Avalon Quantum English Brochure 2014

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Index: Features.....................................................02 AQE Books................................................3-4 Example Pages.........................................5-6 How it’s taught..........................................7-8 Level Testing...............................................09 Progress Checks........................................10 Q Checks....................................................11 Why it works...............................................12 L Checks.....................................................13 Course Structure.........................................14 Timetables..................................................14 Branding................................................15-16 Testimonials..........................................17-18 Contact.......................................................19

Welcome to Quantum AQE was first introduced at Avalon School of English, London in summer 2011. Since then we’ve sold thousands of books and helped students from more than 30 countries worldwide to speak English. Quantum lessons are engaging, dynamic and fun. We get students speaking fluently from their first lesson by correcting and encouraging them. We believe AQE’s focus on pronunciation training is unique among EFL courses. It will improve not only your students’ English, but also your teachers’ teaching. Read on to find out more about what AQE could do for you.

Features: Lots of speaking time Focus on pronunciation All levels – CEFR 4 books Unique course designed by teachers Fits any school timetable Easy to use for students and teachers Progress checks Error correction Fast progression Clear grammar 2,200 words


AQE-Books: AQE Students’ books: These are classroom tools to enable natural and targeted speaking and listening practice while also providing a clear syllabus and class structure. Students have space to record teacher’s notes analysing grammar, language and pronunciation. Each page also provides practice material that can be used both in and outside class.






Teachers’ books: Teachers’ books provide an easy to follow, step-by-step guide to every lesson without being prescriptive. AQE allows confident teachers to be creative while giving plenty of support and advice to those with less experience.


Examples: Study:

Notes: Target Language Box

Phonemic Spelling Box

Part of Speech Box


' *$

one day

in a day*# ' *s/year*s $


will inf. I will be rich one day.

$ )#* ' s*/years* $


' *$ inf. I ' *$ have )$ $ $ $ ) %.

Grammar Highlighted in Colour


Grammar Box

Will ) % be rich one day?


) % $ ) %* & children one day?


" ) % $ $ # $) ) "#* $


' ) % $ $ # $) will be " $ $ ) "#* $



) ' ) % $ will be $ $ # #


& " !!


" *# " ' " % ' % ) %





) % $ % # ' #$ ! %# "# ) Will $ $ !! soon?

will  an d  won’t


$ #* $ ($ ) " #

& $ "") &) $ $ #$ $ $ " $ ##

) !


) % $ ' * $ $ ($


) % $ $ ' " ' #$ forever?


) % $ $ ) ! # " %! will ever be ) %" % $")

We are learning to use...



The Notes Page: The main purpose of the Notes Page is to provide a space where students can organise their own notes from the lesson. We have included some points of our own to help students best understand the material on the Study Page and remind them of the most important structures and grammar.

Boxes with this symbol contain information on how to use the target language such as collocations and the right prepositions. Here are two examples: laugh at a joke make a reservation have a laugh with your friends Students should get this information into their heads. Boxes with this symbol briefly explain and give examples of grammar that is taught on the Study Page. This often deals with common problems and misunderstandings that students have with this particular language.


Phonemic chunks are examples of speech that use the target language and are written in the international phonetic alaphabet (IPA). Every page has an example, that the students should practice through drilling, along with one or more of the following symbols: - use the chunk as a question to your partner. - change the part of the chunk in red to make another example. - finish the chunk by adding the next part of the sentence. - use the chunk in a 3rd person example. This could be a classmate’s answer or an example from the student’s own friends and family. Some questions on the study page have a connected writing task. The Notes Page also features picture material on some pages. These can be used for student discussion, with the phonemic material or to help with explaining the target language.


AQE-How it’s taught: Presentation




Teachers present the target language which the students see at the top of the page in their books in a logical order. Each new word or phrase is drilled until students are able to pronounce it correctly. Check questions are asked to make sure understand the meaning. Phonemes for target language are written on the board for students to record in their books and revise from. Questions Practice of the target language is in the form of question-answer.



Questions containing the target language (or questions which force the student to produce it) are asked by the teacher. Students answer the questions in full sentences and their answers are corrected (word choice, tense, structure, pron and intonation) in real time by the teacher. Students then repeat to provide a correct sentence.



Genuine communication and natural language are what we strive for. students are encouraged to ask each other (and the teacher) questions too.


Teachers Present


word or phrase



Students are Drilled

untill pronunciation is correct

Check Questions Asked 2.

Meaning is Reinforced Questions:

Phonemes Written on board

Teachers ask Questions



Record into Book

Students Answer

in full sentences

Corrected in Real Time .5

Students Respond

providing correct sentence

Student A

asks question

Student B

answers question .6

Exchange is Corrected 08

Level testing: Initial grammar test and writing The structure of AQE means that students can start the course at any point, at the level which is right for them, depending on what they need to practise most. While students with no previous knowledge of English will start from the very beginning, there is also lots to gain for students who have studied a lot but need to improve their fluency and accuracy – something for everyone. The AQE initial grammar test, writing task and interview questions ‘Can do’ and ‘Can talk about’



ensure that teachers and managers place students into the correct class. ‘Can do’ and ‘Can talk about’ checklists are given at the end of every unit. These are linked to the CEFR for languages. These are a useful revision tool for both students and teachers, and also provide the target language and topics for assessment. Exercises for consolidation or revision are at the back of students’ books. Revision Exercises:

Modal verbs.

UNIT 3.1

can’t He ____________ understand people on the phone when they speak English.

I can...

Maybe he (a) ____________ get some lessons to improve his listening.


use will and won’t to talk about the future.


use still, until and not anymore.


use other, others and another.

If you leave your car outside the restaurant, you’ll (b) ____________ pay. I’m sorry but I don’t know where the nearest free parking is. Maybe you (c) ____________ park it by the station. Everyone (d) ___________ remember to turn off the heaters when they leave the building.


use possessive pronouns like mine and yours.


give facts and opinions.


use yet and already.

My two-year-old daughter (f) ___________ speak yet but she (g) ___________ understand


make conditional sentences with if.

almost everything we say to her.

If they are left on all night, there (e) ___________ be a fire.

I can talk about... 8

parties, conversations and having a good or bad time.


thinking about things and choosing things.


what I have to do and don’t have to do.


making mistakes and getting things right or wrong.


accents and areas.


how much is enough or not enough.


how many is d) too many how much is too much. … isand the adjective from emotion?


UNIT 3.2

can x 2

have to




Looks, sounds, feels like....

E.g ... is the past of hide?



… means two people in a relationship?



… is the preposition that goes after jealous?


look like E.g. At night, foxes ____________ big cats or small dogs until you look closely.


a) The course you’re studying ____________ interesting. Are you enjoying it?


b) I’m so tired. I know it’s 3 o’clock, but it ____________ 5 o’clock!

factories ande)offices, and international …national is the past participle of feel?business.


c) This cake is beautiful. It ____________ difficult to make, but it’s easy.


f) … ispeople the opposite of put on? famous and important and places.


d) What’s that noise? It ____________ a broken washing machine!


g) over …or means half of alike half? things we cross go through, bridges and tunnels.


e) Please, try to ____________ interested when they talk about their wedding. Pretend!


being lazy or hard-working and trying to do things.


waiting and arriving.


being funny or serious and having a laugh.


… is the opposite of love?


… do we use to apologise?


f) Our last lesson was really good fun. It was more ____________ a party than a lesson!


… is the opposite of land?



… is the noun from weigh?


g) On a normal day, I’m at work at this time. It ____________ strange to be in a café, reading the newspaper.


… is the adverb from normal?


I need to...


can’t x 2 1

h) The Abominator ____________ a really good film. Everyone is talking about it. Shall we go and see it?


Question What’s your name? Is it a pen? What’s my/your name? Are you a teacher? Say the alphabet Can you spell your name, please? Where is the pen? What colour are your eyes?


Target language

Spell Prepositions Colours


Clothes How many Time House Vocabulary

How many vowels are there in the alphabet?

Vowels/Consonants This/These

Whose pen is this?


Do you like football?

Present simple/like

What language do you speak? What’s your favourite food/drink? Do you have a job?

Elementary Skills / Grammar 1


Is there a living room in your house?

Is black coffee with or without milk?



What’s the opposite of cold?

What colour is/are this/these pen/shoes?

Unit 02

To be negative


What time is it now?


Possessive adjectives

Is it hot/cold in your country now?

How many days are there in a week?

Unit 01


To be


What colour are your trousers?


Y/N questions

Which day is before/after today?

Who am I?

Book 1

With/Without QUASI Questions Favourite Have

Progress checks: Listening and speaking On any type of course, testing is useful for both teachers and students. Teachers need to recognise where their students are having difficulties and help them to resolve these; students need to feel that they are making progress and a test can provide evidence which motivates them. With AQE, we’ve taken a different approach – rather than ‘testing’ what students know with traditional grammar or vocabulary exercises, we ‘check’ what students are able to do or produce with practical activities. 10

Q Checks: How they works Speaking tests, or ‘Q Checks’, are taken by students in pairs after every two units: halfway through the book and at the end. They consist of three parts and is based on the Cambridge ESOL exam format: Part One: The examiner asks students questions individually from the relevant syllabus. Part Two: The student describes or talks about a picture for 30-60 seconds depending on their level. Their partner asks them a question connected to it. The roles are then reversed.



3. 4.



Part three: Students are asked to discuss a topic (connected to that in the pictures) without involving the examiner. The examiner marks while the students are speaking and makes notes of errors. Immediate oral feedback and constructive criticism is given to students on their performance. Examiners record a grade from one to five. The marking sheet is used by the teacher in the next class to review common errors and problematic areas. The students are also given a written copy of their feedback. A clear marking system, together with explanation and guide are provided for partner schools.

Why They work: Teachers are able to measure students’ performance in relation to each other and ensure that the group are of the correct level. Q Checks provide for both the students and teachers – they frame what is expected from students and provide a clear guide for teachers. Preparation for public examinations – students who have gone on to sit FCE, for example have commented on how useful Q Checks were in making them feel relaxed when taking their speaking exam. Comprehensive Performance Data – schools can use this to show students how they’re progressing and provide them with realistic expectations – increased customer satisfaction!


L Checks: The AQE L Checks may either be given by the teacher speaking or via a recording. The checks have been designed in a way that encourages the students to integrate the categories below of lexical awareness.







in en st Li Grammar

Tests are composed of three main task types:



“Listen to the questions, answer negative/positive” tasks.


“This is the answer, what is The the question?” tasks.


Gap fill dialogues.

Course structure: All businesses need to meet the demands of their customers – this means that each AQE school is different. We recognise that our course needs to be able to be taught on a variety of timetables and timescales in order to suit potential students in any particular area. We are happy to advise on how to make AQE work for your school.

One of the most common questions we’re asked is how long the course is. This depends on the school. For Avalon School London, the course lasts approximately one year including holiday. The table below shows how it works for some of our partners.

Timetable School location

Length of class

Freq P/W

Total hrs P/W

Avalon School, London

100 mins

5 days


Asset, Brazil

50 mins

5 days


Synergy, Brazil

50 mins

5 days


IQ Centre Ltd, Georgia

45 mins

3 days


Effekt, Poland

90 mins

2 days



Branding: Design is an important element in everything we are producing. Quantum is a unique product which distinguishes us from other courses and we want this to be easily recognisable. What we can provide: Selection of AQE logos for use on websites and promotional materials Attractive, branded posters for use around the school Branded classroom posters – pronunciation charts, grammar explanations etc Unique course books




Phonemic Chart:

ɪ ʊ e ə æ ʌ ɒ

picture book

pen teacher man

i: u: ɜ: ɔ: ɑ:

teacher blue





= short = long




ɪə eɪ eə əʊ ɔɪ aɪ aʊ ear





nine mouth




p b f






door mouth mother






shoe television




t d θ ð

ʧ ʤ

s z


k g ʃ ʒ

m n ŋ


r w j

red window yellow = voiced

h l

= unvoiced

hello London


Testimonials: AQE is a product which is in continuous development and any changes which are introduced are the result of, and in consultation with, teachers, managers and school owners working with it. Here some of them share their experience. Michal A. Nowalowski, Owner Centrum Jezyków Obcych EFFEKT. Goleniów, Poland Avalon Quantum English is by far the best method to make people speak English... The teachers find the Teacher’s Book really helpful in preparing and conducting lessons. The method enables an instant rapport between students and the teacher so the lesson is enjoyable for everyone. It’s so nice to see students who – after just a few months, break their shyness and reluctance to speak up and simply say what’s on their mind. I definitely recommend using AQE for teaching English as a foreign language. It’s not only the best way to get people to talk in English, but it’s also a method that you can introduce in your school without any problems. The clear structure and flexibility of all the books makes it really easy to manage both whole groups and individual students. Ewa Brzykcy, Teacher Centrum Jezyków Obcych EFFEKT, Goleniów, Poland I believe Avalon Quantum English is an ideal method for those who want to learn how to communicate effectively or just improve their speaking skills. For me as a teacher, AQE is a great working tool. It helps me to make my lessons enjoyable. Students make visible progress which is regularly checked and verified by tests both oral and written. In my opinion AQE makes the Language School very attractive. Zora Jelinkova, Owner eXcel - jazykové centrum, Ostrava, Czech Republic Avalon Quantum English is a great method of learning English. It makes students speak and get rid of their fear of speaking and especially making a mistake while speaking. During the lesson students simply just don’t have time to think “Oh my God, I know the answer but…should I say it or not, if I make a mistake, I will look silly!” They get over the fear fast and this makes them progress much more quickly. The method is also good fun and students enjoy themselves. Thanks to Avalon Quantum English, our language school has something unique to offer. This makes us different from our competitors and attracts more and more customers.


Leandro Costa, Co-owner Synergy Language Solutions ,Itajuba, Brazil I first heard about Avalon through a DVD sent to the school I used to work in, and already knowing I was going to open my own school I decided to do some further research. Checking the website, visiting schools in Brazil that worked with Avalon Quantum English and personally visiting the school in London, made me realize, with no doubts at all that we were going to do business. The professionalism, expertise and outstanding support given met the principles and vision of our new business. The method is a notable success! Recently, we did a survey to check how satisfied they were with our school, and with no surprise, in one of the questions asked, almost 70% of the students answered that what caught their attention and what made them study with us was the method. Also, all of them, with no exception, would recommend us to a friend. In class, it is crystal clear the evolution students have in their communication skills. They excel in communicating with no hesitation and achieve fluency in the language in a fun and involving manner. It is definitely the best method I have ever worked with, and I totally recommend it! IQ Centre, Kiev, Ukraine Tatyana Gransaull, Teacher We recommend the Avalon Quantum English method to our students as it’s productive, dynamic and brings good results. Those who study with AQE manage to get over the language barrier. The method helps to make the class interesting, with everyday speaking situations. Avalon method is suitable for both people who try speaking English for the first time in their life and those who have studied it for ages but still have some gaps in their knowledge.


Contact: 8 Denmark Street London WC2H 8LS Tel: +44 (0)20 7379 1998 Web: avalonschool.co.uk Email: info@quantumenglish.co.uk


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