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Outdoor Learning ExperienceLearning for Life Programme (LLP-

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Learning Outcomes


How do we prepare our students to be resilient in the face of the great challenges that lay ahead of all of us in an increasingly uncertain future? In what circumstances does one get to display physical and mental strength?

This year, our outdoor student leaders displayed immense physical and mental resilience when they climbed up Snow Mountain in Taiwan. The 3-day-2night trek up the mountain pushed the students to their limits and at the same time, provided opportunities for the students to develop their leadership abilities.

During the overseas trip, the students also went on a learning journey to Tzu Chi Recycling and Education Center to experience how the locals contribute to the environmental conservation effort in Taiwan. The values of Resilience and Gratitude were on full display during the trip and this enriching experience will help the students as they continue their outdoor leadership journey.

For the rest of the students, AI continues to offer them opportunities to taste success following physical and mental challenges on outdoor expeditions closer to home. Adapting from the Place-based Education approach, AI’s new OLE3 programme allowed for increased form teachers’ involvement in achieving the intended learning outcomes. For instance, one of the activities was centred on the organisation of a class picnic on St John’s Island, which provided enhanced teacherstudent relationship opportunities.

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