the new website design and easy navigation, visitors will benefit from its high eCatalog functionality. The Rodcraft eCatalog showcases the complete Rodcraft product range, air tools, workshop equipment as well as their related accessories. The eCatalog includes intuitive search and sort functions by product type, features, name or part number. Each product is showcased with its related sales and technical documentation, specification and images. A new Print–pdf function is included for easy datasheet printing and sharing. We invite you to review the Rodcraft products and services, including our latest news. If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our Rodcraft product range, please contact Bulldog Abrasives on +27 (0)11 786 5991 or


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nmanned aircraft are getting more affordable. Companies are pushing the boundaries of drone technology – and right now that includes protecting nature. In Morrison, Colo., near Denver, a group is finding new uses for its drones, 9,000 miles away. In the U.S., the Federal Aviation Administration is still working on regulations and standards for drones, but overseas in Africa, unmanned aircraft are already being used over game parks, reports CBS News correspondent Jeff Pegues. Drones are able to do things humans could never do. In places like Namibia, drones – unmanned aerial vehicles, or UAVs – have been purchased to monitor game parks and to track poachers. Crawford Allen, director of The World Wildlife Fund North America, said, "The poachers out there know that there is something in the sky that is looking for them. We think (drone technology) is going to be an important tool that will help produce far more effectiveness in protecting these precious species." The World Wildlife Fund is working with the government of Namibia by providing technical help as the country's park rangers learn how to fly the drones. A $20 000 eye-in-the-sky can track elephants and rhinos. By travelling above the herds, the UAV doesn't disturb the habitat, except in rare cases, such as when a Marshall eagle thought it was prey. The drone actually was a falcon – at least that's what Chris Miser called it when the former Air Force engineer came up with the design. His company took flight three years ago. "This is another technology that's going to change the way we do business in the world – just like the Internet or cell phones or anything along those lines if it allows people to save money, save lives and create jobs then it's definitely going to have its place." It's finding a home in parts of the world where highresolution cameras on drones can cover a lot of ground by capturing hundreds of images. In addition to the ability to see at night, the drones, Miser said, are "able to be incredibly quiet so you can't detect them." In the U.S., the technology has led to a boom that is creating legal challenges to the FAA's limits on commercial use. It may be another year-and-a-half before regulations and standards are in place. With their focus now on Africa, the World Wildlife Fund is counting on the technology to be a model of future conservation efforts in the U.S. as well. Allen said, "It's important that the message goes out that these can be used for positive good. These aren't weapons of destruction, these are weapons that in this case are going to help save species from extinction and help keep rangers alive on the ground, so it's really critical." The idea of using drones for conservation efforts is being endorsed by Google, Pegues added on "CTM." The company has given the World Wildlife Fund a $5 million grant over three years for their work with drones in Namibia.



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aco van Zyl, the managing director of the huge Bapsfontein truck repair body shop – Interbilt Truck Repairs – has a great knowledge of the accident damage business. In recent years he has taken Interbilt Truck Repairs into a new era of performance and turnaround time on damaged trucks. “In our mission statement to our loyal customer base we say we are a company that’s dedicated to becoming an industry leader and that our ethics must be beyond reproach. That’s why we take care of some key drivers in the business. “Firstly, no two customers are the same so special tailored times and systems for repair are formulated to get a turnaround

time on average to under two weeks. We used to have a bottle neck in chassis straightening, but the new HD Korek Blackhawk system in use, this has now changed.” With its immense power of over 20 tons per pulling tower and highly mobile and fast set up times, the unit looks set to help with overall production repair times. It’s fully approved by Mercedes-Benz and has a huge ability to pull upwards, downwards as well as sideways, with a vector pull design. “The chassis members are straightened in no time now,” says Jaco. Interbuilt Truck Repairs have now purchased a further two preparation zone truck areas to speed up repairs and reduce

truck downtime. They repair for 12 major truck makers with accreditation and approvals. The sheer size of the business spreads over 15 hectares with its enclosed workshop and space for up to 500 parking bays. This is enough to convince any trucker that their damaged unit is in good hands. Their list of services ranges right from commercial vehicle preparation, towing and recovery and a vast commercial reconstruction division. It’s certain that trucks and trailers using insurance to repair will be returned to the road as good as new as quickly as possible – this is what they are committed to achieving.

Andrew Mackie (right) installed the Hurricane designed repair centre in just a few weeks.

Fast set up time is a feature of HD Korek from Blackhawk.

Jaco van Zyl has invested heavily in new repair systems like the HD Korek to make Interbilt Truck Repairs even better. 56


Hurricane AD N-D 2013_Layout 1 2014/02/10 10:14 AM Page 1

COST EFFECTIVE M.I.G BRAZING IS HERE! THE MIG 5320 FROM HURRICANE. Multifunctional Colour LCD Panel with Advanced DSP control Technology. One Button Intelligent design stores welding modes for aluminium, stainless steel, copper and Nickel. IGBT Inverter pulsed technology and soft switching control High quality welding gun included. Energy efficient. Fast arch ignition. Less post weld treatment work required as less welding sparks are created. GM Approved

R 25 000


For more information about this product. Contact: Deon Joubert on 083 628 2288 Email: Email: Visit our website:


ANEST-IWATA EDIT M-A 2014_Layout 1 2014/03/19 10:34 AM Page 1



ANEST-IWATA AD N-D 2013_Layout 1 2014/03/12 2:47 PM Page 1

Gun Design by Master Car Designer Pininfarina.

Arnest Iwata’s State-of-the-Art Supernova WS-400 Evo.

B l o ck B , G r o u n d F l o o r, St . A n d r ew s O f f i c e C o m p l ex M e a d ow b r o o k L a n e , E p s o m D ow n s Contact : +27 ( 0)11 463 2169

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by Mercedes-Benz


nticipation is running high in the South African luxury vehicle market for the launch of the next generation Mercedes-Benz C-Class, which is tipped to surpass the record sales of its predecessor. Earlier this year, MercedesBenz South Africa (MBSA) took another step closer in realizing this investment, marking the official start of production of the new model at their East London manufacturing plant. Even in its final year, the previous model C-Class was a top seller. The model has a special place in the South African automotive industry due to the exceptional performance of the plant to produce these vehicles in East London, for both local and export markets. A benchmark track record of superb quality has garnered the plant the prestigious J.D. Power and Associates Award in the US market for five consecutive years, achieving a platinum, two gold and two silver awards. This track record has established MBSA East London firmly in the production network of its parent company, Daimler AG. Markus Schäfer, divisional board member Mercedes-Benz Cars, production and supply chain management says: “The new C-class is a winner for Mercedes-Benz South Africa and our East London plant. This plant is an important element of our highly flexible production network for our highest volume Mercedes-Benz model. With the new C-Class we’re taking automotive production in South Africa to the next level – also with regard to an innovative portfolio of technologies.” An increase in capacity on the plant’s C-Class production line has had a ripple effect on the contribution that MBSA is able to make both directly, and through the component supply sector, to the


economy of the Eastern Cape Province and the country. Speaking at the start of production event, the Minister of Trade and Industry, Dr Rob Davies, said the automotive industry is critical for the economy of the country and contributes significantly to the country’s GDP. He said the launch will benefit the country through employment creation and exports. “This production launch is indicative of Mercedes-Benz continued drive to produce high quality products in SA and a supportive investment environment, enabled by significant levels of government support and initiatives to aid industrial upgrading. The economic benefit linkages arising out of the W205 project will continue to benefit both the regional Eastern Cape economy as well as the SA economy in years to come,” said Davies. In excess of 550 direct jobs have been created at the plant, with 10 new suppliers adding to the tally of new jobs created around the new C-Class. Already regarded amongst the best in the industry, MBSA plant employees have been groomed to work on advanced production technology. Close to R60 million has been channelled into training initiatives, with more than 1 200 training interventions, including assignments to various international plants. In addition, nearly 900 unemployed people from the Border Kei region have been upskilled, Several new technologies will place the MBSA plant at the cutting edge of global automotive production. CEO and vice president for manufacturing at MBSA, Arno van der Merwe explains: “We will bring 10 new cutting edge production technologies to East London in our Bodyshop alone. Several new processes include amongst others, localised components and processes such as aluminium skin panels; complex laser welding; roll forming for complex structural profiles; advanced rear axle carriage assembly; aluminium pretreatment and natural fibre pressings.” Many of these technologies also empower the local supply industry. The new C-Class boasts 10 new suppliers (including three sequencing operations), who have set up shop in the country. Van der Merwe says: “Our C-Class production is already upheld by many as the pride of the Eastern Cape. With the next generation model, we strengthen a commitment and responsibility to the province and the country that stretches back more than 60 years. We are honoured to be able to continue this iconic legacy.” Over the last five years Mercedes-Benz South Africa has increased production capacity steadily, culminating in record production levels in 2012. This stable growth pattern will accelerate significantly with the introduction of our new C-Class and a capacity


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increase of more than 50% in 2015, the third shift being already implemented in 2014. Minister Davies added that the MIDP was successful in positioning the SA sector as a competitive supplier of exported autos products, and the APDP aims to consolidate those gains and significantly increase the volume of auto products being manufactured in SA. He highlighted that the new C-Class production will enhance South Africa’s automotive manufacturing capability and capacity. “Projects such as the W205 production play a significant role in helping achieve the APDP target of 1.2 million vehicles assembled in SA by the end of the decade, and even more heartening is the increase in project investment levels from that initially budgeted for. This is indicative of spending to support even further capacity enhancement. The SA government remains steadfast in its commitment to sustaining and growing the local industry”, stated Davies. East London Industrial Development Zone (ELIDZ) CEO, Simphiwe Kondlo, comments: “Our engagement with MBSA in building the automotive production capacity of the Eastern Cape is a

vital partnership that underpins the attraction of foreign investment and the location of new, competitive production and product technologies. In this respect, the establishment of a world class ecoating facility at the IDZ in support of the new C-Class production heralds a significant achievement for the auto industry development in South Africa and is set to grow the total automotive investment base located within the Buffalo City Metro. “At the same time, the achievement of the new model launch also enables and supports the long-term enhancement of employment potential in the region. MBSA is also commended for its efforts to deepen local content and the ELIDZ is working to ensure that it prepares a receptive and world class manufacturing production location in the IDZ that is well configured to accommodate and continue to grow such investment, in support of further development of local content inputs and growth in employment”, he adds. C-Class models produced in the East London plant will be exported all over the globe. “Truly out of Africa, for the world,” Van der Merwe concluded.

THE ALL NEW C-CLASS The all-new C-Class heralds a new chapter in the C-Class success story and sets new standards in the premium medium-luxury segment. Thanks to an intelligent lightweight-design concept boasting weight savings of up to 100 kilograms, excellent aerodynamics and new economical engines, the C-Class establishes new efficiency benchmarks in its segment. A host of new assistance systems offers safety of the highest standard, while a new, optional, air-sprung suspension provides for exemplary ride and driving comfort as well as nimble and agile handling. In terms of appearance the new C-Class adopts a progressive approach with its clear yet emotional design and its high-class interior. Many other innovations and equipment features underscore the sedan's energising comfort and refined sportiness. The high-class appeal of the new C-Class is an "upgrade to a higher class of vehicle". The body-in-white of the new C-Class provides an innovative basis for reduced weight, outstanding rigidity, including load


introduction rigidity for excellent handling, combined with optimum noise and vibration characteristics and a high level of crash safety. Thanks to intelligent and innovative lightweight construction, the aluminium hybrid body is around 70 kg lighter than a conventional steel body. The vehicle's overall weight is reduced by up to 100 kilograms. As such, the new C-Class leads the "lightweight rankings" in its segment. On a visual level, the new C-Class with its striking, dynamic design, exudes sensuous clarity and arouses emotions. An advanced version of the proven 2.2-litre four-cylinder diesel engine is available with an output range of 125 kW. This BlueTEC diesel engine in the new CClass is equipped with the established SCR technology (selective catalytic reduction) for particularly environment-friendly driving. As with all Mercedes-Benz passenger cars the new C-Class model comes standard with a six-year/100 000 km maintenance contract with no customer contribution along with the option to extend it.


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hree years after the new generation Ballade was launched in South Africa, the new second-generation Ballade has just hit our shores. With the ravages of the Tsunami in 2011 and floods in Thailand a few years later - where this first generation car was manufactured, which left the factory nearly two metres under water and saw no production for six months - you could be forgiven in wondering how on earth can it go so horribly wrong sometimes. Apart from this little blip on the map of Honda Ballade, it has always proved a very popular car in the South African market. Honda is a brand that is synonymous with words like safety, excellent build quality and great dealer experience. Hard earned milestones for sure. There was always a question mark around build quality when the first generation Ballade was made in Thailand. However, customer surveys have definitely silenced any critics. The second generation 64

Ballade will be built at the new Honda factory in Delhi, India, its new birthplace, and I’m sure these vehicles will also speak for themselves with their precision built Japanese quality here too. Stronger lines on the outside of the car give it a more interesting and confident aesthetic look. More leg- and shoulder room for you to savour inside the new Ballade sedan, as well as additional boot space. The interior is well thought through in design and certainly comfortable enough wherever you find yourself positioned in the car. Both the manual and automatic 1.5 CVT engines are smooth and quiet. This is an allnew engine that is 10% lighter but still a powerful drivetrain. The 1.5 litre four–cylinder engine delivers both better efficiency and lower emissions, helped with the significant weight loss on its platform. It feels like it has more oomph under the bonnet, but in actual fact the output figures have stayed the same at 88kW and 45Nm respectively.

by Claire Macfie

Behind the wheel, the gearshift is smooth and the car is effortless and comfortable to drive. Perhaps Honda’s latest talking point inside the car is the new 7-inch touchscreen display. It is really easy to use and you can swipe, slide, scroll and pinch to zoom until your heart is content with this new gadget. With the car’s standard Bluetooth, your phone, address book, music and other details are at your fingertips. The question looms larger than ever – are we beginning to drive our mobile phones? In addition, the infotainment system is fitted with an HDMI port that allows images, videos and audio data to be accessed from compatible smartphones, iPads and tablets which can be displayed on the Ballade’s touchscreen. The multi–view camera that is mounted at the rear is a new addition and accessed when reverse is selected. A host of other safety features such as six airbags and the three-year/100 000km warranty and four-year/60 000km service plan are included in the starting price of R195 900.


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eveloping crash-test dummies is a core focus of the automotive industry dedicated to improving the protection of passengers and pedestrians. Based in Munich, the company Messring is a specialist in this field and has been manufacturing installation and data acquisition systems for the crash-test segment sine 1968. The company also focuses on further developing and adapting the award-winning M=Bus data acquisition system for crash-test dummies and other components. The latest innovation is the complete sensor and data acquisition system for the most modern side-impact dummy on the market, the so-called “WorldSID 5th Small Female Dummy”. This expertise in particular is highly valued all over the globe as demonstrated by the new project for supplier GSK Protech in China. In Nanjing, Messring has already built a crash-test facility and now a cutting-edge calibration lab is being constructed to maintain dummy models equipped with the most modern data acquisition system.

Since Messring launched the M=Bus data acquisition systems onto the market in 2006 it has been upgraded continuously to accommodate the latest developments in the industry. The engineers have had to overcome new challenges time and again, especially covering the in-dummy data acquisition systems. This ongoing development is currently being impressively demonstrated by new WorldSID (Worldwide Harmonised Side Impact Dummy, fifth smallest Female Dummy) data acquisition system. The primary benefit of the progressive Bus solution is that you can connect up to 32 data acquisition units with just one coaxial cable. This significantly accelerates the work of the test engineers and ensures a maximum bandwidth of test scenarios as well as clean, precise data acquisition results during the crash test. Regardless of whether three or six channels are used to record data, the small data acquisition modules always ensure full signal strength for all in-dummy components, which are controlled via a

gateway. The M=Bus technology also offers additional significant benefits, it improves heat distribution, thanks to the decentralised design and the data acquisition system has practical ID modules that ensure the mass properties of the dummies remain unchanged. Cutting-edge dummies such as the 5th Small Female are equipped with extremely sensitive data acquisition technology and therefore have to be recalibrated after just a few tests which is why it’s so important to have a good calibration lab like the one being built in Nanjing. In addition to hardware, Messring also offers its own dummy calibration software, CalSoft that plays a key role in each crash test. The software controls test rigs, assesses data, and is essential for ensuring test reproducibility. With so many different test runs and dummy models it’s also necessary to use software that’s powerful enough to fulfill all the test requirements and guidelines.

ZENITH INTRODUCES THE SA ZENITH STAR SPRAYBOOTH THE EQUIPMENT SA STAR SPRAYBOOTH FROM EQUIPMENT With improved 50mm steel wall thickness, state-ofthe-art colour matching fluorescent lighting and new safety features in the stainless steel burner and heat exchangers. The SA Star Spraybooth also incorporates both front and side doors for easy entry at a very competitive price. The spraybooth meets and exceeds health and safety standards.



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YATU NEW AD M-J 2013_Layout 1 2013/07/15 12:50 PM Page 1

Introducing a new and improved formulation system with local and international formulas.


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DID YOU HEAR? by Roger McCleery


Technology from GKN has helped power the Audi R18 e-tron quattro to victory in the 2014 24 Hours of Le Mans race. GKN’s innovative electric flywheel is at the heart of the hybrid system of the R18 e-tron quattro that has secured its third consecutive win at the world’s oldest and most gruelling endurance race on France’s Circuit de la Sarthe. GKN Hybrid Power worked closely with Audi engineers to fully integrate its unique electric flywheel into the car. The key features and benefits of this innovative system are highly suited to endurance racing. The high efficiency energy transfer to and from the e-storage and an insusceptibility to performance of life degradation over a wide range of operating temperatures made GKN Hybrid Power’s flywheel the ideal technology for Audi’s project. The system provides 179kW of power and has a top rotor speed of approximately 40 000 rpm.

DID YOU HEAR? by Roger McCleery Listen to Ro ger McC leery every Tuesday o n Radio To day (1485 A M) at17h30 fo r everything abo ut SA mo to ring.


he biggest selling motor vehicle in history is a what? A motorcycle. It is Honda’s Super Cub, first produced in 1958 as a scooter model that saved the company. It nearly broke up the company as well as many argued that motorcycles must be macho but small capacity scooters weren’t for them. The Honda Super Cub has been sold in more than 160 countries and by March this year, 87million have been sold throughout the world. Saab, the Swedish car manufacturer that perfected the art of turbo charging engines in their road cars, went into liquidation in 2012. Well they are now back in production with new Chinese owners, National Electric Vehicle Sweden. The first 9.3 mid-size sedan was made at the end of last year more than two years after their Trolhattan plant in Sweden closed in April 2011. Powered by a 2,0- litre turbo petrol engine, the new design hopes to be joined soon by an all-electric

Tel: 011 425 4062 Franz: 082 463 6284 Email: 1 Madeley Street, Rynfield, Benoni 68

version. China is seen as their No 1 market. Mazda, which will run a separate dealer organisation here in South Africa (they have split from Ford) are talking about an electric version of their Mazda 2 car. They are also still developing those rotary engines that produce an immense amount of horsepower for their size and weight. There is also talk that their RX7 sports car could be back in production. Our vehicles have been using Euro 2 spec fuel as part of the Government’s plan to clean up fuels in this country and reduce carbon emissions. We cannot reduce carbon emissions with the current fuel. However, plans to introduce Euro 5 fuel which could bring you a whole new range of engines in cars built in Europe, has been delayed by the Government and the Oil Companies from 2017 to 2020. Evidently the super rich oil companies won’t invest the R40

Supercure Spraybooth Rail System

Procure Mobile Infra-Red

Hotbox Colour Matching Dryer With Timer

AR JULY-AUGUST 2014 NAT_NOV/DEC 2005 paganation 2014/07/07 10:37 AM Page 3

billion needed in the near future to produce cleaner fuel. Government plundering remains to pump up the ruinous spending that goes on. Scandalous. This doesn’t stop our Government charging ‘Carbon Emission Tax’ with a fuel that will never reach the laid down limits. No rocket or aircraft ever built by any country in the world can out accelerate an American top fuel dragster. Boasting 6000hp it uses six litres-plus of nitro-methane fuel per second, which it needs to propel its supercharger. Even a V8 Dodge engine couldn’t pull along this size of supercharger. The output of an arc welder goes to each sparkplug which melts during the 400m run before the engine starts to diesel. They carry on running until you shut down the fuel flow. It reaches 500km/h in 4.5 seconds with 8 G’s of acceleration. The total life of the engine has to only survive 900 revs up to 9 500 and then it is rebuilt. Each run costs an estimate of $10 000 per second. If Valentino Rossi on his Grand Prix motorcycle came past a dragster waiting to start at 350km/h he would be passed within three seconds as the top fueller heads for 500 km/h. Talking about records, a mean green hybrid built truck topped out 236.5 km/h in the States recently. It does 0-100 in four seconds. The engine pushes out 2100hp and 677Nm of torque. The truck was fitted with Goodyear tyres. Claudio Castiglioni, designer of MV Agusta, Aermacchi, Cagiva, Husqvarna and Ducati motorcycles died in May. His funeral in Varese, Italy, was attended by people like Giacomo Agostini, Marco Lucchinelli, the Russian Vladimir Leonov and Jules Cluzel, who gave MV their first World Championship race win in the Supersport Championship 38 years after Agostini’s last victory on the Gallarate Fire Engine (MV Agusta.) Castiglioni must go down in history as one of the greatest motorcycle designers ever. Cayenne, the huge motorcycle dealership at Kyalami, is offering a five-year guaranteed buy-back on all new and used motorbikes bought from them. They are also offering free licence and registration for all bikes purchased from them now and into the future. First Car Rental, part of the CMH Group, which was established 15 years ago, now employs 450 people with over 1200 years of combined experience in car rental. They offer topof-the-range luxury cars, down to entry-level models. Since they changed from Alamo to First Car Rental in 2008 they have become the largest car rental company in South Africa that’s not linked to an international brand. Jaguar is in the news a lot these days. After a C-Type previously driven by Fangio won the Historic GP in Monaco, it was quickly moved over to Brescia for the start of the Milla Miglia. The sponsorship of the Simola Hill Climb is one of the best things Jaguar has done in this country. It brought together 120 of the best Historic and current performance cars featuring the cream of South Africa’s racing drivers. Sir Jack Brabham, who died at 88 in the middle of May, was the only man ever to have won a World Championship in a car of his own making. His last Grand Prix win was in South Africa in 1970 at Kyalami. Brabham’s chassis designs were undertaken by Ron Taunarac while the Repco engine was the brainchild of Phil Irving, who also designed the vee-twin Vincent HRD motorcycle engine and, of course, wrote the book “Tuning for Speed”. A Ford Mustang, celebrating the brand’s 50th year in production, achieved a new high thanks to a helium balloon lofting on to 33.53km above the earth. Europe’s No 1 small car has been named as the Ford Fiesta once again. It is the best seller in Europe and No 2 in its class in South Africa. Mahindra, with a reputation for supplying value for money vehicles has launched a new mid-size SUV, the XUV 500, that is R30 000 lower priced than the current models. It’s 2.2 litre Hawk turbo diesel engine pushes out 103kW and 330Nm of torque through a six-speed gearbox. Porsche delivered more than 162 000 vehicles to customers across the world last year.



An all new straightening system for heavy duty vehicles Fully approved by Mercedes-Benz Commercial Vehicles

The compact Korek HD floor frame features a double layer ground frame for robust performance and easy set-up. The flexible tower assemblies are highly mobile. It offers extended cab tower pulls with traction pulls of 20 tons per basic tower. The towers are simple to fix as they operate on rollers and are fixed to the HD Korek frame by four wedges with three main stands on offer. This is coupled to 30 ton composition hydraulic sets. The options for a perfect chassis cab and frame straightening job are endless as well as painless. As far as speed of output and profitability are concerned, the HD Korek offers major profitability at a reasonable entry level cost. It is ideal for both CV repairers and large fleet operators as an investment in Truck repair. 30 Ton Stand

Hydraulic Stand


Mobile High Lift Stand

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he Paint Rectification Process is the term used to describe the procedures used when removing surface defects from a paint finish. These typically consist of (but not limited to) dust nibs, paint runs, and texture. 3M has a range of products associated with the paint rectification process but, this article will focus on the abrasives used the removal of the defects. Defect and texture removal requires a fine grit abrasive on a film backing. The abrasive will level the defect and leaving a fine scratch in the painted surface. Step 1: Defect Removal – Dry Sanding 3M Purple Finishing Film P1200 The product is coated with a high performance Aluminum Oxide which cuts fast, lasts a long time, resists loading and leaves a consistent finish. Use this product dry with a soft interface pad to scuff before painting or, use them to remove runs, dust nibs and excess orange peel from topcoat finishes before repainting. The scratch pattern produced by this product (approx. 1.2 – 1.5 micron) can be removed by compounding, better still refine the scratch pattern by using 3000 Trizact™ first. Suggested back-up pad PN05551 and soft interface pad PN05777. You can also try: Defect Removal – Damp Sanding 3M Trizact™ Clear Coat Sanding Disc P1500 Patterned, precise mineral structures give Trizact abrasives the combination of fast cut and consistent finish. Use P1500 clearcoat sanding discs damp for levelling dust nibs and sanding of mismatched orange peel. Our exclusive abrasive provides a uniform and consistent scratch pattern (approx. 1.0 – 1.2 micron) can be removed by compounding, better still, refine the scratch pattern by using 3000 Trizact™ first. Suggested back-up pad PN05551 and soft interface pad PN05777. Step 2: Scratch Refinement – Damp Sanding 3M™ Trizact™ Foam Disc 3000 Patterned, precise mineral structures give Trizact abrasives the combination of fast cut and consistent finish. Use the 3000 foam disc damp for removing P1200-P1500 grade sand scratches prior to use

A close up view of the 3M™ Trizact™ abrasive structure. of 3M™ Perfect-It™ III polishing system. The use of the Trizact 3000 foam disc will cut polishing times significantly by refining the scratch pattern (approx. 0.3 – 0.5 micron). The foam backed abrasive will not remove surface texture of the paint finish The foam disc can also be used in a spot repair system for removing sanding scratches before compounding. Suggested back-up pad PN05551 and soft interface pad PN05777. Step 3: Scratch Refinement – Damp Sanding 3M™ Trizact™ Foam Disc 6000 New and unique to 3M, the Trizact 6000 is used damp to remove the fine scratches produced by the Trizact 3000 by refining the scratch pattern (approx. 0.2 – 0.3 Micron). These discs can reduce or eliminate the use for using wool compounding pads in automotive finishes, as well as improve the appearance on deep shade finishes. Suggested back-up pad PN05551 and soft interface pad PN05777.


STEVE WICKS, 20-02-1961 TO 08-05-2014


teve Wicks was an accomplished photo journalist who freelanced for many motoring publications in South Africa. Steve was tragically killed in an accident recently on his bicycle. He was until his untimely death a dedicated motor sport enthusiast and testament to that could be seen from the huge crowd of friends and mourners that attended his memorial at Kyalami. He commanded great respect from fellow photographers in his quest for the perfect frozen slice of time in all things motor sport. Being self taught Steve made a big mark in racing circles with the launch of his own magazine, Chequered Flag and was also heavily involved in work with the Motorpics website to supply the press with top notch action photography. One after another the mourners took turns to relate funny stories of Steve’s quirky sense of humour that he possessed – no mention of money ever came through their recollections, for Steve was driven by an unquestionable love of motor sport and helped many aspiring drivers and riders make their mark on local and international meetings. His support for the underdog privateer teams was his constant theme as he supplied hosts of media releases with a normal 70

amount of Wicks total irreverence for the status quo in his reports. In recent years Steve carved a big reputation for his unwavering support and knowledge working for the late Justin Haler in Truck and Bus and other publications like the one you are reading now. With an incredible style he could write on anything from potholes in the road to white line fever with a great depth of knowledge. Steve cared very little for status but was extremely passionate about his clients’ success. Wicks was not big in stature but was a giant in his big hearted way of living life to the fullest degree. He leaves behind the love of his life Catherine O’Donnell, a daughter Nicole and a son Richard. As an epitaph for Steve perhaps the saying that you must live every day as if its your last for one day you’re sure to be right would be very apt. HIs wake was one of remembrance and celebration of Steve’s good and busy life. He will be sadly missed.


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tandard operating procedures eliminate many unforeseen problems by just taking a few minutes before a car gets underway in the repair shop. It’s best say some international shops to get a better developed repair plan so standard operating procedures will ensure that technicians and key staff get the right information upfront. It’s all part of trying to exceed customer expectations by working on a vehicle in the correct way. Here is how to develop a blueprint inspection routine for your business and how the standardised process can become a valuable tool. We implemented this inspection routine about five years ago. It’s a 30-minute data collection process conducted prior to blueprinting procedures in which we acquire and assess a standard set of information on every job, regardless of the vehicle type or amount of damage that exists. It’s a methodical collection of information that helps us document the state of a vehicle and understand how to properly blueprint the job. It has become a strong tool that we use everyday to save time and improve the customer experience. The inspection routine includes three key steps:

Key inspections on quality at every stage of the process with checklists remove failure rates to ultra low levels.

Repair Contract We complete a repair contract for every customer, before even looking at the vehicle. The repair contract is a document designed to gather basic customer and vehicle information, and to educate the customer about the repair process. The four-page contract includes the vehicle’s make, model, VIN and colour. We also provide information about things like repair payment options and parts usage. We explain the pros and cons of various parts choices, parts recommendations and insurance-related issues. It takes about 10 minutes to complete the repair contract, which every customer signs. Pre-repair Checklist We conduct a physical walk-around of the vehicle along with the customer to assess 12 standard items outlined on our prerepair checklist. It’s an opportunity to gather more detailed information. The checklist takes about 15 minutes to complete and includes the following: l Check lights, horn, wipers and washer nozzles l Check door handles, mirrors, power locks and alarm key fob l Check dash lights and cigarette lighter l Check fuel level l Check vehicle mileage l Identify paint code l Identify wheel lock location l Acquire details of the crash l Identify the location of vehicle passengers at the time of the crash l Identify the payment method – customer-pay or insurancepay l Identify the customer’s interests in additional work, such as paintless dent repair, mechanical repair or other self-pay items l Identify how the customer heard about the shop. The checklist should be a living document at every shop because some items could vary between facilities. So build the document over time in a way that works for you. Shop owners should regularly assess whether any new information could be 72

A detailed collection of information will prevent you from having to make loads of calls during the repair.

added to the checklist to prevent common delays during the repair process or customer complaints. Pre-existing Damage Diagram The final step of the inspection routine is completion of a preexisting damage document, which includes a diagram of a vehicle. We identify where any pre-existing issues exist on the vehicle, and note the information in the appropriate place on the diagram. Every customer signs and dates that document to verify they were aware of those issues in advance. Documenting pre-existing issues this way ensures customers won’t blame us for certain imperfections. It also provides a convenient opportunity to upsell customers on additional unrelated items. Make sure you assess the vehicle thoroughly, though, because customers could hold you liable for damages that were not included on the document. We use an iPad to complete the inspection routine, which is performed by our front office staff (every estimator and customer service representative is trained on the process). The iPad is linked directly to our management system where these three documents are housed. Customers sign each form on the iPad, and the information is automatically attached to the repair order and electronically saved in the management system. That’s a much more efficient and organised strategy for completing, tracking and saving these forms, since paper documentation generates clutter and gets misplaced. Any employee who assesses the customer’s file can easily refer to these forms at any time from any location. This inspection routine has become very important and valuable to our company. Spending more time with customers up front to obtain this data reduces the need to call them several times throughout the repair, and eliminates work stoppages. This information is also needed to determine the best possible repair plan. -


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se of advanced materials reduces the weight of a 2013 Fusion to that of the smaller Ford Fiesta, resulting in a nearly 25% weight reduction. Just several months after introducing the all-new aluminium F-150, Ford Motor Company is now aiming to implement that same lightweighting construction to sedans. The automaker unveiled its Lightweight Concept vehicle, which uses advanced materials to explore future weight reduction solutions that could improve performance and fuel efficiency while reducing carbon dioxide emissions. The design reduces the weight of a 2013 Fusion to that of the smaller Ford Fiesta, resulting in a nearly 25% weight reduction. The vehicle represents the latest phase of Ford’s research into developing sustainable technology solutions that are affordable for consumers and can be produced in large volumes across the product lineup. This research has also led to a weight reduction of up to 315 kg in the allnew F-150. “Consumers today want better fuel efficiency, but they also want more technology and features in the car, which usually adds weight to the vehicle,” said Raj Nair, Ford group vice president, Global Product Development. “A focus on lightweighting will be fundamental to our industry for years to come, and we are investigating many advanced materials applications as possible solutions for weight reduction in our vehicles.” To reduce weight, Ford engineers incorporated advanced materials into the entire design of the vehicle, including power train, chassis, body, battery and interior features such as seats. The research vehicle was developed with the US Department of Energy’s Vehicle Technologies Programme, together with Cosma International, a subsidiary of Magna International, to illustrate long-term potential lightweighting solutions. “Our goal was to investigate how to design and build a mixed-materials, lightweight vehicle that could potentially be produced in high volume, while providing the same level of safety, durability and toughness as our vehicles on the road today,” said Matt Zaluzec, Ford technical leader, Global Materials and Manufacturing Research. “There’s not a one-size-fits-all approach to lighweighting. The Lightweight Concept gives us the platform to continue to explore the right mix of materials and applications for future vehicles.”



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MAN 2014


or a second year in a row the ‘Dunlop show’ reigned supreme at the Isle of Man TT road races. Michael Dunlop mirrored last year’s results by bringing home another four wins during race week. This time however claiming two of the quadruple on his new factory backed BMW S 1000 RR Hawk Racing team outfit. According to sources Michael’s Honda contract had not been extended after last year’s races, and after turning his back on them and coming perilously close to walking away from racing altogether, he surprised them all by agreeing to race a factory BMW. Apparently the decision was made when Michael was invited to test the bike at a secret shakedown earlier this year, and after a successful test signed the big money deal with the German firm. This made the young ‘paddy’ the first BMW factory backed rider at the TT since 1974. Now you can just imagine the amount of hype this was stirring on an island no bigger than Boksburg, with every Irishman on the Isle 76

wondering how Mickey would fare on his ‘unproven on the island’ BMW Hawk Racing team ride? Practice week With most of practice week red flagged and unable to run because of misty, time-mugging conditions around the circuit, racers were not too happy about being short of critical time to test and setup for race-week. So with most of the week gone, we were relieved to find out that the final two days of practice week would be moving from dreary to dreamy weather. Untill then, Bruce Anstey had posted some seriously fast lap times on his Padgetts Honda racer with Guy Martin close on his heels on the Tyco Suzuki. Unfortunately for team McGuinness practice didn’t look as good due to a crash earlier this season, which left him riding with a broken wrist. Surprisingly only slowed him down marginally on the time


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Pics & story by Jay Groat

“It’s been a tricky few years since my crash and I’m just so happy to be back. I can’t say much more than that”.

Conor Cummins

sheets for the smaller bikes, but taking it’s toll on the bigger superbikes. The time-sheets also exposed some insane lap times from new young gun Peter Hickman who posted a blitzing 129 mph lap in his TT debut. There was very little news from the covert Dunlop camp during the week with the only mention of their switch from Metzeler to Dunlop tread being the highlight. Dianese TT Superbike Race With the ‘King of the Mountain’ John McGuinness nursing a broken wrist, BMW not only picked their timing right, but had the best man on the Isle for the job. So when the Dianese TT Superbike Race started everyone saw Michael Dunlop do just that, as he powered his way into history with an opening race win on the Hawk racing BMW S 1000RR. Breaking the outright lap record of 211.9


km/h and giving BMW their first win in 75 years. Michael took the lead on the opening lap from Suzuki mounted Guy Martin who made no excuses for his second spot with his “I can’t complain, the bike was absolutely mega” remark on the day. By being just 20 seconds down on the BMW of Dunlop, Guy showed he’s still on the pace for that elusive win, with local island rider Conor Cummins just behind in third place on the Rostrum Honda. Bruce Anstey’s effort didn’t go unrewarded as the Kiwi had a storming second half of the race. Bruce set an all time record lap speed of 212.4 km/h on his way to 4th overall. Sure Sidecar TT The side car duel leg TT Series saw Dave Molyneux exit while leading on lap 2, gifting the win to Conrad Harrison and Mike Aylott on their 600cc machine. They finished 17 seconds ahead of John 77

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Guy Martin holding off Hillier for third place in the Superbike final race. Having had podium finishes the whole week, he still has to hold on another year for his elusive TT win on the island. Holden and Andrew Winkle with Tim Reeves and Gregory Cluze completing the top 3. Dave Molyneux and Patrick Ferrance went out with electrical gremlins in race one but after taking six previous podium places, Harrison was thrilled with his win. The second side car race saw Dave Molyneux’s Kawasaki make no mistakes to take his 17th winning career spot. They won by a comfortable margin of 44 seconds ahead of John Holden and Andrew Winkle who had mechanical problems early on in the race. Harrison and Aylott scooped second place with Holden and Winkle coaxing their ailing side car across the finish line just 5,6 seconds adrift in third place. Supersport TT Race One A win for Triumph was recorded on Monday’s race card as Gary Johnson won the race by the smallest margin of the week. Johnson, 33, led from the start, although Anstey produced a brilliant final lap to reduce the margin from four seconds to only 0.1 at one stage. Johnson held his nerve late on the last lap to win by 1.5 seconds clear of Bruce Anstey, with Michael Dunlop in third. Johnson took his second career TT victory in the most thrilling race seen in the week. Johnson, who had been fastest in Supersport practice with a 202.6 km/h lap, gave Triumph their first TT success since Anstey's victory in 2003. The Superstock Race Two suffered postponements due to persistent rain and foggy conditions on the mountain course. Previous race winner Gary Johnson fell off at the Waterworks on the first lap when it did start and broke his collarbone. Michael Dunlop then won the Supersport TT race where he 78

doubled up on his success. Dunlop dominated proceedings on his MD Honda as after the first lap he had gained a 9 second lead over Bruce Anstey and by staying just ahead, he knew that the 10 second time advantage was enough for his third win of the week. In a nice touch, second placed Bruce Anstey moved over, close to the finish line, to let Michael Dunlop take the checquered flag on his MD Honda, as Dunlop had won the race already on time difference. TT Zero Electric Bikes This was the only race to run on Wednesday’s overcast conditions. The race is just a one lap wonder which saw John McGuinness breaking TT records with an electric bike lap record of 188 km/h on the Mugen Shindon Honda. McGuinness maintained a clear lead over team mate Bruce Anstey as the Brunel Racing Team and Kingston University machines became early retirements. McGuinness took the win with Bruce Anstey 30 seconds down in second place with Rob Berber behind them on the Ohio State University Buckey’s machine. Lightweight TT Postponed till perfect racing conditions the Monster Energy Race for 500cc twin cylinder machine class saw Dean Harrison lead home the race claiming his first TT win on Friday’s opener. The RC Express racing machine was a victor by 14.4 seconds over last years winning Kawasaki of James Hillier, with James Crowthorn in third place. Unlucky fastest qualifier Olie Lindell went out early with mechanical retirements. Only by lap three had the leaderboard settled. Harrison who had previously won the Manx Classic TT race said he had to slipstream Keith Amor to conserve fuel to get the win.


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Michael Dunlop on the BMW Hawks Racing team BMW S 1000RR, controlling the Superbike race from start to finish.

John McGuinness due to his inability to force the throttle through his injury, took a win in the electric Zero TT race.

The man of the moment Michael Dunlop proving that no matter what he rides, winning is in the Dunlop Dynasty.

Guy Martin showing some airborne form through Kirk Michael. Pokerstars TT Senior TT Finishing the week with four in a row wins, the seemingly invincible Michael Dunlop commanded the BMW S 1000 RR bike to a final win in the 6 lap Senior TT race. He was never under any real threat as the four leaders circled one another over the first 2 laps. Michael Dunlop knew he held a big time advantage. His brother William Dunlop led until lap three and due to a bad pit stop, pushed so hard to make time up, that it led to his high speed smash off the road at the Les Graham Memorial on the Veranda. He broke his leg in two places. Winning by 14 seconds Michael Dunlop only wanted to know how his injured brother was doing in hospital. As he had passed the wreck during the race, he said it put a dampener on the last win of the TT, but that he was glad it was not serious. Conor Cummins’ Honda sealed a dream week and the Ramsey resident had shown great skill in securing the podium finish. Popular Guy Martin scooped the final 3rd place while Anstey posted a new record lap of 212 km/h in fourth place. When asked in the interview what he thought of the BMW Hawk Racing outfit Dunlop said “Taking a factory ride with a team which has never been proven on the circuit and winning the race for them here for the first time in 75 years, I would say, I think we’ve proved it.”. With an estimated record crowd at the 2014 TT races, the week’s festival, although dampened by sporadic wet weather, was as good as it gets. With two race deaths in the week and top speeds of close to 340 km/h, one might say maybe the bikes have outgrown the track? But that said, it still remains the greatest show on earth for motorcycle road racing fans.


Senior TT Results

1. Michael Dunlop (6) BMW/Hawk Racing 01:45:33.291 2:Conor Cummins (10) Honda / Honda Racing 01:45:47.291 3.Guy Martin (4) Suzuki / Tyco Suzuki 01:45:56.962 4.Bruce Anstey (6) Honda / Padgetts Moto 01:46:20.814 5.James Hillier (2) Kawasaki / Muc-Off Kawasaki 01:46:22.262 6.John McGuinness (1) Honda / Honda Racing 01:46:38.179 7. Joshua Brookes (14) Yamaha / Milwaukee Yamaha 01:46:43.877

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hat began in the basement of Louis Gerson’s home in Boston, Massachusetts in 1953 has grown to become the leading worldwide supplier of Paint Strainers, Tack Cloths and respiratory products for autobody refinishing. Now headquarted in a 70 000 SF facility just south of the Port of Boston, Gerson ships its unique Elite Paint Strainer System, Tack Cloths and respiratory protection products to leading refinish distributors in over 50 countries throughout the world. This growth is rooted in the technology of specialised high-speed, automated production that Gerson has developed over the course of 50-plus years. With all machine design and construction done inhouse, combined with the creative development of unique product features by Gerson engineers, Gerson products are generally recognised as the best in category. In Paint Strainers, product quality is assured through the use of specially-woven synthetic mesh that is cleansed to remove any microscopic particles or chemicals that may affect the refinishing process. Each lot


of filter material is further analysed in Gerson’s in-house laboratory, using the most modern techniques of spectrographic analysis, to certify that the filter material is free of any silicone. In–line scrubbing of the filter material and strainer body removes any particulates that may be generated during the cutting and processing of the filter mesh or paperboard, while in-line optical inspection insures that each strainer is pure and free of particulates. Although Gerson has been producing strainers for over 50 years, in 2012 it introduced an innovative system in which its strainers are provided in sealed, dust–free pods that can be loaded into specially-designed dispensers and removed by means of a special tab that avoids touching or contamination of the filter material. This contamination-free system is now used and recommended by the leading refinish paint manufacturers to assure proper results with today’s modern refinish paints. Likewise, Gerson’s unique automated production of Tack Cloths assures consistently high quality of products. Today,

Gerson offers a variety of substrate materials from traditional cotton substrates to totally lint–free nonwoven and knit substrates that are usually combined with low–tack, non–transferring adhesives that Gerson blends itself. Gerson is one of only a few manufacturers of respiratory protection products who produce its own filter material for particulate filtration. This filter material is used not only in Gerson’s disposable respirators including the highquality filter pads that provide protection against particulates when combined with chemical cartridges for use in spray painting. This technology to produce what is known as “melt–blown” filter media, used by Gerson since 1984, provides particulate protection not only for solid particulates, but also against liquid oil-borne aerosols. Bulldog Abrasives is proudly the sole distributor of Gerson products in Sub–Saharan Africa. For more information on their whole range of products please contact their sales team on +27 (0)11 786 5591 or email them at

AUTOREF AD J-F 2014_Layout 1 2014/05/14 2:04 PM Page 1

What would you say to a customer who gave you 25 minutes of their time?


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utomotive Refinisher travelled to Finland to track the success of Mirka - an automotive abrasive manufacture with global success and a comprehensive product line. KWH Mirka Ltd is a global company that specialises in the development of advanced surface finishing technologies. They offer a wide range of high-quality abrasives, innovatively designed tools and polishing compounds as well as accessories and complete sanding solutions. Their company philosophy that guides everything they do is - a job well done. Mirka was founded in 1943 in Helsinki by Finnish engineer Onni Aulo. Engineering Aulo met the challenge of starting a new company during the war and successfully began production in 1946. Over the years, their business has changed many times in response to market needs. In 1962, they moved to the small village of Jeppo on the west coast of Finland, where their headquarters are still located today. Since then, the company and product lines have expanded rapidly. Their business focus has evolved from manufacturing sandpaper to highly innovated, patented net abrasives and electric sanders, including complete dust–free sanding systems. They are part of the family-owned KWH Group and are one of the world’s largest manufacturers of coated abrasives. They provide employment in Finland for over 580 people at their corporate headquarters and three production sites. Ninety five percent of their products are exported and sold across the globe through their 14 subsidiaries and the balance by select independent distributors such as Bulldog Abrasives who are their sole distributors in Sub Saharan Africa. They provide technical and sales support to customers in 95 markets on four continents. Their products and systems are designed for professional users in the following industries, automotive manufacturing and refinishing, interior design, wood, construction, renovation and composite processing. The goal is to provide customers with high-quality abrasives and new innovative products and systems that achieve outstanding results. As a company, they achieve their goal by being ambitious, lean and flexible. Each year, they carefully analyse customer feedback, review their policies, and study the market. Then they make adjustments based on what they learn to stay in tune with market trends and customer needs. How does sustainability fit in? It fits perfectly. Changing conditions inspires them to improve and grow their business. They see that their customers are as interested in sustainability as they are. That is why their production development is focused on innovating the best sustainable products and systems, while continually improving their own environmental performance. They are partnering even more with suppliers, neighbouring businesses and customers to develop both environmental and social sustainability throughout their supply chain. The benefit will be continued economic sustainability and growth. For the workforce, the approach to social sustainability includes offering health and safety training, professional development programmes and performance reviews. The goal is to give co-workers as many opportunities as possible to realise their full potential. Their main business challenge is market uncertainty, economic forecasts predict continued recession in some of their major markets. Yet despite the difficult market conditions in recent years, they have done well. Sales grew by 21% in 2010, 11% in 2011, and 10% in 2012. A slowdown in some markets has been more than offset by increased business in other areas. Moving forward, the goal is to achieve steady double-digit growth in current and new markets. This allows them to invest more in sustainability initiatives and to develop breakthrough technologies that address customer challenges and needs. In 2012, they took stock of their sustainability initiatives. They have made excellent progress. They realised that it is important to communicate their activities and accomplishments publicly. The results can be found in the first biennial Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) sustainability report. They have invested 3.5 million Euros in the design and construction of their new training centre. They will promote sustainable surface finishing technology and competency and provide information about how they work. They want to share their knowledge and expertise about workplace health, safety and environment that they have developed over the years. They believe in developing long-term fair partnerships with suppliers that are consistent, reliable and secure. Their goal is to reduce risks for both their business and their suppliers. Strategic sustainability is seen as an increasingly important component in supplier operations and products. As strong partners they can share resources, implement best practices, and collaborate to bring sustainable products to market. They want to lead by example and work in partnership towards creating market transformation towards sustainability. They are both supplier and partner to their customers. Customers are supplied with products, services and solutions and in turn customers provide them with feedback and continued business. Firstly, customers let them know what challenges they face. Then, the sales and technical support specialists help them get the right tools, abrasives, and training they need for their work. Later the team follows up to find out how their solutions have performed and what can be improved. The Management Group and product development team review this feedback annually. Through this process, their customers drive many of their product improvements and system innovations. The result is a win-win situation. Products and services are brought to the market that are precisely what customers need and want to achieve success in their work.


New compact abrasive systems from Mirka reduce preparation time making it a cost effective solution.

Bulk rolls are moved both manually and by factory robots to work stations.

These huge manufacturing production units are capable of manufacturing over 50 kilometres of abrasive paper per shift. Many workers have started their working life with Mirka and receive good training to maintain strict quality standards.


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The business really changed in 2001 for Herman Veldhoen with the introduction of waterborne refinish. Now with RSB and Onyx R-M refinish they are carving a new success story in the Western Cape.



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trying to change the landscape of service directly connected to the erman Veldhoen is just another unsung hero in the clients needs with fast deliveries and technical support. world of collision repair, yet he has a long and How do you see your responsibility on technical service and distinguished career in the Western Cape for supplying back-up with the RSB group? outstanding back-up on the products that he services with top refinish technology. Automotive Refinisher took some A great deal of concerted effort is now needed in bringing in time out to see what life is like in the front line on body shop new process changes and efficiencies in body preparation and service. polishing. There is a lot to do all the time. It’s not just about Before we start, Herman, tell us a bit about yourself and give pushing tins anymore, although we’re up to three deliveries per us some background of your life in the trade. day to key accounts with a new electronic ordering system that we currently use. Well, my first love was rugby and it sort of took over for quite How do you see the OEM approval programmes and the a while. I came from a hardware background to work for choice of body shop refinish material systems affecting the Harvey’s with Tim Scarborough and Mike Speck in the early days industry? selling Durathane K brands. Then I learnt the ropes on giving good service on my refinish brands with both the Glasurit and PPG There has been a huge drive by the OEM’s of late towards brands. There has been a big change in the business since 2001, in waterborne paints. The body shops in our market have seen my opinion, what with the trend towards waterborne technologies, this as the right way to go and there is a clear move in the industry but you just have to keep up. now towards waterborne paints. You now have a new role with RSB in the Cape, so what’s The push is on right now from cost conscious repairers your profile right now? looking for better value for money. What’s your perception of this? In this business after three decades you get a great deal of loyalty from some of the key clients and this has happened to A first reaction to this lies in proving to the client that we me recently with the introduction of the R-M brand in the Cape. have the answer in a total cycle time increase in repairs and RSB operate with a sort of one-stop shop philosophy and as we’re proving that R-M’s offer of an added value choice is the right one. currently moving upwards in this area of the market, the western Ongoing training for us is a big part of it all. If we are to improve cape offers outstanding growth – and is a big part of that push to and progress it’s going to be done by concentrating on overall expand the sales and service to my clients – going forward. throughput costs and alerting our customers to eliminate costly In what way would you say the Western Cape market differs waste in the repair cycle. from the rest of South Africa? What do you think the R-M brand will be doing in three years time? It takes a great deal of time and effort to build up confidence, in my opinion, but once the clients see that you care about Well, my feeling is that overall awareness for sustainability to making them more profitable and efficient they are extremely loyal. survive is at an all time high in the Western Cape and with What challenges do you see in the Cape collision repair some of our key brands like Mirka, SATA, CarSystem, Gerson and shops right now? Presta, to name but a few, we are in good shape to guide these business operations to improve their profits going forward. It’s all A big aspect where we can often help concerns low about getting the production package right and making the productivity. Life is all about experience and the first wave of technology deliver. At RSB we have the focus to make that 2K painters are now getting on a bit, so at RSB we spend a good happen. deal of time filling roles in companies who have a staffing or Tell us the secret of your hard earned success in the operating problem. We need many more skilled preparation and Western Cape? colour matching staff to be trained up on a routine basis and that’s where we can help our customers on an ongoing basis. I have been fortunate enough to have built long standing An aspect of your service style has been that clients’ loyalty relationships with my clients. A heartfelt thanks to all my has been your reward for the care and attention in your sale customers who have supported me throughout the years and style. Has this been a sort of secret of success for you? have continued to support me with my new venture. I would like to say yes to that in the short answer, but you can probably guess that it’s a simple case of solid hard work and absolutely seeing the delivery of doing every job just once in the production repair cycle. Over the years my body shops have enjoyed rising to the top with first rate technology and professionalism being a big driver for the customers who want to reap better profitability. How do you stand on the big debate of approved and non-approved repairers for R-M Refinish in the top division supplying repair shops? A main driver for our brand at RSB is that we have all the top motor manufacturing approvals in general in the Onyx brand of waterborne refinish with a further specialist range of Baslac for solvent borne users in the non approved category. Finally, Salcomix for truck and body builders and general industrial finish, so that cross section of paints available covers all types of repair shops. Do you feel that R-M as a brand remains successful because they are associated with shops that they trust. Herman’s (right) secret of success is customer loyalty. Arnie du Preez (left) from Auto Panel Repair Centre Yes, but our total approach is different. It’s a has just won a major award from the VW Group. He is just one of the many clients who trusts Herman back-to-basics vision on service where we’re implicitly.













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ituated in Midrand the all new Lehlobo Autobody Repair launch programme recently opened up for business as part of the innovation cofunding enterprise development programme between Marsh and Guardrisk Insurers. The two firms will jointly allocate funds for the adopt-a-shop motor body repairer where the aim will be to develop and expand existing black-owned motor body repairers in South Africa. Already the fund for development has topped R1.6 million and the beneficiaries will get assistance to get their operations in good shape for some 24 months per beneficiary. Errol Masinga from Marsh says these green field expansion packages will be able to boost the percentage of black owned companies on a road to success. Lehloro Autobody were also awarded certificates of approval from general Motors and Hyundai at the grand opening launch in Richards Drive, Midrand. Motsaka Martin Ledwaba the business owner thanked all the insurers present for their had work and help to launch the company on time and was looking forward to become a big success story. He has been in the autobody collision repair business for five years in his own concern.

This ambitious enterprise development programme is coming from Marsh and Guardrisk Insurers. The two firms will jointly allocate funds for the adopt-a-shop programme. Motsaka Ledwaba (left) and Errol Masinga from Marsh Insurers have initiated the first shop in the programme launch.

Project Adopt-a-Shop The apartheid legacy left many South Africans ill-equipped with the necessary skills, resources and confidence to start up and run viable businesses of their own. Generations of discriminatory legislation and practice meant that the majority of black South Africans had limited access to business opportunities and formal business training. As a result there’s a 63% high failure rate of small businessess started hand there’s no exception for Motor Body Repairers experiencing contraction in terms of sustainability. There is also a lack of well structured incubation and enterprise development programmes aimed at assisting disadvantaged Motor Body Repairers In South Africa. Marsh and Guardrisk are committed to small business development and growth, because small businessess are key to poverty reduction and job creation while contributing to the country’s economic growth. They are also committed to implement innovative ways to improve service levels of informal small enterprises to have a meaningful share in the formal economy. In line with the Generic Codes of Good Practice on Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment, this initiative will enable us to meet our B-BBEE requirements. 86

Peter Nasser, RSB Autogroup (left), Eddie da Silva, guest and helper were on hand to open the smart new operation in Midrand.


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GENERAL New AD_Invoice TOYOTA 16-8-05 2014/02/07 11:41 AM Page 1

General paints have a very successful track record and supply over 56 countries across the globe with a full range of 92 toners - 39 standards, 16 pearls, 6 xyralics and 29 2K. These high cover toners ensure a perfect result everytime. General Paints also offer a complete colour support package with their colour box of 8000 colour formulas backed-up by GPC pro computer software which has close to 70 000 international car colour formulas in different variable shades. The General refinish range includes rapid primers and high solid clearcoats which have been extensively researched to provide you with a ‘One Stop Shop’ philosophy. General paints are designed to improve body shop profitability and shorten process times.

Unit No.1B Plumbago Bussiness Park Cnr Spier & Monument Road Kempton Park Johannnesburg

For dealer opportunities in your area or nearest stockist call us on +27 (0)11 663 0300 Email us at Visit us on

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o keep pace with increasing demand for the General Refinish brand, Kanye Vimba - the national importer of the brand - has taken a huge new office and national distribution operation in Plumbago Office Park, Kempton Park. “The 1500 square metre site will house the product range for the company for some years to come,” says Llewellyn Mulder CEO. “The company posted an increase in sales in South Africa and surrounding countries of over 30% in the year. We really want General to be seen as a top tier brand. We offer outstanding quality with full technical back-up on colouristics and formula colour systems for rapid colour availability of international colours,” says Mulder. “General sales to body shops will see a full 25 mixing banks placed and in use this year,” said Leon Niemand, sales manager. Leon has two decades of sales management in the local market and feels that General refinish has a great offer to make the market segment. Their performance and good value price are absolutely the best available right now, he says. Kanye Vimba as a company have other key automotive national distribution lines that they service and sell with first tier automotive exclusive lines for the motor assemblies. Some of these products are specialised Uvex tack rags, surface cleaning wipes, masking tape, abrasives, along with the Geratex brand of anti-static safety gloves and safety products. They have overalls, clean room PVA sponges and wipes for both wet wiping and solvent wiping tack cloths which are all based on lint free filament polyester with finished knitted edges and hot cut seal ends delivering a faultless OEM assembly A-class paint process. The company supplies basically all nonpaint consumable products to Ford, VW,

Llewellyn Mulder (far right) and his team have moved General and other key brands to a huge new warehouse location in Kempton Park. BMW and Nissan among others in South Africa. This has also seen a sales increase for the business in the last year. Expanding the General national sales footprint has been a big push for the brand this year with an increase of over 20% coming from the Cape region. There has also been better uptake from Botswana, Mauritius, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Mozambique. Leon Niemand went on to say that Bloemfontein and George as well as Port Elizabeth have really got into gear this year

“The General brand is posting record sales in South Africa,” says Leon Niemand (left) sales manager and Lwelleyn Mulder CEO. More stock is also available.


with a much keener interest in the General brand being seen. The company have on hand over 35 000 finished litres of the brand as back-up for sale and are in good shape to continue to grow the business locally. The Lebanon based General brand also saw market sales increase well in Egypt, Qatar and the Middle East with greater demand for their systems for refinish. For more info on the General product brand call +27 (0)11 663 0306 or visit

Technical back-up on the General refinish lines comes now via Sheldon (left) and Leon Niemand in Gauteng.


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NEW PRODUCTS SATA CLEAN RCS COMPACT QUICK & THOROUGH GUN CLEANER The pneumatically operated rapid cleaning systems, SATA clean RCS and SATA clean RCS compact, ensure quick, clean and comfortable spray gun cleaning between paint jobs. Due to the high cleaning efficiency, colour changes require only extremely short cleaning interruptions. This optimises the painter's work processes and the capacity utilisation of the spray booth, thus increasing the body shop profitability. SATA® clean RCS™ • Recommended for wall-mounting inside the spray booth – it saves valuable time • No disconnection or adjustment of the gun inlet pressure required, respectively, due to automatic pressure regulation when switching between "spraying" and "cleaning" • Optional: Conversion kit to connect large cleaning agent containers SATA® clean RCS™ compact • To connect large cleaning agent containers • Recommended for wall mounting inside the mixing room, as there is no need for spray air supply • Optional: Hose for extracting solvent vapours. For more information on these cleaning units as well as the rest of the SATA range of products, please contact Bulldog Abrasives sales team on +27 (0)11 786 5991 or +27(0)11 786 5991 or

GENERAL 1K UNIVERSAL PRIMER 9900 Formulated for high-speed production rates for all types of refinish materials, the 9900 is ideal for spot repairs and panel touch-ups. It is capable of delivering very rapid drying with its high coverage, high build and easy sanding. It’s also equally successful for both aluminium, light alloys and steel substrates. The primer has a very high viscosity and has a recommended thinning ratio of 100 parts primer to 150 parts thinner, so it delivers a lot of primer from the tin in its sprayable viscosity. General say the 9900 primer delivers great value for money to body shops. For more information contact them on +27 (0)11 663 0300 or visit


ARROW TRADING ULTRASONIC LEAK DETECTOR Now you can eliminate costly vehicle driving to find air leaks to discover the source of air, dust and water leaks on repaired vehicle doors or window seals. This new ultrasonic micro leak detecting kit is available from Arrow Trading. It is a nine-volt battery operated unit and easily detects through a pressure monitoring transmitter and receiver any leaks that are to be found in a repaired vehicle. The cost is around R2 950 plus VAT. For more details call Andre Froneman on +27 (0)11 793 9570 or Arrow Trading on +27 (0)11 793 1251.


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A FIRST FOR RODCRAFT ECO POWER 1/2” AIR IMPACT WRENCH Discover the new RC2282Xi impact wrench for vehicles and light industrial maintenance that boasts Eco Power, an innovative feature that delivers optimal user comfort, improved job efficiency and air consumption savings. The RC2282Xi with Eco Power and its Eco Touch switch allows operators to select either Green or Boost mode depending on application needs. Green Mode • 30% less air consumption which amounts to a potential energy cost saving of plus minus R2 000 per year, per operator for a typical workshop • 7% less vibration • 26% less sound = 1 dB(A) less sound pressure • 650Nm to handle most applications Boost Mode • Full power when you need it. 900 Nm maximum power in reverse Great Ergonomics • Lightweight tool • Compact design for hard–to–reach areas • Oil bath pin clutch mechanism for lower vibration and better operator comfort. Contact Bulldog Abrasives sales team for more information on this exciting new product as well as other products in the Rodcraft range on +27 (0)11 786 5991 or

LUXOR COLOUR ATLAS To improve the Luxor range of Autogold and Autolux refinish brand’s colouristic performance, an all new Colour Atlas has been launched to back–up the huge 50 000 colour formula’s already in use with the Promatch Software. This will make colour matching a much easier task. The new fan deck range of actual product spray-outs now contains the colour swatches and derivative shades all in colour groups so it’s easy to find. Searching can now be achieved in the shortest timeframe by a painter using the Luxor mixing brand and electronic mixing scale. This improved turnaround time is also backed–up by literally thousands and thousands of specialist automotive formulations. There is also the Luxor formulation colour helpline on 0800 666 222. Luxor has also moved to cover their refinish system users with a full no risk purchase with a lifetime warranty. It all makes colour matching fast and accurate in operation. Visit Luxor paints on for more information.

SPANJAARD GASKET CLEANER Spanjaard Gasket Cleaner is a powerful blend of solvents formulated to quickly and easily remove remains of seals and gaskets – it acts by softening the materials making it easy to scrape off. It can also be used to remove industrial coatings (paints and varnishes), adhesives, carbon deposits, baked-on oil and grease from metal surfaces. Use of the product eliminates the need for excessive scraping or sanding. It is particularly suitable for removing coatings from aluminium and other soft metals where excessive scraping could damage the surface. Call them on +27 (0)860 772 652 or take a look at for more on this product or others from their comprehensive range.



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Suppliers of Automotive Repair Equipment The DENT PRO-PORTABLE DENT PULLER is a rugged locally manufactured electronic dent pulling unit; • Removes dents in body panels without needing to strip panels. • Will not damage sensitive electronic devices in modern cars. • Car batteries do not have to be disconnected. • 1 Year warranty from date of purchase with full service backup. • Excellent trade-in offers for your old Dent Pullers. • Call us now for a quote. • Free Delivery throughout SA. • New Dent Pulling Trolleys now available.

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Hand Cleaner Original - with grit, plus lanolin and antiseptic to condition and protect the skin. Lubricants







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oos van Eck was born and raised in Nigel and for a kid devoid of shoes until he was just starting high school Koos had great ambitions to become a train driver. In class his progress was however slowed down a bit by the fact that his maths was poor but persevering he did manage with some sweating to pass the Matric certificate and got gainful employment not as a railway driver, but as a carriage builder at the local railway operation. His change of mind to become first a carpenter and then a charge hand consumed a few teenage years but with a simple logic of moving up the ladder of railway success. So while his mates concentrated on 90º rubbish like rugby, women and booze, Koos felt he was destined for a management function in carriage design, production and dynamics and after a few more years was selected for an international transfer to France to work on their upgraded regional express trains which were about to be totally renewed for the next two decades. He never really did get the French language bit to start with but was working 94

with the chief railway engineer, Dupont in the design office. He was on his computer drawing up every detail of the hundreds of new trains planned for introduction, to start with on an order of over 2000 new sleek SNCF rail work trains. As the huge build commenced, van Eck was put in charge of the factory production of the 50 million Euro order book. Things were soon humming along and Koos was hard working like a Trojan to get the loco’s built on time. They were an up-sized more powerful train than ever seen on the French network before. Something was however going to bring the whole effort to a rapid halt for a basic school error in measurements given and as a result the new train was too wide to pass through 1 300 platforms which were the old stations built over 50 years earlier. Dupont and van Eck had been given the job to verify the original measurements but had somehow only managed to measure the new platform dimensions. Describing the result of the screw-up the French Minister of Transport declared it was a comic drama that all went so wrong and that over 341 loco’s made already

were too big. It was all discovered too late as over 1 300 platforms would now need to be made wider to get the new loco’s to be able to arrive at the platforms on time. It was about this time with the heat really on that Koos got a hunger to return to the quiet streets of Nigel and return to his cushy job with the railway company down the road with all the fun and bother about “someone’s” inability to read a tape measure and the huge arithmetic error in measuring. He felt someone was looking for a scapegoat in the whole indaba of the two fat trains in France and the costly mistake that followed. Needless to say Koos left France with all the carry on luggage he could handle to escape all the irate letters, emails, and other damming correspondence far behind. Now half of France couldn’t catch an express train to anywhere. Dupont, however, got the job of re-organising the 1 300 train stations with platform modifications that were needed in all winds and weather across the large rail network. The message for Mr Koos van Eck was a simple one: ‘He who tries his best goes down the road just like the rest.’


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