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Rebates Available to Pasco County Residents, Businesses and Contractors

Pasco County Utilities (PCU) is proud to partner with Tampa Bay Water, the Southwest Florida Water Management District and other local governments in an effort aimed at saving 11 million gallons of water a day by 2030 through the Tampa Bay Water Wise Program. The diverse program offers 11 rebates for residential and commercial customers who purchase or implement pre-approved, qualifying water-saving devices and measures.

“As a community, we rely on shared water sources every day,” said PCU Customer Service Administrator Sandra Anderson. “PCU is steadfast in our commitment to conserve this precious resource for our region and generations to come.”

Rebates are available for plumbing fixtures, irrigation devices, food service equipment and more in the following categories:

Residential Rebates: Options ranging from a maximum allotment of $100 for toilet replacements to a maximum allotment of $250 for smart irrigation controllers.

Commercial Rebates: Options ranging from a maximum allotment of $75 for installing high-efficiency toilets and urinals, to a maximum allotment of $1,000 for water-saving cooling towers.

Restauranteur & Food Service Professional Rebates: Options ranging from a maximum allotment of $50 to a maximum allotment of $400 for water-efficient dishwashers and spray valves.

Qualification details and steps to become pre-approved are available at TampaBayWaterWise.org. Please note rebates are based on the actual cost of the new fixture purchased, not the maximum allotments listed above.

Visit bit.ly/SaveH2OPasco for everyday water-saving options inside your home and out.

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