6 minute read
New River Elementary’s Reptile Review
New River Elementary’s Reptile Review
Principal Update: Hi Reptile Families,
It is hard to believe it is almost October. What a wonderful and successful start to the school year. Our students are arriving at school or logging online eager to learn each day. Thank you for preparing them each day for a successful learning experience.
I know some families have felt the transitions happening in school due to teacher changes or new classes being created. While I would love to say that this won’t happen, this isn’t possible with our current situation of children changing to the traditional or online platform. Some of our families have reached out wanting to transition back to the traditional setting or to the mySchool online setting. These options will only be granted based on the availability a spot open into the classroom. We are working hard to stick to class size. If you are requesting a change, please note that you may be placed on a waitlist until there are enough students to build another class. I appreciate all your support.
During the month of October, we typically have some family events. To ensure the safety of all children, we will not have our Character Parade and Trunk or Treat. On October 30th, if you would like your child may dress up as their favorite character.
Please like us on Facebook and follow us for updates for this school year. Next week we will honor our September Remarkable Reptiles. Ms. Clerkin, Mrs. Basinger, and I will go around and recognize the students on zoom or in person. We are looking forward to recognizing those students who have been respectful. October’s character trait will be growth mindset. Growth mindset is when we know that as long as we are committed to continuing to develop our talents through hard work, good strategies, and input from others we are going to learn and grow.
Sincerely, Colleen Wilkinson
Upcoming Dates: 10/8 Flu Shots
10/14 PTA Exec Board Meeting
10/14 SAC meeting 8:00amVirtual
10/19 No School- Teacher Planning Day
10/27 Report Cards Released
Pasco Announces Major Changes to School Meal Program
Changes to Federal Rules Mean School Meals are Now Free
Land O’ Lakes, FL – (September 11, 2020) – Due to changes in the rules governing the federal school lunch program, Pasco Schools is making it easier than ever for students – and children 18 and under – to receive free meals.
Starting on Monday, September 14, students who attend class on campus will still be able to get meals in the school cafeteria, and now those meals will be free. Also starting on Monday, September 14, students who attend school remotely will still be able to receive school meals on a drivethrough basis. Those meals also will be free.
Here’s how the program will work for students who are learning remotely through mySchool Online or Pasco eSchool: Monday, September 14 through Thursday, September 17, the daily drive-through meal distribution will continue at the designated site time – and meals will now be free. Designated locations and times are listed here. On Friday, September 18, the school district will serve a week’s worth of meals (breakfast and lunch) curbside to mySchool Online students, quarantined students, and children in the community 18 years and under. That includes Pasco e-School students. We will keep the same times already established for curbside feeding. Curbside meal distribution will continue once a week on Fridays.
We encourage families intending to participate curbside to complete the Meal Reservation Form so we can be best prepared for curbside participation. Parent/guardians no longer have to go to their child’s school; they can pick up meals from the site that is most convenient. For more information on Pasco’s school meal programs, visit the Food and Nutrition Services web page at: https://connectplus.pasco.k12.fl.us/do/fns/ ------------------------------------------
Early Check-out:
Please note that early check out needs to take place prior to 3:15. If you are checking your child out early, please call the office at 813-346-0500 and set up an appointment. ------------------------------------------
Early Release:
There will be no early release days for the first semester. We will let you know if we will have early release days for second semester. ------------------------------------------
Drop-off and Pick-up Time:
Students can be dropped off at 9:20 and dismissal starts at 4:00. ------------------------------------------

10/1, 10/8, 10/15, 10/22, 10/29 | 10:15 AM - Virtual Storytime with Miss Cindy 10/1, 10/8, 10/15, 10/22, 10/29 | 11:15 AM - Virtual Storytime with Miss Jennifer 10/2, 10/9, 10/16, 10/30 | 10:00 AM - Virtual Storytime with Ms. Karen 10/2, 10/9, 10/16, 10/23, 10/30 | 11:15 AM - Virtual Baby Time with Miss Jennifer for Ages Birth-2 10/5, 10/12, 10/19, 10/26 | 10:15 AM - Virtual Storytime with Miss Cindy S 10/6, 10/13, 10/20, 10/27 | 10:15 AM - Virtual Storytime with Ms. Bea 10/7, 10/14, 10/21, 10/28 | All Day - Virtual Storytime for Birth to Age 5 10/7, 10/14, 10/21, 10/28 | 11:00 AM - Virtual Storytime Dance Party 10/10, 10/24 | 10:00 AM - Virtual Storytime with Ms. Karyn
10/3, 10/10, 10/110, 10/26 | All Day - Virtual STEAM Saturdays 10/3 | 10:00 AM - Craft at Home: Kids 10/3 | 2:00 PM - Planet Lego! 10/3, 10/10, 10/17, 10/24, 10/31 | 3:00 PM -The Illustrator Adventure via Zoom 10/5 | 6:00 PM - Virtual Level Up 10/31 | 10:00 AM - Virtual Craft at Home: Toddlers
10/10 | 10:00 AM - Virtual Craft at Home: Tweens 10/8, 10/22 | 5:00 PM - Virtual Book Club: Taste of Sunshine
10/5 | All Day - Come Grow with Us: Fall Tea Cup Garden 10/7 | 4:00 PM - Virtual Teen Advisory Board Meeting 10/14 | 4:00 PM - Virtual Fandom Trivia: Hocus Pocus 10/17, 10/20 | 10:00 AM - Virtual Craft at Home: Teens 10/19 | All Day - Come Grow with Us: Paper Leaf Garland Craft 10/28 | 4:00 PM - Virtual Game Zone
10/1, 10/6, 10/8, 10/13, 10/15, 10/20, 10/15, 10/27, 10/29 | 8:30 AM - English for Speakers of Other Languages 10/6, 10/13, 10/20, 10/27 | All Day - Facebook Crafter Morning 10/1 | 7:30 PM - Virtual Full Moon Mala Meditation 10/2, 10/16 | 10:00 AM - Virtual First Chapter10/2, 10/16, 10/30 | 2:00 PM - RP’s Unsolved 10/5 | All Day - Come Grow with Us: Fall Tea Cup Garden 10/8 | 10:00 AM - Virtual Crafty Get Together 10/9, 10/23 | 10:00 AM - Virtual Instant Eats 10/16 | 10:00 AM - AARP Driver Safety 10/19 | All Day - Come Grow with Us: Paper Leaf Garland Craft 10/19 | All Day - Jewelry Jam: Fall Charm Bracelet 10/21 | 2:30 PM - Virtual LOL Book Club: A Man With One ofThose Faces 10/23 | 6:00 PM - Halloween Movies Trivia 10/24 | 10:00 AM - Virtual Craft at Home: Adults 10/27 | 5:00 PM - Zoom Reads Online Book Club 10/29 | 6:00 PM - History of Tarot with Christiana Gaudet For more information on how to access and register for these virtual events, visit pascolibraries.org or call 813-788-6375.
Events brought to you by: New River Library 34043 State Road 54 Wesley Chapel 813-788-6375 pascolibraries.org
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