3 minute read

Pasco Fine Arts Council New Acting Interim Director

When Lianna Tatman, Executive Director, left the Pasco Fine Arts Center this summer to accept a position in New York State, we were without a leader. Lianna worked very hard to bring life back to the Center post COVID and in the wake of its much beloved Director Jo Baughmann. This move was a good move for Lianna to advance her career and we were happy for her but needed someone to assume her position with insufficient funds to hire and maintain a full-time director.

Andrea Monge has been involved with PFAC for years, attending Christa’s hand-build pottery classes with her mom and as a result had a special fondness for our organization, a depth of understanding of its history and membership and as an active volunteer in the local school system she had a new vision for how we might engage kids and implement new tools using technology. Andrea accepted this position on an interim basis and is sensitive and responsive to the financial realities of our organization at the present time. She has also engaged some fresh volunteer help members, teachers and high school students to refresh the center and its offerings. A special shout out to Janet L, Barbara D and our Kids in Art Program.

The class offerings have been expanded and include different timeframes, evenings and Saturday workshops. We are starting our First Saturday Kids workshop in November.

The online store is up and working. We are adding inventory as quick as we can.

Some new ideas are being tried out; a date night, chess and other games for kids in conjunction with an art exhibit with chess and baordgames as its theme.

The main building has new partitions for hanging art, more surfaces for products in the shop and we have a volunteer cleaning the facility free of charge to help with our finances and doing a great job! The tables in the classroom of the main building look brand new!

The East Pasco branch of PFAC will be operating out of St. Leo’s College, where a member of our board, Janet Franks, works in the library. She had realized that this was an opportunity to use the wonderful facility while bringing fresh faces to the college. There will be offerings for a wide range of interests for artists such as drawing, painting, pottery, jewelry making, improv, cooking and poetry.

On January 13th we will be hosting a themed dinner party at the Center. This will be an opportunity to connect or reconnect with other artists at PFAC, enjoy some good food, music and have a good time. Save the date! More information will be coming your way.

In the meanwhile, go to the website and check out the new classes and activities! Please make sure that we have current contact information for you and friends of yours who will want to know what’s going on! Let us know what you think, what you like and what would like to see more of.

Email info@pascoarts.org with your input and ideas!

We need your help to make PFAC grow. Please go to our website’s volunteer form link or email info@pascoarts.org

Thank you for your continued support of the Pasco Fine Arts Center as members, teachers, volunteers and sponsors!

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