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What is a Chamber of Commerce & Why they are important?
I have been told; a Chamber of Commerce is just a networking group. Others have said aren’t you part of the government? Some have described Chambers as a social club for business and others say isn’t it a leads group. To set the record straight, the Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(6) specifically defines Chambers of Commerce as exempt organizations, generally composed of the merchants and traders of a city. Chambers of Commerce usually promote the common economic interests of all the commercial enterprises in a given community.
The term “Chamber of Commerce” was first used on August 5th,1599 in Marseilles, France when the town council found they could not continue to combine merchant and municipal functions. The Chambers played a role in development of the “New World” and involved themselves with harbor maintenance, trade missions and even chasing down pirates. With the success, Louis XIV authorized the creation of more French Chamber’s, with Paris soon to follow. 200 years later, these Chambers assisted with the creation of the Suez Canal. Colonials wanted a sense of independence but had a responsibility to the local economy to improve it. In 1765 over 200 merchants organized in New York to rebel against the taxes and agreed not to trade with Britain. As precursor to the Revolutionary War these merchants united like a Chamber starting the rebellion against Britain.
The New York Chamber of Commerce was officially founded in 1768 providing a voice for the local merchants who wanted to distance themselves from British rule, but wanted reform, not a revolution. In the end many Chamber members sided with the mighty Great Britain due the fear of losing their livelihood and trade with the mother country rather than siding with the unknown future of the rebellious colonies. As the country grew, Chambers of Commerce became more important, assisting businesses with commerce and the growth of our country. Chamber’s worked to improve the trade and transportation of products along with job creation including the construction of the Pony Express, telegraph, Transcontinental Railroad, Golden Gate Bridge, Hoover Dam, and Panama Canal; all improved the way we conduct business and commerce.
The East Orlando Chamber was founded in 1946, as the Union Park Chamber, then in 1968 renamed as the East Orange Chamber of Commerce. Today, we are still active in advocacy for economic growth and prosperity including the widening of Alafaya Trail, the extension of the Osceola Parkway. Also, helping our local economy advocating for Medicare funds for Hospitals and funding for schools and universities developing a smarter trained workforce. For 75 years we have supported our business members and communities in East Orange County providing a voice, opening doors for success, connecting members with opportunities, educational business development and building professional relationships. Our members support our mission to help sustain a robust economy, fostering companies with employment opportunities and merchants who provide the goods and services our community needs. If you are interested in supporting our local business community, you are encouraged to visit EOCC.org or call the office at 407-277- 5951 to learn more about investing in our local communities and economy.