1 minute read
From the Desk of Commissioner Maribel Gomez Cordero
Happy October!
Fall is finally here, bringing a hopefully cooler climate. I hope we can all take this opportunity to spend time with our families and loved ones outside.
With the annual Hurricane Season continuing, please keep in mind that the period only ends on November 30th. While the first few months have been mild, please stay safe and take all necessary safety precautions when any weather changes occur. I encourage anyone interested in obtaining a free emergency weather radio to contact Orange County’s Emergency Management Division or my office as they are giving away these radios free of charge to the public.
I would like to thank all of the residents who took time to attend the community meeting for the upcoming Morgran Property park on August 24th. I encourage anyone who has questions/suggestions for this park to please contact my office or the Parks and Recreation Division. I am hopeful that this new park will be a valuable addition to our East Orange community.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, you can email me at district4@ocfl.net or call my office at 407-836- 5881.
Blessings, Commissioner Maribel Gomez Cordero