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You Are Not Alone
Mental Health Awareness Month
The theme for the 2021 May Mental Health Awareness Month outlined by NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, is “You Are Not Alone.” That could not be truer for a community such as Avalon Park! After living over the past year in economic, political and health insecurity, we need to identify and take advantage of the ways that we can stay connected in our community. There is strength in community, and no one should feel like they are struggling alone or that they do not have access to the resources needed to live healthy and satisfying lives.
In January of this year, the Live Well program was launched in culmination with AdventHealth and the YMCA. This program is designed to be an online resource center for holistic health options in our community, from physical fitness to educational material, medical resources, nutritional tips and more. The resources can be found online at AvalonParkTavares.com/ LiveWell, as well as in the last section of each month of the Avalon Park Sun.
One of the latest resources offered is through the non-profit organization, ProjecThinkForward. The mission of this organization is to provide sponsored therapy to those affected by mental health concerns. Each Monday of this month the ProjecThinkForward team will be interviewing local mental health professionals and will be providing discussions on topics such as trauma, depression, relationships, PTSD and holistic remedies. The podcasts will be available on their Facebook and Website pages.
This month’s edition also outlines YMCA Summer Programs and a physical fitness challenge, which you can find starting on page 8.
Community Health Survey Additionally, we would like to hear from you on what health resources are needed in our community. As part of a continued commitment to improve programs, amenities, and services in our community, we want to know what is important to you and your family. Please take a minute to complete the short community healthy survey. By doing so, you will be providing valuable information on what is important to you regarding health and wellness within your community. All answers are anonymous and will be used as a base to understand what the community as a whole views our overall health is and how we can begin to improve it through community action.
Just remember, You Are Not Alone. You are part of an entire community that cares for you!