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External collaborations

ART@IITGN had started making its presence pretty loud from day one and no wonder we have made some amazing collaborations with the other organizations. IGNCA is the first institute to officially collaborate with ART@IITGNandwehavesuccessfully completed four programs in terms of exhibition, artist interaction, film screeningandmore.IGNCAinvitedthe Art Curator for a Studio Takeover at RajaRaviVarmastudioinVadodarafor extensive art residency in pottery We are expecting more planned and regular collaborative activities in future. And also the possibilities of artist exchange programs are anticipated. In continuation with the Comic Conclave and other activities like exhibitions and open workshops we have observed several other institutes like NID, CEPT, PDPU, NIFT Gandhinagar, NIPER, IIPH and Ahmedabad University participating actively and institutes like NID Ahmedabad/Gandhinagar and NIFT

Gandhinagar are in the forefront to work with ART@IITGN in terms of student and knowledge exchange programs Spic Macay is our constant collaboratorandthereisanopportunity to work towards regular art performances on the campus by Artists. In the years to come we look forward to working with diverse communities, individuals and organizations as a part of a long term v i s i o n . T h e C u r a t o r i s i n communicationwiththeSaptakSchool of Music, a major classical music and performingartseducationinstitutionin Ahmedabad; there is a possibility for IITGN to become their Gandhinagar chapter and more collaborative programs in future. There is also a dialogue ongoing with The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda department of Fine Arts and PerformingArtsforcollaborations.

Kids and the community

ART@IITGN has always been inclusive of all age groups and people from all walks of life. We have hosted several sections of the community to enhance their living experience on the campus Kidsonlyclayevents,festival special activities, origami, movements and many more to name some of the special events exclusively for young ones in the campus. Events like open studios, clay workshops and public events for the senior community which madeartstudiosastheirhappyleisure place and time to interact with others Many Students & housing inhabitants use performing art studios frequently for their regular practices. Students have explored clay and visual art studios at their convenience to experiment different visual art mediums Recently cognitive science studentspreparedabunchof30gifting cardsusingcyanotypeprintingfortheir seniors.

Creative Circle, Moving Pictures & Movements

Some of the activities which are regularly done under the ART@IITGN framework are Creative circle, Moving pictures and Movements. ‘Creative Circle’ attempts to create a space for studentsacrossthecampustoengage inexperimentalandexploratoryartistic processes We believe in building a sense of community amongst the students as they breach the boundariesnecessitatedbystructured forms of art, together. “Moving pictures” is the section where films, animations and documentaries are screened ‘Movements’ as a part of ART@IITGNistoexploretheinnerself with the help of music and body movements. The session includes, basic stretching of the body for relaxing, breathing exercises, interactive session about the self and the journey and guided movement session These activities have explored various art forms like calligraphy, chrome value, the art of making graphic novels, collage making, various film screenings, yoga documentaries, animal and bird expressions and many more. Every activity under this belt is precisely designed by the curator for the community to have the flavor of differentarthorizons Ithelpedsomany to bring their art expressions to differentmediums Elderlyparticipants havebeenveryhappytofindaspaceon campus where they can walk-in, interactwithothers,exploretheirartas well as share the knowledge of art in their time Among these PublicArt and Open Space were the most interesting and silent curations of the year It allowed the students and rest of the community to confront the inner self andextracttheirheartoutwithvisualas well as in performance format. Easels with drawing sheets and markers are kept in several prime locations in the campusandwhereeveryoneisallowed to pour out their hearts. More than expecting professional portraits and motivational quotes, the experiment was a reflection of the inhabitants and severalseriesofexhibitionsweredone with these art works As a part of a regularactivity,aseriesofinteractions with several artists under the name ‘Samvaad’ allowed the students to indulgeininteractionwithprofessional artists.

Visits & Experience

Apart from the IITGN community we have regular visitors to our studio spacesonseveraloccasions Eminent artists like actor Rahul Bose, social workerAnuragChauhan,journalistand author P.Sainath to name some. Students from Eklavya School – Muni Seva Ashram Goraj, in Waghodia, Vadodara(Gujarat)havevisitedtheart studio and immersed themselves with sketching and a movement session with the team. Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's GIPCL Academy also has brought their students for a campus visitandtheteamhavefacilitatedthem with several art activities Students fromboththeschoolsarefromthetribal community of Gujarat and it was our pleasure to host young bright minds. IngersollrandIndiacompanyteamwith familyandtheShriGBGelotfamily,the philanthropistsvisitedthecampusand wefacilitatedthemwithactivitiesinthe claystudioandartstudio