AUVSI Annual Report

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MESSAGE FROM AUVSI PRESIDENT & CEO, MICHAEL TOSCANO The unmanned systems and robotics community continued to grow in 2012, and AUVSI continued to grow along with it. We marked our 40th anniversary this past year and we’re more excited about the future than ever. We stepped up our outreach and advocacy efforts, helping educate lawmakers and the general public on the benefits of these systems. We launched a new website devoted to spreading the news ( We’ve been constantly urging the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration to move as rapidly as possible to open the National Airspace System to unmanned aircraft, as directed by Congress, to help our industry grow and to drastically increase the ways in which this revolutionary technology can continue to improve lives. We have also participated as an observer on the International Civil Aviation Organization’s (ICAO) UAS Study Group and will continue to address global integration in the coming years. We enjoyed great attendance at AUVSI’s Unmanned Systems Program Review and AUVSI’s Unmanned Systems North America conference and exhibition. These events are widely regarded as the best we’ve ever done (and we intend to continue that trend in 2013). We also increased our advocacy efforts, to include hosting another successful AUVSI Day on Capitol Hill in conjunction with National Robotics Week and forging more partnerships with other groups that have a stake in unmanned systems. We worked closely with our friends on Capitol Hill, including members of the House Unmanned Systems Caucus, and were delighted when the U.S. Senate decided to form an unmanned systems caucus of its own. AUVSI has also become a leader in the field of driverless car technology, working to bring together the various companies and individuals in this growing section of our industry. We hosted our first Driverless Car Summit in Detroit, which featured a great lineup of speakers and some excellent presentations, and we’ll be following it up with another event in 2013. AUVSI is only as strong as its members. Belonging to a chapter is an excellent way to get involved with unmanned systems and robotics at the local community level, and our membership continued its upward climb throughout the year. AUVSI added several new chapters and many existing ones conducted successful events that will help promote and field unmanned systems. Best regards,

Michael Toscano President & CEO AUVSI

2012 ACHIEVEMENTS n n n n n n n n



Worldwide membership numbers hit a record high with 588 corporate members and more than 7,500 individual members AUVSI’s Unmanned Systems North America 2012 featured more than 7,300 attendees and 575 exhibitors from 40 countries Student competitions in air, ground and maritime had participation from 118 student teams from across the globe Successfully lobbied for the passage of the FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012, which included important provisions on the integration of UAS into the U.S. National Airspace System Joined the International Civil Aviation Organization as an official observer for their UAS Study Group Testified at Congressional Field Forum in Texas on Unmanned Aircraft Systems The inaugural Driverless Car Summit (formerly T3I) was held, bringing together leaders from the robotics and automotive communities in a common goal of making driverless cars a reality by 2022 A new quarterly electronic publication was released, Unmanned Systems: Mission Critical, covering different topic areas related to unmanned systems and robotics AUVSI’s webinar series continued, focusing on unmanned systems and robotics issues

TABLE OF CONTENTS ADVOCACY AND GOVERNMENT RELATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 KNOWLEDGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 NETWORKING EVENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 AUVSI FOUNDATION/STUDENT COMPETITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 MEMBERSHIP AND CHAPTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 COMMUNICATIONS AND PUBLICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 AUVSI BOARD OF DIRECTORS & STAFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

ABOUT AUVSI Representing more than 2,700 companies and organizations from 60 countries, the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International is the world’s largest nonprofit organization devoted exclusively to advancing the unmanned systems and robotics community. AUVSI, with members from government organizations, industry and academia, is committed to fostering, developing, and promoting unmanned systems and robotics technologies. By providing opportunities for information exchange, networking and business development, AUVSI forums are the best resource for learning about unmanned systems and robotics while staying abreast of the latest program and technology updates.

AUVSI MISSION STATEMENT Advancing the unmanned systems and robotics community through education, advocacy and leadership.

AUVSI VISION STATEMENT To improve humanity by enabling the global use of robotic technology in everyday lives.


ADVOCACY AND GOVERNMENT RELATIONS In 2012, AUVSI continued to build its brand, with federal regulators and industry stakeholders. In addition to focusing on accelerating UAS access in the National Airspace System, AUVSI augmented its advocacy efforts for the ground and maritime domains. Some of our accomplishments include: n

Successfully lobbied for the passage of the FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012 (Public Law Number 112-95), which included important language requiring the FAA to safely integrate UAS into the national airspace. Many of the provisions supported by AUVSI were included in the final document, including:

• Requiring the unmanned systems industry be consulted during the development of a comprehensive integration plan • Requiring yearly congressional reports on integration efforts • Allowing public safety agencies to immediately access the airspace with micro-UAS, weighing less than 4.4 pounds • Allowing a one-time approval of similar operations under a certificate of authorization • Requiring the FAA to plan for UAS integration in the next-generation air traffic control system • Creating test sites • Allow for commercial use of small UAS in the U.S. Arctic • Defining the term small UAS as an aircraft weighing less than 55 pounds n Conducted a well attended AUVSI Day on Capitol Hill in conjunction with National Robotics Week n

Organized Congressional attendance at a variety of ground and maritime events, including the Driverless Car Summit and two AUVSI Foundation student competitions


Provided increased visibility and presence on Capitol Hill with the following congressional committees: • Appropriations • Armed Services • Homeland Security • Oversight and Government Reform • Science, Space and Technology • Transportation and Infrastructure



Joined the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) as an official observer for the UAS Study Group


Joined the NextGen Institute Management Council, which is comprised of the CEOs of the top aviation associations. The Institute provides industry guidance to the Joint Planning and Development Office


Helped create the Senate Unmanned Aerial Systems Caucus


Joined the FAA’s UAS Aviation Rulemaking Committee Implementation Planning Working Group to help provide recommendations for the FAA’s UAS roadmap, which was required in the FAA bill


Wrote numerous letters to the FAA on their implementation of the UAS sections in the FAA bill


Met with the sponsors and cosponsors of 11 different bills and amendments aimed at regulating the UAS industry, many of which are the result of privacy concerns


Met with more than 100 Congressional offices in both the House and Senate to educate them on unmanned systems


Met with more than a dozen privacy organizations to hear their concerns with UAS integration


Released an industry Code of Conduct for the safe, responsible, and professional use of UAS, which also addresses privacy issues


Redesigned the advocacy section of the AUVSI website to be more informative and user friendly for AUVSI members



Contracted outside counsel with firm Kelley and Drye for assistance on export control issues and developed internal compliance language on brochures, website and more


Submitted testimony before the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and House Science, Space and Technology Committee


Conducted meetings with legislators to include unmanned systems language in the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users bill, commonly known as the Highway bill


Submitted comments to the U.S. Department of Transportation on the proposed changes to inland and COLREGS to address unmanned underwater and unmanned surface vehicles


Collaborated with the robotics community to advocate in opposition of International Traffic in Arms Regulations restrictions on UGVs


Provided Advocacy Action Alerts to our members on hot topics


Assisted in growing membership in the House Unmanned Systems Caucus to 60 members


Met with Google to discuss state legislative initiatives and possible collaborative efforts with Self Driving Cars


Provided industry comments to the FAA’s notice of proposed rulemaking on defining public aircraft


Provided industry comments to the FAA’s notice of proposed rulemaking on creating new restricted airspace for military UAS operations in North Dakota


Provided industry comments to the Hill and the White House on proposals to limit conference attendance due to concerns with wasteful government spending on lavish conferences


Wrote weekly articles focused on government-related news from around the world in the Advocacy News section to AUVSI’s weekly Unmanned Systems eBrief


Worked with the Coalition to Save our GPS to advocate against LightSquared being allowed to operate terrestrial antennas that would have significantly interfered with GPS signals, in addition to and protecting the 5.9-GHz band


Addressed the UAV DACH conference and exhibition at the ILA/Berlin Air Show


Addressed the Unmanned Aircraft Systems Action Summit in Grand Forks, N.D.


Attended the annual RTCA Symposium


Attended the 27th Bristol, UK, UAV Systems Conference


Attended the 11th U.S. Chamber of Commerce Aviation Summit


Attended the NextGen Ahead Conference


Addressed the Helicopter Association International’s Heli-Expo in Dallas


Addressed the American Bar Association’s Annual Air and Space Conference in New Orleans, La.


Addressed the Avionics for NextGen Conference in Atlantic City, N.J.


Addressed the Alaska UAS Industry Coalition in Anchorage, Alaska


Addressed and attended the International Association of Chiefs of Police conference in San Diego


Addressed and attended the Airborne Law Enforcement Association conference in Reno, Nev.


Addressed and attended the annual TAAC conference in New Mexico


Addressed the EAA’s Oshkosh AirVenture in Oshkosh, Wis.


Attended NDIA Robotics Conference


Attended National SeaPerch Challenge


Attended Michigan Robotics Day in Ann Arbor, Mich.


Attended the ITS America conference


Addressed a Defense Daily webinar on UAS integration


Attended Ocean’s ‘12


Attended RoboBusiness


Provided an Advocacy Update to the newly created New England Chapter and their maritime conference


Collaborated with the Robotics Technology Consortium by providing subject matter experts for a one-day workshop to develop the U.S. Robotics Roadmap


Attended several Congressional roundtables on Capitol Hill focused on transportation issues and related funding


Met with House and Senate members representing border states to support the increase in the number of mobile surveillance systems


Attended multiple congressional hearings for the air, ground and maritime domains


Supported the House Unmanned Systems Caucus Technology Fair and hosted a reception following the event


Continued active involvement in the following standards and development bodies:

• ASTM F38 • ASTM F41 • RTCA SC203 • EUROCAE WG73 n Managed and fostered external relationships and partnerships with affiliated organizations n

Engaged AUVSI chapters through grassroots efforts to support AUVSI’s advocacy initiatives by reaching out to their federally elected officials

KNOWLEDGE The Knowledge and Research departments combined to maximize effectiveness of delivering products and services to AUVSI members. Development continued on the vehicle database, including unmanned and robotic systems platforms, across the air, ground and maritime domains. The information collected will be completed in mid 2013 for regular access by the community and AUVSI efforts. Research highlights included: n Attended conferences across the United States to better understand member needs and emerging robotics industries n

A new Knowledge tab to the main AUVSI page was created to deliver relevant content to the community


Robotics Opportunities in Home Health Care, the first in a series of market background papers, launched in 2012. This paper gives a large overview of the home health care market, current robotic applications, and potential future opportunities

NETWORKING EVENTS AUVSI participates in and produces meetings and events worldwide, providing key industry leaders with premier educational and networking opportunities to advance the unmanned systems and robotics community.

AUVSI’s Unmanned Systems Program Review 2012 This annual conference included presentations by top unmanned systems officials in the military and civilian government agencies that provided updates on current programs in air, ground and maritime unmanned systems. 2012 Facts and Figures: n Total number of individual attendees: 739 (3.39 percent decrease from 2011) n Total number of Ground Systems Day attendees: 436 (8.78 percent decrease from 2011) n Total number of Air Systems Day attendees: 583 (0.34 percent increase from 2011) n Total number of Maritime Systems Day attendees: 490 (3.16 percent decrease from 2011) 6


Highlighted military speakers included: Lt. Gen. Larry D. James, U.S. Air Force; RADM Matthew Klunder, Chief of Naval Research; MG Tony Cucolo, U.S. Army; VADM Walter Skinner, U.S. Navy n Highlighted congressional speakers included: U.S. Rep. Howard McKeon; U.S. Rep. Silvestre Reyes; U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar n Sponsors included: Bluefin Robotics, Crystal Group, Inc., Delta Information Systems, Inc., RESON, Inc., SC Technologies

AUVSI’s Unmanned Systems North America 2012 Held annually in North America, the 2012 show was the largest international event in the unmanned systems marketplace and included 48 technical presentations, 23 poster presentations, 14 panel sessions, 3 workshops and 6 hot topic sessions presented by military/government, academic and industry delegates. 2012 Facts and Figures: n Total attendance: 7,310 attendees (7.91 percent decrease from 2011) • Attendees: 18 percent decrease from 2011 • Exhibitors: 14 percent increase from 2011 • Media: 53 percent decrease from 2011 • Students: 18 percent increase from 2011 n

Total exhibiting companies: 575 exhibitors (13.86 percent increase from 2011) • 4 new Technology Pavilions for 2012: Air, Ground, Maritime, Start-Up • 1 new Country Pavilion added for 2012: France Pavilion • 120,500 net square feet of exhibit space (7.11 percent increase from 2011)


Sponsors included: AOL, AV, BAE, Ball Aerospace, DreamHammer, Esterline, Harris, ITT, Jabil Defense and Aerospace Services, L-3, Lockheed Martin, NDIA, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, SAE, TECOM, Unmanned Innovations


Highlighted Keynote Speakers: Mr. Michael Huerta, Acting Administrator, FAA; Ms. Leslie Cary, Secretary, Unmanned Aircraft Systems Study Group (UASSG), ICAO; Lt. Cdr. Rorke Denver, U.S. Navy Seal and Lead Actor in the hit film “Act of Valor”; VADM William R. Burke, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations Warfare Systems; Lt. Gen. Mary A. Legere, Deputy Chief of Staff, G2, U.S. Army International coverage: 40 countries represented


Countries included: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Cambodia,Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Ecuador, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Mexico. Mongolia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, and the United Kingdom


Media presence:

• Number of media representatives in attendance: 142 • Television coverage, including national cable news stations, international and local news stations • Media from 11 countries in attendance • Approximate circulation of all media outlets combined: more than 100 million n Air, ground and maritime demonstration areas – these live demonstrations were kept busy during the show with exhibiting companies showing various unmanned systems and robotic technologies and capabilities


Driverless Car Summit The Driverless Car Summit 2012 was dedicated to understanding and working to solve the core challenges impacting driverless vehicle integration onto tomorrow’s roadways. For two days in June leaders from the robotics and automotive communities converged in Detroit to participate in interactive discussion with their colleagues and counterparts with a common goal of making driverless cars a reality by 2022. The event featured a mixture of inspiring presentations as well as interactive discussions designed to be the first steps in developing a path toward making driverless vehicles a mainstream mode of transportation. 2012 Facts and Figures: n Total attendance: 228 attendees (94.87 percent increase from 2011) n

Sponsors included: Autonomous Solutions, AutonomouStuff, AUVSI Great Lakes Chapter, Connected Vehicle Proving Center, IGVC, NADA, Quantum Signal, Robottown, SAE International, TASS Americas, TORC, Velodyne


Highlighted Event Speakers: The Honorable Rick Snyder, Governor of Michigan; Mr. Bran Ferren, Co-Chairman, Applied Minds, LLC; Dr. Henrik I. Christensen, KUKA Chair of Robotics at the College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology; Dr. Gary Smyth, Executive Director, North American Science Labs, General Motors; Dr. Chris Urmson, Tech Lead, Google, Inc.; Mr. John Maddox, Associate Administrator, Vehicle Safety Research, NHTSA

AUVSI Webinar Series AUVSI’s webinar series had a very strong showing in 2012. Each month featured a webinar session covering a topic of importance to the unmanned systems industry. A listing of 2012 webinar sessions is below: n

Recalculating: Unmanned Systems and GPS


UAVs Take to the Sky for Law Enforcement


Bottom Line: Investing in Unmanned Systems


Driverless Car Summit Preview


Fielding Robotics in Agriculture


AUVSI’s Unmanned Systems North America 2012 Privacy Panel Preview


NextGen and the Impact on UAS Airspace Integration


Dealing with Sensor Bandwidth in the New Battlefield


Unmanned Maritime Systems in the Oil and Gas industry


Ensuring Compliance with DO-178b/c for the Design and Development of UAVs

Other Events AUVSI participated in or attended a variety of tradeshows around the world to raise awareness of unmanned systems and encourage more participation by companies and individuals in the industry. Some of the shows include:



HAI Heli-Expo (Dallas)


Singapore Airshow (Changi Exhibition Centre, Singapore)


HRI 2012 (Boston)


V2X for Auto Safety and Mobility (Nomi, Mich.)


Ground Robotics Capabilities Conference & Exhibition (San Diego)


Eurosatory (Paris, France)


Bristol Unmanned Systems Conference (Bristol, UK)


Michigan Robotics Day (Oakland, Mich.)


National SeaPerch Challenge (Manassas, Va.)


San Francisco NRW and Startup Weekend (San Francisco)


Navy League (National Harbor, Md.)


RoboGames (San Mateo, Calif.)


SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing 2012 (Baltimore)


Offshore Technology Conference (Houston)


Counter Terror Expo (Washington, D.C.)


ITS America (National Harbor, Md.)


Unmanned Aircraft Conference (Grand Forks, N.D.)


UDT Europe (IFA, Spain)


Unmanned Air Systems UK (Bath, UK)


Farnborough International Airshow 2012 (Farnborough, UK)


ALEA’s 42nd Annual Conference & Exposition (Reno, N.V.)


PrecisionAg (Indianapolis, Ind.)


EAA AirVenture (Oshkosh, Wis.)


ILA Berlin Airshow (Berlin, Germany)


Air Force Association’s 2012 Air & Space Conference and Technology Exposition (National Harbor, Md.)


Modern Day Marine (Quantico, Va.)


IACP 119th Annual International Association of Chiefs of Police Conference and Law Enforcement Education and Technology Exposition (San Diego)


2012 AOPA Aviation Summit (Palm Springs, Calif.)


Oceans 2012 MTS/IEEE (Virginia Beach, VA, USA)


AUSA 2012 Annual Meeting & Exposition (Washington, D.C.)


RoboBusiness Leadership Conference (Pittsburgh)


WildAid 2012 MPA Conference (San Francisco)


TAAC (Pueblo, N.M.)

THE AUVSI FOUNDATION BOOSTS ACTIVITIES IN 2012 The AUVSI Foundation – the educational arm of AUVSI which focuses its efforts on attracting students to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) overall but robotics specifically – continued its growth in 2012. In addition to the annual student competitions, the Foundation staff continues to expand by adding new programs that will reach out to students from kindergarten through college. Rounding out the very-popular competitions, the Foundation continues to grow programs such as the annual RoboTour held in conjunction with AUVSI’s Unmanned Systems North America and participation in National Robotics Week. With the addition of the SeaPerch program in late 2011, the Foundation was able to continue to grow and develop this new activity that focuses on introducing students to the nuances of the underwater robotics world. The SeaPerch program reached more than 30,000 students during the 2012 year and it continues to grow in leaps and bounds (or tides and waves). The Foundation added two new grants in 2012: One from the U.S. Office of Naval Research that will develop a Pacific-Rim robotic boat competition starting in 2014; and the other is a grant from the U.S. Naval Air Systems Command to expand SeaPerch and develop a high-school level robotic aircraft competition. In cooperation with our Founding Partner Insitu, the AUVSI Foundation supported the creation of the first-ever RoboFlight Academy. This activity was the brainchild of Insitu’s staff and was a prototype summer camp that introduced high school seniors to the world of aircraft, robotics and programming. The success of this initial effort will result 9

in additional activities in 2013 and beyond and is a reflection of the commitment that Insitu has for educational and community outreach. The Foundation also once again supported the efforts of Northrop Grumman – another Founding Partner – in the second annual UAE Innovation Challenge, held in Abu Dhabi, UAE. This robotic aircraft event built on the successes of the inaugural event and challenged UAE students to move beyond remote control aircraft as they learned more about autopilots, GPS navigation and other elements of UASs. Lastly, the Foundation’s newest initiative in 2012 was the creation of RoboNation (www.robonation. org). RoboNation is an online community of robotics enthusiasts and will become the central gathering place and communication link for a great many robotic programs and activities (not just those of the AUVSI Foundation). Membership in RoboNation is free and all AUVSI members with an interest in a social community focused on robotics are encouraged to join and refer others to this site.

STUDENT COMPETITIONS AUVSI Foundation’s 2012 Student Competitions Since 1991, AUVSI and the AUVSI Foundation have been creating and supporting student robotic competitions. In that time, five major competitions have been created to challenge new generations of engineers to design and build unmanned vehicles capable of performing realistic missions in varying environments, as well as to foster ties between young engineers and the organizations developing unmanned technologies. The missions and requirements for each competition vary but the common thread in each is the requirement for autonomous operation. For more information on the Competitions and other programs of the AUVSI Foundation, visit The 22nd Annual International Aerial Robotics Competition (IARC) The 6th Mission of the AUVSI International Aerial Robotics Competition (IARC) continued at the Betty Engelstad Sioux Center in Grand Forks, N.D., adjacent to the University of North Dakota. A simultaneous competition was held in Beijing. Although no team fully won the multi-year competition the University of Michigan was the top team at the end of the 2012 event. n

The 20th Annual Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition (IGVC) The IGVC challenges university student teams to develop an autonomous ground vehicle that had to navigate a complicated obstacle course, complete with an extensive list of mobility and design requirements. n

2012 Winner: Cal State Northridge 15th Annual International Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Competition Cosponsored by the U.S. Office of Naval Research (ONR), the AUV competition required student-built robotic subs to autonomously traverse a complex course underwater to complete a mission. n

2012 Winner: Cornell University The 10th Annual Student Unmanned Air System (SUAS) Competition Cosponsored by the U.S. Office of Naval Research, the, SUAS Competition is aimed at stimulating and fostering interest in unmanned air systems, technologies and careers and focused on engaging students in a challenging mission. n

2012 Winner: Universite de Sherbrooke (Canada) 5th Annual RoboBoat Competition Cosponsored by the U.S. Office of Naval Research (ONR), the RoboBoat Competition features collegiate teams competing with unmanned boats operating under rules of the waterway. n

2012 Winner: University of Michigan


AUVSI Foundation’s 2012 Awards Each year, the AUVSI Foundation seeks to acknowledge and award outstanding individuals and organizations working to advance the unmanned systems industry. We are pleased to announce the 2012 winners: n

Academic Champion Award - Dr. Lora G. Weiss, Lab Chief Scientist, Georgia Tech Research Institute


Outstanding Contributor Award - Ted Wierzbanowski, Director of UAS Airspace Integration, AeroVironment


Operations Award - John McGagh, Head of Innovation, Technology and Innovation, Rio Tinto


Pioneer Award - Kazunori Kuromoto - President, ICT Business Division, Komatsu Ltd


AUVSI Chapter of the Year Award - AUVSI Israel Chapter


AUVSI Member of the Year Award - Ben Miller, Quartermaster, UAS Operations Manager at Mesa County Sheriff’s Office (Colorado)


Individual Membership

AUVSI currently serves a membership base of 7,500 individuals in all areas of the unmanned systems industry. By providing opportunities for information exchange, networking and business development, AUVSI’s products and services are the best resource for staying abreast of the latest developments in the industry. Individual member benefits include: • Subscription to Unmanned Systems magazine • Subscription to Unmanned Systems: Mission Critical • Subscription to AUVSI’s Unmanned Systems eBrief • Subscription to Flight Unmanned Newsletter • Chapter affiliation • Inclusion in the online AUVSI Membership Directory • Member discounts at AUVSI’s unmanned systems events • Global networking opportunities. n

Corporate Membership

Corporate membership grew 14 percent from 2011. AUVSI thanks its corporate members for their dedication to AUVSI and the unmanned systems industry. Corporate membership provides organizations with extensive benefits and opportunities for participation. Corporate member benefits may include: • Option to join at one of seven levels of corporate membership • Multiple designee memberships included with each corporate membership – includes all benefits of individual membership • Discounts on exhibit space, sponsorship and advertising • Special event invitations • Listing on corporate members page of Unmanned Systems magazine • Online corporate image gallery • Complimentary job listings on AUVSI’s online career center


2012 CORPORATE MEMBERS Diamond Members AAI Corporation AV, Inc. CDL Systems, Inc. Cobham PLC Craters & Freighters DJI Innovations Company, Ltd. General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. Insitu, Inc. Intel Americas, Inc. iRobot Corporation ISR Group, Inc. L-3 Communications Systems - West Northrop Grumman Corporation Raytheon Company ReconRobotics, Inc. Saab AB SAIC Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation

Platinum Members Alion Science & Technology Applied Research Associates, Inc. Arizona Commerce Authority Chandler/May, Inc. General Dynamics Harmonic Drive, LLC. Honeywell IXBLUE, Inc. Lockheed Martin Corporation Mercury Computer Systems Northwest UAV Propulsion Systems Rockwell Collins, Inc. SC Technologies, Inc. Schiebel Technology, Inc. The Boeing Company UAV Solutions, Inc. URS ViaSat, Inc.

Gold Members Arete Associates Elmo Motion Control, Inc. ENSCO, Inc. Esterline GE Aviation Systems Griffon Aerospace Harris Corporation HDT Global IHS Kutta Technologies, Inc. MCR, LLC. Mesa Robotics, Inc. Microdrones, GmbH


Microhard Systems, Inc. OFS Specialty Photonics Division Oshkosh Defense QinetiQ North America skyvision Stevlin Design Enterprise Swift Engineering, Inc. Trimble UAS Project Office Ultra Electronics Wind River Wyle, Inc.

Silver Members AAR Mobility Systems Aero Tec Laboratories, Inc. Aeronix, Inc. Airrobot US, Inc. AME UAS Applied Composites Engineering ARTEMIS, Inc. Aurora Flight Sciences Corporation Ausley Associates, Inc. AutonomouStuff Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corporation Bell Helicopter Textron, Inc. Bluefin Robotics Corporation Brican Flight Systems, Inc. Carbon By Design Celestica Clear-Com, LLC. Crane Aerospace and Electronics Cubic Defense Applications Curtiss-Wright Controls, Inc. Custom Interface, Inc. Datron World Communications, Inc. Elma Electronic, Inc. FLIR Systems, Inc. - Government Systems FreeWave Technologies, Inc. General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems Green Hills Software Harwin, Inc. Hypertronics Corporation Idaho National Laboratory Intelsat General Corporation ITT Exelis MBDA Missile Systems Merlin RAMCo, Inc. MICROMO MicroPilot Modern Technology Solutions, Inc. Moog, Inc. Motion Analysis Corporation NextGen Aeronautics, Inc.

NovAtel, Inc. Pelican Products, Inc. Phase 1 Technology Corp. Pratt & Miller Engineering Presagis Prioria Robotics, Inc. Projects Unlimited, Inc. RE2, Inc. RED Aircraft, GmbH. Renishaw RGB Spectrum Riverside Research Institute Sagetech Corporation SeeByte, Ltd. Selex Galileo, Inc. Sierra Nevada Corporation Southwest Research Institute Sparton Corporation SPIE SRC, Inc. Stark Aerospace Tachyon Networks, Inc. TECOM Industries, Inc. Teledyne Benthos The AEgis Technologies Group, Inc. The MITRE Corporation Theta Tech Solutions TORC Robotics, LLC. UAS Dynamics UAV Vision Pty, Ltd. UTC Aerospace Systems Vectronix, Inc. VT Group Whitney, Bradley & Brown, Inc. Xsens Technologies B.V.

Bronze Members 2d3 Sensing 2S2, Inc. 5-D Systems, Inc. A2e Technologies Aerospace Australia ACADEMI ACDi ACES Systems/Dynamic Instruments Acromag, Inc. AdamWorks, LLC. Adaptive Flight, Inc. Adsys Controls, Inc. Advanced Cooling Technologies, Inc. Advanced Microwave Products ADVANCED Motion Controls Advanced Scientific Concepts, Inc. Advantech Corporation AEE Technology Co., Ltd. Aerial Services, Inc. AeroControl, Inc.


Aeroprobe Corporation Aerosim Technologies, Inc. Aerospace Manufacturing and Design AeroSpy Sense and Avoid Technology, GmbH AgAiRobot, Inc. AGC Aerospace & Defense Airborne Innovations Airborne Law Enforcement Association Alpha Products, Inc. American Aerospace Advisors, Inc. American Reliance, Inc. Ameripack, Inc. Ampex Data Systems Amphenol Aerospace Amtec Corporation Analytical Graphics, Inc. Andar Electromechanical Systems, Ltd. AOS Group Pty Inc. Applewhite Aero Applied Systems Intelligence, Inc. ARCTURUS UAV Argon Corporation ARIES Ingenieria y Sistemas, S.A. Atlas North America Autonomous Solutions, Inc. Aviation Management Associates, Inc. AVID, LLC. Axiom Electronics, LLC. Aydin Displays, Inc. Azmark Aero Systems BAE Systems Ball Janik, LLP. Battelle Battlefield International, Inc. Battlespace Flight Services, LLC. Battlespace, Inc. Beijing Creaton Tech Co., Ltd. BENTAL Industries, Ltd. Blackbird Technologies Blue Bear Systems Research, Ltd. Bokam Engineering, Inc. BOSH Global Services Boston Dynamics, Inc. Boston Engineering Corporation Bowhead Science and Technology, LLC. Broadcast Microwave Services Brock Technologies, Inc. Butler Unmanned Parachute Systems, LLC. Bye UAS, Inc. C&C Technologies, Inc. CAE, Inc. Canal Geomatics, Inc. Carbon-Based Technology, Inc. Carlisle Interconnect Technologies Castle Creations, Inc. CES Creative Electronic Systems Charles E. Gillman

Chassis Plans, LLC. CI Systems Cirexx International, Inc. Clarke & Severn Electronics Clearpath Robotics, Inc. Cloud Cap Technology ComDel Innovation Compass Systems, Inc. Composiflex, Inc. Composite Engineering, Inc. Connect Tech, Inc. Controp USA, Inc. Cornerstone Research Group, Inc. Corsair Engineering, Inc. Cosworth CPI Malibu Division Craig Technologies Crescent Unmanned Systems, LLC. Crestwood Technology Group Crew Training International Crystal Group, Inc. CSC CTSi Cubewano, Ltd. Cv International Cybernet Systems Corporation CyPhy Works, Inc. Cypress International, Inc. Dayton-Granger, Inc. Delta Digital Video Delta Tau Data Systems, Inc. Desert Aircraft Design Intelligence Incorporated, LLC. Discovery Air Innovations DMC Industries Doss Aviation Dot Hill Systems Corporation Draganfly Innovations, Inc. DreamHammer, Inc. Drone America, Inc. DRS Technologies, Inc. DST Control Dynetics, Inc. ECS Case Elbit Systems SAR and DataLinks-Elisra, Ltd. EMSolutions, Inc. EnerSys Engility Corporation Engineering Dynamics, Inc. enrGies, Inc. EOS GmbH Electro Optical Systems Eqquera, Inc. Extreme Engineering Solutions, Inc. Falcon UAV Flint Hills Solutions, LLC. FLIR Systems, Inc. Florida’s Great Northwest


Fort Wayne Metals GEM Advanced Magnetometers Geodetics, Inc. Geometrics, Inc. George B. Woodcock & Co. Geospatial Intelligence Pty Ltd Gill Research & Development, Ltd. Glenair, Inc. Goleta Star, LLC. Government of Alberta Governor’s Office of Economic Development - Utah GPI Prototype Grand Forks Region Economic Development Corp GT Aeronautics, LLC. Guardian Parachute a Division of FXC Corporation Halter International Group HARCO Hartzell Propeller, Inc. Hirth Engines Hi-Tech Robotic Systemz, Ltd. HOPE Technik Pte, Ltd. Hughes Defense and Intelligence Systems Hydroid, Inc. Hydronalix, Inc. IBC - Engineered Materials Corporation IBIS TEK, LLC. Ideal Aerosmith, Inc. IEC Aerospace and Defense Imint, Image Intelligence AB ImSAR, LLC. ING Engineering, Inc. InnUVative Systems, Inc. Integrated Dynamics Integrated Microwave Technologies, LLC. Integrity Applications, Inc. Intelligent Automation, Inc. IntelliPower, Inc. Intevac Photonics, Inc. Iron Bow Technologies ITW Heartland Jabil Defense and Aerospace Services Jaybridge Robotics Kairos Autonomi Kawak Aviation Technologies Kearfott Corporation Kigre, Inc. Kongsberg Gallium, Ltd. Korean Air KVH Industries, Inc. L2 Aerospace, LLC. LaserMotive LEMO USA, Inc. Liquid Robotics Locust USA, Inc. Logos Technologies, Inc. Macro USA MARSS, LLC.

maxon precision motors, Inc. MaxVision, LLC. McCauley Propeller Systems MDA Systems, Ltd. Meggitt Training Systems Canada, Inc. Metron Aviation Micro Systems, Inc. Microbotics, Inc. Microflown AVISA MicroStrain, Inc. Microturbo, Inc. Mission Solutions Engineering Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding Co, Ltd. MLB Company MMD Equipment MosaicMill, Ltd. Motile Robotics, Inc. Nallatech, Inc. National Defense Industrial Association Naval Surface Warfare Cente, Carderock Division NavtechGPS Neany, Inc. NEC Network and Sensor System Netzer Precision Motion Sensors, Ltd. Neuro Logic Systems, Inc. New England Wire Technologies Corporation New Mexico Partnership Next Wave Systems, LLC. Nicomatic North America n-Link Corporation North Dakota Department of Commerce Northeast UAS Airspace Integration Research (NUAIR) Alliance Ocean Thin Films OceanServer Technology, Inc. Oklahoma Department of Commerce On Demand Manufacturing, Inc. OTTO Outback Manufacturing, Inc. Oxeon, Inc. Pacific EMS, LLC. Paramount PDS Parvus Corporation PEI Genesis PM Research, Inc. PNI Sensor Corporation Pratt & Whitney Prigel Machine & Fabrication Princetel, Inc. Protocast Prox Dynamics AS Proxy Aviation Systems PTI Engineered Plastics Pulse Aerospace, LLC. Quality Production, Ltd. Quantum3D, Inc. Radeus Labs, Inc.


RAM Company Real-Time Innovations, Inc. Ricardo, Inc. Roboteam, Ltd. Robotics Technology Consortium Roke Manor Research, Ltd. Rotating Precision Mechanisms, Inc. RTD Embedded Technologies, Inc. Rud Aero, Inc. SAIC - Division 339 Samtec, Inc. SBG Systems s.a.s. SCHAEFER, Inc. Scion Aviation, LLC. Segway Robotics, Inc. Sensenich Propeller Sensonor AS Sentek Systems, LLC. Sentient Corporation Sentient Vision Systems SES Government Solutions ShadowAir, Ltd. Shephard Media Sierra-Olympic Technologies, Inc. SightLine Applications Silicon Forest Electronics, Inc. Simlat, Ltd. Sogo Electronics, Inc. Solid Concepts, Inc. Spectrolab, Inc. SR Technologies, Inc. SRC Computers, LLC. SRI International Sarnoff STARA Technologies, Inc. Stratom, Inc. Stratus Aeronautics Sumaria UAV Group Synbotics, Inc. Synergy Aerospace, Inc. System Dynamics Int’l, Inc. Systems Engineering & Management Company (SEMCO) Tactical Electronics - Aviation Tactical Systems Engineering, LLP. TASC, Inc. TE Connectivity Tech Source, Inc. Technology Service Corporation TEKEVER Teledyne Brown Engineering, Inc. Teledyne RD Instruments, Inc. Telephonics Corporation Tetracam Thales Canada, Inc. The Camber Corporation The Drake Group, Inc. The Omnicon Group, Inc.

The Patuxent Partnership Thermacore, Inc. Thielert Aircraft Engines, GmbH. Thrane & Thrane Timbercon Topy Industries, Inc. Toyon Research Corporation Trans FX, Inc. Trenton Systems, Inc. Troll Systems Trust Automation, Inc. TT Electronics UAV Engines, Ltd. UAV Factory, Ltd. Uconsystem United Service Associates, Inc. Universal Fabric Structures Unmanned Aerial System Center of Excellence – Alma Unmanned Innovation, Inc. Unmanned Systems Group Unmanned Systems, Inc. Vanguard Defense Industries Vanguard EMS VectorNav Technologies Velodyne Lidar, Inc. Verocel, Inc. VersaLogic Corporation Vicor Corporation Volz Servos GmbH & Co. KG VT MAK Wavestream WDL Systems World Surveillance Group Xenics USA, Inc. XRD, Inc. Zepher, Inc. Zephyr Photonics ZERO Manufacturing, Inc. Zodiac ESCO

Academic Members Abaris Training Resources, Inc. Australian Centre for Field Robotics Carnegie Mellon University Central Oregon Community College Centro Gustavo Stefanini Elizabeth City State University Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Florida State College at Jacksonville Georgia Tech Research Institute Great Plains Technology Center Industrial College of the Armed Forces Institute for Transportation Research and Education at NCSU Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory Kansas State University at Salina Liberty University Aviation


Memorial University of Newfoundland - Raven II Project Meridian Technology Center Middle Tennessee State University MIT Lincoln Laboratory Mr. Jeremy Waters National Aerospace Lab, NLR National Robotics Training Center North Dakota State College of Science Northland Community & Technical College Northwestern Michigan College Oklahoma State University Oklahoma State University Multispectral Laboratories Oregon State University Physical Science Laboratory - New Mexico State University Raspet Flight Research Laboratory-Mississippi State University Saint Louis University - Center for Aviation Safety Research Sinclair Community College Swedish National Defence College Tallinn University of Technology, Department of Mechatronics The University of Texas at Arlington Research Institute U.S. Naval War College UND Center for Innovation Foundation University of Alabama in Huntsville University of Dayton Research Institute University of Maryland University of New Brunswick - Team COBRA University of North Dakota - UAS Center University of Oklahoma College of Engineering University of Virginia Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems Unmanned Vehicle University

Entrepreneur Members ACCES I/O Products, Inc. Accord Technology, LLC. Advanced Aviation Solutions, LLC. Advanced Tactical Devices Allan’s Unmanned Aerial Systems Service Alta Devices Ascendant Engineering Solutions AVX Aircraft Company Axiom Logic Systems, Inc. Bask Aerospace C2 Technologies, Inc. Calzone Anvil Cases Cella Energy, Ltd. COPTERCAM Fat Head Solutions, LLC. Flight Works, Inc. Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining Global C2 Integration Technologies Global Robotics Innovation Park

GNHL, Ltd. HFE International Hoverfly Technologies, Inc. Humanistic Robotics, Inc. INIDETAM Mexican Navy Iron Ridge Engineering King Aerospace Lightweight Magnetics Mid-Atlantic Unmanned Aerial Systems Coalition Mississippi Enterprise for Technology MobyGuard, LLC. North Star Group NSM Surveillance OGI/ Oceanographic & Geophysical Instruments Overwatch Tools Precise Path Robotics, Inc.

Puma Aero Marine, Inc. Robot Row, LLC. Rotron Power, Ltd. RPFlightSystems, Inc. SENSURION Seyer Industries, Inc. Singular Aircraft SKALA International Holding, Inc. The City of Eufaula Alabama Tresys Technology, LLC. Trivector Services, Inc. UTI Systems SA Vincent Enterprises V-Tol Aerospace Pty Ltd XCELAR

AUVSI Chapters Thirty-six percent of AUVSI members are affiliated with one of our 27 chapters: • Atlanta Chapter, Atlanta, Ga. • Cascade Chapter, Oregon and Washington • Channel Islands Chapter, Ventura, Calif. • D.C. Capitol Chapter, metropolitan Washington, D.C. • Emerald Coast Chapter, Niceville, Fla. • Florida Peninsula Chapter, Orlando, Fla. • Ft. Benning/Columbus Chapter, Ft. Benning, Ga. • Great Lakes Chapter, Michigan • Great Plains Chapter, North Dakota • Hampton Roads Chapter, Hampton, Va. • Indiana Chapter, Indiana • Israeli Chapter, Israel • Keystone Chapter, Eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey • Lone Star Chapter, Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas • Mississippi Chapter, Mississippi • Mountain West Chapter, Salt Lake City, Utah • New England Chapter, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont • Pathfinder Chapter, Huntsville, Ala. • Pittsburgh Chapter, Pittsburgh • Rocky Mountain Chapter, Denver • Saguaro Chapter, Tucson, Ariz. • San Diego Lindbergh Chapter, San Diego • Seafarer Chapter, Patuxent River, Md. • Silicon Valley Chapter, San Francisco Bay area • UK Chapter, United Kingdom • USA-OK Chapter, Oklahoma • Wright Brothers Chapter, Dayton, Ohio 17

COMMUNICATIONS AND PUBLICATIONS Communications AUVSI launched a new public education website,, highlighting how the unmanned systems and robotics industry literally increases human potential by working for the human in dull, dirty, dangerous and difficult tasks. The site promotes the use of unmanned systems and robotics in the following categories: • By Land, Air and Sea • Jobs and Economy • Enhancing Public Safety • Mitigating and Monitoring Disasters • Helping the Environment • Fostering Education and Learning • Increasing Efficiency in Agriculture • FAA Flight Restrictions AUVSI continued to educate the public in 2012 about the benefits of unmanned systems and robotics. We had more than 364 media hits vs. 87 the year before, more than 276 interview requests, issued 17 press releases and produced four op-ed articles that ran in The Hill, the Houston Chronicle, the Orlando Sentinel and the Salt Lake City Tribune. At AUVSI’s Unmanned Systems North America 2012, we had more than 140 media representatives from the United States and around the world. In addition to the trade press, a number of mainstream outlets covered the show, including the Washington Times, LA Times, NPR, BBC, German Television, LA Daily News, local Las Vegas NBC, Fox and CBS affiliates, Las Vegas Sun, Las Vegas Journal, Popular Science, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, The Guardian Newspaper, Reuters Television, Washington Post, Newsweek/Daily Beast. Publications n

Unmanned Systems magazine

AUVSI’s premier publication, highlighting current developments in air, ground, maritime, robotics and space unmanned systems, focusing on both the military and civilian arenas. The magazine contains feature articles and recurring features such as Where We’ve Been, a look back at historic or influential unmanned systems of the past, and Ones to Watch, a look at up-and-coming students in fields related to unmanned systems and robotics. Each issue includes in-depth features across all domains.

International Component

U.S. Centric

A Breakdown of 2012 Unmanned Systems Feature Stories by Domain

A Breakdown of 2012 Unmanned Systems Stories by Region



Unmanned Systems: Mission Critical

AUVSI’s latest publication is a quarterly, animated electronic publication that goes in-depth on various topic areas important to the unmanned systems and robotics industries. In 2012, these topics included agriculture, security, commercial robotics, and sensors. The magazine is published online and for 2012 established high readership; for instance, the agriculture issue has garnered more than 9,000 individual readers and more than 95,000 page views. Mission Critical Online Readership (as of December 2012) Issue and Publication Date

Individual Readers

Security Robotics (Oct. 2012)

Commercial Robotics (July 2012)

Agriculture (March 2012) Exploration (Jan. 2012)

Medical Robots (Sept. 2011)

First Responders (June 2011)

Intelligent Transportation (March 2011) n

Page Views















AUVSI’s Unmanned Systems eBrief

Distributed electronically every Wednesday to more than 40,000 AUVSI members and subscribers across the globe, the eBrief provides the latest global news and information about unmanned systems and robotics and includes updates on AUVSI news, information, advocacy efforts and features relevant business opportunities listings.

AUVSI BOARD OF DIRECTORS & STAFF Officers Peter Bale, Chairman of the Board John Lademan, Executive Vice Chairman Ralph Alderson, First Vice Chairman Joe Brannan, Treasurer John Lambert, Immediate Past Chairman

Directors, 2010-2013 Grant Begley Matt England Gene Fraser Stephen Newton David Place Peter Smith


Directors, 2011-2014 John Burke Tim Heely Neil Hunter Rick Lynch Mark Patterson Virginia Young

Directors, 2012-2015 Jason Grabinsky Heather James Michelle Kalphat Chad Partridge Steven Pennington Dave Seagle

AUVSI STAFF Michael Toscano, President & CEO Gretchen West, Executive Vice President Pamela Rothaermel, Executive Assistant Ben Gielow, Government Relations Manager and General Counsel Mario Mairena, Government Relations Manager Staci Butler, Vice President of Conference and Exposition Services Michael Greeson, Senior Exhibit Sales and Sponsorship Manager Leslie-Anne Hinton, Senior Conference Manager Lindsay Voss, Senior Program Development Manager Karissa Bingham, Conference Coordinator Jasmine Mack, Exhibit Sales and Sponsorship Coordinator Amy Crolius, Vice President of Member Services Melissa Bowhay, Senior Member Services Manager Elton Sinoimeri, Registration & Member Services Brett Davis, Vice President of Communications & Publications/Editor Danielle Lucey, Managing Editor Lisa Fick, Senior Advertising and Marketing Manager Melanie Hinton, Senior Communications Manager Chris Mailey, Vice President of Knowledge Dr. William Rauch, Senior Research Analyst David Klein, Research Analyst Robert Thomson, Senior Vice President of Operations Belinda Miller, Finance and Accounting Manager Jasmine Casteel, Staff Accountant Karen Blonder, Information Technology Manager Kyle Culpepper, Computer Support Specialist AUVSI FOUNDATION Daryl Davidson, Executive Director

CONTACT US AUVSI 2700 S. Quincy St. Suite 400 Arlington, VA 22206, USA Phone: +1 703 845 9671 Fax: +1 703 845 9679 Email:


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