AffordAble PArker Co Age SPot removAl treAtment
WhAt Are Age SPotS ? Age spots are gray, flat brown or black spots on your skin. They generally occur in sun-exposed areas. Age spots are known as liver spots or sunspots. If you have been experiencing age spots on different parts of your body, there are several methods to remove age spots available. UV radiation also causes free radicals to become active as well, these free radicals also damage skin cells so the sunlight really can be damaging to your skin. It is advised that you protect yourself by wearing sunscreen of SPF 15 and higher, wear protective clothing and a wide-brimmed hat when possible.
WhAt Are the mAin CAuSeS? Age spots or liver spots are the result of an excess production of melanin, or skin pigment. Skin aging, sun exposure, or other forms of ultraviolet (UV) light exposure, such as tanning beds, are all main causes.Â
AffeCted body PArtS Face The back of hands Shoulders Upper back Forearms
PArker Co Age SPot removAl treAtment Laser Skin Resurfacing Botox Cosmetic Treatments Microdermabrasion Chemical Peel Intense Light Pulse Therapy
ContACt uS:998 N. Dransfeldt Rd Parker, Colorado80134 3038415266