thus spoke Nietzsche… by Dmitriy Blazhenov translated by Henry Thompson
An insurmountable barrier separates the master race from the race of slaves. The laws of Manu even forbid a Chandala to drink water from the same well as his master: he must make do with a muddy puddle, with scraps from the rich man’s table. Indians completely understood this, while Europeans forgot it. The master is obsessed with the quest for knowledge and power; he transforms and shapes his existence in accordance with his own understanding of it. The slave has just one role: unquestioning obedience. Two races exist on Earth. The first are almost animals, fit to be kept in a zoo. And the others? No, and no again. Of course, they are not the bosses of today – civil servants, industrialists, society buffoons – but true aristocrats of the spirit who know the meaning of the circular movement of time. They are beyond our comprehension, even my comprehension… This is no longer the realm of philosophy, but of prophecy. I don’t want to debate the matter – that would be absurd; I am called to prophesy about the Superman… Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra
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