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Chinese Orchestra

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Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes


To promote the learning and appreciation of Chinese orchestral music among the students through learning, performing and experiencing.


With bated breath, the Chinese Orchestra (CO) members straightened up at the sight of the curtains parting. The conductor, Gladys Law from 4E4, dressed in Chinese-Indian fusion costume, raised and flicked her baton in the air. The strings section deftly plucked, strummed and picked. They were joined by the wind section, whose fingers danced across the bamboo platforms, and the percussions, weaving rhythms with their tapping and tempo. Together, they were one, serenading their audience.

Then, in an unexpected twist, two young ladies, Shakaana and Yuthika from 1E1, lithe and svelte in their rainbow-coloured sarees, twirled onto the stage and into the hearts of the audience, moving to the tune of Munnaeru Vaalibaa.

This year’s annual AI Chinese New Year concert saw a refreshing eclectic fusion of culture and orchestral entertainment.


• Singapore Youth Festival Arts Presentation 2017 - Certificate of Accomplishment


• AI Chinese New Year Concert

• AI Achievement Day Concert

Student Leaders

Executive Committee

• Chairperson: Tay Chi Rou (4E3)

• Vice-Chairpersons: Toh Meijuan (4E1) and Gladys Law (4E4)

• Student Conductor: Gladys Law (4E4)

• Treasurer and Secretary: Siow Wan Zheng (4E4)

• Logistics: Mavis Ong Zhi Xuan (4E2)

• Librarian: Nellie Leong Lexuan (4E3)

Section Leaders

• Wind: Garcia Rachel Zoe Hilario (4E2)

• Bowed Strings: Annette Toh (4E4)

• Plucked Strings: Leow Zhi Xuan (4E2)

• Percussion: Keith Go Jie Qi (3E4)

I’ve always loved the Chinese culture and tradition, hence I was excited to know that AI has a Chinese Orchestra. No doubt, CO was my first CCA choice. I really enjoy being a CO member. On top of learning how to plays songs on the zhongruan, I also made many friends in CO. CO provides opportunities for us to develop our music skills. It is a CCA which helps us to learn and grow.

- Kelly Soh Shi Ya, 1E1

I learnt many skills in AICO which are applicable to my life even after I graduate from AI. Besides picking up the skill to play the yangqin, CO broadens my understanding of music and helps me to see the importance of teamwork and self-discipline. Everyone has a part to play in ensuring that the orchestra sounds harmonious and melodic. Every effort counts. I will remember this point as I take on challenges in the future.

- Allyn Tay Shi Yi, 3E3

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