Sybelio online Booking sytem for accommodation facilities

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•Reach your end customer online. •Make your web site a sales point with no sales costs. •Create offers in times of crisis and spread them on the internet. •24/7 real time reservation service in 14 languages • No commissions no hidden fees.

What is Sybelio ? •

Sybelio is a group of services, programs and utilities for independent hoteliers or hotel chains, the aim of which is to help them with their Internet commercialization strategies. Its most visible component is the booking engine you will be able to install in any of your web pages for any touristic accommodation, whatever its type or category.

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How do we think in SYBELIO? The percentages of reservations on the Net for tourist services are increasing every day in a very rapid way. The Internet is getting us used to easily search and find any range of tourist service in a secure way. Due to this market evolution today is absolutely necessary to: – – –

Have all the adequate tools to be able to give this kind of service. Change our web sites from an electronic brochure to a point of direct sales with no commissions and or high fees. Be visible on the net through the search engines that manage the traffic on the Net. Be proactive and anticipate our customer's online needs.

Sybelio has been created with innovative functionalities as a result of a long experience in the hotel and tourism sector. Together with a team of developers who understands perfectly the philosophy of our industry, Sybelio is today a flexible, powerful and technologically advancing tool ready to serve any hotel or travel company regardless of its size or volume. The technological evolution never stops and Sybelio keeps the pace.

Sybelio, a professional that thinks and acts as you do.

Technical Specifications • • • • •

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Sybelio is a third generation information technology system operated in an ASP manner - which does not need local installation. The only requirements are an Internet navigator with a high speed connection. Sybelio is a user- friendly system both for the hoteliers and their clients. It provides the hotelier with very powerful reservation tools with the following characteristics. Direct communication tools with the client. Sybelio is a natural communicator. From the very first moment the client goes into the web page of a hotel or hotel chain and asks Sybelio to show availability, the system activates its communication sensors. A. Search for closest available date: If, for any reason, the hotel does not have rooms available for the selected dates, Sybelio allows you to search for the closest available date. The client only has to click a link and the system will search for the closest available date within the next thirty days. B. Online Reservation Request: An additional Reservation Request Service has been designed to provide for cases of an availability request made too much in advance or of a request for a number of rooms bigger than the allotted quota. In any of the two situations described before (the client asking for a number of rooms bigger than the allotted quota or asking for a room too much in advance), a form inviting the client to send a reservation request is activated. The client fills in the form and Sybelio sends it to the hotel automatically. From that moment onwards, the hotel can contact the client directly and satisfy or not his request according to its real availability. C. Availability calendar: The clients have the possibility to check, in a calendar, the dates where the hotel has availability. From this calendar, the system allows to select any date to proceed with the reservation. D. Mail thanking the stay at the hotel: 24 hours after the client has left the hotel, Sybelio sends him a personalized e-mail thanking him for his stay at the hotel. The hotel can configure the text or use the default text. This e-mail is sent to the client in the language he himself has chosen when making the reservation. Sybelio continues talking to the client in the language he used to contact the hotel.

Technical Specifications (2) •

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E. Satisfaction Survey: With the mail thanking the stay at the hotel, the clients receive a link in which they will find a simple survey of satisfaction that has been made to the measure of the hotel. Each of these surveys are visible in the administration of Sybelio where the hotel manager can choose publish them in his web site or not. The surveys are also visible in a graphical form in order to simplify the visualization of the results. F. Reservation cancelations: Each confirmation of the reservation has a link to help clients to cancel the reservation. The system will communicate automatically to the hotel and to the client via email the cancelation and restore the quantity of the rooms in allotment for sale. Communication tools to the administrators Sybelio works for you, for it it will keep you always informed about the different incidents, reservations or any information that helps you to take your daily decisions. The tools down below detailed have as aim, warn the hotel manager about the activity of the online reservation system. A. Reservation confirmation: You will receive of immediate form any reservation with all the details in the email addresses that you indicate. In this confirmation there is included the information of the credit card of the clients encrypted, protected by password. B. Reservation cancelation: in the same manner as the hotel receives the confirmation, it will receive the cancelation. C. Notice of allotment lack: Sybelio will advice you each time the room allotment finish, in this way you will be able to add more rooms of immediate form to avoid to lose sales. This notice is generated at the same moment that sells the last available room. D. Report of not availability: Every day Sybelio will send two reports with the requests of the clients who could not have been attended for lack of rooms, closing of sales, prices not loaded or any another problem. In the report you will be able to see the date of the request and the information on number of rooms and dates for the reservation. E. Form with requests of reservation: you will receive immediately the content of the forms that has appeared to the clients not having had allotment, prices loaded or for closing sale. F. Weekly report of reservations: Sybelio apart from the tool to check reservations online that has in his administration, automatically generates a weekly report of reservations received trough the web with a summary of all the reservations realized the previous week to facilitate the control of production of your web for the hotel manager.

Easy to Use • Manage room availability and prices from one screen

Share your rates • Access to your corporate customers or return customers.

Share your offers • Create any possible offers you can imagine and spread them with Sybelio on all the Social Media (facebook, twitter, blogs etc)

Airport Transfer booking • Do you offer transfer service to your customers ? • Let them book it online !! • Make your web site a 24 hour sales department

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Reporting. 100% customizable. Secure transactions. 14 languages. Free upgrades. On site Training included. No commissions. Local support …

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