3 minute read
East Orlando Chamber Celebrates 75 Years
Ahh, 1946; Under the leadership of President Harry S. Truman, the war was over, but shortages of jobs and housing loomed while babies boomed. The average house was $5,600, annual wages $2,500 and gas was $0.15 a gallon. In Orlando, the Orlando Reporter and Evening Star merged under the management of Martin Anderson, becoming the Orlando Evening Star.
At this same time, in a diverse resort city in East Central Florida, the Union Park Chamber of Commerce set up shop to support local business and boost the economy. Three years later Chamber President George Shell accepted the deed for the new chamber property from Lina Downey.
Fast forward seventy plus years as the East Orlando Chamber of Commerce prepares to celebrate 75 years of service to East Orange County. A team of dedicated staff and volunteers led by immediate past board chair, Karen Jensen (Orlando Health) have been busy reviewing delicate artifacts, compiling photos, and collecting stories for their 75th Anniversary Commemorative coffee table book and directory. The book will capture the rich heritage and history of the organization’s expansive growth throughout the 440 square miles of East Orange County.
From the early days near Dean Road, the trek to the Chamber office was as far east as development reached otherwise you had to take old county road 22 towards Ft. Christmas. Today, the rapid development of UCF and the surrounding area are impacting Dean Road, a north-south roadway that links east-central Orange County with south Seminole County making it a key thoroughfare for the area. All this growth led to the reincorporation of the Chamber to better represent the service area in 1966, followed by rebranding as a unification of the East Orange County region in 2008.
As we prepare to celebrate our Diamond Jubilee of connecting, showcasing the vibrant history of the organization, the Chamber continues to move forward exploring ways to think differently accelerating businesses within the community. “These are exciting times”, says Andrew Cole, Chamber President | CEO. “This region has seen enormous change, from building one of the largest universities in the country, the development of Avalon Park with a robust community and town center, to the expansive growth of Lake Nona and Sun Bridge celebrating the power of nature”, says Cole.
He went on to say, “Looking at how far we have come makes the celebration of 75 years even more inspiring as we create a commemorative book honoring a rich history. But we need everyone’s help!” Cole is looking for photographs, stories and vintage items from area residents and businesses to fill gaps in the timeline. A local photographer has been secured to digitally archive each piece of memorabilia for the keepsake book, preserving history of our region.
If you or someone you know has information to share in the publication, please contact the East Orlando Chamber of Commerce at (407) 277-5951 or email eocc@eocc. org. Include your contact information and description of historic pieces (especially between 1940 – 1970) you would be willing to include.
The East Orlando Chamber’s 75th Anniversary Commemorative Book and Directory offers fantastic advertising opportunities, as well as chamber directory listing current 2021 members. Are you interested in being part of history? Call for more information about becoming a member or to include your advertisement in this memorable edition. Space is limited and time is running out, so do not delay. Help us preserve our history, the growth throughout the East Orange region and share our East Orlando Chamber story. The East Orlando Chamber of Commerce, 75 years and Growing.