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L E G A L I N S I G H T S & P R A C T I C E T R E N D S • L’ É C L A I R A G E N O VAT E U R E T P R AT I Q U E

The Canadian Bar Association _____________ L’Association du Barreau canadien

NATIONAL March 2007 Mars



More lawyers take parental leave with their law firms’ blessing.

Melanie Comstock McInnes Cooper, Halifax with daughter Willoughby

PM 40070230 Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: Circulation Dept. One Mount Pleasant Road, 7th Flr. Toronto, ON M4Y 2Y5

Volume 16, No. 2

Cross-border tensions • Législation anti-SLAPP • Saying no • Court technology • Windows Vista • Office design • Relations publiques • Smallfirm billing • Legal ethics • and more….



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March 2007 Mars, Volume 16, No. 2

Cover · De la une



The Canadian Bar Association L’Association du Barreau canadien

The parent track

A younger generation of lawyers has opened up new doors to parental leaves unavailable to their predecessors. But be warned: lawyers who embark on the parent track still have a difficult road ahead.

Janice Mucalov Cover Photography: Marvin Moore

Features · Articles de fond 28

Poursuites à tête chercheuse Louis Baribeau

Les poursuites stratégiques contre la mobilisation publique soulèvent des passions au Québec. Pendant que certains affirment qu’on doit légiférer pour enrayer le phénomène, d’autres prétendent qu’il n’y a pas lieu d’intervenir.


Border clashes Susan Goldberg


Security concerns and trade tensions between Canada and the United States are creating headaches for cross-border businesses and their lawyers, who are working hard to keep the world’s longest undefended border hassle-free.


Don’t do it! Allison Shields

Tired of overloaded schedules, too many demands and a never-ending “to do” list? Maybe it’s time to create a “don’t do” list and recapture control over your time and priorities.


Slowly but surely Ava Chisling

Technology continues to make gradual inroads in courtrooms across Canada. More progress could mean less frustration for lawyers and more access to justice for the public.


Mars 2007

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March 2007 Mars, Volume 16, No. 2

Departments · Chroniques


5. From the Editor · Du rédacteur en chef Why law firms struggle with accommodating lawyers’ non-work lives.

6. From the President · Mot du président All about the CBA’s continuing commitment to civil justice reform.

9. Comments · Commentaires Taking babies to work and sending season’s greetings to clients.

11. CBA PracticeLink · ABC En Pratique 11. Vista What you need to know about the new Microsoft OS.

13.Office How to design a client-friendly, ergonomic law office.

11 15. Billing Dozens of tips and strategies for effective billing.

17. Relations publiques Ce que vous devez faire pour vous démarquer.


51. Ethics · Éthique What to do when opposing counsel helps your case more than his own.

53. Profile · Profil Colleen Bauman: welcoming new Canadians triggers a new pro bono award.


58. Not Quite Contempt It’s not every day you find an SUV under the rim of a discarded coffee cup.

The CBA & You · L’ABC et vous 55. De judicieux conseils · Caribbean dreams Le Comité de développement international de l’ABC collabore à la réforme du système de justice jamaïcain.

56-57. CLE Calendar · Calendrier FJP April conferences on litigation and immigration law are filling up fast !


NATIONAL CANADIAN BAR ASSOCIATION 865 Carling Avenue, Suite 500, Ottawa, ON, KIS 5S8 Tel.: (613) 237-2925 Fax: (613) 237-0185 e-mail:


Senior Director of Communications / Directeur principal des communications Stephen Hanson: Editor-in-Chief / Rédacteur en chef Jordan Furlong: Senior Editor / Rédactrice principale Mélanie Raymond:

National is published by the Communications Committee of the Canadian Bar Association.

Assistant Editor / Adjoint à la rédaction Jared Adams:

L’ASSOCIATION DU BARREAU CANADIEN 865, av. Carling, bureau 500, Ottawa ON KIS 5S8 Tél. : (613) 237-2925. Téléc. : (613) 237-0185 courriel :

Website Editor / Rédacteur du site web Mark Kuiack:

National est publié par le Comité des communications de l’Association du Barreau canadien,

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Art Director / Directeur artistique Tony Delitala:

Production Manager Libby Masters (416) 764-3919

Circulation / Abonnements Emily Porter: Editorial Board Chair / Présidente du comité de rédaction Nola Crewe – Toronto Members / Membres Hélène Beaulieu – Moncton Diana Dorey – Vancouver Sébastien Guénette – Montreal Jeffrey Schnoor – Winnipeg ________________________________ ISSN No. 0315-2286, Publications Mail Agreement No. 40070230. Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to: Circulation Dept., One Mount Pleasant Rd, 7th flr. Toronto, ON, M4Y 2Y5


ROGERS PUBLISHING LTD. Business & Professional Publishing Senior Vice-President John Milne Business & Professional Publishing Vice-President Paul Williams HEALTHCARE & FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP Publisher Jim Farley (416) 764-3910

Subscription enquiries should be addressed to/ Pour les questions concernant l’abonnement, veuillez communiquer avec : Debbie Walsh — National One Mount Pleasant Road, 12th Floor Toronto, ON, M4Y 2Y5. This magazine is printed with vegetable inks and is 100% recyclable where facilities exist. Recyclable là où le service est offert.

Account Executive Stefanie MacDonald (416) 764-3911

March 2007



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Lessons in leave Why most law firms can’t truly accommodate life outside work. Jordan Furlong


reat news: many law firms no longer consider a lawyer’s decision to start and raise a family to be an implicit violation of the employment contract. Our cover story relates that many women lawyers can now take nine months or more of maternity leave and return to find their jobs still waiting for them and their career prospects not greatly dimmed. This is a good thing, naturally, and we applaud the architects and pioneers of parental leave acceptance. Of course, in many firms, parental leave allowances are simply part of an effort to staunch the hemorrhaging of young talent. Firms have learned that if they want to keep young lawyers around, they could start by accommodating these lawyers’ desire to have kids and to be with them during the first several months of their lives. But that young talent probably will continue to drain away regardless, because it’s not just about getting time with a newborn. Consider the fact that for many of these lawyers, the hard part comes when they return to work and find the firm demanding exactly the same hours and dedication it did pre-leave — if not more. I know a number of ex-firm lawyers for whom that was the breaking point. Why do so many lawyers still have to choose between a fulfilling career in a law firm and a fulfilling role as an involved parent? There are always tradeoffs, naturally: you can’t be a high-powered, high-paid lawyer and still

From the Editor

Du rédacteur en chef

spend hours on the playroom floor with your kids. But lawyering and parenting don’t have to be mutually exclusive. More to the point, law firms seem to keep mistaking the symptoms for the problem. Law firms are businesses trying to turn a profit. But they’re hamstrung by how they go about it — by their addiction to the billable-hour system. When you sell your services, compensate your workers and evaluate your future partners primarily on the volume of hours billed, you will disproportionately reward those lawyers who have few if any commitments outside the office. If time equals profitability, and if profitability equals profile and promotion, a firm inevitably will exclude lawyers who want or need to spend time away from work (a group that remains overwhelmingly female). There are thousands of excellent lawyers who fall into that category. They form a vast pool of top-quality resources that continue to slip away from firms addicted to the billable hour system. Is the system worth that? Speaking of parental leaves, I’m about to take one myself. Our second child arrives in mid-February, and I’ll be away from the office for three months. The next two issues will be in the very capable hands of Senior Editor Mélanie Raymond, whose face and words you’ll find in this space for the next two issues. See you in August. N — Send your comments to

Les leçons du congé parental Famille et heures facturables ne font toujours pas bon ménage.


a naissance d’un enfant et une carrière intéressante ne semblent plus être incompatibles dans le merveilleux monde du droit. Notre article à la une démontre que plusieurs avocates peuvent désormais se prévaloir d’un congé de maternité de neuf mois et plus sans que leur carrière n’en souffre. C’est une très bonne nouvelle et nous nous réjouissons des progrès accomplis. Plusieurs juristes se sont battus pour que les congés parentaux deviennent la norme plutôt que l’exception. Les cabinets ont compris qu’ils doivent se plier à ces nouvelles exigences afin de freiner l’exode des jeunes avocates talentueuses. Mais ces avancées ne seront peut-être pas suffisantes pour inciter les jeunes

Mars 2007

avocates et, dans une certaine mesure, les jeunes avocats, à cesser d’aller voir ailleurs s’ils y sont. Pour plusieurs, le véritable défi n’est pas de s’absenter du travail lors de la naissance de leur enfant. Il s’agit plutôt de survivre au choc du retour. Car même si la vie personnelle des nouveaux parents est désormais bouleversée, les cibles d’heures facturables et les critères d’évaluation de rendement demeurent les mêmes. Famille et vie professionnelle sont encore et toujours difficiles à concilier. Bien sûr, on ne peut pas avoir le beurre et l’argent du beurre. Choisir d’avoir une famille nécessite certains sacrifices au niveau professionnel. Cependant, je crois que la dépendance des cabinets envers le w w w. c b a . o r g

sacro-saint principe des heures facturables favorise ceux qui ont du temps au détriment de ceux qui sont efficaces et innovateurs. Or, du temps, c’est ce que les parents n’ont souvent pas. Au nom d’un système désuet, on perd ainsi l’apport d’excellents juristes. C’est un pensez-y bien. Je me prévaudrai moi-même d’un congé de paternité au cours des prochains trois mois. Durant cette période, le magazine sera dirigé par notre rédactrice principale, Mélanie Raymond. Ce sera son visage et ses mots que vous apercevrez dans cet espace. Nous nous retrouverons au mois d’août prochain. N — Des commentaires? Écrivez-nous à


From President



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Executive Officers

Mot du président

Administrateurs exécutifs

Taming the beast Our continuing commitment to civil justice reform.

BERNARD AMYOT 1st Vice-President 1er vice-président

By J. Parker MacCarthy, Q.C.


omething as simple as the space occupied by legal files on a shelf can point to the pressing need for reform. Back in the early 1990s, I was dealing with my firm’s problem of “dead file” storage. My attention focused on a complex commercial litigation file for a major client, completed in the mid-1970s by my now-deceased former partner David R. Williams, Q.C., a widely respected litigator. It was remarkable how little shelf space the file occupied, even though it contained correspondence, pleadings, discovery transcripts, pre-trial motions and transcripts of the trial, right up to and through the favourable Court of Appeal decision. On an adjacent shelf was the file of a recently completed, equally complex commercial litigation file for the same client, with similar contents. But the shelf space occupied by this 1990s file dwarfed the modest amount taken up by its 1970s predecessor, and with no appeal attached. These were graphic examples of the problems emerging in the early ’90s in the Canadian civil justice system — increasing cost, delay and complexity, all inhibiting access to justice. In 1994, the CBA responded by creating the CBA Systems of Civil Justice Task Force. Two years later, in a seminal report, the task force delivered 53 recommendations for

improving the Canadian civil justice system. One civil justice reform initiative in particular — the report’s greatest legacy — was the creation of the Canadian Forum on Civil Justice, an independent non-profit organization established by the CBA and the University of Alberta Faculty of Law. The Forum has been influential and effective in promoting, researching and monitoring civil justice reform throughout Canada during the last decade. Last year, to help celebrate the report’s tenth anniversary, and with the assistance of the CBA and other partner organizations, the Forum organized “Into the Future,” two-part conference. Representatives of legal organizations, government and the judiciary met to assess the progress of reform, examine unresolved barriers to access to justice, and “to articulate a common vision for the civil justice system and to create a stronger voice for reform within every province and territory.” The CBA continues to work with others to promote reforms in the 21st century that will make our civil justice system more accessible, effective, affordable, and fair. It’s part of the CBA mandate and what we do extremely well, for the benefit of our members, the legal profession as a whole, and the public. N — Send your comments to

GUY JOUBERT 2 nd Vice-President 2 e vice-président

JACK INNES Treasurer Trésorier

BRIAN TABOR Past President Président sortant

JOHN HOYLES Chief Executive Officer Chef de la direction

Dompter la bête Notre engagement soutenu à l’égard de la réforme de la justice civile.


u début des années 1990, je m’attaquais au problème d’entreposage des dossiers archivés de mon cabinet. C’est alors que j’ai remarqué un dossier d’envergure en litige commercial, complété pendant les années 1970. Ce qui a retenu mon attention était le peu d’espace réservé au dossier, malgré la présence de tous les documents pertinents. Car pas loin de là était rangé un dossier semblable, terminé récemment pour le même client, mais dont le volume éclipsait celui de son prédécesseur. 6

Voilà qui illustre bien l’émergence des problèmes reliés à l’augmentation des coûts et à l’allongement des délais qui ont commencé à miner l’accessibilité à la justice civile. En 1996, le rapport du Groupe de travail sur les systèmes de justice civile de l’ABC proposait 53 recommandations visant la modernisation du système, dont la création du Forum canadien sur la réforme de la justice civile, un organisme indépendant sans but lucratif qui surveille et assure la promotion de la réforme de la justice civile au Canada. L’année dernière, le Forum était l’hôte N AT I O N A L

d’une conférence nationale intitulée Vers le futur, visant à étudier notamment les entraves à l’accessibilité à la justice, question d’élaborer une orientation nationale des réformes à venir. L’ABC demeure vouée à faire avancer des réformes visant un système de justice civile plus accessible et juste. Cela fait partie de notre mandat, que nous complétons avec brio, dans l’intérêt de nos membres, de la profession juridique et du public. N — Commentaires? March 2007



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Accommodating children


egarding “Eight is great” (December 2006, p. 12): I, too, had the opportunity to bring my breastfeeding babies to work at my firm — in both cases, after the full six months of maternity leave but before my daycare centre of choice had space available. I brought my first baby when I was in a non-lawyer staff position, and it was a lovely experience for all involved. I had my second baby immediately after finishing exams in my third year of law school, took the full six months of leave before starting articles, and was able to bring my baby Charmaine Panko of Balfour Moss LLP to work for the first couple of in Saskatoon months of my articles, which the firm further accommodated by not sending me to court or out-of-office duties until my daughter was safely ensconced in daycare. I would like to point out that accommodations should extend not only to mothers, but also to fathers who are taking on significant parenting duties, and not only to situations in which “kids are never a burden,” but also to situations where they are. Firms should actively share that burden to retain lawyer parents, as my firm did. Needless to say, this firm has my undying loyalty for as long as they will have me.

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Moira Gracey Carranza Barristers & Solicitors, Toronto

Season’s greetings wanted to write to tell you how much I enjoyed your editorial greeting in the December issue of National (“Dear Client,” p. 4). Although I am a public-sector lawyer, there were several sentiments that I shared, so I took the liberty of circulating the link to my internal clients.


Visit our website at or call us at 1 888 SHIP-123 for more information.


Laurie S. Redden Deputy Public Guardian and Trustee & General Counsel Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee, Toronto

Mars 2007

read your “Dear Client” missive in the December issue of National, and was impressed by both the intent and the content, so much so that I was wondering whether you would have any objection if we were to reproduce it for sending to our own clients.


*Certain terms, conditions and geographic restrictions apply. Visit for details or call 1 888 SHIP-123 to speak to a customer service professional and see how Purolator can assist with your ordinary and out-of-the-ordinary shipments.

Martin Berger, Montreal

Permission granted with pleasure, and thanks to all who wrote us about that item. w w w. c b a . o r g




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Page 11


Installing the newWindows Follow these steps to a trouble-free Vista installation.

• Sort out the versions. Windows Vista will have five editions — Home Basic, Home Premium, Business, Enterprise and Ultimate. Read about them at the Microsoft website to determine which is the best fit for your office or home.



7:40 PM

By Steven Pittsley. Adapted from To read the full article, along with all ten Vista tips, visit

Feed your need Internet Explorer 7 offers RSS feeds, tabs, printing and heightened security. Although Internet Explorer 7 has been available as a free download since late 2006, many lawyers may only upgrade to the new browser when they move to the Windows Vista operating system this year. Here’s an overview of what’s new in IE 7:


indows Vista is the most comprehensive operating system ever produced by Microsoft, but enhanced functionality and graphical improvements come at a price — usually, high-end hardware. The minimum requirements to run Microsoft’s latest flagship are much steeper than any previous operating system. Here are ten factors to address as you prepare your existing computer to run Windows Vista: • Analyze your machine for upgrade readiness. Download and run the Windows Upgrade Advisor utility (www. This software will examine your computer and provide you with a summary of what versions of Windows Vista the computer is capable of running. • Check the CPU. To be considered Vista-capable, the computer must have a CPU of at least 800 MHz. Those that are “Premium-ready” require a processor of at least 1 GHz.


• Make sure you have enough memory. To be considered Vista-capable, the PC must have at least 512 MB of RAM. “Premium-ready” machines must have a minimum of 1 GB. • Ensure you have enough hard drive space. The hard drive must be at least 40 GB in size and have a minimum of 15 GB of free space. w w w. c b a . o r g

• Feeds: Once reserved for techies, RSS feeds are now growing rapidly in popularity. It’s no surprise, then, that IE 7 has a built-in RSS reader, allowing you to have personalized news and information updates delivered straight to you. • Tabbed browsing: Something that Firefox users have long enjoyed, tabs allow you to open several websites within a single browser window and organize tabs into groups of favorites. No more Alt-Tab switching. • Printing: IE 7 includes improved fit-topage options and more ways to customize how printed pages appear. • Security: Like all versions before it, IE 7 has been criticized for being less than airtight in terms of security. For its part, Microsoft boasts that its new version includes increased safety of personal data, more protection from malicious software, and a new filter to identify online “phishing” scams, where a fraudulent imposter site impersonates a trusted one. To download IE 7, visit http://www. 11


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The view from here

■ The

Two pundits’ reasons to use Vista with care.

What’s new and different about Microsoft Vista?

that change, depending on the application you’re using. “It’s pretty different. People will definitely be taken aback,” says Shorr. “But it makes the features a lot more discoverable.”


s sure as day turns to night, PC users have come to expect regular overhauls of Microsoft’s operating system (OS) about every three to four years. Vista, the latest OS from the software giant, hit the shelves in February right around the same time as MS Office 2007, the much-hyped reboot of Microsoft’s ubiquitous productivity suite. What can long-time users expect of the new system, aside from a potentially difficult adjustment period? According to Ben Shorr, a Honolulu-based technology expert, PC users should brace themselves for four major changes: 1. New interface. Vista contains a new graphical interface called “the Ribbon,” which replaces the menus and toolbars that have been the trademark of MS Office for years. Major changes here include the Office button, which replaces the File menu in the top left corner of your window and allows users a greater number of applications, including file-sharing. The Ribbon also features a series of tabs (based on the Firefox web browser)

other view

2. New file formats. Office 2007 users can look forward to a significant file format change for their documents, from the old .doc to an XML format. The new hybrid .docx files will not only mean more flexibility — you can change numerous documents with one click — but also more space on your hard drive; expect an old 60K document to take up about 25K of space. 3. PDF integration. You can “natively” save, print and transfer PDF files in just one step — but not without downloading free software from Microsoft first. (Adobe’s lawyers had something to say about that, Shorr observes.) 4. OneNote upgrade. Microsoft’s underutilized note-taking software has gotten a makeover. The new edition of OneNote is ideal for tablet-style computers, opens up new research capabilities and allows for collaboration across multiple computers. Shorr, who has been using a trial version of the software for almost two years, notes that four years of “massive” user testing lay behind these changes. “They take these things very seriously at the head office,” he says. “[It] was very heavily designed with the user in mind.”

New operating systems historically have loads of problems. New drivers are required for a lot of peripheral devices, bugs crop up that need to be fixed, and so on. Vista, in particular, may not run on older hardware. It contains tons of new code (including heavy diagnostic code), fancier graphics and will require at least 512 megabytes of memory to operate. That translates to a gig of memory in real life. You could find yourself having to buy a new computer just to run Vista. From: “Top 10 Reasons to Delay Your Upgrade to Windows Vista,” by Rick Georges, LTN.jsp?id=1163449246813&rss=ltn

“Vista’s legal fine print includes extensive provisions granting Microsoft the right to regularly check the legitimacy of the software, and holds the prospect of deleting certain programs without the user’s knowledge. .... The terms and conditions [state]: This agreement only gives you some rights to use the software. Microsoft reserves all other rights.” From: “Vista’s fine print raises red flags,” by Michael Geist, view/1640/159.




— Brad Mackay

Official notice

Avis officiel

Canadian Legal Conference and Expo 2007

Conférence juridique canadienne et Expo 2007

The Canadian Legal Conference & Expo of the Canadian Bar Association will be held at the Telus Convention Centre in Calgary, Alberta, from August 12-14, 2007. Council will meet on August 11 and 12.

La Conférence juridique canadienne de l’ABC se tiendra au Telus Convention Centre de Calgary, Alberta, du 12 au 14 août 2007. Le Conseil tiendra son assemblée les 11 et 12 août 2007.

Resolutions to Council

Vous pourrez obtenir un formulaire de résolutions au Conseil auprès du service des Affaires juridiques et gouvernementales. La date limite pour soumettre des projets de résolutions est fixée au 1er juin 2007.

Forms for submitting resolutions are available from the Legal and Governmental Affairs Department. The deadline for submitting proposed resolutions is June 1, 2007. 12

Résolutions au Conseil


March 2007




7:41 PM

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A Case Study in Cutting-Edge

Making your law office

McCarthy Tétrault’s redesign says: “Clients come first”



Here are several ways you can make your office friendlier and more comfortable for your clients. he design and layout of your law office, the amenities you offer, and how your clients are treated once they arrive speak volumes about your firm. By putting even a small amount of time and effort into making your office more welcoming, you can make existing clients happy. Their positive experiences can spread by word of mouth to new clients. If you have a big budget, as is the case with many large firms, you can afford extras like private client rooms and upscale entertaining. However, even if your firm is small or medium-sized, there are ways to make clients feel at ease. These notso-little things can go a long way towards welcoming clients and making them comfortable — and they don’t have to break the bank.


Reception Area: First impressions count. The look and feel of your reception area offers the perfect opportunity to make a good first impression on clients. Greetings: Your receptionist is your clients’ first point of contact with the firm. Make sure he or she is polite, professional and informed about lawyers’ whereabouts. Business Centre: It’s not a new idea, but many law firms are making them bigger and providing more amenities, like wireless hotspots for clients.


Client Parking Spots: Depending on your location and situation, designated parking can create an incredible amount of goodwill. Magazines/Newspapers: If clients absolutely have to wait in the reception area, make an effort to provide a daily newspaper and some up-to-date magazines. Mars 2007

Firm Brochures/Literature: Use the (hopefully short) time clients spend in your reception area as a marketing opportunity. Display firm brochures, annual reports and other literature, as well as lawyers’ business cards, on a table. Coffee and More: Most people would agree that it’s better to provide no food at all than something that’s stale and unappetizing. Keep it fresh. Cleanliness and Organization: A tidy, organized office sends a big message. Boxes of paper can clutter the firm’s halls and offices and detract from a clean, organized look. Accessibility: This includes parking for disabled persons, a wheelchair-accessible entrance, barrier-free washrooms and pathways, and a braille elevator with lowered buttons. Art: Most firms like to play it safe and stick with non-controversial artwork. Choose carefully — some art can offend a client’s sensibilities. Moot Court: If you have the space, set up a moot court, complete with raised platform and judge’s bench, for clients who have never set foot in a courtroom. — Ann Macaulay w w w. c b a . o r g

cCarthy Tétrault LLP completed a massive, multimillion-dollar redesign of its Montreal office last year. In addition to the move to a new building and totally revamped staff offices, the firm created a huge conference centre for clients on the 25th floor of le Mille de la Gauchetière, complete with a variety of meeting rooms and offices that overlook sweeping views of the St. Lawrence River. Chief administrative officer Jacques Bisson, who headed the design team at McCarthy Tétrault, visited several law firms in the U.S. and England during the planning stages in order to take a look at cutting-edge law firm designs. “We wanted to do something a bit different than what we have seen in Canada so far.” The firm created a variety of spaces to accommodate clients, who stay only on the conference floor when they’re visiting. In addition to conference rooms, there are two lounges, several visitor offices and informal meeting rooms, and two telephone rooms. Even the reception area has separate seating areas. “Better technology for our clients was a must,” says Bisson. The firm spent more than a million dollars on AV equipment alone. Clients have access to wireless hotspots, computers, a printer, a photocopier and a fax machine. The firm has a commercial kitchen and a chef on staff. In addition, contracted caterers can set up food in a separate room. Lighting was a big priority for the firm. The east and west walls are glass, which adds a lot of natural light to the core of the floor. There are two lounges for clients made of opaque glass, which lets in light while providing privacy. Light fixtures were carefully thought out. Brais points out that although the lighting industry has “exploded” with new products in other countries, office space in Canada normally includes lighting fixtures that are now obsolete. McCarthys decided to start from scratch and buy new lighting for the entire office. “Don’t blare the fluorescent lighting,” advises Brais. “Provide comfortable, more intimate lighting. That has an enormous influence on how people feel. It’s a neglected part of design in Canada.”

Adapted from CBA PracticeLink’s Making Your Law Office Client-Friendly. To read the full article, visit friendlyoffice.aspx.



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Check out these articles on law firm office space, from past issues of National: • Standing on Higher Ground (Jun. 2006) ps/higherground.aspx • Real-Estate Realities (Oct./Nov. 2005) ps/officespace.aspx

The economics of

• A Room with a View (May 2005) aprmay05.pdf


• Trading Spaces (Mar./Apr. 2003) pr03/feature2.aspx

Law firms are starting to rethink the design and use of their workspace. noll Inc., a designer and manufacturer of office furnishings, conducted a survey that suggests powerful changes are occurring in some of the largest firms in the United States and Canada, affecting the way workspace will be designed and used from now on. “This spells opportunity for those firms interested in understanding the link between workplace design and enhanced collaboration and productivity,” says Christine Barber, Knoll’s Director of Workplace Research.


For a copy of the Knoll survey, e-mail

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March 2007







7:42 PM

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Time entry tips

1. Don’t bill more than two hours for anything that is done at your desk (court appearances and meetings often consume larger blocks of time). It’s better to break the block into multiple tasks. 2. Aggregate small entries. If you are playing phone tag, it’s better to charge 0.4 hours for the phone call than 0.1 four times for dialing unsuccessfully three times and having a sixminute conversation.


How technology can help small firms bill more effectively.

hen it comes to making their billing processes more efficient, small-firm lawyers have a dizzying array of software applications from which to choose. Increasingly, these programs are within the reach of a small-firm lawyer’s budget. One of the best-established programs on the market is Tabs3, the flagship product of Software Technology Inc., which was founded way back in 1979 (the hightech equivalent of the Paleozoic Era). At about US$300 a year, Tabs3 claims to have about 425,000 users in small to midsize law firms. Its software more or less paved the way for today’s legal billing program marketplace, with tools that

In addition to offering accounting features that automatically generate bills, account receivable slips and deposit slips, PCLaw boasts some of the easiest timerecording functions on the market, according to Toronto technology lawyer Alan Gahtan. “If you have three or four or ten different matters you’re working on during a particular day, you just set them up and click on a timer, and it keeps track as you switch between things,” says Gahtan. “It’s pretty good for productivity, and it reduces the amount of time that you forget to mark down.” PCLaw also has a suite of accessories that allow you to manage your documents, contacts, banking data, and In addition to offering accounting features that automatically generate bills, account receivable slips law society records. And, as a bonus, it and deposit slips, PCLaw boasts some of the easiest keeps track of GST time-recording functions on the market. and PST. But it comes at a cost: allow you to keep a running tally of your entry-level installations run about billables while reminding you of when to US$750. Yet when you consider the cost of bill, and more importantly, who is and a secretary or admin assistant, it becomes who isn’t paying up. a more attractive option, Gahtan notes. Another popular option is the Ca“It’s a huge help,” he says. “I mean, nadian-created, but now Americansomeone could probably do most of what owned, PCLaw program. Recently snappthis program does, but the amount of ed up by LexisNexis, PCLaw has itself time you’d have to spend to replicate all snapped up most of the industry’s top the functionalities is enormous. I can’t awards over the past couple of years, imagine someone running a practice thanks to its focus on firms of ten employwithout using something like this.” ees or fewer. — Brad Mackay



Mars 2007

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3. If you’re going to bill a client $5,000 for the month, and the client usually gets a bill for $500 to $1,000, you'd be wise to let the client know that a big bill is on the way. Excerpted from “The art of time entries,” by Harry Styron, Missouri real estate lawyer. Read the full article at fin08061.shtml

■ Blogwatch Law Firm Collections Efforts: Are Yours Too Little Too Late? m/blog/_archives/2007/1/15/26494 75.html How To Avoid Getting Stiffed On A Bill weblog/2006/11/how_to_avoid_ge .html How Much You Bill or How Fast You Collect? Make More With Flat Fees shingle/2006/10/make_more_with _.html Moving into Alternative Billing Via Technology blog/2006/06/using_technology_to _increase_profitability_mo.html — Mark Kuiack



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Get up to speed

Faster billing means more profits. Here’s how.


hortening the billing cycle and speeding up the collection process can have a dramatic positive impact on distributable income to a firm’s owners and partners. While every law firm is different, the average firm has 78 days of unbilled work. On average, it takes an additional 60 days to collect fees once they have been billed. That’s slightly more than 4.5 months from the time services are performed until payment is deposited in the firm’s bank account. With faster billing, adjustments will decline, client appreciation for work will improve, and lawyers will be less tempted to make concessions in exchange for a payment promise. Use the checklist below as a guide to speed up billing and collection. • Negotiate trust deposits and/or prepayments together with minimum trust deposits. • Agree on billing frequency — monthly or bi-weekly. • Use cycle billing. Assign specific clients or billing lawyers to a four- or five-week cycle. This spreads out the workload and evens out the cash flow. • Document payment terms in the engagement letter. • Get agreement on late payment penalties. • Promote e-mail bills. You will get payment faster while eliminating postal delays, postage cost, paper and administrative handling.





• Negotiate progress payments. • Insist on zero tolerance that billable information has to be tracked and reported as worked. • Get time in on schedule — daily, weekly, etc. This discipline needs to be a job requirement, period. • Use time tracking software that turns your e-mails, appointments and calls into time entries without the need to re-enter. .... By legal consultant Tom Collins. Read the rest of his extensive checklist at 2005/10/18/1295833.html.

Taking a collection 10 tips for effective fee collection for lawyers.

iling up billable hours without receiving cash is the road to insolvency. The goal in fee collection is to have a high ratio of collected to billed accounts. An overall ratio of less than 80 to 85 per cent is a recipe for trouble. An overall ratio of greater than 95 per cent might mean your rates are too low — clients could be paying quickly because the amounts are insignificant to them. Here are ten techniques you can employ to get accounts paid quickly.


1. Get fees and budgets in writing. Before beginning every engagement, you should get the client’s written agreement regarding the fee to be charged, how it will be calculated, when it is to be paid, and the consequences of non-payment, including your right to withdraw. Every engagement letter should also provide a budget that addresses events, time and money. 2. Develop a collection policy. Consider establishing a firmwide written collection policy that outlines how to keep track of delinquent clients and how to deal with unpaid accounts. The policy should cover everything from the start of the client relationship to the payment of the final bill. 3. Offer payment convenience. Accept credit cards to make it as easy as possible for clients to pay for legal services. Clients today live on plastic, and paying legal bills with credit cards is easy for them. ‌. By legal consultant Edward Poll ( Read the next seven tips online at CBA PracticeLink,




March 2007






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Faites-le vous-même! Tout ce qu’il vous faut pour créer votre plan de relations publiques.

n ne peut se rendre à bon port sans savoir où l’on va. Or, la stratégie de relations publiques de trop de juristes et de cabinets se résume à la pensée magique. Pourtant, quelques heures de réflexion et de planification peuvent vous mener loin! Vous n’êtes peut-être pas spécialiste en communication, mais vous pouvez vous inspirer des techniques que ces derniers utilisent et confectionner votre propre plan de relations publiques. Il pourra vous servir à mieux vous faire connaître, à permettre à votre cabinet de se démarquer ou à attirer l’attention des médias sur une question importante dans votre domaine de pratique. Un plan de relations publiques comporte habituellement six principaux volets :


2. Recherche et analyse de la situation : Jetez un coup d’œil à l’environnement dans lequel vous évoluez. Identifiez les enjeux, les bonnes occasions et les risques, en gardant toujours en tête ce qui pourrait avoir un effet sur vos projets de relations publiques. 3. Identification des publics cibles : Segmentez l’audience à qui vous souhaitez vous adresser en sous-groupes aux caractéristiques communes. Ce peux être, par exemple, les journaux locaux ou encore, les professionnels de l’industrie bancaire qui ont de bonnes chances d’obtenir une promotion au cours de la prochaine année. Identifiez leurs attentes afin de pouvoir y répondre le mieux possible. Mars 2007

Ce qui compte

Selon l’ouvrage Les relations publiques dans une société en mouvance, plusieurs facteurs ont une influence sur les attitudes et les comportements des différents publics.

• La crédibilité est essentielle dans le secteur des services financiers • Le prix est l’élément déterminant pour des produits peu différenciés comme les shampoings.


1. Contexte et objectifs à atteindre: Votre stratégie s’appliquera-t-elle à un projet précis ou touchera-t-elle à l’ensemble des activités du cabinet? Votre objectif à atteindre est-il la rencontre de nouveaux clients dans votre région ou souhaitez-vous être perçu comme une spécialiste dans un domaine grâce à une plus grande visibilité dans les médias?



• La fiabilité est un critère de premier ordre dans le secteur de l’automobile. • Le service après-vente fait la différence dans l’informatique.

4. Moyens de communication: Pour chaque public cible, déterminez quelle serait la meilleure tactique à mettre en place afin de transmettre votre message. Établissez la liste des moyens de communication (téléphone, rencontres, rédaction d’article, présentation de conférences) que vous pourriez mettre en œuvre pour y parvenir. 5. Échéancier et ressources: Planifier le temps requis pour réaliser chaque étape du plan. Pensez aux ressources humaines requises, aux besoins en ressources documentaires, matérielles et technologiques, ainsi qu’au budget que vous consacrerez à cet exercice. 6. Évaluation et rétro-information : Pensez à des marqueurs précis auxquels vous pourrez vous référer pour mesurer les effets produits. Serez-vous satisfait si deux articles dans les médias locaux vous utilisent comme source? Si trois clients vous appellent suite à la conférence que vous aurez prononcée? Déterminez à quel moment vous procéderez à l’évaluation de l’atteinte de vos objectifs.

En couchant votre stratégie sur papier, vous vous obligerez à réfléchir à la façon dont vous pouvez faire votre promotion, à mettre en œuvre certaines stratégies et à mesurer l’impact de ces dernières. Vous serez peut-être parfois forcé de corriger le tir, mais vous aurez de bien meilleures chances de vous rendre à destination.

• La performance est LE critère chez les mordus d’audiovisuel ou de voitures de sport • La personnalisation (le fait de se sentir soi-même touché est un facteur de fidélisation des donateurs pour leur choix d’œuvres caritatives. Quels facteurs, selon vous, influencent la décision de vos clients de vous choisir en tant que fournisseur de services juridiques?

■ 5 sites web pour vous aider à rédiger de bons communiqués de presse • Download/PlanPresseCDF.doc • medrel-3-fr.asp • • ARCHIVES/AVRIL05/courriel.html • communiques-depresse/ index.php/2005/11/17/1-re diger-communique-de-presse

— Mélanie Raymond w w w. c b a . o r g




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CALGARY 2007 La Conférence juridique de l’ABC et Expo 12 au 14 août, 2007 L’Association du Barreau canadien

L’Association du Barreau canadien est honorée d’annoncer que le lauréat du Prix Nobel de la paix

Elie Wiesel sera le conférencier principal de la Conférence juridique canadienne 2007

R Pour plus de détails, consultez la brochure d’inscription dans le présent numéro du National et réservez votre place dès maintenant pour assister, du 12 au 14 août 2007, à l’événement par excellence pour les juristes du Canada en ce qui concerne le réseautage et la formation!

écipiendaire de la Médaille présidentielle de la liberté, de la Médaille d’or du Congrès des ÉtatsUnis, et de la Grand-Croix de la Légion d’honneur française, Elie Wiesel est un auteur, un enseignant et un conteur incité par son expérience personnelle de l’Holocauste à mettre ses talents au service de la défense des droits de la personne et de la paix à travers le monde. Le juge John Gomery, Peter Lougheed et Preston Manning, ainsi que la chanteuse Jann Arden, gagnante d’un prix Juno, seront aussi de la partie.



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Attirez l’attention des médias sur vos communiqués de presse en vous concentrant sur la nouvelle.


haque jour, des journalistes sont submergés de communiqués de presse qui leur parviennent via divers moyens : la poste, le courriel et même les fils de nouvelles RSS. Comment les juristes peuvent-ils s’assurer que leurs communiqués de presse se détacheront de la masse des autres? La réponse est simple : pensez comme un journaliste. Un journaliste se concentre exclusivement sur « l’aspect nouvelles ». La nouvelle se définit comme l’information que les gens veulent connaître afin de prendre les bonnes décisions pour leur vie personnelle. Lorsque des cabinets juridiques font leur auto-promotion, il ne s’agit pas de nouvelles. Des événements comme l’embauche de nouveaux avocats, les promotions accordées à ceux qui exercent déjà dans le cabinet, l’expansion du cabinet dans de nouveaux bureaux ou l’annonce de récompenses et de nominations peuvent certes être importants pour les avocats, à titre individuel, ou pour le cabinet juridique dans son ensemble. Cependant, pour la presse non impliquée dans la communauté juridique, soit la presse que vos clients actuels et potentiels consultent, il s’agit là de nouvelles sans grand intérêt.

Un communiqué de presse digne d’être diffusé traite d’un sujet unique et touche un vaste groupe de personnes au sein du public cible d’un journaliste (qui couvre un secteur ou domaine spécifique) ou une publication imprimée ou électronique. Si une opération ou un procès risque d’intéresser un vaste nombre de personnes, d’entreprises ou d’autres juristes (comme par exemple la décision d’une cour d’appel), il y a de fortes chances que les médias d’information s’y intéressent. La meilleure façon d’attirer l’attention de journalistes ou de rédacteurs sur vos communiqués de presse consiste à vous assurer que le sujet dont ils traitent s’inscrit dans les 3% dignes de faire la nouvelle. Si c’est le cas, les journalistes apprendront à vous faire confiance et vous considéreront comme une précieuse source de renseignements susceptible de les aider à bien faire leur travail, soit de couvrir des nouvelles dans un secteur particulier. Sinon, les communiqués de presse faisant l’apologie de votre cabinet rejoindront leurs « frères » dans la poubelle des journalistes. Ce texte est tiré de Comment attirer l’attention des médias sur les communiqués de presse diffusés par votre cabinet juridique que vous pouvez consulter sur le site Web d’Enpratique au

Le bon porte-parole Adoptez une politique pour les relations du cabinet avec les médias



out cabinet devrait adopter une politique indiquant le nom de la personne désignée pour s’adresser aux médias. En mettant un tel programme en place, on évite tout risque de fuite préjudiciable et on fait en sorte de diffuser le message souhaité. Dans la mesure du possible, il est

Mars 2007

préférable que la même personne traite avec tous les médias. Ainsi, comme c’est la même personne qui parle au nom du cabinet, toutes les chances sont réunies pour qu’un message uniforme soit diffusé. Il importe de choisir la personne la mieux qualifiée pour ce faire, quelqu’un ayant une connaissance approfondie des médias, qui sait

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parfaitement garder son sang-froid en cas de crise, qui est au courant des principales questions en jeu et qui sait exactement ce qu’il faut et ne faut pas divulguer. Ce texte est tiré du Guide des relations de l’avocat, de l’avocate avec les médias que vous pouvez consultez sur le site Web d’Enpratique au






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Melanie Comstock of McInnes Cooper in Halifax with husband Greg Scott and daughters Adelaide (2) and Willoughby (4 months)

“I was six months’ pregnant with my second daughter when I was admitted to partnership.”

THE PARENT Taking time off work to deliver and raise a child is no longer an automatic career-limiting move in Canadian law firms. A younger generation of lawyers has opened up new doors to parental leaves unavailable to their predecessors. But be warned: lawyers who embark on the parent track still have a difficult road ahead. By

Janice Mucalov



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hen Trish Morrison became pregnant while working as an associate with Borden Ladner Gervais LLP in Calgary, she did something few women lawyers would have dreamed of a decade ago: she took a 12-month maternity leave. And if that weren’t enough to shock hardline law firm leaders of a past generation, she became pregnant again — and took another ten months’ leave. Leaving the law firm for nearly two years during her critical career-building phase spelled the end of Morrison’s prospects at BLG, didn’t it? Not quite. Morrison was admitted to Borden Ladner’s partnership in January 2006, and has nothing but good things to say about how she was treated. “My experiences were very positive,” says Morrison, 36. “The firm was very congratulatory when I was pregnant and sent flowers Trish Morrison when the baby was born. Another female Borden Ladner Gervais LLP, lawyer in the firm threw a baby shower for me Calgary at which a number of other lawyers and staff were present. “The firm was also extremely supportive “The firm was extremely when I returned to work,” she adds, “in terms of helping me to rebuild my practice supportive when I returned and recognizing that I had commitments outto work, in terms of helping side of the office.” If it seems to you that that’s not how law me to rebuild my practice firms did it in the old days, you’re absolutely correct. Slowly but surely, law firms are comand recognizing that I had ing to grips with the fact that this generation commitments outside of of lawyers takes parenting pretty seriously. Unlike their Boomer or even their older Genthe office.” X predecessors, young lawyers today insist that parenting and practising law are not mutually exclusive undertakings. Young lawyers want both a family and a career, and they want the chance to do both to the best of their ability. And remarkably enough, law firms are listening. The clearest sign that the mood is changing is the growth in the frequency and ease of parental leaves — in particular, the near-routine acceptance of longer paid maternity leaves. Public-sector legal employers and corporate law departments have offered year-long parental leaves and 100% salary top-ups for some time. Private firms aren’t yet as generous, but they too now offer increased financial support to female lawyers on leave. Paternity leave is still less commonly granted (and less frequently requested). But a gradually increasing number of new dads are bidding their firms a temporary farewell to spend time at home with their newborns But for all the positive vibes, parental leaves are hardly a walk in the park. Finances dictate that some private-firm women lawyers return to work sooner than they’d like (and sooner than their counterparts at more generous firms. And there is still a widespread belief that in most law firms, you take lengthy parental leave at peril to your standing in the firm and career advancement prospects. The parental path is finally accessible, but remains potentially dangerous to those who follow it.


T TRACK Mars 2007

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02/23/2007 09:16:18 PM



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Bé é

Le congé parental est devenu la norme dans presque tous les cabinets.


es cabinets juridiques comprennent bien le fait que la nouvelle génération d’avocats prenne la parentalité très au sérieux. Contrairement aux baby-boomers ou à la génération X, les jeunes avocats d’aujourd’hui ne considèrent pas la parentalité et l’exercice du droit comme deux responsabilités inconciliables. Au contraire, ils veulent à la fois réussir leur carrière et avoir une famille épanouissante. Voici ce qu’ils recherchent : des heures flexibles, le travail à domicile et à temps partiel ainsi que la possibilité de conserver leur statut d’associé. Les cabinets sont à l’écoute de ces revendications. Pour preuve, l’acceptation de congés de maternité plus longs devient même un phénomène banal. Or, cela fait des années que les juristes qui oeuvrent dans le secteur public ou en contentieux d’entreprise obtiennent des congés parentaux d’une année au cours desquels ils obtiennent 100 % de leur salaire. Mais qu’en est-il du congé parental accordé à l’avocat ou à l’avocate en cabinet? Les considérations financières obligent certaines avocates qui oeuvrent dans des cabinets plus économes à retourner au travail plus tôt que leurs pairs qui travaillent pour des cabinets plus généreux.

Des améliorations à apporter Cela fait seulement six ans que les législations provinciales sur l’emploi ont subi des modifications pour donner aux femmes le droit de bénéficier d’un congé de maternité de 17 à 18 semaines, selon la province, de même que d’un congé parental supplémentaire.

De nos jours, « les congés de maternité dépassant 17 semaines constituent la norme », affirme Kirby Chown, associée directrice pour la région de l’Ontario du cabinet McCarthy Tétrault LLP. Il semble que dans l’ensemble, les cabinets soutiennent ce choix de prendre un congé plus long pour s’occuper des enfants. Il y aurait peu d’effets préjudiciable pour ceux et celles qui choisissent de ce prévaloir de cet avantage quoique l’accession au titre d’associé peut parfois être suspendu temporairement dans certains cabinets Mais contrairement aux instances gouvernementales fédérales et provinciales, ainsi qu’à beaucoup de contentieux d’entreprises, qui offrent une compensation pratiquement équivalente au salaire initial durant une année complète, les cabinets ne sont pas toujours aussi généreux. La norme dans les grands cabinets est plutôt d’un salaire complet pendant 17 semaines.

A whole new world It was just six years ago that provincial employment legislation across the country changed to give women the right to one year off work in combined maternity leave (17 to 18 weeks) and additional parental leave. At the time, female associates in Alberta, for example, were only entitled to 18 weeks’ total leave. These provincial changes followed amendments to the federal Employment Insurance Act in 2001 that doubled paid maternity/parental leave benefits from six months to twelve. Mars 2007

Alors que certains avocats et avocates aimeraient obtenir une compensation durant une plus longue période, d’autres se disent satisfaits d’avoir au moins la possibilité de prendre un congé payé sans être pénalisés.

L’évolution des mentalités suit son cours Les hommes aussi s’intéressent au congé parental. Non seulement les jeunes avocats ont-ils des épouses qui sont actives sur le marché du travail, mais ils veulent aussi passer du temps avec leur nouveauné. « L’équilibre entre le travail et la vie [familiale] est un problème autant pour les avocats que les avocates », croit Brenlee Carrington, consultante en équité à la Société du Barreau du Manitoba. Avocat chez Miller Thomson Pouliot à Montréal et premier avocat de son cabinet à prendre un congé de paternité sous l’égide du programme de congé parental du Québec de 2006, Mathieu Turcotte a été agréablement surpris qu’ « il n’y ait eu aucun sourcil froncé [au sujet de son congé] ni de besoin de négocier ». Administré par le régime d’assurance parentale du Québec, ce programme donne droit aux nouveaux pères à un maximum de cinq semaines de compensation à 70 % de leur salaire (jusqu’à concurrence de 59 000 $ en 2007). Chez McInnes Cooper, « la plupart des hommes prennent six semaines de congé », indique Melanie Comstock. « Je connais plusieurs cabinets au Manitoba pour lesquelles la politique de congé parental est un moyen important de recrutement et de rétention du personnel», affirme Brenlee Carrington. D’ailleurs, « le soutien de mon cabinet durant mon congé a renforcé mon sentiment de loyauté pour ce dernier ». Les cabinets semblent désormais accepter que leurs avocats aient des enfants et qu’ils doivent les accommoder adéquatement en ce sens. De leur côté, les avocats doivent aussi évaluer l’impact de leur congé sur le cabinet et sur leurs clients. Un équilibre qui se négocie encore au cas par cas… N — Yasmina El Jamaï

Today, longer leaves are viewed as matter-of-fact for female lawyers, says Kirby Chown, Ontario regional managing partner for McCarthy Tétrault in Toronto. “Maternity leaves exceeding 17 weeks are the norm,” she says, adding that the average leave at McCarthy’s is a full nine months. In fact, law firms on the whole have proven supportive of female associates and partners taking extended time off to care for infant children. For one thing, many law firms now top up employment insurance benefits. Among Manitoba firms, for example, top-up amounts range from 55% to full compensation

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Brennlee Carrington Equity Ombudsperson, Law Society of Manitoba, Winnipeg

“Firms are discovering that in order to attract and retain the best talent possible, they have to be competitive when it comes to equity issues.”


Changing times As any lawyer over the age of 40 knows, this is brand-new territory for most law firms, which have traditionally equated a decision to have children with a decision not to commit to the firm. Why the change of heart? “What’s changed is that there are simply more women in the profession who are having children,” says Chown. Indeed, women now outnumber men in Canadian law schools, and these young female graduates are demanding family-friendly workplaces. “There’s been a huge change in focus in the last five to ten years,” says Comstock. “We’re also seeing more mature law students,” she adds. “They already have families, and they have a better sense of what’s important in life.” And credit should go to senior female lawyers who have helped foster a climate of change, says Comstock. “They didn’t have the same benefits we have today, so it would be easy for them to say, ‘I did it, so you should too.’ But they recognize that these changes need to be made, and that firms can’t survive if they don’t.” But the wild-card element in recent years has been the growing number of men who have been demanding parental leaves too. Many young male lawyers have wives who also


March 2007


for the first 17 weeks of maternity leave, and 55% to 95% for an additional 10 to 35 weeks of parental leave. And while longer leaves may damage career advancement at some firms, it has little or no prejudicial effect at others. “When I took my first leave, I was in my sixth year of practice, which is a crucial time for assessment for partnership,” says Melanie Comstock, currently taking her second maternity leave from McInnes Cooper in Halifax. But she wasn’t held back as a result of taking six months off. Her hours and billings for that year were simply pro-rated to determine if she met the billing requirements for admission to partnership, which she did. “I was six months’ pregnant with my second daughter when I was admitted.” And as for financial support, McInnes Cooper kept Comstock’s salary whole for the entire six months, as it does for all its female associates on leave. A groundbreaking new partner policy similarly entitles female partners to receive their full draw for the first six months at home with their children. Firms are showing their support in other ways, too. McCarthy Tétrault has developed a “buddy system,” whereby each lawyer embarking on leave is matched up with a more senior female lawyer in her practice group who has had children. As Chown explains: “The mat leave buddy meets with the woman before she goes on leave, provides her with our maternity leave toolkit, answers questions, and helps her with the strategic ramping-down of her practice. The buddy stays in

touch with her while she’s on leave and assists her on her return. Topics discussed by the “buddies” can range from the nature and extent of contact with the office while on leave, to how to properly download one’s practice, to practical tips on parenting and obtaining childcare. In Toronto, new mothers are also sent a spa certificate upon giving birth. McCarthys is also piloting a new Parental Support Program in the Toronto area. “Six coaching sessions with an experienced family therapist are offered and paid for by the firm,” says Chown. Available to both male and female lawyers, the idea is to help the lawyer and his or her spouse (they attend together) deal with the impact of family life on the lawyer’s work. One session, for example, might cover how to share childcare duties when both parents work. These six coaching sessions are matched by six sessions between the lawyer and the firm’s Director of Associates to chat about issues such as flextime or a change in direction of practice upon the lawyer’s return from leave. The sessions are staggered two before, two during, and two after the leave.



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CALGARY 2007 CBA Canadian Legal Conference & Expo August 12 – 14, 2007 The Canadian Bar Association

The Canadian Bar Association is honoured to present Nobel Peace Prize Laureate

Elie Wiesel as keynote speaker of the 2007 Canadian Legal Conference.


ecipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the United States Congressional Gold Medal, and the rank of Grand-Croix in the French Legion of Honour, Elie Wiesel is an author, teacher and storyteller whose personal experience of the Holocaust has led him to use his talents to defend human rights and peace throughout the world.

See the registration brochure in this issue of National for more details about the CLC. Book your place now at Canada’s leading networking and educational event for lawyers August 12-14, 2007.

Other feature speakers include Justice John Gomery, Peter Lougheed, and Preston Manning. Musical entertainment provided by Juno-winning performer Jann Arden.


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work, and they appreciate what unfettered on the partnership female lawyers need; moreover, path are two promising ways to they want to enjoy time with their attract and keep young lawyers new babies too. “Work/life balfor whom a family-friendly law ance is as much of an issue for firm environment is important. male lawyers as for female The end result is that not only lawyers,” confirms Brenlee Cardo a lawyer and his or her famirington, Equity Ombudsperson ly benefit from the time off, but for the Law Society of Manitoba the firm is rewarded in kind for in Winnipeg. the efforts it makes to accommoMathieu Turcotte, 30, an assodate its lawyers. “The support ciate with Miller Thomson the firm gave me during my Pouliot LLP in Montreal, is at the leaves reinforced my feelings of crest of this new generation of loyalty toward the firm,” conmale lawyers. Last year, he was firms Morrison. the first man at his firm to take Room for improvement parental leave under Quebec’s But while parental leaves are new paternity leave program, more generous today than ever introduced in January 2006. before, few people think they’re Administered by the Quebec as comprehensive as they could Parental Insurance Plan, it entitles be. Federal and provincial govnew fathers to a maximum of five ernments and many corporate weeks of benefits up to 70% of law departments offer top-ups their income (to a maximum that allow female lawyers to colincome of $59,000 for 2007). lect much of their salary for a full “I told the managing partner, year of leave. Most law firms as soon as I knew my wife was don’t offer anything close to that. going to have a baby, that I The situation in the law mirintended to take five weeks off,” rors that in the general workhe recalls. “There were no negoforce, where government worktiations and no raised eyebrows. ers enjoy bountiful financial topI thought there would be some ups for a full year, while the reaction, but to my surprise, the majority of employees (80%) only reaction was from some of only collect minimal EI benefits, the older male lawyers, who leading some critics to charge joked, ‘So you’re going to stay that Canada has a two-tier mahome with your baby for five ternity leave system. weeks. What are you going to Some women lawyers have do?’ It was a very positive expebeen hurt by this inequity. rience, both personally and proCarrington notes that there are fessionally.” those who wish their firms offered Elsewhere across the country, proMathieu Turcotte greater EI top-ups, so that financially, gressive law firms are encouraging new Miller Thomson Pouliot LLP, they could take the full one-year leave dads to enjoy parental leave by topping Montreal to which they’re entitled by law. up their EI benefits — albeit not to the Morrison has heard from women same extent as new moms. At McInnes “I told the managing partner lawyers who are the primary breadwinCooper, male associates receive six ners in their family that being deprived weeks of fully paid top-up, and as of that I intended to take five of their full salary for the total period January 2006, partners can pocket of leave affected their decision about their full draw for six weeks too. weeks off. There were how much time to take off. “Most of the dads take a six-week no negotiations and no Then there’s the question of leave,” says Comstock. whether lawyers are penalized for takDon’t believe, however, that firms are raised eyebrows.” ing long absences. Chown acknowlmaking these changes purely out of the edges that, at McCarthy Tétrault, takgoodness of their hearts. “Firms are dising a year’s leave may affect a lawyer’s covering that in order to attract and advancement in the firm. retain the best talent possible, they have “The law requires that there be no to be competitive when it comes to equity issues,” says Carrington. “I know of several firms in penalty regarding a woman’s career and taking maternity Manitoba for whom their parental leave policy is an impor- leave,” says Carrington. “There should be no effect on their career, no discrimination against women.” From a gender tant means of hiring and retaining staff.” Generous parental leave policies make good business sense. equity perspective, women lawyers who have children It’s a costly venture for a law firm to lose an associate after arguably should be financially accommodated in terms of investing in the lawyer’s education and training. Offering lib- being able to take one year of fully paid leave, with no effect eral compensation top-ups and enabling associates to advance on their career. 26


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Small firm, big results Large law firms have had to work hard to create a culture of accommodation for lawyers seeking parental leave. They could learn something from this small firm.


t Legge & Legge, a generalpractice firm of five lawyers in midtown Toronto, there are no lines dividing work and family. Babies and children are as integral a part of the lawyers’ lives as are clients and files — and the two often overlap. So for Catherine Hibberd, maternity leave wasn’t a demarcated period of time off work for the three children she delivered while at the firm. Rather, it was a seamless ebb and flow of staying home and bringing her babies to the office, depending on what worked for her. “After articling, I started out renting office space from the firm, because I wanted to do my own thing,” she recalls. About a year later, Legge & Legge asked her if

she was interested in joining them. “I joined as a partner in October 1997 just as I was wrapping up my files to take time off to deliver my first son. He was two months old when he became a semi-regular visitor to the office. I took him in back and forth until he was about six months old.” That was when he became mobile, and she and her husband hired a full-time, live-out nanny to help. The other lawyers were delighted to see her newborn. “Some of them would take him in their office if I had settlement discussions.” Other times, he slept in the playpen that Hibberd took to the office while she worked on files. With her subsequent two children, the same flexible arrangement was repeated.

In an ideal world, this would be true. But the reality is different. “The standard practice in large law firms is to provide top-up for 17 weeks of maternity leave,” says Chown. “A year’s top-up would be a significant change and would be a significant financial cost to law firms, particularly small and medium-sized firms.” Economics dictate what a firm can offer by way of top-up. “The reality is that people have to be cognizant of what works within their firm,” says Carrington. By the same token, extended time off work can be a legitimate factor in delaying admission to partnership, reasons

“A year’s top-up would be a significant change and would be a significant financial cost to law firms, particularly small and medium-sized firms.” Chown. Lawyers who have less exposure to files, client interactions and skill development opportunities because they took parental leave can expect their admission to partnership to come under scrutiny. “The firm would apply the same test to those who were away from the firm on secondments, medical leaves or other reasons for time away,” Chown says. Mostly, today’s young lawyers understand their employers’ perspective. Turcotte isn’t upset that his five-week paternity leave wasn’t topped up. “I was the first male lawyer in the firm to take paternity leave, so I’m conscious that I have had greater advantages than other male lawyers. I’m just grateful that I was able to take paid leave without any penalty.” He Mars 2007

“There was never any discussion about how much time I’d be taking off. I probably could have taken six months off if I wanted to,” recalls Hibberd. “But I chose not to take an extended leave or time off. This was my comfort level.” Partly that was because she was a partner — even though a colleague looked after her work when she wasn’t in the office, she felt responsible for handling cases that were her own files. After eight years with Legge & Legge, Hibberd set out on her own again in July 2004 to continue her family practice as a sole practitioner. She recently gave birth to her fourth child, hiring agents to look after her files when she was away from the office. Hibberd offers some good advice for both lawyers and firms. “Law firms must accept that lawyers have children and make the necessary accommodations,” she says. “But lawyers have to consider the effect of taking leave on their firm and their clients. You have to balance the equity of this, too.” N

was assured that his yearly billings would be calculated as if he had been in the office for those five weeks. “I don’t think anyone expects a fully paid 12-month leave,” adds Morrison. “What’s most important is that you have a choice to take a full year off.” Indeed, the ability to freely choose to spend time at home when their kids are born — without criticism or pressure from the firm to return to work quickly — is what these lawyers value most. A long road When it comes to maternity leave, Canada’s legal profession has come a long way. There are many examples supporting the notion that a female lawyer today can take a full year off work to raise a child, receive at least some of her pay during this time, and return to her firm without anybody thinking twice, and sometimes even without having to step off the partnership ladder. The unprecedented nature of that change should not be overlooked. Paternity leave remains another matter. “A new way of looking at work and family has to occur,” says Turcotte. “Law firms will have to adjust to the reality that new fathers want to spend time with their babies when they’re born. Many don’t want to do the same thing as the previous generation.” At the end of the day, the true challenge still lies in resistance to accommodating family life when the lawyer returns to work. “This resistance comes from an older generation of male lawyers who have stay-at-home wives, so their family dynamics are very different from dual working spouses,” says Chown. “Parental leave isn’t really an issue anymore. The more difficult challenge is balancing work and family once it’s over.” N Janice Mucalov is a lawyer and freelance writer in Vancouver. Her previous article for

National, on the commoditization of legal services, appeared in our March 2006 issue.

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« Le phénomène des SLAPP existe depuis toujours. »


RODERICK MACDONALD Université McGill, Montréal



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Après être disparues de nos écrans radars pendant quelques années au Canada, les poursuites stratégiques contre la mobilisation publique réapparaissent au Québec. Verra-t-on naître dans cette province la seule législation canadienne visant à enrayer ce phénomène? Quelle pourrait en

Poursuites à tête chercheuse être la teneur?

Par Louis Baribeau



et automne, le Port de Québec demandait à la Cour d’imposer un bâillon à un citoyen sous prétexte qu’il aurait informé une compagnie de croisière des inconvénients que pourraient causer la construction d’un terminal méthanier à la circulation maritime. D’autres citoyens qui s’opposaient aussi à ce projet, que l’on nomme Rabaska, ont aussi été mis en cause. La demande d’injonction interlocutoire a été rejetée, mais ce n’est que le début d’une guérilla judiciaire. Selon certains observateurs, cette cause a les allures d’une « poursuite stratégique contre la mobilisation publique », mieux connues sous l’acronyme SLAPP pour Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation, une expression désignant les poursuites visant à décourager les opposants à un projet de développement. Au pays de l’oncle Sam, 24 États ont légiféré, depuis 1989, pour limiter les effets négatifs des poursuites stratégiques contre la mobilisation publique sur la liberté d’expression. Dans un rapport produit pour Industrie Canada en 2004 par le Public Interest Advocacy Centre, Me Susan Lott mentionnait que les SLAPP ont été reconnues comme un phénomène canadien dont on a beaucoup discuté, surtout dans le secteur de l’environnement, au début des années 1990. Au Canada, seule la Colombie-Britannique a édicté une législation anti-SLAPP, en avril 2001, mais elle fut abrogée quelques mois plus tard lors d’un changement de gouvernement. Ce type de poursuites semblait s’être fait oublier au Canada pendant quelques années, mais voilà que deux affaires en particulier ont récemment attiré l’attention des médias : la demande d’injonction du Port de Québec contre les opposants au terminal méthanier Rabaska ainsi que la poursuite en diffamation de l’American Iron & Metal contre l’Association québécoise de lutte contre la pollution Mars 2007

Se défendre contre une poursuite stratégique contre la mobilisation publique draine beaucoup d’énergie des opposants. STÉPHANE GALIBOIS, Québec

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atmosphérique (AQLPA). Cet organisme à but non lucratif a perdu dans la bataille sa couverture d’assurance responsabilité civile et a bien failli mettre fin à son existence parce qu’elle n’avait pas les moyens de payer ses avocats. La résistance s’organise La résistance contre les SLAPP a commencé à s’organiser l’automne dernier. Plus d’une vingtaine de regroupements politiques, syndicaux et environnementaux se sont réunis à Montréal en octobre pour amasser des fonds au nom de l’AQLPA et demander au gouvernement de légiférer contre ces pratiques abusives. Une loi est-elle nécessaire? Pour l’aider à répondre à cette question, le ministre de la Justice du Québec a créé en octobre un comité d’expert qui sera présidé par Roderick A. MacDonald professeur en droit public et constitutionnel à l’Université McGill de Montréal. « Le mandat du ministre n’est pas de recommander ou non une loi anti-SLAPP, mais de

comprendre le phénomène et les enjeux, affirme le professeur. C’est un mandat d’enquête que nous avons reçu. » L’histoire se répète Pour bien comprendre le contexte actuel, quelques pas en arrière s’imposent. « Le phénomène des SLAPP existe depuis toujours, explique le professeur MacDonald. « Les gens qui se sentent menacés sur la place publique ont recours aux tribunaux pour essayer d’améliorer leur situation. Le droit connaît cela depuis ses origines. » C’est le terrain où on retrouve les poursuites stratégiques contre la mobilisation publique qui a changé. À la fin du 19ième siècle, les employeurs ont beaucoup utilisé les SLAPP contre les syndicats de travailleurs. Puis, dans les années 70, voyant que les ministères de l’environnement faisaient beaucoup pencher la balance du côté des groupes environnementaux, des promoteurs privés ont attaqué ces derniers à coups de poursuites stratégiques contre la mobilisation

SLAPP-happy Strategic lawsuits meant to discourage grassroots activism may be re-emerging in Quebec, but it’s not clear what the solution is – or even if there’s a problem.


LAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) is a term coined by environmental groups to describe lawsuits aimed at discouraging those who oppose a development project from voicing their opinions. The idea is that a large corporation brings a massive suit against protesters beyond their ability to fight it — effectively silencing the opposition by burying them in litigation. Since 1989, 24 U.S. states have put limits on the ability of SLAPPs to achieve these sorts of ends. In Canada, British Columbia enacted anti-SLAPP legislation in April 2001, although it was repealed several months later with a change in government (see: “SLAPPed down,” National, June/July 2000, p. 10) SLAPPs had been all but forgotten in Canada until recently, when two Quebec cases attracted media attention: the Port of Quebec’s request for an injunction against groups opposed to the methane tanker terminal Rabaska, and a defamation suit by American Iron & Metal against the Association québecoise de lutte contre la pollution atmosphérique (AQLPA). Last October, more than 20 union and environmental groups met in Montreal to raise funds to help AQLPA with its legal expenses and to demand that the government legislate against SLAPPs. Quebec’s justice minister has since created a committee, chaired by McGill law professor 30

Roderick MacDonald, to investigate the phenomenon. Michel Bélanger of Montreal’s Lauzon Bélanger has often been consulted by activist groups worried about getting SLAPPed. His message: “You must take it for granted that you will be sued.” These lawsuits can be irrational, he says, but they are crafted carefully such that judges are very reluctant to summarily dismiss them. “The only thing you can do,” he advises environmentalists, “is prepare to defend yourself.” SLAPP opponents say the lawsuits are meant to move the debate from the political arena to the courthouse, putting protesters on the defensive and diverting public attention away from the environmental debate. The goal is to financially exhaust their adversary. “The law prevents claimants in abusive lawsuits from winning, but it does not help the defendants financially survive a SLAPP,” says Bélanger. Constitutional law practitioner Julius Grey says these lawsuits illustrate another barrier to access to justice. “More and more, the justice system — despite the complete integrity of the judiciary — is not sufficiently accessible.” According to Grey, the solution involves a wide-ranging improvement of the legal aid system as well as anti-SLAPP legislation. The now-repealed SLAPP legislation in N AT I O N A L

British Columbia provided that qualified communication of public participation gave a complete defense to a defamation suit. California’s powerful anti-SLAPP laws allow a defendant to present a summary request to declare prima facie that the lawsuit is a SLAPP. Grey thinks a similar clause would be enough in Quebec. In some American states, judges can order punitive damages from anyone who brings a strategic lawsuit, and Quebec’s Charte des droit et libertés de la personne already allows for this possibility. Not everyone accepts the need for antiSLAPP legislation, nor the validity of the phenomenon itself. “The reputation of a company can be sullied by the spread of information on the Internet,” says Paul Cassidy, an environmental lawyer with Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP in Vancouver. “We can no longer pretend there’s an imbalance between the big corporation with large financial resources and the lone individual.” Quebec’s Code of Civil Procedure already includes everything necessary to defeat unfounded actions, says Michel Yergeau, an environmental law practitioner with Lavery, de Billy in Montreal. “Economic disparities are not relevant in the legal sphere. It’s fine for governments to finance the defence of environmental groups, but you must avoid modifying civil procedure for these particular cases.” Defining a SLAPP is not easy: many definitions co-exist in the numerous jurisdictions of North America. The report of Prof. MacDonald’s expert committee will be welcome, not only to define SLAPPs, but also to verify if these lawsuits represent a real threat to the public voice. N — Alison Arnot

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Les SLAPP sont la partie la plus évidente de nombreuses barrières qui rendent la justice plus difficilement accessible. JULIUS GREY Grey et Casgrain, Montréal


publique. Les environnementalistes ont riposté en demandant des législations anti-SLAPP. L’adoption de ces lois alliée à la mauvaise presse faite à leurs utilisateurs ont précipité le déclin de ce type de recours dans le milieu des années 90. Cette histoire semble vouloir se répéter au Québec. Depuis qu’il a commencé à représenter des groupes de défense de l’environnement vers 1989, Me Michel Bélanger, du cabinet Lauzon Bélanger à Montréal prétend avoir été témoin de beaucoup de SLAPP. « Le plus souvent, ce sont des menaces de poursuites ou des mises en demeure dans des conseils municipaux ou dans des forums de consultations », mentionne-t-il. Une menace pour la démocratie? Ce qui pose potentiellement problème avec les poursuites stratégiques contre la mobilisation publique c’est qu’elles peuvent intimider les citoyens désireux de prendre la parole dans les débats publics concernant les projets de développement. Me Bélanger a souvent été consulté par des groupes de citoyens hésitant à s’opposer à un projet. Dans ces cas, il leur dit : « Vous devez prendre pour acquis que vous allez être poursuivis. » Il estime que ces poursuites peuvent être farfelues, mais ajoute qu’elles sont rédigées de manière telle qu’elles ne paraissent pas l’être et que les juges n’osent pas les rejeter sommairement. « La seule chose que vous pouvez faire c’est vous préparer à vous défendre, conseille Me Michel Bélanger aux environnementalistes. Évitez les débordements et les qualificatifs. Si vous avez de l’information à diffuser, basez-vous sur des études. » Ceux qui se cacheraient derrière une poursuite stratégique contre la mobilisation publique ne chercheraient pas vraiment à faire corriger une injustice ou obtenir une compensation pour diffamation. Le but ne serait pas de gagner, mais d’épuiser financièrement l’adversaire. « Le droit couvre les cas de poursuites abusives en empêchant les demandeurs de gagner, mais il ne permet pas aux défendeurs de survivre financièrement à une SLAPP », souligne Me Bélanger. Les promoteurs se serviraient des poursuites stratégiques pour déplacer le débat de la sphère politique, dans laquelle ils perdraient du terrain, vers la sphère légale où ils peuvent mettre Mars 2007

les opposants sur la défensive. Ils détourneraient ainsi l’attention du public et des médias du débat environnemental pour les amener à s’intéresser à la guérilla judiciaire. Se défendre contre une poursuite stratégique contre la mobilisation publique draine beaucoup d’énergie des opposants. « Tout le temps que ces gens investissent dans la procédure judiciaire, ils ne l’ont plus pour faire avancer leur cause », indique Me Stéphane Galibois, l’avocat des opposants à Rabaska poursuivis par le Port de Québec. Le juriste se demande jusqu’à quel point, les gens qui ont dû affronter le processus judiciaire voudront dorénavant se commettre. « Seront-ils aussi disposés qu’avant à se battre pour l’environnement? », s’interroge-t-il. Certains avancent que l’impact de telles poursuites pourrait être énorme pour la démocratie. Les poursuites stratégiques contre la mobilisation publique décourageraient d’autres personnes de prendre la parole sur tout projet et iraient à l’encontre de la tendance d’impliquer de plus en plus les citoyens dans le processus décisionnel. Le praticien en droit constitutionnel Me Julius Grey, du cabinet Grey Casgrain, à Montréal, considère que de telles poursuites sont la partie la plus évidente des nombreuses barrières à l’accessibilité à la justice. « En général, on voit de plus en plus que le système de justice, malgré l’intégrité totale de la magistrature, n’est pas suffisamment accessible. » Selon lui, la solution passe par l’amélioration globale du système d’aide juridique en plus d’une législation anti-SLAPP. Quelle pourrait être la teneur de cette législation garantissant un droit de recours aux tribunaux, tout en évitant son utilisation pour bâillonner des opposants? L’expérience canadienne et américaine Une telle législation pourrait s’inspirer de l’expérience de l’Ouest du pays et des États-Unis. La défunte législation de la Colombie-Britannique, qui ne fut en vigueur que quelques mois, prévoyait que les communications et conduites qualifiées de participation publique donnaient ouverture à une défense complète dans une action en diffamation. Cette clause

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était nécessaire, semble-t-il, puisque la liUne intervention législative berté d’expression garantie par la Charte contre les SLAPP n’est plus canadienne des droits et libertés peut être invoquée seulement dans les litiges justifiée de nos jours puisque impliquant l’État. Au Québec la situaPourquoi privilégier les environla participation citoyenne est tion est différente, la Charte des droits et nementalistes? libertés de la personne permet d’invoMe Michel Yergeau, praticien en droit désormais fort répandue. quer la liberté d’expression même dans de l’environnement chez Lavery, de un litige entre parties privées. Billy à Montréal, fait remarquer qu’il y PAUL CASSIDY Les dispositions-clefs d’une des lois a déjà dans le Code de procédure civile Blake Cassels et Graydon, s.r.l., anti-SLAPP les plus complètes aux Étatsdu Québec tout ce qu’il faut pour faire Vancouver Unis, celle de la Californie, permettent au tomber les actions sans fondement. défendeur de présenter une requête som« Pourquoi répondre à un besoin spécimaire pour faire déclarer prima facie qu’il s’agit d’une pour- fique en environnement? demande-t-il. Parce que c’est un dossier suite stratégique contre la mobilisation publique. Me Julius d’environnement, les gens pourraient dire n’importe quoi et nous Grey croit qu’au Québec, une clause semblable serait suffi- n’aurions pas de recours contre eux? Ça ne tient pas la route. » sante. « Un des indices permettant de déclarer qu’on est en « Tous sont égaux devant la loi, considère Me Yergeau. Les présence d’une SLAPP est qu’il s’agit d’un litige d’intérêt pub- disparités économiques ne relèvent pas de la sphère du droit. lic, explique-t-il. Il y aurait alors soit un rejet de l’action, soit Que les gouvernements acceptent de financer la défense des octroi d’un montant pour les frais. » groupes environnementaux d’accord, mais il faut éviter de S’inspirant de certaines législations américaines, Me Susan modifier la procédure civile pour ces cas particuliers. » Lott, dans son rapport à Industrie Canada, suggère que, dans De plus, de l’avis de Me Michel Yergeau, il n’y a pas de cas le cadre de cette requête sommaire, il appartienne au deman- concret de poursuite stratégique contre la mobilisation deur de démontrer que sa poursuite paraît fondée. publique au Québec. « Pour avoir une vraie SLAPP, il faut que Cependant, de telles dispositions ne s’attaquent pas à l’une la procédure soit intentée avant que la décision gouvernemendes principales difficultés découlant de telles poursuites soit le tale soit prise et dans le but manifeste de faire porter aux fait que les défendeurs n’ont souvent même pas les moyens opposants le fardeau financier des frais légaux. Dans l’affaire d’assumer les coûts légaux d’une requête en rejet. de l’AQLPA, le dossier est décidé. » Selon le raisonnement de « L’une des solutions que nous pourrions envisager serait Me Yergeau, la poursuite du Port de Québec n’est pas non plus d’offrir de l’aide juridique qui ciblerait directement les vic- une SLAPP, parce que qu’elle a été intentée par un tiers et non times de poursuites stratégiques contre la mobilisation publi- par le promoteur de Rabaska. que et de prévoir un fonds spécial en conséquence, propose Me Pondre une définition de ce qu’est une poursuite stratéSusan Lott dans son rapport présenté à Industrie Canada. Tout gique contre la mobilisation publique n’est pas chose simple. montant alloué par la Cour à un défendeur pour défrayer les Plusieurs variantes co-existent dans de nombreuses juridicfrais juridiques ou les montants obtenus lors d’un règlement tions en Amérique du Nord. L’éclairage du rapport du comité pourraient être remis à un fond spécial. » d’experts dirigé par le professeur Roderick A. MacDonald sera Dans certains États américains, on permet aux juges de le bienvenu, non seulement pour définir les SLAPP, mais aussi condamner à des dommages punitifs l’auteur d’une poursuite pour vérifier si ces poursuites représentent une menace réelle à stratégique. La Charte des droits et libertés de la personne en la prise de parole publique au Québec. N vigueur au Québec prévoit déjà cette possibilité, ce qui est suffisant, selon Me Julius Grey. Louis Baribeau est journaliste juridique et d’affaires à Québec. 32


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Un concept dépassé? L’idée d’une législation anti-SLAPP ne rallie pas tous les intervenants du milieu juridique. Me Paul R. Cassidy, avocat en droit de l’environnement chez Blake, Cassels & Graydon à Vancouver, estime qu’une telle intervention législative n’est plus justifiée de nos jours. Grâce à Internet, un individu peut avoir beaucoup plus d’influence qu’il n’en avait il y a 20 ans, affirme-t-il. La réputation d’une compagnie peut être entachée par la diffusion d’informations sur Internet. On ne peut plus prétendre qu’il n’y a pas d’équilibre des forces entre une grande institution bénéficiant de larges ressources financières et un simple individu. » Me Cassidy ajoute aussi un deuxième angle à sa réflexion. « La participation citoyenne dans le domaine du droit de l’environnement et des affaires gouvernementales est maintenant très répandue, soutient-il. L’idée même de SLAPP est désormais académique et ne reflète pas la réalité.


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Vol. 2, No. 2


March 2007

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NATIONAL Magazine’s Legal Careers Supplement

Pack your bags Lateral movement these days doesn’t just mean a new law firm — it can mean a new city and province, too.

By Huguette Young

Jody Evely Parlee McLaws LLP, Edmonton



f there were such a thing as frequent-mover miles, Jody Evely would have quite an account built up by now. In December 2004, at the age of 36, she moved from a large firm in Toronto to a smaller 11-lawyer firm in Kamloops, B.C. to join her husband-to-be. She welcomed the change enthusiastically. “It just instantly eliminated all of the stresses and pressures of living in a big city and working in a big firm. It was gone overnight,” says Evely. “It’s not the typical rat race like Toronto,” where everything is based on billings and earnings. At Morelli Chertkow, “there was a strong emphasis on life outside the firm.” Evely still has a hard time believing she lived in a log cabin on a waterfront lot 20 minutes outside Kamloops. Trained as a franchise litigator at Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP in Toronto, it took her a while to find her feet. “You don’t know the lay of the land,” she says. “You don’t know any of the judges, the courtroom staff and all the little procedures.” Not surprisingly, she took an enormous pay cut from Toronto. “But the cost of living is so much lower in Kamloops, so my feeling is that I was coming out further ahead. In Toronto, part of being a lawyer is having a big home, an expensive car and nice

clothes. In Kamloops, if you’re driving a BMW, you look like an idiot,” she laughs. “How are you going to go up the mountain in a BMW in Kamloops?” But just when she was finally settling in to her new position, another twist took her to Edmonton, where her husband, a track and field coach, landed an exceptional job. After recruiting a headhunter, she was hired in January 2006 at Parlee McLaws LLP when she was four months’ pregnant. Evely had “mixed feelings” about moving again so soon. But in the end, she was able to practise franchise litigation, her specialty, which made it all worthwhile. Lawyers, particularly those in the early years of their career, are changing firms more often today than ever before. Motivations can include higher pay, more prestige, better “work-life balance” conditions, and more interesting work. And increasingly, lawyers are willing to relocate across the province or across the country to find the opportunity that’s right for them. — Jody Evely With Canada’s booming oil and gas sector and the increasingly global nature of law firms, the market is hot for adventurous lawyers, says Robert Théorêt, Montreal division head for Robert Half Legal. “At the moment, Calgary is seeing a huge economic boom, as Toronto has been for quite a while now,” he says. “Lawyers will want to have opportunities for growth and to perfect their skill set and their expertise.” Théorêt and his colleagues at Robert Half say the moves are mostly east-to-west, as many lawyers are relocating from Toronto to Vancouver or Calgary. But some industries head to Montreal and lawyers tend to follow them, so long as they can meet the

How are you “going to go up the mountain in a BMW in Kamloops?


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Christian Monnin Heenan Blaikie LLP, Ottawa

unique challenges of practising in Quebec: becoming familiar with the Civil Code and the language. “French is a big part of the cultural and professional background,” Théorêt says. That sort of challenge was actually an advantage for Christian Monnin, a 32year-old bilingual lawyer from Winnipeg. A junior associate at Aikins, MacAulay & Thorvaldson until March 2006, he jumped at the chance to work with Heenan Blaikie LLP’s litigation boutique in Ottawa. In fact, both he and his wife were offered positions in the nation’s capital almost simultaneously. “And three weeks later, we

Faire ses valises De plus en plus de juristes n’hésitent plus à déménager pour trouver un emploi qui leur convient.


ody Evely est une professionnelle des déménagements. En décembre 2004, à l’âge de 36 ans, elle a troqué un emploi dans un grand cabinet de Toronto pour un emploi dans un cabinet de onze avocats à Kamlopps, en Colombie-Britannique. Elle allait rejoindre son futur époux. « Le stress et la pression qui découlent d’une pratique dans une grande ville sont disparus soudainement », se souvient-elle. La culture d’entreprise de son nouveau cabinet, Morelli Chertkow, était fort différente de ce qu’elle avait connu à Toronto. « On reconnaissait l’importance d’avoir une vie personnelle à l’extérieur du bureau », se remémore-t-elle. La transition ne s’est pas toujours


were en route,” he says. Monnin has relished the opportunities at Heenan Blaikie: “The big files at Aikins which could come around every ten years, they come here every year.” What’s more, his linguistic profile has come in handy in Ottawa, where his practice in French has more than doubled. At this stage in Monnin’s career, as a young associate with no children and no large book of business, the timing of the move was perfect. “When you’re a young lawyer, you don’t have a huge client base,” says Monnin.“Your biggest asset is your skill set, and many firms are looking for that.” fait en douceur pour autant. « Vous n’avez aucune idée des façons de faire locales, explique-t-elle. Vous ne connaissez pas les juges, les employés des tribunaux et la procédure ne vous est pas familière. » Non lasse du changement, Me Evely a tout recommencé lorsque son mari a décroché un emploi rêvé à Edmonton. Désormais avocate au sein du cabinet Parlee McLaws, elle se réjouit d’avoir eu ainsi la chance de retourner à ses premières amours : le droit des franchises. On le sait, l’époque où un juriste demeurait au sein d’un même cabinet toute sa vie est maintenant révolue. Ce qui est toutefois plus étonnant, c’est qu’un nombre grandissant de professionnels du droit sont prêts à refaire leur vie ailleurs pour décrocher l’emploi rêvé. Au Canada, la prospérité de l’Alberta n’est pas étrangère à ce phénomène. Selon Robert Théôret, responsable de la division montréalaise de Robert Half Legal TRANSITIONS

Both Monnin and Evely found their moves seamless — one of the benefits of having few family and business obligations to tie them down. But relocating is more difficult for senior partners, not least because they’re expected to bring a load of clients with them to the new firm. “The more senior you get, the harder it will be,” notes Théorêt. And when you get to the senior level, the offers you receive aren’t limited by national borders. Robert Hosking, director of training for Robert Half International in California, says he’s seeing more cross-border hires of senior lawyers between the U.S. and Canada, especially if they have “transferable” expertise in a booming sector. “Maybe it’s aboriginal affairs or oil and gas, where the knowledge is transferable, depending on what the firm wants them to do,” Hosking says, while cautioning: “If they’re looking for them to drop a milliondollar book of business on their lap, it’s probably not going to happen.” No matter what stage of life a lawyer has reached, any decision about moving across the country boils down to the level of risk the lawyer is willing to accept. “A move is quite easy, but make sure you [do your] research, because the grass always looks greener on the other side,” Monnin says. And it never hurts to have a backup plan: Monnin is renting his house back in Manitoba. “I get on a plane and in two and a half hours, I’m in Winnipeg.” .......................................................................

Huguette Young is an Ottawa-based writer.

Legal, la plupart des déménagements se produisent de l’est vers l’ouest. Quelques industries viennent s’établir à Montréal, mais l’importance de devoir parler français et la méconnaissance du droit civil en freine plus d’un. Ce sont surtout les jeunes, en début de carrière et sans enfant, qui décident de tenter leur chance. Ce fut le cas de Christian Monnin, 32 ans, qui après avoir travaillé au sein du cabinet Aikins MacCauley & Thorvaldon à Winnipeg, a déniché un boulot chez Heenan Blaikie à Ottawa. « Lorsque vous êtes jeune, vous n’avez pas encore beaucoup de clients, constate Me Monnin. Vos meilleurs atouts sont vos habiletés juridiques. » Et de toute façon, c’est toujours bien d’avoir un plan B. Me Monnin, par exemple, n’a pas vendu sa résidence. « Je n’ai qu’à prendre l’avion et au bout de deux heures et demi, je suis de retour à Winnipeg. » — Mélanie Raymond

March 2007





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clashes Security concerns and trade tensions between Canada and the United States are creating headaches for cross-border businesses and their lawyers, who are working hard to keep the world’s longest undefended border hassle-free.

By Susan Goldberg





“It is in Canada’s interest to strengthen and improve on the market access guarantees provided under NAFTA, particularly in the post 9/11 environment.”

Mars 2007

f you left your passport at home January 23, you might have had trouble flying into the United States. That was the day new travel regulations came into effect south of the border, making a passport the only legitimate proof of identity for travelers entering the U.S. by air. By most accounts, the new requirements didn’t cause too much of a stir. For travelers already accustomed to emptying their water bottles and removing their shoes at international airports, carrying a valid passport is just one more minor aggravation in the long series now posed by flying. Seasoned travelers already have passports, while the new regulations were publicized far enough in advance to give most flyers a chance to acquire them. Land and sea travelers were given a reprieve from the new rule — but only until sometime in 2008, when they too will be required to flash a passport in order to cross the U.S. border. For Canadian businesses that depend on cross-border travel, tourism, and trade, that application of the passport rule has the potential to upgrade from mere hassle to serious business concern. “I expect trade will slow down closer to the 2008 deadlines,” says Riyaz Dattu, who leads Osler Hoskin & Harcourt LLP’s international trade and investment law practice in Toronto. w w w. c b a . o r g



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what current and future issues are going to complicate crossborder commercial trade for corporate clients? And how should counsel be ready to advise their clients who carry on cross-border business about what to do and how to get ready?


“All these regulations can be a bit of overkill. They are time-consuming, expensive, and cause delays.”

“Companies should be proactive today to the effects on the transport of goods and people across the border. Start now by evaluating the potential impact on your businesses, and get the passports and other documents now.” Glenn Cranker, co-chair of the International Trade Law Group at Stikeman Elliott LLP in Montreal, isn’t as worried about the impact of passport requirements on commercial trade. He cites programs like FAST (Free And Secure Trade) and the NEXUS Air pilot program, which expedites clearance through customs and immigration, as initiatives already in place to speed up border transit. “Commercial cross-border movement is already so controlled and regulated, and there are so many programs to expedite trade, that I don’t see the passport thing changing much,” he says. But both Dattu and Cranker agree that the new passport rules are a symptom of a larger shift in trade relationships, both between Canada and the United States and internationally. Continued economic and political globalization, coupled with a shift toward bilateral trade agreements and a hyperfocus on safety, already characterize trade in the new millennium. For lawyers advising corporate clients, the new passport requirements are just one more symptom of a post-9/11 world in which cross-border commercial trade is becoming increasingly complicated. All this leaves lawyers grappling with tough questions: 40

Secure the area Cranker sees Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and other governmental department (OGD) requirements for cross-border trade as more likely culprits in impeding trade. Recent pandemics, like avian flu and SARS, and outbreaks of bovine spongiform encephalitis (BSE) — mad cow disease — have led to more stringent (and often more confusing) trade requirements. “If you have clients dealing with OGS requirements, it can be very difficult to comply,” he notes. Cranker cites the example of one client who encountered problems with the Canada Border Services Agency and the CFIA when trying to import from India a scientific product containing a dairy ingredient — even though the product would not be consumed by humans or animals. In another case, Cranker fought for five or six weeks over a client’s wooden shipping container from Australia that didn’t have the proper stamp to show it had been fumigated according to regulations. Although the client furnished proof of fumigation, the container was sent back by border services to Australia for its stamp before it was allowed into Canada. “It doesn’t make any practical sense,” he says. “In my humble opinion, all these regulations can be a bit of overkill. They are time-consuming, expensive, and cause delays.” His advice is succinct: be aware of these regulations prior to import. The “D Memoranda” page on the CBSA website is a good place to start. Concerns over diseases like SARS, BSE and avian flu are consistent with a post-9/11 shift in focus, from trade to security, for the United States government, says Dattu. That shift often “trumps the more laudable objective of free trade and free movement of people across borders.”


March 2007





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Sur la


La vie n’est pas simple pour le commerce transfrontalier.


epuis le 23 janvier, si vous avez oublié votre passeport à la maison, vous pourriez avoir de sérieuses difficultés à prendre un vol pour les États-Unis. Cette date correspond aux nouvelles règles de voyage en vigueur, selon lesquelles le passeport constitue la seule preuve d’identité légitime pour les voyageurs qui entrent aux États-Unis par voie aérienne. Cette règle s’ajoute à une série de nouvelles conditions imposées aux voyageurs bien avisés telles que la nécessité de vider leurs bouteilles d’eau et de retirer leurs chaussures dans les aéroports internationaux. Ces nouvelles conditions ont été publicisées suffisamment à l’avance pour que la majorité des voyageurs aient le loisir d’acquérir un passeport. Un sursis jusqu’en 2008 a été accordé aux voyageurs qui transitent par voie terrestre et maritime. Eux aussi devront alors brandir leur passeport afin de traverser les frontières américaines. Pour les entreprises canadiennes qui dépendent du voyage transfrontalier ainsi que les secteurs du tourisme et du commerce, cette règle relative au passeport a le potentiel d’escalader pour devenir une préoccupation d’affaires majeure. Riyaz Dattu, un dirigeant d’Osler Hoskin & Harcourt à Toronto, prévoit « un ralentissement du commerce une fois les échéances passées de 2008 ». Il recommande aux entreprises d’être proactives et de commencer à évaluer dès maintenant cet impact potentiel sur le commerce et de ne pas attendre pour se procurer les passeports et autres documents requis. Glenn Cranker, coprésident de Stikeman Elliott à Montréal, ne voit pas de raisons de s’inquiéter d’un impact sur le commerce, car le « mouvement commercial transfrontalier est déjà très réglementé et contrôlé. De plus, plusieurs

programmes sont présents pour l’expédition des biens commerciaux ». Riyaz Dattu comme Glenn Cranker reconnaissent à l’unisson que les nouvelles règles relatives au passeport sont symptomatiques d’une modification plus importante des relations commerciales entre le Canada et les États-Unis de même qu’à l’échelle internationale, changement qui se caractérise par une complexification. Une manifestation de ce changement se traduit par un commerce du nouveau millénaire déjà marqué par une globalisation économique et politique continue,

subventions américaines comme l’amendement Byrd et plus récemment la Farm Act. Les questions liées aux droits humains peuvent aussi rendre les tensions commerciales sino-canadiennes tendues. Quant à l’Accord de libre-échange nordaméricain (ALENA) il ne semble plus répondre aux besoins des partenaires commerciaux, selon Riyaz Dattu. Il estime qu’ « il est dans l’intérêt du Canada de renforcer et d’améliorer les garanties d’accès au marché offertes par l’ALENA, et ce, surtout après l’incident du 11 septembre ». Face à ces enjeux majeurs, les dirigeants d’entreprises et leurs avocats devraient porter une attention accrue aux humeurs de Washington et à l’issue des accords commerciaux internationaux, de l’avis de Keith Mitchell, un expert de Vancouver oeuvrant chez Farris, Vaughan, Wills & Murphy LLP. « La convergence entre la planification d’affaires au Canada et l’action politique américaine n’a jamais été si vivace », déclare-t-il. « Ceux qui ne suivent pas de près ce qui se passe au Congrès et au sein de l’administration Bush le font à leurs risques et périls. Les avocats qui représentent leurs clients corporatifs doivent savoir, par exemple, quels membres du Congrès sont plus susceptibles d’être des adversaires de leurs clients, et lesquels leurs partisans. Ce que les politiciens font aussi à Bruxelles et en Chine nous affecte aussi », ajoute-t-il. « Le besoin de penser à la fois à l’échelle locale et à l’échelle internationale n’a jamais été aussi grand ». À un moment où la frontière la plus convoitée n’a jamais été aussi jonchée d’obstacles politiques et de défis liés à la sécurité, autant les citoyens, les entreprises et les avocats du Canada et des États-Unis partagent un intérêt commun : le maintien de canaux commerciaux ouverts et communicants. N

« Le besoin de penser à la fois à l’échelle locale et à l’échelle internationale n’a jamais été aussi grand ».

Mars 2007

couplée à une tendance aux accords commerciaux bilatéraux et à une emphase extrême placée sur la sécurité. Par conséquent, les avocats se trouvent aux prises avec de nombreuses questions ardues. Quels sont les problèmes actuels et à venir qui sont susceptibles de complexifier le commerce transfrontalier pour les clients corporatifs? Et comment conseiller ces derniers sur les actions à prendre et sur la façon de s’y préparer? Glenn Cranker considère les conditions commerciales transfrontalières de l’Agence canadienne d’inspection des aliments et d’autres instances gouvernementales comme d’autres contraintes imposées sur le commerce. La grippe aviaire, la maladie de la vache folle ont également donné lieu à des conditions commerciales plus rigoureuses et qui portent souvent à confusion. Sans oublier le litige sur le bois d’œuvre qui oppose le Canada et les États-Unis ou encore les

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— Yasmina El Jamaï




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Privacy at risk Can your laptop be searched at the border? By Sergio Karas


awyers throughout North America are trying to come to grips with the fallout of a decision by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals of the United States, which held that computer devices and the data they contain can be thoroughly examined at the border. The rulings opened the floodgates to more thorough bordercrossing searches.

probation and that possession of the images violated it. CBSA agents informed U.S. Customs in Seattle that Romm had been denied entry and probably had illegal images on his computer, a violation of his probation order. Upon Romm’s arrival at the SeattleTacoma Airport, agents from Immigration and Customs Enforcement arranged for a preliminary forensic

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals held that the forensic analysis of Romm’s laptop fell under the “border search” exception to the requirement to obtain a warrant.

Sergio Karas

However, even as the ink on that decision was beginning to dry, another opinion released by a court in the Central District of California, in the same Ninth Circuit, reached the opposite conclusion, adding to the confusion of an otherwise settled doctrine of border searches of persons and their goods. In the first case, U.S. v. Romm, the defendant connected to the Internet from a Las Vegas hotel room and visited websites containing images of child pornography, of which his computer automatically saved copies on his “internet cache.” When he flew from Las Vegas to Kelowna, B.C., on business, the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) discovered that he had a criminal history and directed him for further questioning. The CBSA agent asked Romm to turn on his laptop and briefly examined it, finding several child pornography websites in the laptop “internet history.” Romm admitted that he was on 42

analysis of the laptop hard drive by an expert using complex software tools, which revealed ten images of child pornography. The officers conducted the investigation as a “border search” and never obtained a warrant to examine the data contained in the laptop. Before trial, Romm’s defense counsel moved to suppress the evidence obtained through the search of his laptop. The court denied that motion and convicted Romm, who appealed. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals held that the forensic analysis of Romm’s laptop fell under the “border search” exception to the requirement to obtain a warrant. Under this exception, the government may conduct searches of persons entering the United States without probable cause, reasonable suspicion or a warrant. The court also affirmed that, for the purposes of the Fourth Amendment, an international airport terminal is the “functional N AT I O N A L

equivalent” of a border. Therefore, passengers deplaning from an international flight are subject to routine border searches. The decision of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in U.S. v. Romm sent shockwaves through the legal profession in the United States and Canada, and has raised serious concerns about the limits of border searches conducted without warrants. While Romm deserves no sympathy for his actions, the decision may result in very thorough searches of electronic data at U.S. borders and airports. In an October 2006 ruling in the Ninth Circuit, however, the Central District of California appears to have taken a different position. In U.S. v. Arnold, another case involving child porn found on a laptop owned by a person entering the U.S., the court held that Customs agents do not have free reign to search files on a laptop computer. The court compared a search of the private information stored on a computer with a strip or body cavity search, ruling that electronic storage devices were an “extension” of the person, unique in its storage capabilities. “[E]lectronic storage devices function as an extension of our own memory,” the court said. “They are capable of storing our thoughts, ranging from the most whimsical to the most profound. “Therefore, government intrusions into the mind — specifically those that would cause fear or apprehension in a reasonable person — are no less deserving of Fourth Amendment scrutiny than intrusions that are physical in nature.” The court concluded that such a border search must be based, at a minimum, on a reasonable suspicion. The U.S. v. Arnold decision appears to be somewhat far-fetched and at odds with well-established jurisprudence on earlier decisions like U.S. v. FloresMontano and U.S. v. Ickes. Accordingly, practitioners must be careful and advise clients concerning the risks involved in international travel. They must add the prospect that the data contained in laptops and electronic devices can be searched without a warrant at a U.S. port of entry. N Sergio R. Karas is a Certified Specialist in Canadian Citizenship and Immigration Law by the Law Society of Upper Canada. He is current Vice-Chair of the Ontario Bar Association Citizenship and Immigration Section and coChair of the International Bar Association Immigration and Nationality Committee.

March 2007



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Recently, for example, the Royal Bank of Canada made headlines when it temporarily denied applications for or cancelled the U.S. dollar accounts of Canadian customers with dual citizenship from Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Cuba, North Korea or Myanmar — countries sanctioned by the U.S. government. After a public and media outcry, the bank reversed the policy, but only after citing U.S. Treasury Department rules, tightened after the Sept. 11 attacks. Similarly, Canada and the U.S. continue to butt heads over the case of Maher Arar, cleared of all links to terrorism in Canada but still unable to travel to the United States. At the same time, Canada is considering its own “no-fly” lists and other measures to restrict certain persons’ travel — not only across borders, but also potentially within the country. 44

New trade dimensions Dattu’s focus is on the new bilateral initiatives that have emerged in the wake of increased economic globalization, especially as China, and to a lesser extent India, have entered the global marketplace. With the Doha Round of multilateral trade talks lying comatose, Canada is following the United States’ lead and entering into more KEITH MITCHELL, bilateral trade agreements. Dattu thinks this trend FARRIS LLP, VANCOUVER will continue. With new agreements, “Those who do not however, come new concerns for Canadian trading follow what is partners and the lawyers happening in Congress who advise them. For example, as Prime Minister as well as with the Stephen Harper’s recent Bush administration do remarks on China illustrated, human rights issues can so at their peril.” strain Canadian-Chinese trade relationships. As well, the growing number of imports from China have triggered new complaints about dumping into the Canadian marketplace. These charges are complicated, says Dattu, by the fact that China’s production costs are so low that it can be difficult to define “dumping” in the context of its exports. Now, Canadian manufacturers are resorting to safeguard remedies to address these issues. Cranker points to transfer pricing assessments as another area not yet satisfactorily resolved by trade agreements. The Income Tax Act requires pricing between a Canadian resident (say, a Canadian subsidiary of a U.S. parent corporation) and a non-arm’s-length non-resident (the parent corporation) to be substantially the same as what arm’s-length parties in comparable circumstances would use. In practice, however, deciding what “substantially the same” means is an inexact science. The Canada Revenue Agency, says Cranker, is aggressively attacking royalties as too high or unjustified, while the American Internal Revenue Service defends the same royalties as justifiable for the parent company’s intellectual property and brand. “The IRS says one thing, the CRA says another, and the client gets proposed assessments dating back six or seven years for millions of dollars,” Cranker says. “You get whipsawed.” All of this points to the fact, Dattu says, that NAFTA, which has been in effect for 13 years, may no longer meet the needs of its trading partners. The issues have changed, and the agreement needs rethinking or risks being rendered obsolete by bilateral trade agreements. “It is in Canada’s interest to strengthen and improve on the market access guarantees provided under NAFTA, particularly in the post 9/11 environment,” he says. Watching Washington Despite NAFTA, Canada and the U.S. still have many unresolved trade issues, including softwood lumber and subsidies to U.S. industry, like the Byrd amendment and, more recently, the U.S. Farm Bill, described as “trade-distorting” in a WTO complaint filed by Canada and other potential and actual trade partners. Many trade experts expect a Democrat-controlled Congress to entrench subsidies to American farmers, which could Continued on page 55


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Don’t do it! Tired of overloaded schedules, too many demands and a never-ending “to do” list? Maybe it’s time to create a “don’t do” list and recapture control over your time and priorities. By Allison Shields Illustrations by Bernice Lum


nother day, another five million things on the “to do” list. Most days, nothing even gets crossed off the list because too many other things come up — phone calls, unanticipated client problems, a lastminute emergency that must be handled today. And at the end of the day, has anything of value been accomplished? You think you’re organized because you’ve got a “to do” list — you’ve thought about what you want to get done, and you’ve got it all planned out. But somehow, it just never works out. The problem might not be your “to do” list — it might be that you need a “don’t do” list. What’s a “don’t do” list? It’s all the things you shouldn’t be doing, the things that could be delegated to someone else or Mars 2007

outsourced. The “don’t do” list also includes all of the things you can completely let go — things that can be eliminated entirely (or eliminated for a specified time period). Clearing the distractions

As lawyers, we’re so preoccupied with how much needs to get done: always on the go, rushing from one thing to the next to the next. And while we’re busy doing the first thing on our list, ten other things crop up, or we’re thinking about what we need to do as soon as we’re done with what we’re working on. It’s frustrating, exhausting and ultimately, unproductive. Law school trains lawyers to spot issues, but this issuespotting behaviour isn’t necessarily the most efficient way to run a law practice. In fact, it often leads to “analysis paralysis” — every issue must be at least considered, if not

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addressed, creating too many distractions. In effect, the “don’t do” list narrows your options so that you’re not overwhelmed by so many choices every time something new arises. A “don’t do” list lets you identify from the outset the kinds of things you don’t want to do, or just shouldn’t be doing because they prevent you from accomplishing more important tasks. If it’s already on the “don’t do” list, it’s easy to immediately recognize it and move on to more productive endeavours. How do you decide what goes on the “don’t do” list? Anything that diverts you from the goals you want to accomplish belongs there. The “don’t do” list can come into play in many areas in your practice: your choice of day-to-day activities, your selection of clients or cases, or even which matters you should respond to first. I had one client, the managing partner of a four-lawyer firm, who felt it was her obligation to open the mail every day, so she could be on top of what was going on at the firm. But the time it took for her to open and sort the mail was time away from her other, more valuable duties. When she finally used her “don’t do” list and gave the job of opening and sorting the mail to her receptionist, she reclaimed a lot of billable time. Now she can breeze through the already opened, date-stamped and sorted mail and still keep current. It’s not just tasks Your “don’t do” list could also include certain types of clients. A friend of mine recently fired a client who was difficult from the moment she first met him, and she finally drew the line when he began treating her abusively. She’s since added abusive clients to her “don’t do” list. Now when she sees one coming, she’ll just say no. She won’t add to her stress level by dealing with clients who don’t respect her and don’t value her work. The money that client might bring in just isn’t worth it. She has saved herself endless hours of worry and unproductive activity, because dealing with that abusive client was distracting, even when she was working with other clients. Think about your strengths and weaknesses when making your “don’t do” list. If you’re a great speaker but a poor writer, maybe writing articles, motions, briefs, etc. should go on your “don’t do” list. You can use a ghostwriter, hire a contract lawyer to do the writing for you, or give the task to someone else in the firm with excellent writing skills. Then you can focus your energies on litigating cases, giving seminars or making presentations where you can showcase your speaking skills. Some marketing activities might also belong on your “don’t do” list. One solo I know belongs to so many networking groups that he’s at a networking event every day, sometimes two or three times daily. That means he’s at his office late into the night and every single weekend handling his regular work. Marketing and practice-building are very high-value activities for a solo to perform. But they’re only valuable if they’re strategic — if they’re putting you in front of potential clients or leads, or if the groups or events are ones about which you’re passionate. Make room for yourself Saying “no” is an essential part of your “don’t do” list. If you don’t say “no” to a request when you’re already overburdened, you’re making a mistake. If you can’t devote the necessary time and energy to a project or group, your participation can end up working against you by creating a negative impression. (see sidebar, p. 47) 46

A sample

“don’t do” list What might a lawyer’s “don’t do” list look like? Here’s a hypothetical seven-point list for a small-firm lawyer, with an explanation for each item.

1. Don’t check my e-mail every time a new message pops up. (It’s aggravating to have to interrupt my work for every beep — I’ll check it every 20 minutes instead.)

2. Don’t accept any speaking invitations unless they put me in front of potential clients. (I only have so many nights and lunchtimes available for these presentations.) 3. Don’t give any more referrals to Lawyer X across town. (We knew each other in law school, but I’ve heard complaints that his work just isn’t up to par.)

4. Don’t accept any new clients who can’t post my retainer. (I can’t gamble that clients might be able to pay me down the line.) 5. Don’t take on any more real estate transactions. (It’s not my area of expertise anymore.)

6. Don’t do any work for family or friends, whether paid or not. (Handling my cousin’s estate planning was way more hassle than it was worth.) 7. Don’t take any calls between 3:00 and 4:00 p.m. Wednesdays. (That’s my dedicated marketing time slot.)


— Gideon Clarke

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If you want to develop the ability to say no, you also need to realize that sometimes it’s going to be very difficult to say no — sometimes, there’s just pain. But when you say no, you’ll feel relief in the long run. And if you’re going to say no, do it as early as possible. How do you say no? Here are some examples: • “I already have a meeting at that time.” • “I can start that next week and deliver something by…”

Just say no How one little word can open up vast amounts of time and flexibility.


our ability to say “no” is an important component of your time management skills. It determines how much of your time will be spent doing things you don’t want or have the time to do. How easily you say no is a matter of your personality, rather than knowledge of time management skills. Saying no is not about being mean and aggressive — it’s about being assertive, and you might need to learn some assertiveness skills to accomplish this. The cost of not saying no always becomes greater over time — a truthful no is better than a white-lie yes.

• “I’m not able to handle your matter for two weeks. Could I suggest someone else? Or would you like to wait for me to handle it?” • "I’m in the middle of something now. Could I get back to you ...? • “I’m sorry, but I won’t be able to attend. Thanks for asking.” • “Let me call you back at 3:00 pm, when I have more time to give you the attention you deserve.” Say yes only if it will help you meet your goals, and understand that every decision about saying yes or no is about making choices. Saying yes to working late means saying no to going home to your family or having some fun outside of work. Saying yes to taking Saturday off means saying no to getting your office organized.

Irene Leonard ( is a professional development coach who works with lawyers, professionals and executives to assist them with the management of their practice ((206) 723-9900). This article was adapted from “Life Balance for Lawyers” (

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Mars 2007

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Sachez dire non grâce à une liste ! En avez-vous assez des horaires surchargés et de votre liste interminable de tâches à accomplir? Le moment est peut-être venu de créer une « liste des tâches à éviter absolument » pour vous permettre de reprendre le contrôle de votre temps et de vos priorités.


i votre liste de tâches à accomplir est longue et ne désemplit pas pour autant, et que vous êtes débordés d’appels téléphoniques, de problèmes de clients qui surviennent sans crier gare et d’urgences de dernière minute, il est fort probable que vous ayez l’impression de ne rien avoir accompli d’important durant votre journée. Si c’est votre cas, il est plus que temps de préparer votre « liste de tâches à ne pas accomplir » afin de vous sortir de ce cercle vicieux. Qu’est-ce que cette liste, au juste? Elle comprend toutes les tâches que vous ne devriez pas accomplir comme les éléments que vous pourriez déléguer à des collègues ou des sous-traitants. Elle peut également inclure toutes les tâches auxquelles vous pourriez renoncer pour une période de temps donnée ou de manière définitive.

Finies les distractions ! En tant qu’avocats, nous voulons être productifs autant que possible et nous nous activons sans relâche d’une tâche à l’autre. Pendant que nous sommes occupés à exécuter la première tâche qui

se trouve sur notre liste, 10 autres surgissent. Il s’agit d’une situation frustrante, épuisante, voire improductive. Une liste de tâches à éviter identifie le genre d’éléments que vous ne désirez pas ou que vous ne devriez pas faire parce qu’ils vous empêchent d’accomplir des tâches plus importantes. Quels éléments devriez-vous inclure dans votre liste ? Tous les éléments distrayants par rapport à votre plan d’action : votre choix d’activités quotidiennes, votre sélection de clients ou de problèmes ou encore vos priorités. Une de mes clientes, l’associée directrice d’un cabinet, se sentait obligée d’ouvrir le courrier du cabinet chaque jour afin d’être au courant de tout. Après avoir confectionné une liste de « tâches à ne pas accomplir » et avoir confié à sa réceptionniste la lecture et le tri de ses courriels, elle a récupéré beaucoup de temps facturable tout en restant à jour.

Bien plus que des tâches… Votre liste pourrait également inclure certains types de clients. Une de mes amies a récemment renvoyé un client qui s’est

Evaluate which groups or activities will be the most beneficial to you, or to the people or causes you’re supporting. Limit your participation to the most valuable events or organizations. You can get more value for less time, energy and stress. If the things already on the “to do” list are more important or more valuable, these invitations belong on the “don’t do” list. Although we need to be responsive and accessible to our clients, a good “don’t do” list might include particular days or times when you’re “off limits.” Allowing constant interruptions for family or leisure time not only robs you of muchneeded recharging and rest, but is a disservice to clients who are only getting part of your attention. The same goes for interruptions of important business or client-related activities. It’s rare that clients have a real emergency that can’t wait an hour or two for you to finish preparing your motion or complete a meal with your family. Know your limitations Practice areas can also be on your “don’t do” list. If your practice focuses on family law and a client brings you a medical malpractice case, or if you’re a transactional lawyer and you’re asked to try a case, turning it down is almost certainly the right decision. If you aren’t well-versed in the particular 48

avéré difficile dès leur première rencontre. Elle a finalement établi ses limites lorsqu’il a commencé à la traiter de manière abusive. Depuis, elle a ajouté les clients abusifs à sa liste. Vous pouvez également agrémenter votre liste de vos faiblesses afin de vous concentrer sur les fonctions qui constituent vos forces.

Allouez du temps pour vous-même et respectez vos limites! Dire « non » est essentiel pour la préparation de votre liste. Refusez une requête si vous êtes déjà submergé de travail, sinon cela pourrait donner une impression négative à votre égard puisque que vous ne serez pas en mesure d’y vouer le temps et l’énergie nécessaires. Vous pouvez également agrémenter votre liste de jours ou de plages horaires durant lesquelles vous ne voulez pas être interrompu par votre famille ou par des clients moins urgents, de manière à vous consacrer à des tâches plus prioritaires. La liste réduira votre stress tout en faisant en sorte que vous ne failliez pas à vos véritables objectifs. N — Yasmina El Jamaï

area of the law, don’t have the time or resources to learn, or don’t have someone to help you, you may be asking for more trouble than taking on the case is worth. A ready network of lawyers to whom you can refer cases in other practice areas, so that you know these clients are well taken care of, can assure that you’re meeting your clients’ needs while still remaining true to your own goals. Identifying the “don’t dos” can be an effective tool for managing your time and reducing your stress. Knowing in advance what you won’t do lets you move quickly, without wasting additional time analyzing everything that comes to your attention. The “don’t do” list also reminds you to ask for help in the areas that aren’t your strengths, so you can focus your efforts on what you do best and what brings the most value to your clients and to your life. It allows you to let go of the idea that you can do everything and be everything to everyone. It’s a shorthand way of cutting through all the clutter, so you can get back to providing great service to your clients. N Allison C. Shields is the New York-based president of Legal Ease Consulting ( She has been a practising lawyer for 12 years and currently helps small to mid-sized law firms get the most value out of their billable hours and to attract better clients: (631) 642-0221.


March 2007



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Slowly but surely Technology continues to make gradual inroads in courtrooms across Canada. More progress could mean less frustration for lawyers and more access to justice for the public. By Ava Chisling

Courtroom Technology?

What’s new in...

Smith notes, “there may be no [outlet to allow] the judge or jury to see them.” The fact that the judge, jury and witnesses all face different directions in the courtroom only adds to the difficulties of using visual presentations. That’s not to say Canada has made no advances in courtroom tech — the Air India trial in Vancouver is perhaps the most high-profile example. In Toronto, the “major crimes” courtroom has an extensive array of technology, including an evidence presentation station with a high-resolution document camera, flat LCD screens for the accused and the jury, and electrical outlets at every table. This new courtroom — another is on the way — also allows selective evidence display: evidence can be shown to the judge alone, to the judge and jury, or everyone at once. But in general, it’s still a challenge in many courtrooms just finding an electriIn general, it’s cal outlet for your laptop.



he future is already here,” sciencefiction author William Gibson is widely quoted as saying; “it’s just unevenly distributed.” An excellent illustration of that principle can be found in the asymmetric development of courtroom technology across North America. Consider, for example, the world’s most technologically advanced trial space: William & Mary’s McGlothlin Courtroom in Virginia. Individual jurors have their own flat-screen monitors, witnesses use touch-screen displays, and lawyers can employ rear-projection plasma screens and zoom cameras to provide up-close details of fingerprints, xrays, and pretty much anything else they want the judge, jurors and public to see. Contrast that with the state of technology in many Canadian courtrooms, as described by litigator Glenn Smith of Lenczner Slaght in Toronto. “Technology is clearly not there yet,” he says. “In the courtroom, you have a registrar and a security guy who sit there all day, filling up jugs of water. Surely we can replace one of them and get our own water. This is totally a budget issue…. “And when we can get our images onto a laptop,” Mars 2007

still a challenge Showing the way Overall, British Columbia has been in many courtleading the field in the use of courtroom technology nationwide, helped by a rooms just findnew practice direction governing the use of technology in B.C. civil proceed- ing an electrical ings that took effect last July. “We are in a unique position, because our chief outlet for your justices control the spending of the bud- laptop. gets,” says Chief Justice Donald Brenner of the B.C. Supreme Court. “We have run our first real-time trials and converted our courtrooms to be [technologically] compatible. We have our own IT group, our own servers and network, and we have had it for 20 years. … There is no negative side to using technology.” Most other Canadian jurisdictions have made more incremental progress. In Saskatoon, as in other cities, there has been some development in the use of distance video. In adult docket court, there is a pilot project whereby adult offenders have access to video-conferencing. “This is a bit more efficient for those who are in custody, especially over a weekend,” says Inez Cardinal, Senior Crown Prosecutor for the Saskatchewan Department of Justice. “Instead of making two or three trips, the offender can be released right then and there.” But Cardinal has reservations about the impact of some courtroom technology. “We are not actors. Prosecutors are not there to put on a show,” she says. Cardinal believes two crucial points to consider are: What is the cost of getting this into evidence, and is it really necessary? “You don’t want the jury saying, ‘How did they do that?’ instead of focusing on the facts.”

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Quoi de neuf...



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dans l’utilisation des technologies pour l’exercice du droit?

La technologie pénètre graduellement les tribunaux canadiens.


introduction des technologies dans les tribunaux d’Amérique du Nord est asymétrique. Par exemple, la Virginie remporte la palme d’or technologique, avec le tribunal le plus avancé au monde. Dans la salle William & Mary’s McGlothlin, les juristes disposent de leur propre moniteur à écran plat. Les témoins peuvent utiliser un écran tactile; et les avocats des écrans translucides à plasma en plus de focaliser leurs caméras afin de mettre à la disposition du juge, du jury et du public des détails d’empreintes digitales et de rayons X. Or, cela n’est pas le cas de tous les tribunaux canadiens. « Il est clair que la technologie n’est pas encore disponible, et ce, en raison d’un problème de budget, croit l’avocat plaideur Glenn Smith de Lenczner Slaght à Toronto. Et lorsque nous sommes munis d’images sur notre ordinateur portable, il se peut qu’aucune fiche d’alimentation électrique ne soit accessible ». Cela ne revient pas à dire que le Canada n’ait pas effectué une avancée technologique. À Toronto, la salle de tribunal dédiée aux crimes majeurs dispose d’un vaste ensemble technologique (une station pour la

présentation des preuves agrémentée d’une caméra à haute résolution et d’un moniteur plat à cristaux liquides) à l’intention des personnes accusées et du jury. Des fiches d’alimentation électrique sont également présentes sur chacune des tables. Mais, en général, il est encore difficile d’en trouver pour son ordinateur portable.

Montrer l’exemple Dans l’ensemble, la Colombie-Britannique a été un meneur sur le plan de l’usage de la technologie à l’échelle nationale. « Nous avons dirigé nos procès en temps réel et nous disposons de nos propres groupe TI, serveur et réseau depuis 20 ans », explique le juge en chef Donald Brenner de la Cour suprême de C.-B. La plupart des grandes villes canadiennes ont effectué quelques progrès. À Saskatoon, l’usage de la vidéo à distance s’est quelque peu développé. Un projet pilote donne aussi accès aux contrevenants adultes à la vidéoconférence. Inez Cardinal, substitut du procureur général pour le Ministère de la Justice de la Saskatchewan, émet certaines réserves quant à l’impact de la technologie dans les tribunaux. « Les procureurs de la Couronne ne sont pas

Cardinal says that simply showing a crime-scene video can be a powerful way to show the judge or jury what happened. “Our goal is to be more effective, but do we want theatrics over evidence? I don’t think you get ahead with flash. When you do a jury trial, what they want is a smoking gun. What they actually get is an expert who testifies that the [evidence presented] matches the accused.” Smith, for his part, doesn’t believe that adding technology to the courtroom takes away from the traditional role of a lawyer. “Putting lasers into the operating room did not do away with the scalpel,” he says. “Juries are asking if we can be more sophisticated than we are, and the answer to that is ‘No, we are back in the Stone Age.’” Clients and the public Indeed, courtroom technology isn’t just about what lawyers and judges think. Gordon Kelly, a family lawyer with Blois Nickerson in Halifax, thinks technology improves client access. “We tend to think of technology as being useful on big files, but it’s also very useful for the ordinary, everyday person. Even saving $100 per client across the country can help.” Kelly believes advancements in technology will most help the middle class, those who do not qualify for legal aid but still worry about the high cost of hiring a lawyer. Similarly, Chief 50

là pour se donner en spectacle », affirme-t-elle. À l’inverse, Gordon Kelly, un avocat de Blois Nickerson à Halifax, considère que la technologie améliore l’accès du citoyen à la justice. « Nous croyons à tort que la technologie n’est utile que dans les gros dossiers, mais elle peut aussi être au service des clients de tous les jours, affirme-t-il. On peut faire beaucoup en réalisant 100$ d’économies par client à travers tout le Canada. »

Au bénéfice du citoyen Me Kelly estime que les avancées technologiques viendront en aide surtout à la classe moyenne qui n’a pas droit à l’aide juridique. Le juge en chef Brenner va jusqu’à prévoir que « le public réclamera une salle de tribunal [électronique] sans papier ». Pour l’heure, Smith fait remarquer qu’au sujet des TI , « aucun standard ne fait consensus et nous ne pouvons même pas obtenir d’accord sur l’utilisation d’images en tiff ou en JPEG ». Smith aimerait qu’il y ait plus de coordination dans ce domaine et que l’éducation permanente des barreaux et de la magistrature facilite leur utilisation quotidienne des technologies. N — Yasmina El Jamaï

Justice Brenner sees technology as a fundamental access-tojustice issue: “The public will have expectations, and they will demand the Bar provide the best service possible for the client. The public will demand we go to a paperless courtroom. Where I see us going is the electronic world.” But Kelly believes that courtroom technology still is in dire need of uniform standards. “Right now, the technology and the software are not lawyer-driven,” he says. “Firms hire IT people, so the technology appears like magic.” Smith concurs: “There is no agreed-upon standard, and too many vendors are doing what they want. We can’t even get an agreement on whether to use tiff or jpeg images.” In addition to a uniform manner of producing and exchanging exhibits, Smith would also like to see continuing education for the Bar and the bench in learning to accept technology, as well as renovations to courtrooms to help enable the everyday use of technology. “The hardware is there, but we are not connected,” Kelly says. “People have come forward with isolated projects, but there is no coordination among them. Overall, things are progressing, but at an uneven pace.” William Gibson would surely agree. N Ava Chisling, a recent graduate of McGill University’s LL.B./BCL program, is the awardwinning former Executive Editor of enRoute magazine.


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Unfair advantage What do you do when the opposing lawyer isn’t up to the task?



Alison Arnot


Code Words )))) Relevant extracts from the CBA’s newly revised Code of Professional Conduct Chapter IX: The lawyer as advocate

Mars 2007

Rule When acting as an advocate, the lawyer must treat the court or tribunal with courtesy and respect and must represent the client resolutely, honourably and within the limits of the law. Commentary 17 In adversary proceedings, the lawyer’s function as advocate is openly and necessarily partisan. Accordingly, the lawyer is not

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ntario Superior Court Justice Denis Power still remembers the incident, years ago, when he was a practising lawyer. He was representing a fellow lawyer in a professional negligence matter. Opposing counsel, who had just come on to the case, contacted him to make sure his client would be present, because he intended to call the impugned lawyer to testify. “The case was 100% a credibility issue,” Justice Justice Denis Power Power recalled. “I didn’t know if I should raise with him the dangers of doing that.” After discussing it with his client, Justice Power called the lawyer back and asked opposing counsel has not asked. But the lawyer does have him if he really wanted his client to testify. The trial judge a duty to bring to the court’s attention caselaw that the also explained the pitfalls in doing this, but the lawyer opposing counsel may not have found, even if it’s would not change his mind. favourable to the other side. The goal is to ensure the “He put my client in the box, who judge has the full state of the law. denied the totality of the plaintiff’s evi“Our duty as lawyers is to protect and dence and was much more credible than advance the legal rights of our clients,” the plaintiff, and that was the end of the said fellow panelist Gavin MacKenzie, a case,” Justice Power says. partner at Heenan Blaikie LLP in Toronto Often, lawyers find themselves in court and current treasurer of the Law Society facing an opposing counsel who, for whatfor Upper Canada. “Our clients have no ever reason, hurts his own cause, doesn’t legal right to benefit by reason of a mistake effectively express his client’s case, or generof another party’s lawyer.” ally acts in a manner unintentionally helpful What about the judge’s role in a situato the other side. What should the ethical tion where counsel is doing a poor job? lawyer do? That was the subject of a It’s a question of exercising judgment, “Duties and Dilemmas” panel at the said Justice Power. If really substantial County of Carleton Law Association Civil issues come up, and the lawyer doesn’t act Litigation Conference in Montebello, on them, it’s appropriate for a judge to Bernard Amyot Quebec, this past November. raise the possible inadmissibility of evi“The judge, the court, and the opposing counsel must dence or Charter implications. seek a balance in the process to help the disadvantaged “Look down the line,” he advised the audience. “If party,” said Bernard Amyot, a partner with Heenan you don’t do something, and the problems then come out Blaikie LLP in Montreal and first vice-president of the on appeal when a new counsel has been retained, then CBA. The lawyer has a duty to enlighten the court and chances are the results that you obtained as a successful should mention anything that is relevant, whether it’s counsel are going to be upset in the Court of Appeal. helpful to the lawyer’s case or not. You’re going to be back trying the case all over again. So, Amyot pointed out that this obligation doesn’t go so as a practical matter, we should be aiming to get it right far as having to ask witnesses relevant questions that the first time.” N obliged … to assist an adversary or advance matters derogatory to the client’s case. When opposing interests are not represented, for example, in ex parte or uncontested matters, or in other situations where the full proof and argument inherent in the adversary system cannot be obtained, the lawyer must take particular care to be accurate, candid and comprehensive in presenting the client’s case so as to ensure that the court is not misled.





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Avantage indu Que faire lorsque l’avocat de la partie adverse n’est pas à la hauteur?


enis Power, juge à la Cour supérieure de l’Ontario, se souviendra de ce dossier toute sa vie. Alors qu’il était encore avocat, il devait représenter un confrère dans une affaire de négligence professionnelle. L’avocat de la partie adverse l’appela un jour pour lui annoncer qu’il avait l’intention de faire témoigner le juriste dont on remettait en cause la compétence. « Il s’agissait d’un dossier où seule la crédibilité de l’un ou de l’autre des protagonistes importait, explique le juge Power. Je ne savais pas si je devais prévenir l’avocat de la partie adverse du danger qui le guettait s’il choisissait de procéder ainsi. » Après avoir consulté son client, le juge Power a choisi d’en souffler mot à l’avocat et le juge du procès le fit aussi. Rien à faire, l’avocat de la partie adverse ne démordait pas.

Ce qui devait arriver arriva. « Mon client s’est retrouvé dans la boîte des témoins et a nié tout ce que le demandeur avait avancé, relate le juge Power. Son témoignage était le plus crédible et le procès s’est terminé ainsi. » En tant qu’avocat, il est possible que vous deviez faire face à un procureur de la partie adverse qui pose un geste allant à l’encontre des intérêts de son client. Comment devriez-vous alors réagir? Quelles sont vos obligations déontologiques? « Le juge, le tribunal et l’avocat de la partie adverse doivent faire en sorte que le processus soit équilibré afin de venir en aide à la partie désavantagée », croit Bernard Amyot, associé du cabinet Heenan Blaikie à Montréal et premier vice-président de l’ABC. L’avocat a le devoir d’éclairer le tribunal et devrait porter à son attention ce qui est pertinent.

Pour ce faire, l’avocat n’a pas à aider l’avocat de la partie adverse à présenter sa preuve en posant des questions que ce dernier a omis de poser. Cependant, l’avocat doit soumettre à la Cour tous les jugements pertinents, même si certains ne sont pas à son avantage. Le tribunal doit être bien au fait du droit en vigueur. Le juge devrait intervenir lorsqu’il est question d’inadmissibilité de la preuve ou que des questions de chartes sont soulevées. « Pensez à ce qui arrivera au bout du compte, enchaîne le juge Power. Si vous n’agissez pas et que l’avocat de la partie adverse est remplacé par un autre, vous avez de fortes chances que le jugement soit porté en appel. Vous devrez alors tout recommencer. Est-ce que le jeu en vaut vraiment la chandelle? » N — Mélanie Raymond

EthicalHypothetical How to handle an opposing counsel with a problem. Question: Opposing counsel is behaving erratically, and it’s becoming clear that he has been drinking on the job. It’s affecting both his conduct of the matter and the pace of finding a resolution. What should you do? Discussion:

“As the lawyer on the other side of the case, you cannot and should not do anything about it,” said Pasquale Santini, a lawyer with Ottawa firm Kelly Santini LLP, during a panel discussion of “Duties and Dilemmas” at the County of Carleton Law Association Civil Litigation Conference in Montebello, Quebec, in November But Santini also recognized that the CBA’s Rules of Professional Conduct creates a difficult issue. Rule 1.03, “Standards of the Legal Profession,” states that “a lawyer has a duty to carry on the practice of law and discharge all responsibilities to clients, tribunals, the


public, and other members of the profession honourably and with integrity.” But to whom is a lawyer’s duty owed? “There is a clear conflict as to whom we owe the first duty of care,” said Santini. What is good for the court and the public may not be good for the client. “As an officer of the court, we have a duty to make sure that justice is done. But because we live and work in an adversarial system, as long as a party is represented by counsel, I do not believe that we need to do the other counsel’s work for them. Clearly that would conflict with our duty to our client.” N AT I O N A L

Still, Santini pointed out that Rule 6.01 makes it mandatory to report to the governing law society “the mental instability of a lawyer of such a serious nature that the lawyer’s clients are likely to be severely prejudiced,” unless doing so would be unlawful or involve a breach of solicitor-client privilege. He questioned whether this rule put the interests of the law society and other lawyers before the interests of the client. “I think this rule is meant to address situations of lawyers who are not involved in the case, and not opposing lawyers,” he said. But fellow panelist Gavin MacKenzie disagreed. He suggested first getting the lawyer’s associates involved in trying to get help for the lawyer in question (the CBA’s Legal Profession Assistance Conference, is a great resource). Failing that, he said, you would have a duty, in consultation with your client, to report opposing counsel’s erratic behaviour to the law society. N — Alison Arnot

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Welcome to Canada


Colleen Bauman

A law student’s pro bono work for immigrants and refugees garners her a pioneering prize. By Bill Rogers



n the eyes of Colleen Bauman, now clerking at the Supreme Court of Canada in Ottawa, the concept of hospitality is key. She views it as an invaluable commodity much needed by immigrants and refugees who come to Canada without necessarily knowing the customs, language and practicalities of a new country. “My family is Mennonite,” says Bauman, a graduate of the University of Ottawa’s Common Law Program who grew up in the rural community of Elmira, Ontario, near Kitchener-Waterloo. “Historically, Mennonites have been a very migrant people. So there’s an empathy for people who have been forced to move.” When she was a child, her parents were actively involved in refugee sponsorship, which left an imprint on her. Her education continued when she went to Chad to teach English for a year. “I learned a lot about hospitality when I was there,” she says. “I learned how to be Mars 2007

welcoming. Chad has such a wel- “I like coming culture — when you come back to Canada, you don’t see quite working the same thing.” So it comes as no surprise that in areas one of Bauman’s many pro bono activities at U of O Law involved that involve helping people who came to people’s Canada but found themselves in immigration detention. “I did an daily life.” unpaid internship with the Canadian Red Cross Detention Monitoring Program,” she says. “The program monitors the conditions for individuals held in immigration detention in Canada. I found it very rewarding.” She also did pro bono research for Michael Bossin, who was counsel for Amnesty International Canada on the three “security certificate” appeals that the Supreme

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8:24 PM

Page 54

Le comité d’accueil Une étudiante en droit est honorée pour son travail pro bono auprès des réfugiés.


hospitalité est une valeur très

poursuivi alors que Mme Bauman a

juridique communautaire de l’Uni-

importante pour Colleen Bau-

séjourné au Chad durant un an pour y

versité d’Ottawa.

man, auxiliaire juridique à la

enseigner l’anglais. « C’est là que j’ai

Pour tous ses efforts, Mme Bauman

Cour suprême du Canada à Ottawa.

compris tout le sens du mot accueil »,

s’est méritée le Prix pro bono Derek

C’est pourquoi elle a choisit de s’im-


Smith & Alain Roussy. D’une valeur de

pliquer auprès des immigrants et

Il n’est pas donc pas étonnant que

1000$, ce prix créé par deux diplômés

réfugiés qui viennent au Canada à la

Mme Bauman ait choisi de s’investir

de l’Université d’Ottawa, vise à

recherche d’une vie meilleure.

bénévolement auprès de ceux qui se

souligner l’excellence dans la presta-

« Ma famille est Mennonite », dé-

retrouvent dans des centres de déten-

tion de services bénévoles.

clare Bauman, une diplômée du pro-

tion de l’immigration dans le cadre

En réfléchissant à sa carrière, Colleen

gramme de common law de l’Univer-

d’un stage de la Croix Rouge. Elle a

Bauman se fait philosophe. Elle sait

sité d’Ottawa qui a grandit dans la

aussi effectué de la recherche pour

que les thèmes des droits de la person-

collectivité rurale d’Elmira en Ontario.

Me Michael Bossin qui représentait

ne, de la justice sociale et des réfugiés

« Les Mennonites ont souvent dû

Amnesty International dans trois

demeureront toujours fort importants

bouger et sont donc empathiques en-

dossiers de certificats de sécurité qui

pour elle. « Même si je risque de ne pas

vers ceux qui n’ont d’autre choix que

se sont retrouvés devant la Cour

exercer le droit de façon traditionnelle,

de se déplacer », explique-t-elle. Ses

suprême en juin dernier.

je sais que je mettrai mes habiletés

parents ont tracé le chemin en par-

Ne s’arrêtant pas là, Mme Bauman

juridiques au service des autres, sou-

rainant des réfugiés alors qu’elle était

s’est aussi beaucoup impliquée auprès

tient-elle. J’aime m’impliquer dans

encore une enfant.

de l’organisme Pro Bono Students

des projets qui ont un impact sur la vie

Canada (PBSC) et auprès de la Clinique

quotidienne des gens. » N

L’apprentissage de l’hospitalité s’est

Court heard last June. “He’s really committed,” Bauman says of Bossin. “He mentored me and tons of other students. My research focused on international standards relating to arbitrary detention and the absolute prohibition on return to torture. It was a great experience to be involved in a very, very small way in these important cases.” In addition, Bauman volunteered with and then later worked for Pro Bono Students Canada (PBSC). “It exposed me to a lot of interesting public interest law initiatives,” she says. “They do a great job of providing law students with a huge range of interesting pro bono opportunities.” And if that weren’t enough, she also volunteered countless hours at the University of Ottawa Community Legal Clinic, lending her expertise to the tenant division. Plus, she gave presentations on topics like human rights in the workplace and police powers. People began to look for some way to recognize her for her outstanding pro bono contributions. Enter Derek Smith and Alain Roussy, two University of Ottawa law grads who themselves are involved in pro bono work. They had an idea: there are already law school prizes for the highest standing in various subjects — corporate tax, copyright, labour law, and so on — why not create an award to recognize a student’s pro bono excellence? So they approached their respective law firms — Smith is with Borden Ladner Gervais LLP and Roussy is with Heenan Blaikie LLP — and asked them to sponsor a $1,000 prize. “Neither firm hesitated in the slightest,” says Smith of what is now called the Derek Smith & Alain Roussy Pro Bono Award for outstanding volunteer work.

“It had to be a large enough amount of money,” he notes. “We’re obviously not under the impression that $1,000 is going to change anybody’s life. But it’s large enough to send a message that pro bono does matter, and it does pay off.” Roussy hopes that creating the award will spur other law school alumni to do the same. “This award is part of the broader movement to promote pro bono work in Canada,” he says. “We call on alumni of other Canadian law schools to create similar awards at their schools.” Bauman is no stranger to winning awards — she also took home the University of Ottawa Gold Medal for the highest grades over the entire LL.B. program. Adding the pro bono award to her trophy case makes her feel “humbled and honoured,” she says. “I know a lot of other students who were also doing a lot of great pro bono work and who equally merit recognition.” As she embarks on a clerkship at the Supreme Court with Justice Rosalie Abella, she reflects on her career path. “My route to law school was a bit eclectic,” she says. Her undergraduate degree is in history and fine art history, which paved the way for a fouryear stint working at museums. “I’m the only person I know in law who has museum exhibit planning experience!” she laughs. As for the future, Bauman remains passionate about human rights, social justice, and of course, refugee resettlement issues, where she engages her sense of hospitality. “I might not end up in a totally traditional legal role,” she says. “But I’ll use my legal skills in some way. I like working in areas that involve people’s daily life.” N

“I’m the only person I know in law who has museum exhibit planning experience!”



March 2007



8:26 PM

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De judicieux conseils Des juristes canadiens offrent leur concours à la réforme du système de justice jamaïcain dans le cadre des activités du CDI. Par Mélanie Raymond


uit juges, spécialistes du droit et avocats canadiens se sont rendus en Jamaïque, du 26 novembre au 2 décembre dernier, dans le cadre d’un projet d’examen complet du système de justice jamaïcain auquel collabore le Comité de développement international de l’ABC. « Nous souhaitions qu’ils puissent constater de visu les défis et problématiques auxquels le système de justice jamaïcain doit faire face », déclare Andrejs Berzins, expert en droit criminel canadien et membre du groupe de gestion de la Jamaican Justice Review Task Force. La Jamaïque est aux prises, entre autres, avec un taux élevé de criminalité. Les huit juristes, qui représentent divers domaines d’expertise tels que l’administration de la justice, le droit pénal ou la justice en matière familiale, font tous partie du Comité consultatif canadien. Ce dernier sert d’appui institutionnel aux travaux de la Jamaican Justice Review Task Force. Créée à la fin de l’été 2006, la Jamaican Justice Review Task Force a pour mandat d’examiner l’état du système de justice jamaïcain et d’élaborer des stratégies afin d’en faciliter la modernisation. Le projet est une initiative du gouvernement jamaïcain qui a fait appel aux connaissances du Comité de développement international de l’ABC en matière de réforme judiciaire. Rappelons que l’ABC a mené, au milieu des années 1990, une vaste enquête sur la situation du système de justice civile à l’échelle canadienne qui a

Mars 2007

CBA & You

L’ABC & vous

donné lieu à plusieurs projets de réforme. C’est ainsi qu’une équipe de juristes canadiens œuvre en étroite collaboration avec des professionnels du système de justice jamaïcain afin d’élaborer un plan d’action pour cette révision d’une durée de 9 mois qui se terminera à la fin de juin 2007. Lors de leur visite en sol jamaïcain, les huit juristes canadiens ont été jumelés à huit collègues locaux oeuvrant dans le même champ d’expertise qu’eux. Il s’agissait ainsi de maximiser la quête d’informations pertinentes sur le terrain et de favoriser une collaboration continue entre les divers intervenants. « Nous voulions que nos collaborateurs canadiens puissent voir évoluer leurs collègues jamaïquains dans leur environnement de travail, explique Andrejs Berzins, et soient ainsi en mesure d’évaluer eux-mêmes quels sont les aspects positifs et les ratés du système. » Les juristes ont arpenté les couloirs des palais de justice et ont pu constater que nombre d’entres eux accusent leur âge et ne disposent pas, dans certains cas, de salles d’entrevues ou avocats et clients peuvent échanger en toute confidentialité, de services de sténographie et même de salles de bain. Deux ateliers portant sur les systèmes de justice civile et pénale ont aussi été offerts par les délégués canadiens. Ces derniers avaient pour but de partager les leçons apprises lors de la mise en œuvre de certaines réformes au Canada. L’évènement était ouvert à tous et Me Berzins

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L’ A B C & V O U S



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Caribbean dreams The CBA’s International Development Committee is contributing to the reform of the Jamaican justice system.


ate last fall, eight Canadian lawyers and legal specialists sponsored by the CBA’s International Development Committee visited Jamaica, as part of a project studying reform of the country’s entire justice system. “We hoped that they could see firsthand the challenges and problems with which the Jamaican justice system is confronted,” says Andrejs Berzins, former Chief Crown Attorney for Ottawa and current member of the management group of the Jamaican Justice Review Task Force. The eight lawyers are part of the Canadian advisory committee that is providing the task force with institutional support. Created last summer by the Jamaican government, the task force has a mandate to examine the state of Jamaica’s justice

system and come up with strategies to facilitate its modernization. Impressed with its Systems of Civil Justice Report in the mid-1990s, the organizers invited the CBA to participate. An action plan is expected by the end of June. During their visit, the eight Canadian lawyers were paired with eight local colleagues working in the same field (family law, criminal law, administration of justice, etc.), allowing them to identify the most pertinent information in the field and support continuing collaboration among the players. “We wanted our Canadian participants to be able to see their Jamaican colleagues in their work environment,” explains Berzins, “and thus be able to see for themselves what the positive aspects

estime qu’environ cinquante personnes du milieu juridique jamaïcain ont assisté à chacun des événements. Deux autres ateliers misant sur le renforcement des capacités en matière de participation de la population ont été offerts aux employés du Ministère de la Justice jamaïcain. Cette visite n’était que l’une des étapes du programme. Plusieurs organisations de la société civile jamaïcaine ont été

and the failures in the system are.” The Canadian lawyers found some courthouses showing their age and others where no interview rooms are provided for lawyers and clients to talk confidentially. They also offered two workshops on Canada’s civil and criminal justice systems to share lessons learned during the establishment of similar reforms in Canada. Two other workshops provided insights on getting more public input into the system. This visit was only one step in the program; for more information on the Canadian advisory committee and to learn more about the activities of the Jamaican Justice Reform Task Force, visit .org/jamaicanjustice/about/ N — Alison Arnot

invitées à soumettre un mémoire à la Jamaïcain Justice Reform Task Force et des consultations publiques se tiendront dans diverses régions de la Jamaïque au cours des mois de mars et avril. Pour connaître la composition du Comité consultatif canadien ou pour en savoir plus au sujet des activités de la Jamaïcain Justice Reform Task Force, consultez le .org/jamaicanjustice/about/cac.htm N

Droit des organismes de bienfaisance — 10 mai 2007, Holiday Inn, Toronto

Évenements à venir Conférence nationale de FJP en litige civil — 12 et 13 avril 2007, Delta Centre-Ville, Montréal

Renseignements : Kim MacDonald au 1-800-267-8860 ou

Renseignements : Ann-Marie Suurland au 1-800-267-8860 ou

Conférence nationale sur le droit des douanes, des taxes et de ventes à la consommation — 17 mai 2007. Centre des congrès, Ottawa

Conférence nationale de l’ABC en matière de citoyenneté et d’immigration — 13 et 14 avril 2007, Hôtel Fairmont Empress et Centre des congrès, Victoria

Renseignements : Ann-Marie Suurland au 1-800-267-8860 ou

Renseignements : Carole Roussel au 1-800-267-8860 ou

Conférence nationale de l’ABC en propriété intellectuelle — 17 mai 2007, Ottawa

Conférence nationale de l'ABC sur le droit de l'environnement, de l'énergie et des ressources : les enjeux en matière d'énergie — 27 et 28 avril, 2007, Hôtel Inter Continental Montréal, Québec

Renseignements : Ann-Marie Suurland au 1-800-267-8860 ou

Conférence nationale de l’ABC en droit des aîné(e)s — 15 et 16 juin 2007, Delta Fredericton, Fredericton

Renseignements : Kim MacDonald au 1-800-267-8860 ou

Renseignements : Kim MacDonald au 1-800-267-8860 ou

L’Amérique du Nord et la mondialisation de l’antitrust — 3 et 4 mai 2007, Sutton Place Hotel, Toronto

Le droit fiscal à l’intention des avocat(e)s — 27 mai au 1 juin 2007, Queen’s Landing, Niagara On The Lake

Renseignements : Carole Roussel au 1-800-267-8860 ou

Renseignements : Kim MacDonald au 1-800-267-8860 ou



March 2007



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Upcoming events

North America and the Globalization of Antitrust: Spring Competition Law Conference — May 3-4, 2007, Toronto

National Civil Litigation Law Conference — April 12-13, 2007, Montreal Information: Ann-Marie Suurland at 1-800-267-8860 or

National Citizenship and Immigration Law Conference — April 13-14, 2007, Fairmont Empress Hotel/ Victoria Conference Centre, Victoria


udges, senior practitioners, Department of Justice lawyers, administrative tribunal members, and government representatives (CIC, CBSA, HRSDC) will discuss and debate a wide range of important issues. More details to follow as the program is developed. Information: Carole Roussel at 1-800-267-8860 or

CBA National Environmental, Energy and Resources Law Conference — April 27- 28, 2007, The Intercontinental Montreal Hotel, Montreal Information: Kim MacDonald at 1-800-267-8860 or


ointly presented by the CBA’s National Competition Law Section and the Antitrust and Trade Law Section of the International Bar Association Legal Practice Division, this landmark Spring Conference will feature up-to-the-minute, in-depth discussions on current and emerging developments in mergers, unilateral conduct and cartel enforcement. More details to follow as the program is developed. Information: Carole Roussel at 1-800-267-8860 or

CBA/OBA Joint Health Law Conference — May 3-4, 2007, Delta Chelsea, Toronto Information: Ann-Marie Suurland at 1-800-267-8860 or

CBA/IBA Joint Spring Competition Law Conference — May 3-4, 2007, Sutton Place Hotel, Toronto Information: Carole Roussel at 1-800-267-8860 or

CBA/OBA Joint Charity Law Conference — May 10, 2007, Holiday Inn on King, Toronto Information: Kim MacDonald at 1-800-267-8860 or

Border clashes Continued from page 44 further hamper trade negotiations (including attempts to revive Doha — between the U.S. and other countries. “Once the farm subsidy issue is resolved,” says Dattu, “the less-developed countries may be more willing to negotiate bilateral agreements with the United States.” For these reasons, business leaders — and their lawyers — now must pay closer attention to the mood in Washington and to the outcomes of international trade agreements, says Keith Mitchell, an international trade law expert and managing partner of Vancouver’s Farris, Vaughan, Wills & Murphy LLP. “The convergence of Canadian business planning and American political action has never been so alive,” says Mitchell. “Those who do not follow what is happening in Congress as well as with the Bush administration do so at their peril.” Lawyers who act for corporate clients need to know, for example, which members of Congress are likely to be those clients’ adversaries, and which their champions. Which states house the competitive pressure for clients’ products? How important are those Congressional representatives and senators? Where are they likely to use their leverage? Onto which appropriations bill will they likely try to tack a rider? At what point — say, when Canadian imports of softwood lumber to the U.S. rise above 30% — have trade issues historically triggered reactions, and how can businesses anticipate and prepare for such reactions? In short, says Mitchell, “Canadian lawyers need to understand the American political mindset and players. What politicians do in Washington — or Brussels or China, for that matter — affects us. As counsel, you can’t afford just to do Mars 2007

black-letter law and ignore these developments. “Your clients are interested in where their business interests lie. And their business interests are now under scrutiny in political fora other than Canada,” he says. “The need to think locally and to be aware internationally has never been greater.” For these reasons, Mitchell, like many Canadian trade lawyers, maintains good networks with U.S. trade lawyers and American and Canadian trade officials, particularly in the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade. He is also active in Washington, where clients have sent him to meet with embassy officials for countries whose interests are alive to Canadian commercial interests. The secret to the Canadian trade story, he says — a secret that every trade lawyer should take to heart — is that “for every Canadian exporter, there is a U.S. importer. So there’s a U.S. political ally down there who often has to be motivated. Canada carries no brief with U.S. elected officials, but U.S. importers and U.S. consumers do. And therefore, we have to be very mindful of forming influences with U.S. importers and consumers.” It’s a good reminder that while the world’s longest undefended border has rarely been so fraught with political obstacles and security challenges, citizens and businesses on both sides still have one very important thing in common: keeping the lines of trade and communication open and humming. N Susan Goldberg is a freelance writer based in Toronto. Her previous article for National, about legal battles in the pharmaceutical industry, appeared in our January/February 2007 issue.

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Money for nothing Donuts, possessory title, and fortune’s vagaries. By Douglas Mah


ike the majority of Canadians, I plan to finance my retirement with lottery winnings. I know the odds of a big payday are something in the order of 31,256,986 to 1 (unless, as the CBC’s Fifth Estate would have us believe, you operate a lottery concession), but finite probability be darned, you’ve got to hang on to that dream. Otherwise, for me with my two school-age children, I’ll be on the Freedom 75 plan. An irresistible allure attaches to free money. There is no finer feeling than finding a $20 bill in an old pair of pants, getting more than you claimed as an income tax refund, or, as one my lawyer friends discovered, that a recently dead relative he’d forgotten about had bequeathed him a winery in Germany. Another lawyer acquaintance of mine was not practising much law and had repaired to a subsistence living, playing a resonant rock guitar in seedy bars. Someone he knew asked him to register a patent on a new and untested software application, and he obliged on a lark, not expecting payment. He was given some shares in return, which, given the company’s track record at the time, he regarded as toilet paper. Well, in time’s fullness, the company went public on the London Stock Exchange, and my lawyer friend became an instant gazillonaire. He now flies around in his own jet and engages in philanthropy, such are fortune’s vagaries. The Tim Horton’s chain has lately promoted its product with a “Rrroll up the rim to win” contest, through which cash and fabulous prizes can be instantly won by checking under the lip of their disposable cardboard cups. Their website demonstrates the best techniques for doing so, for those challenged by the physics of rim-rrrolling. I admit to being dubious about the donut vendor’s promotional gimmickry. Tim Horton’s claims to be iconic in Canadian culture, on a par with, let’s say, Pierre Elliot Trudeau and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Further, the 12th installment of its “True Stories” series of television commercials depicts three generations of Chinese Canadians healing lifelong rifts and grievances by sharing tepid cups of coffee. Not to sound like a know-it-all, but I’d say the chances of this happening are also about 31,256,986 to 1. Besides, the older generation mostly likes to drink tea. N AT I O N A L

Enough of that. Back to free riches, and a case of prizewinning garbage. We heard last March that in St. Jerome, Quebec, a 10-year-old found a discarded Tim Horton’s cup, and with the assistance of a 12-year-old friend, looked under the rim, only to discover some not-tooshabby winnings: a Toyota RAV4 SUV worth $28,700. Their respective parents couldn’t agree on how the vehicle should be shared, however, so predictably, they are headed for litigation. A third claimant has entered the fray, a bus driver who claims to have thrown the coffee cup in the trash in the first place. The case may be decided on the doctrine of bona vacantia, which is not Latin for “Have a nice vacation.” It refers to ownerless property, which may be claimed by a finder. I’m guessing the bus driver in the Tim Horton’s case is sucking wind, because public garbage has no owner. (Tip: the most effective way of getting rid of unwanted furniture is to put it by your garbage cans. Someone is sure to take it.) A precedent of sorts can be found in Thomas v. Canada (Attorney General), 2006 ABQB 730, a case I first heard about while driving to work in the morning and listening to the CBC, which is how I get most of my ideas for this column. It seems a cache of bills, $18,000 worth, was mistakenly stuffed into Mr. Thomas’ post office box. Not reading the addressee info, he opened the package and found the money. The average schmuck can always use 18 large. He must have wept for joy. Being a model citizen, Mr. Thomas took the money to the police, who apparently told him about bona vacantia. The RCMP conducted an investigation into the money’s origin. Mysteriously, the intended recipient disavowed any connection with the funds and asserted no interest, nor could the sender be located. The 18 bills truly were ownerless. Both Thomas and the AG claimed the money on the basis of possessory title. In the ensuing lawsuit, the AG argued first that Canada Post had a better claim to the cache of cash, and second, as a matter of public policy, opening someone else’s mail is a no-no and people shouldn’t be able to profit from such bad behaviour. In the denouement, Justice Trussler found that Canada Post was a stranger to the lawsuit and therefore not entitled to put forward a claim. Second, Mr. Thomas was actually trying to be a good guy in turning the money over to the authorities so that the rightful owner could be found. That he inadvertently opened someone else’s mail did not disentitle him as a finder. I truly hope Mr. Thomas enjoys his 18 grand. In the meantime, I’m envious. No freebies for me, and I’m continuing to work until I’m 75. N Douglas Mah is an Edmonton lawyer and writer. March 2007


Not quite contempt




7:22 PM

Page 9

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7:22 PM

Page 10

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