1 minute read

Message from the Executive Director

That Boys’ Town Polo Tee

Over the years, Boys’ Town has provided our staff with the corporate polo tee. It is a shared organisational identity representing the mission of Boys’ Town and the community.

There is a Boys’ Town logo at the front and on the back of the shirt is the quote from Saint Louis Marie De Montfort, “Those whom the world rejects must move you the most.”

Many of us wear this polo tee during important events, and I am pleased that some of us wear it as we carry out our duties and interact with the community daily.

One day, when I wore this polo tee to a restaurant, a man tapped me on the shoulder and asked about the quote printed on the back of the shirt. During his lunch hour, he was seated behind me with my shirt bearing the inscription in full view. The quote caught his attention and he asked me where I was from.

I used this opportunity to share the Boys’ Town mission and the origins of our organisation, founded by the Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel under the guidance of Saint Louis Marie De Montfort. He shared my concerns for those whom the world may have rejected, and he encouraged me to continue pursuing this mission.

Everything occurs for a reason, and all social missions begin with a need and spark of inspiration. As a Catholic organisation, Boys’ Town aims to provide social services, education, therapeutic care to the community in Singapore. We must be reminded of our founding and how the vision of our founders continue to inspire us.

God Bless, Roland Yeow Executive Director of Boys’ Town

“We are not simply wearing an organisation’s polo t-shirt; we are also wearing a mission statement that reads, “Those whom the word rejects must move you the most.”

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