4 minute read

Garage management system built on workshopp feedback

Revving up efficiency

Management system built on workshop feedback helps garages save time and focus on growing business

The Workauto garage management software was built in collaboration with renowned automotive company Torque GT and offers a powerful set of tools that helps workshops streamline operations, increase efficiency, and enhance customer experience.

Co-founder Reece Charsville explains: “The idea to build the platform originally came when I was taking my cars to local workshops. I got chatting to them about their pain points organising jobs and the failings of their existing software. Being the nerdy software developer and petrolhead I am, I decided to build Workauto!”

Torque GT, a specialist in Japanese performance cars, replaced their existing internal systems with Workauto and report significant improvements in day-to-day operations. The platform allows businesses to eliminate manual processes, reduce errors, and manage their entire workflow from one simple interface. "Partnering with Torque GT was key in developing a platform that truly meets the needs of automotive businesses," said Reece. "It helps businesses save time, cut down on repetitive tasks, and better understand how they are performing, making it easier for them to focus on growing their business and the tasks they want to do."

Mike Gratton, Director at Torque GT, details how its features have benefited their business: “We needed to find garage management software that was intuitive and straightforward. We had progressed from spreadsheets to another application that was over complicated and created as many problems as it solved. I had met Reece through work, we got chatting and a plan was hatched to start developing a solution. I was involved in the initial design and development, and we iterated over a series of improvements, collaborating with our workshop and admin staff to find the right solutions to the problems we were facing. Using a modern Javascript framework has enabled us to create a fresh feeling and fast user interface that updates in real time between the front of house and the workshop.

“We can report in real-time to check exactly how long we have spent on jobs compared to estimates, as well as being able to report on any non-billable time. The drag and drop interface on the planner makes moving jobs around a breeze. Customer details and job history are always easily on hand and booked jobs get email confirmations and reminders automatically through the system, if you want them.

“We have implemented a vehicle health check appraisal into ‘Techview’ so the technicians can report back on the vehicles they are working on. This makes sure that vehicles leaving our workshop are safe for our customers and this also increases upsell opportunities for booked jobs.

“By using the ‘tags’ feature and the status tabs we can also keep track of jobs that are “On Hold” and define our own customisable labels for them. We can then keep track of which ones are blocked, for what reason and make sure we are on top of chasing suppliers.

“Since we have started using Workauto we have been able to identify productivity issues within our workshop and put measures in place to correct this. We have also seen a significant increase in revenue by feeding back issues found with customers' vehicles using the appraisal system. Customer experience is greatly improved through the automated reminder system and being able to always visually see where the job is in the mix and when we need to give an update. We are really proud of what we have built together, and we have lots of plans for new features and improvements in the pipeline.”

Users can pay monthly or annually for Workauto, with no fixed contract. Autotechnician readers have access to a 25% discount by entering AUTOTECH at the checkout.

The team are happy to come to you and demonstrate the platform, talk it through on the phone or you can just try it for yourself for 30 days, for free. Find out more here: https://bit.ly/WorkAutoAT

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