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Solymar Travel’s Travel Tip!
Solymar Travel’s Travel Tip!
Why a vacation as a Christmas gift may be the perfect thing for your family. Before you know it, Christmas is here and right now is the best time to make your Christmas plans and get all the shopping out of the way. If you regularly find yourself rushing and stressing to get the Christmas gifts on the list and also plan the family party resulting in not spending any Quality Time with your family over the holidays, you could consider giving a vacation as a Christmas gift.
There are lots of reasons why a vacation could be the single most awesome Christmas gift your ever give your family, and here are the top 10 reasons why:
1. It’s Unexpected!
What better surprise that the whole family is going on vacation. Expecting tangible gifts for the holidays is the norm but your family will not expect the gift of a vacation. The reaction alone might be worth gifting the trip!
2. Less clean up!
Before and after Christmas, your house may be piled with toys, gifts, boxes, wrapping paper & supplies. You’ve spent a longtime planning, buying, and wrapping these gifts and in one single Christmas moment when everyone opens their gifts, your home looks like the streets after a Carnival event. It can be a bit of a shock when the magic of Christmas morning fades and you’re the one left to clean up the mess.
3. Memories last forever yet toys are soon forgotten.
It’s sometimes hard to buy a gift year after year when you feel your family has everything they need. That’s why treating them to something that creates memories is a perfect solution. Plus, it’s a great opportunity for amazing photos, videos, and anecdotes. Truly, if you try and think back on every toy you were given on Christmas when you were a kid, can you remember each one? What about all your family vacations?
4. Avoids adding to your home’s clutter.
Well if you have a clutter problem like many of us do, you won’t have to dust your vacation or kick it out of the way as you head out of the living room. Let’s face it, every year we spend lots of money on buying presents that will keep our loved one’s interest for a week or two and then the present is added to the pile of stuff that you don’t’ have storage room for. So, don’t fall into the trap that gifts must be objects, and have to be wrapped up.
5. Save yourself from stress.
Let’s face it, buying presents can be a huge challenge. You need to take into consideration your family’s Christmas wish list and head out early to the stores in hopes that you can find all their gift choices before they are no longer available. Honestly, who’s got the extra time to drive around this busy shopping season and make those long waiting lines to buy all their gifts? The best part of a gift a vacation trip is that you can contact your community travel agency, Solymar Travels and they can do all the hard work for you. You just make all the decisions.
6. It can be cost effective.
While some vacations are going to cost more than others, many will end up costing less than what you would have spent on traditional gifts. Considering the crazy prices of electronics alone these days, the average cost of gifting to each family member in the U.S. can be more expensive than providing one gift of a vacation. You can also budget ahead of time and pay it in installments so this way you can approach the Christmas season without the threat of debt! Visit Solymar Travels and they can help you plan your Christmas vacation early.
7. Giving the gift and being part of the travel experience.
You surely know someone who said all the preparations for the festive season made them crave another holiday. How about receiving a “Thank you” for organizing a spectacular feast and gifts for all of us? Not so much, leaving you underappreciated for all your efforts. Well if you surprise your family with a future vacation, the anticipation is almost as fun as the actual vacation. The best part is you get to be part of the surprise, the preparations, the actual vacation, and the memories thereafter. It’s a win, win situation for you!
8. Traveling is educational!
There is so much about the world that just cannot be learned without experiencing it for yourself. A gift of a vacation gives your family a chance to see and experience different places, culture, and people. There is so much history to tell and they can be emerged in it. No matter where you go, whether from Disney World to Europe, you’ll be amazed at just how many educational opportunities you will find.
9. Best family bonding!
This is probably the single best reason to give a vacation as a Christmas gift, the time that you will spend together as a family. You will have so much time to bond and grow together that it makes everything worth it. You have this as an opportunity to get to know each other on another level and this is the best part of a family vacation, no matter where you travel.
10. It’s fun!
Although an obvious one, family vacations are so much fun! What’s awesome is that you’ll get to experience that fun together for much longer than a few hours on Christmas morning. Opening a new Christmas gift will be a fun experience together but the fun you’ll have exploring and laughing on your vacation can be greater. Who doesn’t want to laugh and have more fun?
It is finally here...
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The winner will be announced Christmas morning!