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Coffee Hour with BEAT
Changing the Game in 2021
Changes are hard to implement, how many times have all of us seen the need for change in many things, whether, small or large, and not acted on it?
To be a “Game Changer” and to truly make a difference you do not have to be smart, rich, good-looking or perfect, you just have TO CARE!
To be a Game Changer, whether it is personally, in your family, your job or for the community at large, you must identify what needs changed and act on it.
There are game changers across central Florida and the Avalon Park Sun wants to recognize them! Maybe you are a game changer or maybe you know a game changer. I believe that positivity is contagious and if we tell the stories of those who are changing the game, it will inspire more to do the same! For instance, have you ever been in a drive thru and the person in front of you paid for your meal and then you proceeded to pay for the person behind you, and the chain goes on and on? Well, we want to know about these game changers in your communities across central Florida
and help tell their stories, so that they can continue inspiring change! While we know that there are several already in our community, now is a great time to inspire new growth and positive change.
While we are still just in the first quarter of 2021, many have high expectations that this year to be better than last. We expect CHANGES for the better, however, we cannot just hope for the better, we must act. After a year that provided a health crisis and economic uncertainty we have not yet seen in our lifetime, we are now at ground zero and should use the opportunities we have.
I see 3 global world strategies that we can use as a starting point for accessing the need for changing and acting on it.
1. 2021 could be the year to bring Covid-19 under control and stop the pandemic with the accessibility of several vaccines. We learned several things from this crisis, including that we need to change our health care system and make it more robust for future generations. And that we need to change how we build our communities so that people can live, learn, work and play, with a strong sense of belonging and safety. We need to increase our humbleness. As C.S. Lewis said, “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it is thinking of yourself less.” Covid reminded us that we cannot just strive for prosperity and profits, but to think of each other.
2. 2021 will be the year in which leading governments around the globe and large parts in the private sector are agreeing to net-zero targets for greenhouse gas emissions.
3. 2021 will be the year in which business enterprises need to change short-term profit strategies and focus on more long-term goals of all stakeholders, employees, clients, shareholders, and the community at large.
Avalon Park Group is excited to be a leader in central Florida and beyond by acting on our vision to change how people live, learn, work and play every day. At the beginning of this year the Orlando Business Journal presented 5 men and women who they thought would be 2021 Game Changers. While I was honored to be recognized as one of them, I also took this as a challenge to elevate my impact in the areas that I am able. It is in our Avalon Park Group DNA to think big and act, so this year we have already added some big tasks to our game changing list.
One of those is that while I believe for the foreseeable future, all safe existing forms of energy need to co-exist. However, we
need to start acting on the need for more renewable energy sources. Our action in this area is that we are contracted to purchase 6,250 acres in Volusia County where we are planning one of America’s largest solar farms, hence helping to utilize one of the most abundant renewable energy sources in the sunshine state, the Sun. Additionally, all of our large-scale developments focus on building complete towns, where people can live, learn, work and play and build a sense of belonging and safety.
One more game changing action that we have committed to this year is we are committing to clean water for all in Bithlo. This commitment goes beyond words and are truly putting our money where our mouth is.
In addition to the long list of goals I have for our group of companies worldwide, I would consider my personal goal of spending more time with my family the most important!
But today it is not about us, we are looking for as many game changers in our very own backyard, as many as we can find.
Again, you do not need to be smart, rich, good-looking, or perfect, to be a game-changer you just have to care. Help us tell the game changing stories, by letting us know who in your community is changing the game and making the world a better place to live, learn work and play by emailing me at Info@AvalonParkSun.com. Together we can affect change!