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Our Impact in 2022
Despite still dealing with post-Covid challenges we are pleased to report a better than anticipated impact for our charitable services. Our befrienders delivered
2,300 calls and home visits in 2022 (by comparison to 2,400 in 2021). After a two year break due to Covid we recorded the average monthly attendance across our group network as well. Last year,
728 people per month enjoyed the benefits of attending groups (by comparison to 1,423 in 2019, although the number of operating groups was higher then). Our advice/signposting line also continued to be used, with the team at Fellowship Office handling
220 calls and enquiries throughout the year.
Running for Friendship
To help support this year’s fundraising activities, our Chief Executive David Tickner has signed up to complete the Virtual London Marathon which involves completing 26.2 miles in 24 hours on the day of the main London
Marathon (Sunday April 23rd). David will be jogging, running, walking and exercise biking the distance for this year’s Virtual London Marathon wearing a pig onesie. All the funds raised will go directly to support the CSRF’s charitable services. You can use the form on Page 7 to make a donation.
Charlie, George & Covid - how a guide dog handled the pandemic - page 12