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Wellness with Jen: Summer Exercise - I Don’t Wanna! Why? How?
The summer months tend to get crazy with juggling the kids being home or going to a different camp every week, vacations, family, holiday celebrations,… all the things. Juggling a crazy schedule can make it difficulty to keep up with wellness. The benefits of eating right (most of the time- everyone needs a cheat meal/ day) and exercising are endless, but how in the world are you supposed to fit exercising into your crazy, busy summer life as a Mom??
Regular exercise isn’t just about weight control. Exercising regularly can increase muscle and bone health, increase energy, help improve mood, promote better sleep, and increase the desire for time your special someone. Some things that you might not consider when it comes to exercise are that exercise can reduce the risk of chronic diseases, improve skin health, improve brain health and memory,... The benefits truly are endless.
Ok, ok, we know the benefits. Again, how in the world are you supposed to fit it into your hectic life? Well, basically, you find what works for you...
Do you do better when you go to a gym or maybe even attend classes? Ok, so if you are a busy mom, you have the option to find a gym with childcare included and just take your kiddos with you, or you can find a time when someone can be with your kiddos while you go the gym. Maybe you get up and go early before everyone else wakes up. Maybe you go over your lunch break at work. Maybe you hire a babysitter a few times per week for some mommy freedom at the gym. Easy peasy, just get there! And if you don’t have kids, well, then just make it happen when it fits into your schedule.
Do you prefer to exercise at home at your own pace and on your own timeline? This is what works best for me. With this option, you have the freedom to select your own program and your own timeframe. You can choose to find workout videos on YouTube, follow someone on Instagram that streams their workouts, use workout DVDs (Is this still a thing? Or am I just old?!), or you can use an on demand program. I used to use BeachBody On-Demand, and I really enjoyed it. However, when I was pregnant with my son, I wasn’t a fan of the program’s pre-natal workouts, so I began searching for new programs on YouTube. What I really like about this option, is that you can find an instructor that you connect with and follow them. When exercising at home, you have the ability to complete your workouts before everyone wakes up, during nap time, or even include your kiddos in your exercise program. I am not a fan of late night workouts, but some busy folks even choose to complete their workouts after the kids go to bed.
Maybe you aren’t quite ready to schedule a formal workout like going to the gym, taking a class, or doing workout videos. That is totally fine. Why not start with a walk 3 times a week? Plop the kids in the stroller, turn on some high energy tunes, and head out for a walk. Make a deal with them that if they hang with you during your walking time, they can play at the park afterwards.
I love nothing more than including my daughter in my workouts. My son is still a bit young, so it is hit or miss on how the workout with him will go, but a 15-month-old doing squats is one of the cutest things ever. Worst case scenario, if you can only fit a few squats, a few push-ups, and a few crunches into your day with your little one by your side, it is better than nothing, and you are providing an amazing example for your kiddos. When possible, nap time is a great time to squeeze in a kid-free workout from home. You find what works for you, and you make it happen. No excuses!
The most important thing is that you start at the point that makes sense for you. You choose a routine that works for you and that you can continue with consistently.
It is easy to make excuses. It is easy to say that you are too buse. It is easy to say you are too tired. It is easy to say that you will start tomorrow. Throw all of those excuses in the garbage and get started, TODAY!
Follow me on social media or shoot me a message if you have any questions or concerns. Happy Summer, everyone! Jen Cosby jcdiamondwellness@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/yljennifercosby https://www.facebook.com/groups/ oilshowyouthewayed/ https://www.instagram.com/jen_cosby/