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Supplier Solutions
Seamlessly switching bread
Intralox introduces the latest addition to its Active Integrated Motion equipment portfolio: AIM Glide. With zero unscheduled downtime, no jams and 75% less maintenance, according to the company, AIM Glide offers bakers a reliable alternative to metal slat switches. Bakers will see immediate benefits from an automation solution that is easy to clean and designed to perform in multiple environments. www.intralox.com

From real-time data to automated action
ABI Vision System Platform observes real-world conditions and turns data analysis into automated actions. Using learning and vision sensors, engineers developed product recognition algorithms for baked goods. Critical for robotic systems and quality assurance solutions, it can identify product types with 98% success and detect if products are touching. www.abiltd.com
Intuitive, sanitary transfer pump
Axis Automation designed its Hopper Buddy transfer pump to move products from floor level to elevated hoppers on process equipment. The Hopper Buddy contributes to a safe environment while reducing the potential for damage to other equipment. Intuitive controls make it easy for anyone to operate and easy to clean. www.axisautomation.com

Vision processor robot
BluePrint Automation’s Spider 300v is a two-robot case loading system with vision that allows processors and co-packers to package vertical and horizontal simultaneously. The machine can handle standard RSC cases, three-sided displays and other secondary containers. The frame reduces cost by minimizing wiring and eliminating bulky external electrical cabinets. www.blueprintautomation.com
Enzyme technology for consistent dough
Cain Food uses modern enzyme technology in PureBake to provide a consistent balance of dough extensibility and elasticity to improve gluten formation and stabilize the dough system. Resulting dough has post-proof stability and shock tolerance. PureBake increases product consistency and reduces need for added gluten and volatility of flour variation. www.cainfood.com

HP JAWS balances temperature
Cavanna’s HP JAWS incorporates new recyclable and/or compostable plastic-free films that are generally sensitive to temperature and require very short temperature intervals, sometimes in the range of 2-3° C. To facilitate this, Cavanna has developed JAWS with a system to balance the temperature on the surface. www.cavanna-usa.com
Reducing oils and hard fats
Corbion realized the role of oils and fats that help bakers maintain consistent quality and predictable performance in baked goods. The Vantage 2060 can deliver consistent, high-quality products while eliminating the use of mono- and diglycerides. This also will reduce oils and fats by up to 60%. www.corbion.com

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Vision Guided Robotics | Secondary Packaging | Turnkey Packaging Solutions
End of line packaging solutions for the bakery, snack and tortilla industries. BPA loads all types of products into cases and various secondary containers including your hffs machines, wrapper chain in-feeds and indexing thermoform machines.

Sustainable food packaging
Good Natured Products created GoodGuard, sustainable, versatile, tamper-evident food packaging that allows for security without plastic waste. The dual-hinge design ensures no escape waste/recycling streams. Its clamshell format also keeps the lid and base together after the seal is broken, meaning fewer fumbles and sharp edges. www.goodnaturedproducts.com
Stop metal-to-metal contact
Henry & Sons developed the ZERO Contact device to stop metalto-metal contact between VEMAG screws and housings. In addition to reducing temperature rise, the device can improve weight consistency, stop product giveaway and the wearing process of double screws and housings. www.dhenryandsons.com

We design and manufacture processing and portioning equipment to bakeries and food plants worldwide.
www.unifiller.com 1 888 733 8444

Flexible flowwrapping in one machine
IMA-Ilapak debuted Deltas OF-360X, a flowwrapping platform capable of changing the machine architecture. HMI sets the ideal conditions to run any type of film and for any application, created to offer flexible interaction between machine and film in a single solution. www.ilapak.com
Innovation for better sustainability
LeMatic’s Auto iNet Portal allows bakers to become more sustainable by providing all-in-one reporting for LeMatic systems. Leveraging IIoT, operators, mechanics, supervisors and management will have access to a variety of reports indicating areas of improvement for sustainability, efficiency, predictive maintenance and quality. Auto iNet Portal is available with 24-hour access. www.lematic.com


Imperial Industries has 40 years of experience designing and fabricating industrial bulk storage tanks and silos for many applications. We are an industry leader in dry bulk and liquid storage serving many different markets.
Cereals: Whole and processed grains, sugar, additives, and by-products Bakery: Flour, sugar, spices, salt, oils, additives, and other ingredients Milling: Raw grains, flours, and by-products

Optimize production line’s rate
Mecatherm’s M-Care, developed in partnership with MaMaTa, is a predictive maintenance application designed to prevent breakdowns and optimize a production line’s availability rates. It allows industrial bakeries to detect anomalies, providing operators and maintenance staff guidance for initial maintenance checks. This helps manufacturers better understand their equipment through problem-solving. www.mecatherm.fr/en
Moisture measurement and control
MoistTech uses diamond standard moisture measurement and control standard for near-infrared sensors that can detect a product’s moisture levels as well as thickness and coat weight, oil, and fat/protein content with one unit. This enables use for a wide range of sectors and disciplines. www.moisttech.com

Versatility is Key to your Automation Plan. Versatility is Key to your Automation Plan. One piece of equipment that can be used for One piece of equipment that can be used for many applications, but also helps with labor many applications, but also helps with labor shortages, repetitive stress injuries and shortages, repetitive stress injuries and production demands, it’s no brainer! production demands, it’s no brainer!
The Baker-BotBaker-The Baker-BotBaker Does the dull, dangerous & dirty job Does the dull, dangerous & dirty job Shows up ready to work everyday Shows up ready to work everyday Safe and friendly — no guarding Safe and friendly — no guarding Easy to use and setup Easy to use and setup