Examiner issue 40 Vol. 2

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AVC Open Mic Night Page 6


March Track & Field Review Page 11

Antelope Valley College, Lancaster, Calif.

Vol. 40 No. 2

March 2011

ASO’s March in March cancelled By Joshua Sanchez Staff Writer

March in March is a student protest organized by the Student Senate for California Community Colleges (SSCCC) that has occurred annually since 2008. This year, according to The State Hornet, 15,000 to 18,000 students marched on the capital to protest sharp budget cuts and a raise in tuition prices. However, this estimate falls just short of the SSCCC’s expected 20,000 participants. The rally was staged at the California Automobile Museum instead of the usual staging area of Raley Field since it is under con–1– ter,” and he was carrying that 155struction. millimeter round in the back of his They’re not prisoners, Buses filled with stupickup, and he was going to try to they’re “detainees.” dents from different comIt sounds better, as if they’re mere- blow you up, and the reason he was colleges all around ly inconvenienced rather than shoe- picked by the insurgent leaders munity to horned into cinderblock cells, haul the shell is that he’s soft in the California arrived between thumbing their military-issued head, which is why he cannot stop 7 and 9:30 a.m. Korans and waiting to be interrogat- screaming “meesta!” ed. One-third are innocents caught The major who watches NASCAR Students marched on the capitol at 10 a.m. and held up in sweeps; one-third are jihadists races on satellite TV in his air-condiwho will slit your throat, and one- tioned office at the battalion heada rally once they reached third are opportunists who will rat quarters while you and your their destination. out their neighbors. You will hold Marines march entas to and from them for 14 days, no more, while the the latrines in 120-degree heat isn’t Unfortunately, AVC was interrogators to doing it to antagonot represented at the rally, PhototryIllustration by Brandon Mann figure out who is nize you, his suboreven though the school what. Each gets a CF, dinate. Frankly, he’s faces $11 million in budget for Camp Fallouja, just over here for cuts. and a four-digit number. No names the retirement money, and he didn’t will be used, mainly because num- want to be in charge of four region- ASO needed 40 people bers fit more easily onto spread- al detention facilities in Al Anbar to attend and sign up in the sheets. They will be forever known province any more than you wanted student services building. as entas. “Enta” means “you” in to end up as the warden in Fallouja. Arabic, and that’s what you call He wants to keep his head down It was a $5 deposit for a them day after day, meal after meal, and forget about the fact that if one, place on the bus that would port-a-potty call after port-a-potty just one, of your Marines snaps and as solid as we can,” our ASO affected. have been given back to call. “Enta, ishra mai,” you say, and goes Abu Ghraib on a detainee, his President, Enrique Camacho, said. “Ifhisyou listen to what they on students when they showed the enta drinks water, pension is outsay the window. and if you AVC is not the only community theishra news makes up. say, “Enta, maiitkulak, ” he us sound greedy, drinks allbut of his water, every drop, that I hear out – 3 –of college that is handling the workthe first thing But, as previously stated, and holds the bottle upside down to You won’t fire your load reduction this way; Victor [the faculty] mouth about the cuts barely any students signed prove it. weapon in anger. Valley has also cut classes similar are, we’re not goingYou’ll to cut up to attend, leaving the fire more plenty of training to us. classes will mybe stuASO with no option but to rounds. You’ll awakened nightly – 2 –are we? What by outgoing artillery shells being not personal. On the other hand, according to It’sdents do?” Lowry stated. cancel the trip. The enta who screams “meesta!” blasted into the ether a mere 400 John McElwain, VP of CommuAll of the administration re“I would have gone, had every 10 seconds for 48 hours meters from your tin-can hooch, nications at College of the Cancently I known it was happenstraight isn’t doinggot it to what infuriatethey call March you, his captor. What it boils down that their salary yons, they will be offering more 15 letters, stating ing; I need more money for to is thatcould he can’t get pronounce “mis-to 35% “In order classes in the 2011 session then cut up my education,” said Eddie they did in the 2010 session. to save the school that is a measure Hughes, a student attending The fact that we’re not com- they could take. It sort of underAVC. “I never heard about pletely alone may give us a little lines the sense of absolute and utthe March in March.” comfort, but some students live ter despair” Lowry said. Another “Protests are important off of the GI Bill, which pays step would be cutting health benbecause they bring attenthem to go to school, and with no efits. tion to issues that politisummer classes they are left with “Sometimes it might seem like cians often overlook,” said nothing. there is some bitterness between John Vento, a Political “What are the students sup- the faculty and the students, but Science instructor at AVC. posed to do? Sell drugs and rob not right now. We are standing The students we spoke to people?” Student Trustee Mayela hand and hand,” Camacho exagreed. Montamo said. She feels we’re plained. “It always helps if somesetting up students to fail; It has As closely as our fate is conone protests, nothing would been proven that when people nected the, student voice is much ever get done if we didn’t,” have nothing to do they are more more powerful than the faculty’s Said Hughes. likely to get into trouble. “The student’s voice is far more “I just think that some One thing that tends to be the powerful. There is a redirect in people need to be told most easily forgotten is that we the having the students go up and say things; if no one speaks up students are not the only ones that we want school. That’s different about something then nothare being affected. Some teachers then us saying we don’t want our ing will happen,” said stuneed to work over summer; it is pay to be cut,” Lowry said. dent Delilah Romero. their only source of income. Just like the students who are on the See Summer, page 2 GI Bill, they too are going to be

AVC summer classes laid to rest By Sarah Niemann Staff Writer

Nearly all Lancaster and online classes cut

We all know that the budget cuts are serious, but the biggest blow, so far, was recently announced: the summer classes on the Lancaster campus have been cut. “We all knew that the ax was going to fall, it was just a matter of figuring out how was the best way to do it,” Faculty Union President Dr. Susan Lowry said. That ax did fall, right on the Lancaster campus. With the exception of a few classes that can’t be held at the Palmdale site such as biology labs and summer athletics, summer classes at the Lancaster campus have been cut. There are two main reasons behind this: the college will be able to shut down the physical campus, which will allegedly save the school approximately $100,000. This paper after several attempts could not get the amount verified; it seems trivial in relation to the 2010-2011 adopteded budget of nearly $67 million. The other is the state has issued a de facto workload reduction. This means that the State of California has told not just AVC but all of the community colleges that they have to serve fewer students.

“We have no choice in this, it’s not like there is a choice to make between taking a far larger pay cut and serving the same amount of students, the state is telling us we must do this,” Lowry said. Because of the budget cuts, best-case scenario AVC has to cut 1,139 full time equivalent students or FTES. That number is an estimate based on Prop 98 passing; if it doesn’t, then the number jumps to 1,799 FTES. The way administration figures FTES is by adding up how many units all of the students are taking and divides them by 12, which is the number of units you have to take to be considered a full time student. When they do that a school can see how many full time equivalent students are enrolled. “Most departments program summer as auxiliary to the core programs of fall and spring, in case students missed out on a class they needed or want to start college right after high school without wasting a summer,” Lowry said. The idea behind cutting the summer classes is to take a big chunk out of the workload reduction. “We’re trying to focus on keeping the fall and spring semesters

News Local transfer options fall into disarray

March 2011

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By Kevin Michael Kramer Staff Writer Antelope Valley College students seeking to transfer to a local university in the fall have a few options. With gas prices near four dollars per gallon, a commute to an out-of-town university is out of the question for many students. Instead, students may wish to attend one of the local colleges that have bachelor degree programs: University of Antelope Valley, or California State University, Bakersfield. CSUB has a satellite campus built on Antelope Valley College’s property. The CSUB-Antelope Valley campus offers a wide range of Bachelors Degree programs in fields such as business, communications, criminal justice, English, sociology and more. CSUB-AV also offers Master’s Degree programs in education administration and social work, amongst others. The Western Association of Schools and Colleges regionally accredited degree programs from the California State University, Bakersfield. One reason students may wish to attend CSUB-AV is that the school isn’t as impacted as other California State Universities. “Everybody wants to live by the beach,” said Kristal Metzger, a coordinator of advising and tutoring services at CSUB-AV. “But when those schools close their registration for winter and spring, we were still admitting students.” The smaller class sizes of CSUB-AV are also an advantage. “Instructors will know you by name,” Metzger added. Many of CSUB-AV classes are taught live; either face-to-face or through a closed circuit television system broadcast from the main campus in Bakersfield. There are also some

Associate Degree programs. UAV uses a mix of faceto-face and online classes for some programs. Some general education classes in math, science and English are available for both associate and bachelor degrees. Transferring students should not be concerned that UAV does not have a regional accreditation, according the UAV’s chief academic officer, Jamie Courtney Unander Morley, Ph.D. Morley / Examiner stated that those who feel that a national accreditation is not as good as a regional accreditation are misinformed. “Both accrediting agencies are recognized by the (U.S.) Department of Education,” Morley said. “Students shouldn’t be penalized for choosing to take classes at a nationally accredited institution when the classes have been determined to be of the same quality.” Despite their national accreditation, Kevin Kramer / Examiner units from UAV may not be transferable to a regionally accredited school. There classes taught online. is some confusion regarding the process Another option for students is to attend of transferring units. the University of Antelope Valley. Formerly According to one unnamed source, only known as Antelope Valley Medical College, a process in which the syllabus of the class UAV received a national accreditation from the from the nationally accredited school is Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges examined by instructors and staff of the and Schools in 2009. school potentially accepting the units can The ACICS accredits technical, professional transfer the units. and occupational programs across the country, The decision of whether to accept the such as the ITT Technical Institute. ACICS is units or not is solely that of the school the recognized by the U.S. Department of Educa- student is attempting to transfer to. tion. Still another unnamed source told the UAV offers Bachelor Degree programs in Examiner that no units from UAV would business management, nursing and criminal be transferrable to any regionally accredjustice. UAV also offers Master Degree Pro- ited school because UAV is only grams in business management and criminal justice, as well as a variety of certificate and See Transfer, page 3

AV resident introduces innovative spin-off of traditional art galleries

By Natasha Castro Staff Writer

Local resident Eric Martin, along with four other writers and artists, began in mid-February, a gallery of text and art focused on the nature of consciousness. Particularly notable is the gallery’s innovative and strictly online collection of fiction, fine art and video. Failure of Theory is a collection of works revolved around unanswered questions such as: “What exactly is the nature of consciousness? Where does it happen? How flexible is it?” The idea for the show came from Martin’s experiences with a program called Xtranormal, as he explained it was interesting to him to consider the irony of a non-human giving a live performance on uniquely human issues. Martin then approached fellow artists and writers

Michael Jones, Adrienne Pike Adelphia, Jeremy Johnson and Diego Johnson to contribute their respective works on the topic. Thus, Failure of Theory was born. “The idea of consciousness is so basic to our sense of self, but yet it’s so abstract. It’s the irony of [this idea] that anchors the project,” said Martin. The project, according to the website, should be seen as a conversation. “Consciousness is usually presented in a philosophical way, [but] this is more accessible,” Martin explained, adding that the project was as much fun as it was a form of expression. He said the virtual format was chosen for its ease, as all the tools are available for free, and the animation for very cheap. Because the project is fairly new, it has received minimal feedback. However, Martin said

that many people liked the art and fiction, but many were “surprised and even a bit put off by the robot voices [of the animations].” As far as the artists’ next step, Martin said that there are no official plans of any additions or projects to follow. On a final note, Martin commented on the ambiguous and experimental nature of the project. Because of the theme, there were no real boundaries or set plans. “We put it together to see what we could do,” said Martin. Failure of Theory, found at failureoftheory. wordpress.com, is a gallery that addresses familiar concepts met with a new spin of text, art and video seen as an entire interplay. The new idea is one that may grow in popularity, as the need for adaptation and growth is ever-present in all fields of art.

Know Your Accrediting Organization! The Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools is the largest national accrediting organization in the country. ACICS accredits vocational programs and is recognized by both the U.S. Department of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation. They accredit schools such as the Art Institute of California, ITT Technical Institute, Everest College and the University of Antelope Valley. www.acics.org The Western Association of Schools and Colleges is one of six regional accrediting associations. WASC is divided into three commissions: the Accrediting Commission for Schools, The Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges and the Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities. Junior and senior colleges such as Antelope Valley College and California State Universities are accredited by WASC. www.wascweb.org


March 2011

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Future fees dependent The face of the budget AVC Examiner explores personal on student vote outcome effects of the budget crisis on a By Kevin Michael Kramer Staff Writer

Antelope Valley College students will get to have their say on two important issues that will be included in this May’s Associated Student Organization election. On the ballot for students to either approve or deny will be two new fees attached to students registration: a student activity fee and a student health services fee. According to current ASO President Enrique Camacho, the student activities fee would replace the current ASO sticker. Currently, when students purchase the ASO sticker, it can be used for discounts at Sub Machine, Butler’s Coffee, Roundtable Pizza and others. The new fee would still have discounts attached, but would also pay for more student activities on campus. “We are also looking into possibilities for a scholarship,” Camacho said. Just as students have the option of not buying an ASO sticker, they can also opt out of the student activity fee. The fee is charged to the student’s account and if the student wishes to

waive the fee, some paperwork must be filed before the student is refunded. The amount the fee will increase over the ASO sticker has not been decided yet. There will be a survey appearing online to determine how much students should pay if the student activity fee is approved by voters. “We don’t have a set price yet,” Camacho said. “We have a survey that will go up pretty soon in which we’ll ask the whole student body for their opinion.” Unlike the student activities fee, the student health services fee cannot be waived. As mandated by the student handbook for community colleges, the student health services fee is set ad $17. However, also unlike the student actives fee, Board of Governor’s fee waiver would pay for the student health services fee. The student health services fee would provide a place for actual care of students. Currently, the only medical facility available to students is the Care-A-Van, a mobile health facility that appears at AVC every Thursday. According to Camacho, when the nursing program

moves into the new health and science building, it will leave the old nursing building empty. The facility would then be used for student health services, with money from the fee buying little material for the facility, but paying the personnel. “AVC could end up getting it’s own doctor and health care during the school days,” Camacho said, adding that the health services would be “around the clock.” Students can vote to approve the two fees on May 4 and 5, 2011. Voting is only available to students who are currently registered in at least one class. Students can access the ballot con May 4 or 5 by logging on to their MyAvc account. Both students and staff are invited to come to the ASO meetings held every Monday at 4 p.m. in the student lounge for more information on the coming vote and other projects. Camacho wishes to leave his mark on AVC by seeing these fees approved by the students. “I’m not going to be here that long,” Camacho said. “My main goal is to make sure that when I leave the students have something to look forward to.”

Kevin Kramer / Examiner

Cadets sport their new uniforms. From left to right: Tierra Fava, Hector Aquino, Bridget Felipe

Summer Continued from 1 And yet according to Lowry only 11 students signed up to go to Sacramento for March in March. Because of the lack of student interest AVC

Transfer Continued from 2 nationally accredited. Regardless of where an AVC student wishes to transfer, there are a few things students can do to ensure a smooth transfer process. Dr. Lee Grishman, a

did not attend March in March, “Would you rather miss one day of class or not have that class?” asked ASO Vice President of Academic Affairs, Sara Rothenberg. Technically, going to March on March wouldn’t have even counted as an absence because board policy is that if you’re enTransfer Education Coordinator and Articulation Officer at AVC, suggests that students contact the transfer center early in their collegiate career so that a course of study can be planned to match the requirements of colleges the student may want to attend. “The obligation of a student when they first come here is to find out what kind

gaged in ASO business you’re absence is excused. “As much as any of us has power at all, we have each others backs and that’s really important,” Lowry said. That statement couldn’t have been truer, we’re all affected. The only thing we can do is try to make sure our voices are heard. of career they need or wish to have,” Grishman said. “We can translate their career objectives into meaningful curriculum.” Metzger has another tip for transferring students from AVC. “If you get enrolled in the Dual Admissions Program through (AVC’s) transfer center, you have guaranteed admission to the university.

By Natasha Castro Staff Writer

student, faculty member and administrator

Ali Syed

Dr. Ronald C. Chapman

AVC student Ali Syed, in his second year on campus, said he was set to graduate and move on to UC Westside. However, he was forced to delay his transfer because of class reductions. “I was happy because it was my last year at AVC, but then they cut all the math classes and now I cannot [transfer],” he said. “I was put in a CPR class instead of math, and now I just have to wait.” The budget crisis has required reduced course offerings and cuts. Syed did manage to get a geometry class earlier this semester, however, he said he checked Blackboard and the class had been cancelled due to complications with the instructor. “I’m scared,” said Syed about his feelings toward the budget. If the cuts continue, Syed said he can not afford to wait any longer. “Why, then, should I come back next semester?”

Dr. Ronald C. Chapman is a sociology instructor at AVC, and is in his third year of teaching. As a tenure-track, fulltime faculty member, Chapman said the budget threatens to affect his future at AVC. “Administration has been trying to be really assuring that’s never going to happen, but in a worst case [scenario], how are they are to keep to their assurances?” he said. In Wisconsin, Chapman said, universities are working on ways of taking tenure away from faculty. This thought, along with the possibility of layoffs, worry him.

“Tenure is kind of my goal, as it is anyone’s. But I’m low man on the totem pole, so if they lay people off, I would be the first to go.”

VP of Student Services Rosa Hall

Rosa Hall, Vice President of Student Services, has similarly felt the effects of the budget crisis. “If you think that any of our vice presidents are immune to that kind of thing, they’re not; we’re all feeling very, very unsure... We don’t think the boats going to sink, but on the other hand, we know that it requires everybody working as a team. But it’s stressful. It’s really stressful,” she said.

Hall has been at AVC for 19 years, and has held position as a VP for six. She said she has seen two economic downturns in her time at AVC, and feels that despite cuts, the College has come back a stronger institution. Hall said her primary concern is for future students, including her grandchildren. “I have four grandchildren and I don’t know that they will have the same opportunities that our current students have, and that troubles me.”

Hands Across America seeking participants By Ben Fassett Staff Writer

Community colleges, and more importantly students, will be getting a helping hand this summer. It’s called “Hands Across California,” and it’ll be coming to our campus, and nearly all of 112 California Community Colleges, on April 17. The idea is to make a chain of people over 1,500 miles, from San Diego to Sacramento, to raise awareness for the plight of community colleges with a prospected 1.5 million participants. Participation is free, though donations are welcome and indeed asked for with this grandiose spectacle. The Foundation for California Community Colleges is shooting for a mark of $50 million, all proceeds of which will benefit the California Community Colleges Scholarship Endowment. The Bernard Osher Foundation has also vowed to match whatever is earned by 50 percent. The latter foundation has been a particularly pivotal player in funds raised for community colleges in California

since 2008, when it was announced that they had made a commitment of $50 million. It was needed then, but it is needed more now. Indeed, the timing couldn’t be better with legislation looming for a possible $215 million gash in education funding, and with some 20,000 protestors taking to the streets in Sacramento. The Foundation for California Community Colleges has also teamed up with Ken Kragen for this project, who was the mastermind behind the original “Hands Across America,” as well as NetAid. “Hands Across America” was an effort that started 25 years ago to combat hunger and homelessness by making a chain of people that spanned the continental US. Also participating throughout California are people such as George Lopez, Mark Harmon, Quincy Jones, State Assembly Member Roger Hernandez, and Los Angeles mayor Antonio Villaraigosa. To apply to participate, create your own fundraising page, or donate to the Endowment, you can visit the website at handsacrosscalifornia.org


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March 2011

‘Beauty and the Beast’ is an electrifying foray By Courtney Unander Staff Writer Sparks flew across the stage of Pantages Theatre in Los Angeles, Calif. as the story of Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast” was told once again. With extravagant costumes and sets, a superb cast, and talented orchestra, this re-telling brings the true magic of the story to life. To those unfamiliar with the plot, the show opens on the selfish and conceited prince, who, after turning away an enchantress disguised as a poor beggar woman, has his looks transformed and is henceforth known as the Beast. All the servants of the castle are affected by the spell, taking on the forms of inanimate objects who, unless the Beast finds someone to love who loves him in return, will be permanently and completely transformed into unmoving, unfeeling objects. After years of solitude, all hope seems to be draining. The scene switches to a nearby village where its inhabitants live their “poor, provincial” lives. However, Belle, the town’s most beautiful and most quirky young lady dreams of more. So does her father Maurice, the town inventor. Belle has no idea that her life is just beginning. When her father leaves to travel to an inventing fair, he loses his way and finds himself at the Beast’s castle where the Beast holds him captive for trespassing. Upon the discovery of her father’s disappearance, Belle takes off to recover her father, and instead discovers the Beast. Once Belle finds her father, cold and dying in Beast’s dungeon, she takes his place, promising to be the Beast’s prisoner forever. But for the Beast and his servants, Belle’s arrival is a ray of hope, if she could only be the one. The story continues as expected. After Belle and the Beast spend time together, they both find themselves unexpectedly falling in love with each other until the Beast is

absolutely enamored. Belle, however, will take more convincing. Meanwhile, her father’s return to the village stirred up quite a commotion among the locals, especially Gaston, the town charmer, who has his mind set on marrying Belle at all costs. Gaston, conniving and determined to have his way, pays his way to get Belle’s father put into the insane asylum, unless she agrees to his terms. Maurice, once again set out through the forest, only to get lost… again. But this time, through the use of the Beast’s magical mirror which shows you whatever you want, Belle sees her father sick, cold and possibly dying. The Beast, moved by his love for Belle sets her free to go to her father and tend to his health. Belle finds her father and the two of them return to their small town, rejoicing together in their safety while Belle has discovered that her life is filled with new meaning… and home is not where she thought it was. Especially now that Gaston and the townspeople are out to ruin Belle and Maurice’s Jen Unander / Special to the Examiner happy reunion with wicked manipulation. But Belle will not have The Pantages Theatre in downtown Los Angeles set the stage for “Beauty and the Beast.” it. She proves her father’s sanity through use of the mirror, showing Gaston and the townspeople The Beast is transformed back into plenty of jokes and innuendos that gant and ignorant as ever, is goofier the Beast, but sets a fire in Gaston a handsome prince, all his servants keep kids blissfully oblivious and and even more air-headed, giving when he realizes that she’s fallen are restored to their human form, leave adults aching with laughter. his character a likeable charm. for the Beast. and he and Belle live happily ever While the humorous aspect All the characters, though the With newfound hatred, Gaston after. of this Broadway musical adds a same from Disney’s animation, and the townspeople set out to True to Disney magic, NET- depth not present in the animation, were fresh and new with their the Beast’s castle with one thing works Presentation’s “Beauty and the character’s development is also performances on the stage. Liz in mind: “Kill the Beast!” At first the Beast” tour couldn’t be more new on the stage. Shivener makes Belle shine like it appears Gaston might succeed. colorful if it was at Disneyland. Belle (Liz Shivener), acclaimed never before as her vocal talent is Since Belle’s departure, the Beast From the very beginning, the eyes as the town’s odd and quirky, yet beautifully displayed while she has lost all hope, but when Belle are satisfied with all the vibrant most beautiful girl doesn’t quite sings the classics as well as others returns as the fight ensues, he gath- sights expected from any Disney live up to oddness attributed to her special to the Broadway version, ers his strength and determination. animation and the ears are tickled in Disney’s animation. However, on such as “Home” and “A Change In The Beast defeats Gaston, but not with the original, yet beautifully stage Belle’s oddness is much more Me”. Justin Glaser’s strong vocals before Gaston managed to plunge conducted orchestrations from the obvious. But she is not the only equally match the masculinity and his knife into the Beast. It is then animated classic. character who gains some depth. fierceness any Beast should be exBelle realizes that she can’t live But this is not your average The Beast (Justin Glaser), just as pected to have. without the Beast; she truly does Beauty and Beast. Still filled with calloused and rude as his animated If you have a long-lasting love love him. as much Disney magic as the origi- counterpart, is humorously and for “Beauty and the Beast” or this This revelation of Belle’s is nal animation, the stage version endearingly naïve, as you would is a first time viewing of the Disney enough to break the spell and the brings more to the stage for audi- expect from anyone who has been classic, you won’t be disappointed moment the Beast breathes his fi- ences of all ages. Unlike the ani- hidden away in a tower. Gaston by this enchanting stage perfornal breath, the magic is broken. mation, this stage version features (Nathaniel Hackmann), still arro- mance.

‘Rango’ wrangles laughs at the box office By Josh Sanchez Staff Writer

Courtesy photo / Paramount Pictures

Rango’s beady eyes stare from theaters everywhere.

I’ll be honest. The only reason I was remotely interested in this flick is because of one man, and one man alone: Johnny Depp. If someone throws that name around, it always catches my attention. Why? In my mind the man is an acting icon. People will remember his movies and performances long after he is gone. “Rango” is no exception. First off, if you love Johnny Depp then you should stop reading this and go see this movie. The style and feel of the film feels like it was written around him, though without relying too heavily on his talent. If you’re still on the fence about whether or not to buy a ticket, then pay close attention to this phrase: rodents flying on the backs of bats armed with old Gatling guns and dyna-

mite. If that sounds like fun to you then go see the movie. Admittedly, it sounds more like an Iron Maiden album art to me. That is not to say that this is an action movie, however. You know, I’m not really sure just what this movie is. It combines so many different themes and so many different stylizations (and quite a few clichés) that it sort of loops around itself to become something wholly original again. It’s one part action, one part western, one part romance, and indeed one part kids film all stirred up in a great pot; the spoon being excellent storyline, the pot itself a well written screenplay, the fire being the actors’ performances. This is where I start to get into spoiler territory, so if you want to see the movie then I suggest that you ignore the rest until after you have seen it. We start our story off oddly, with Rango (John-

ny Depp) our chameleon protagonist performing Shakespeare with half a Barbie doll, a dead insect and a toy fish. I have to admit that I was really confused for a moment. I thought it was a short done by Nickelodeon, just because it’s so abstract and weird. The camera angles are wide, looming shots that just seem out of place and create a sense of sterile awkwardness. It soon becomes apparent why, when we see that Rango is essentially a pet of some couple driving a car. The laws of physics are then casually thrown aside as the driver swerves to miss an object, throwing the tank containing Rango out of the car. That object, of course, was an armadillo, and the car did not miss him. I had to remind myself that it’s a cartoon, but it’s still funny to see an old Armadillo with a perfect tire sized dent in the middle of him.

Most of the first thirty minutes of this movie is unique, to say the least. It’s a very dreamlike feel, simply in the strangeness of it all. You expect Rango to wake up or snap out of a really bad hallucination, but it just doesn’t happen. It helps that at one point he really does dream; the dream being far more insane than actual events, it helps to ground the movie out, and also helps to set up the character as being a little worthless and unable to adapt to his new surroundings. This also makes it that much more of a turnaround when he gets into the town aptly named ‘Dirt’. We see the chameleon use his thespian abilities to really spin a little web of lies about himself, and he even comes up with a story about how he killed seven men (or whatever they were, it’s never really explained) with a sin-

See Rango, page 5


March 2011

Page 5

Rango Continued from 4 gle bullet. However he gets into a tangle with the local town thugs and gets challenged to a duel, it doesn’t go through however mostly because a red tailed hawk from earl ier swoops in and tries to make lunch out of Rango, again. A really entertaining chase ensues, and Rango, with one bullet, ends up putting the bird in the ground, quite literally. From here on, there is really a drastic change in the mood of the film mostly because this is where the central plot to the movie is picked up. Photo Illustration by Russell Spencer / Examiner

The town is in real trouble. There’s no water for any of the citizens to grow food, and the main source of water only comes once every week. What follows is a thrilling action ride with speckled bits of genuine comedy that, even as I reflect on it, still makes me laugh. There’s also a very cute heartwarming romance that’s brewed between Rango and another character named Beans (Isla Fisher); it’s really one of the best played romance sub plots I’ve seen in a while, and that’s both good and very, very sad. The third act opens up and a new villain shows up, Rattle Snake Jake (Bill Nighy), now I promise you, you are not

ready for this guy. It’s like a slap in the face how intense he is, yet somehow he’s subtle in the way he systematically breaks down Rango’s little web of stories and runs him out of town. I won’t spoil the ending for anyone; I’ll just say that it’s totally satisfactory and one of my favorite little twists in an animated movie. Does “Rango” have its flaws? Yes. Do they hold the story or the character development back like some other movies? No. This has to be the most creative film I’ve seen this year solely on the premise of its writing and its strange visuals and humor. I can’t give a high enough recommendation; go watch this movie.

You never know just who may be watching you, particularly on the Internet.

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By Russell Spencer Staff Writer I talk a lot about security and protecting yourself on the Internet, which most people may see as excessive. I understand that it might seem that way but I was wandering the vast netherscape of the internet and to my surprise/disgust I found another service that helps people look at you and what you’re doing around the web. It’s bad enough that social networks create a privacy risk, but what’s worse is that now more than ever people are seeking to exploit that risk. Some people seek to make the exploitation easier by gathering all the information they can from these networks and wrapping it complete with a bow just to send it off to some unknown person who’s intent might be to steal your identity or at the very least check in on you (i.e. government agencies, employers, classmates, etc.).

The service I’m talking about specifically is peekyou.com Now don’t get me wrong, this service does serve a legitimate purpose in helping people find old friends or what have you but the risk involved is not worth the headache. As much as I hate to admit it, there are those in the nerdish community that use things like this to stalk people, steal their information, and do generally malicious things. Not all hackers are evil and seek to do these things, but there are those employed by nefarious data mining companies that will. It’s bad enough that people can’t get anywhere on the Internet without signing up for some kind of service that requires a lot of personal information, which often times gets sold to research/data mining companies but now we have the issue of people collecting all of our contact/social information. Do this at least once in your life, if you happen

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to get bored or if you’re just generally concerned about your privacy: Go to Google. Type in your name (First, middle initial, Last) Hit search and see what comes up. If by some off chance you don’t see your information anywhere, add your date of birth or the city you live in to the search. I can almost guarantee that your Facebook, Myspace, Linked In, and Twitter profiles will be among the results unless you’ve taken my advice to give out false information for things of that nature. Which by the way is the safest option unless you’re doing some kind of banking. In that case you need to make sure your information is accurate because not only is it important, generally all banks take security very seriously, meaning you’ll most likely be okay. So what’s the ‘too long; didn’t read’ of all this? Go get yourself taken off of these sites because the proverbial ‘they’ are watching.

We’ll never put your business degree dreams on hold. Budget crunches may have other schools cutting courses, but Brandman is expanding. We’re adding business classes to meet the increasing demand.

An anonymous look at footwear about how “sleeping over at a friends” doesn’t mean staying up late, catching up on gossip and watching crap TV. Rather, it means going out, getting wasted and spending the night in my car, parked in a neighborhood I vaguely recognize in the morning. Upon arrival home, with only seconds before curfew, they’d explain to my parents, the “I’m tired and going to bed routine” really means I’m too ashamed to face

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Walking and talking shoes If these shoes could talk, they’d sell my secrets to friends and family—because that’s the sneaky sneaker way I’ve taught them to be. I wouldn’t doubt that soon after they would go straight to the cops. They’d tell the authorities of my late-night booze runs, my inclination to trespassing and even perhaps the real story of how their original laces were unspeakably charred. They’d tell my parents

antelope valley Campus

you, and possibly too high to stand up straight. They’d tell my parents the secrets of all teenage lifestyles—things parents usually forget by the time they reach thirty. On a lighter note, they’d recollect about summer days at Disneyland, Universal Studios and Knott’s Berry Farm. They may even get a bit nostalgic and tell tales of my

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Page 6

March 2011

On Antelope Valley College’s Open Mic Night Flanked on both sides by fliers, the eyes see nothing but colors: memorandums begging to buy the second hand books (Math 130, Geology 101) they purvey, mandates that demand that all posters must be brought to the Student Development and College Activities Office.; cards advertising tattoo parlors; photos of drum kits (good condition) for sale. The smells are those of highly concentrated floor cleaners and recycled plastic bottles. The sounds are a dozen cacophonous voices beating off the acoustics of the hall. A small voice murmurs: “Testing, one two, one two.” Walking into the Student Lounge is coming in from the cold in more ways than one. It’s an Open Mic Night. The day is Monday. The smells have become warm coffee and clarified butter, milk and sugar. They’re testing to see if the guitar they’re playing can be heard in the back. “Can you hear that? Yeah? Okay.” The turn out is scant, though it will pick up later. When it seems as though everyone is settled, it begins. This is Louis, and he is going to sing a song for you. He takes a moment to adjust the capo on his guitar, and then plays as comfortably as though he were alone in the room; as though he wouldn’t trade it for “all the tea in Chi-

na” he sings about. He’s rocking a low tenor voice, and it wobbles at first. He can’t quite hit the lower notes he’s reaching for. That doesn’t last long. It doesn’t matter, either. The ghost of Warren Zevon is hovering over his standard G chords, and it’s all right. He can do no wrong here, even when he does. Once his first stutters are accounted for, his voice gains momentum, and he’s stealing the show until he lingers that last little chord over your ears and brings his performance (a total of four songs) to a close. There’s a lady with pink, green, and blonde hair. It is hard to look away from the back of her head. The faculty get their shot, too. Tina McDermott is going to sing for you, now, and what she sings come out as slow, slippery blues; slick, crueltongued, sarcastic blues. “Love me like a man,” she tells you. You believe her when she tells you to believe her. You know you can, when she says you can. She sings from the chest, belts it out in pentatonic scale. What strikes you the most, though, is that this woman, this short little woman with glasses your grandmother would approve of, turns into a mighty song mistress, some warbling bard that can tell you about the cracks in her the skin of her hand; the calluses in her fingers. Then, just to ease into an end, she sings “I’m Your Puppet” in a complete 180 degree

Courtney Unander / Examiner

Students and faculty members gathered in the Student Lounge to perform a diverse variety of songs. turn that leaves you wondering what happened. She’s reading off of a music stand that appears to be haphazardly constructed out of cardboard and PVC piping. It’s a beautiful thing. Scott Memmer is next, and he looks like what would happen to John Darnielle if he aged a few years and decided to teach English. It’s a little unnerving to see, because he moves like him too. He crouches over his guitar as though

listening for instruction, though sometimes it’s also to see the lyrics he has laid out on a chair. He plays a John Prime song for you. It sounds like a John Prime song, though you may be too young to know what that may be like. He has trouble remembering words sometimes, but it still doesn’t matter. He can still do no wrong here. It’s a funny song, “Here’s the story of a man and his family,” he tells you, and tells you about how their car ends


up in a bottomless lake. The moral of the story? “Bring clean underwear,” he croons. Don’t think too hard about that. Yet when he is done making you laugh, he will also take a moment to tell you intimate things that lead him to his next song by Lucinda Williams. Vejea Jennings is next, and he is also the man who is going to steal the show. He has some poems he would like to share, and he shares them like a

caged lion, pacing around the audience with a cold, honest look splattered all over his face. “I clutch earth in my palms,” he tells you, and his face, his motion and treble beats the fact into your frontal lobe. He tells tales of love and loss, about the cruel facts that most don’t care to put into words and Details. Everything is in the details, and they make stories that you can’t ignore. But he’s also going

See MIC, page 7

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March 2011

Page 7

Cooling off in the summer requires some finesse student has a very unusual way of cooling down. The results can be surprising, to say the least. “I like to [expletive deleted] and get all sweaty,” said Raquel Foster. “Then I stand in front of a fan.” Recently, the AVC Examiner asked students where they like to go to cool down. We received many different suggestions about where to go and we compiled a list of the top four places. Here are the top four places to go to cool down as voted by AVC students: 1) Backyard swimming pools. More students chose to go swimming in either their own or their friends’ pools to stay cool than any other activity. The advantages of backyard swimming pools are that there are no tickets to buy, and you can swim whenever you want. “I like to take a dip in a pool and then sit in the shade,” AVC student Elias Lopez told the Examiner. Jason Hemsath / Examiner 2) Littlerock Dam Soon enough, students will plunge head-first into the closest body of water. The Littlerock Dam and Recreation Area offers plenty of water-based By Kevin Michael Kramer lege students who are very turns into the heat of sum- activities. Swimmers will Staff Writer thankful that the ground- mer. Summer will bring find the reservoir ideal for hog saw its shadow on triple digit heat and hot taking a dip in. The more The weather is start- Feb. 2. dry wind. adventurous will find ing to turn warm. This But what starts as pleasAVC students are con- some overhanging rocks is a welcome change for ant will become unbear- stantly thinking of unique to jump off, or tie ropes the Antelope Valley Col- able, as the calm of spring ways to beat the heat. One around tree branches to

Shoes Continued from 5 countless treks to the aqueduct’s abandoned hillsides, and amigos long since forgotten. They’d tell my high school boyfriend that it was him, and not me—why else would I have rode my bike 2 miles to hang out with his best friend and never so much as walk down the street to see him? They’d tell stories about the unmentionable things they’ve encountered, and damn those little stickers that get caught in their laces. They’d thank all my friends for their contributions to their basic design, as they didn’t even know shoes could, much less should have breasts. Without a doubt they’d mention how incredibly mundane it was to wander the Quartz Hill High School campus, the asphalt scorching their rubber soles. Hell, they may even mention the time I took them to Korea Town in Los Angeles at 12 a.m., just to see the lights. But mostly I think they’d say that we’ve come a long way. We’ve gone 4 1/2 years and walked, ran and skipped right through high school and into college. These shoes have been around to hear some of my life’s biggest and darkest secrets. They’ve likely heard the shrieks and squeals of my few “girl’s nights”, drinking

MIC Continued from 6 to tell you the story of his childhood crush, who may or may not still have cooties.

and spilling other people’s secrets. Similarly torturous must have been the esoteric jabber of stoned “philosophers”, faceless and unoriginal. They’ve been covered in soda, beer, gum and even urine. They’ve been left out to dry after uncalled for swimming and impromptu trips to the beach. They doubtless resented the nights of walking through desolate deserts and discovering what was later found out to be the “bunny bathroom”. They may have felt the pain of kicking several shins or being thrown across the room, and blushed from embarrassment when used to separate overzealous couples in public movie theaters. They’ve frequented Sagebrush Café, nearly every Del Taco location in the Antelope Valley and seemingly unexplored areas of Antelope Acres and beyond. I wore these shoes on some of the best days of my life. And if it weren’t for my adolescent rebellion, they may have never been anywhere but home and my best friend’s garage. Needless to say, I was wearing these shoes when I decided to document their travels, and I am wearing them now, in hopes that their comfort will inspire new adventures. I suppose, the best way I can think to describe my history with these shoes would be to say that, when I find myself in times of trouble, these shoes carry me, far away, to places unseen. They carry me.

Rachel Jennings recites two poems by Shakespeare, with the added emotional blackmail of utilizing her far-too adorable children to make you pay attention. It’s sneaky, vicious and cruel, but effective nonetheless. She has the fine diction and

verbal elasticity required to make Old Bill sound conversational and fluid. She has the tongue that can correctly administer those “forty winters” to your ears. She has trouble with the last poem, but – well, you’ve surely figured this

create their very own rope swing. Unfortunately, you have to divy out for the Dam now.

“I like to [expletive deleted] and get all sweaty. Then I stand in front of a fan.”

Raquel Foster Student

Boating is allowed, but all watercraft must not travel faster than 5 miles per hour, according to littlerockdam.org. 3) Big Rock Creek Many students are also opting to make the short drive to Big Rock Creek in Wrightwood. There are camping grounds for public use, but most people opt for a day trip to soak in the cold water. The creek is fed by melted snow from the mountains, so the water level of the creek can rise and fall dramatically. There are a few spots in the creek deep enough to

jump into from overhanging rocks, but these spots fill up quickly on a hot day. Big Rock Creek can get crowded on the weekends, so get there early! 4) Ice cream/frozen yogurt shops Want to stay cool but don’t want to get wet? Just head to any ice cream or frozen yogurt shop. There are many of these shops around the Antelope Valley to visit. Cold Stone Creamery has locations in Lancaster, Palmdale, and Quartz Hill. Make sure to put some money in the tip jar to hear the staff sing a jingle! The closest frozen yogurt shop to AVC is Tutti Frutti, but there is also a Berrystar further east on Avenue K, and also one in Palmdale. Students can grab an Orange Dream Machine and sit in the shaded patio outside of Jamba Juice in Lancaster. There is also a Jamba Juice in Palmdale. According to our survey, many students will take the more conventional route when it comes to staying cool. That doesn’t mean that AVC students aren’t always thinking of creative ways to keep cool. “It’s pretty simple really,” said Alyx Shepherd. “Get a plastic bag, fill it up with ice, and put it any and everywhere.”

Special to the Examiner / Anonymous

What do these shoes say to you? out by now. Sarah Rothenberg is the last, and she has a violin. It’s not often, these days, that you get to hear a violin. They seem to be tucked away in the corners of people’s houses, waiting for a chance to wail that never comes.

Fortunately, this one is a little more forthcoming. She plays, and she plays well. You’re taken back to a different place, some where of your own devising. It’s beautiful. Then she plays the theme to Star Wars. With more Open Mic

Nights planned in the fall, it’s just a taste of what is to come. Leaving is bittersweet, when the rain comes beating on your head and shoulders into a night that has been anything but dull. Now walk back out into the cold.


Page 8

Dear Editor, I have to say, this is the first time that I read the AVC Examiner and I wasn’t disappointed, but I wasn’t loving it with a fiery passion either. My favorite article definitely has to be the piece entitled “Fading to black and going green at the same time.” It was something surprising and definitely stood out from every other story in the paper, a story about people caring about the environment and mother earth from the grave, amazing. I won’t lie, I uttered the phrase,” I would like to be buried that way,” after I read it. My least favorite piece was Dear Editor, “’The Aluminum Show’ to come to LPAC” is a very interesting excerpt from The Examiner. It is great to know that the AV is bringing some exciting activities to their people. The fact that it is “Blue Man Group times 10” makes me very excited!

the opinion piece entitled “The age of hunk Presidents: Barack Obama.” I couldn’t even read it properly; there was so much grammatical fluff going on that I never once saw where exactly the piece was going. I suggest that the writer spend more time trying to get his/her point across instead of seeing how pretty they can make their sentences with unnecessary words and pieces of well… fluff. Sincerely, Maria Cortes

It is nice to hear that the AV is becoming more intellectual. Now people won’t be able to say that the AV is boring because they redid Lancaster Boulevard and are bringing fun events here. I am glad that there was a column about this on the front page because it really is great to know. It was great advertising for the show as well!

Sincerely, Hillary Shlutz

Music program faces big cuts By Courtney Unander Staff Writer

other major. And then the clouds opened. Starting this coming fall semester, the applied program will be reinstated, but it’s not the same as we once remember it. Ensembles have continued their existence in a music student’s schedule, but with the return of the applied music program, music

that they might have), but an AVC professor is also divided by all the classes they are busy preparing for and teaching every day. Although I’d like to think this was brought into consideration when talking about bringing back the program, I have to believe this wasn’t the main reason. Paying a professor to teach one student would

Music departments in colleges nearly everywhere have been at the blunt end of budget cuts and cut classes. The Arts, as a whole, are treated like the neglected step child who receives table scraps from its more favored step siblings when funding is concerned. So, naturally, when a program that is fundamental in aiding students who wish to further their education by obtaining a degree is reinstated, celebration ensues. But is the celebration premature? After the Fall 2008 semester, the Applied Music Program was cut from AVC registrations. Courtney Unander / Examiner This program, comprised State budget cuts cause deficits in Music Department. of three parts, would give students a direct pathway to obtaining an associate’s degree in arts, focusing on students will once again cost the school just as much their instrument of choice. have a music degree availas if they were paying that The process, which takes able to them… at a price. same professor to teach four semesters to complete, The applied performance thirty students. includes joining an AVC class will be available for As always, and without musical ensemble, particiregistration once more, fail, this again comes down pating in an applied perbut unlike before, private to money and, yet again, formance class, and taking lessons will not be offered students seem content to private lessons. through the college; sturoll over and accept the After the completion of dents will be responsible circumstances without a these courses, students are for finding their own prifight. then subject to examination vate instructor (who will be Where are the students by a panel of judges which previously approved) and who care about their eduwill determine whether or paying them at their rate. cation, who want to fight not an associate’s is apThese payments could be against these budget cuts plicable. anywhere from twenty-five and get their voices heard? Without this program, bucks a lesson and up. When are we going to music students continuing The benefit of students start asking the hard questo further their musical receiving private instructions of our administration? education have exhausted tion elsewhere is obvious. When will we ask how their options; go to another A private instructor is sole- it makes sense that the junior college, transfer to ly focused on the progress Dean of Athletics and a four-year, or choose anof one student (and others Physical education, Newton

Chelette, is also the Dean of Visual and Performing Arts? The most listened to radio hosts, John and Ken, recently said, “The community college thing is a scam. Doesn’t get you anywhere.” By sitting on the sidelines and not fighting for our rights as students, we’re letting that be true. And when we do nothing about it, well then… I guess John and Ken were right; we’re just a bunch of “parasites”.

March 2011


March 2011

Page 9

Editorial: Gas prices gouge our eyes and wallets Every time we look at barrel. us from a limited number commensurate to “a whole serves are supposed to be the gas meter, we have a For California, that of oil refineries for 5 to 15 lot of friggin’ oil.” a last-ditch effort for when small retinal hemorrhage. means a 50 cent bump in extra cents per gallon. Just divide “million” by war, natural disaster or With the biggest spike the price per gallon, bringWhat does that mean? “friggin’,” and multiply invasion from outer space in oil prices to hit Los ing it up to an average of It means that the refiner- “barrels” by “oil.” (are we kidding?) makes Angeles County in three $4. ies can basically charge The problem with this, oil difficult to procure. years, we find ourselves Why California? whatever they want due to of course, is that the probIf the reserve is tapped, wondering what foul, Why do we suffer the the regulated system, an lem is not in the supply, then when Elatrix from scum- sucking fool let this worst of it? unwillingness to follow but the demand. Vhiessu 9 comes to bathe happen to us. It’s not a recent thing. suit in other states in the Saudi Arabia has promin the blood of the innoIt came at the worst posTraditionally, California US makes our state the ised to put its production cent, we’ll be out of luck. sible moment, didn’t it? has always maintained odd man out. in overdrive to counteract If that doesn’t happen, Well, fortunately, there are a few people who we can blame. That’s right, just murmur bad words about these unfortunate people at the pump, and you’ll be back to yelling at bad drivers instead. The first offenders, such as they are, happen to be the population of Libya. Their quest for fair government and the hopeful impeachment of a man who increasingly resembles Jim Jones has hiked up our gas bills. With no shortterm resolution to the tensions in sight, and a violent stalemate making the whole situation untenable at best, we can only hope that NATO Courtney Unander / Examiner eventually solves the Would you put money straight from your wallet into your tank? Gas prices make it feel much the same. situation with a dosed batch of Flavor-Aid sent to Muammar Gadaffi’s headquarters. a 25 cent average higher California also kills us the losses caused by Libya, then we’ll have difficulty Admittedly, of course, it than the rest of the United with taxes more than any though recent scrutiny has in Wall Street as well. is difficult to be too angry States. other state in the country, brought that into question. If tapping into the reat a population who wants This year, it’s bumped with 66 cents to every The suggestion has been serves depletes the supply, outrageous things like up to a whopping 39 cents. gallon going to state and that Saudi Arabia has then we’re looking at even freedom from persecution The answer is taxation federal revenues. been fast and loose with higher prices from traders and a fair and balanced and air pollution. That’s a That’s a grand total of its counts in an attempt to who want to cash in on the government. surprise, right? 16.5%, folks. retain its role as the Fedforeign supply. How dare they, right? You’re sitting there, A grisly figure, consideral Reserve for the entire Tom Taylor, head of the Just kidding. reading this with your ering that the state is nevworld. independent oil producer Traders can be added to mouth agape. ertheless still broke. That means, ladies and Abilene, stated it best our litany of vulgarity. We know, friends. We So with these extra germs, that the reported when he said “You’ve got Afraid that the unrest were surprised too. Again, hindrances nipping at our increase in output may a $10 dollar war premium, from a minor oil distribujust kidding. heels, what is the solution? very well be closer to the and then all of a sudden tor will spread to more In 1996, the state Federal legislation is actual mark. you’re going to have a $10 important countries like switched its previous blend considering draining the So whether we’re actudollar scare premium.” Iran and Saudi Arabia, of gasoline in an effort to national reserves, which ally getting a supplemental In other words, drainthey’ve managed to make cut emissions, particularly amount to approximately supply, or whether we’re ing the reserve will most 11 Arab stock exchanges in metropolitan areas such 726 million barrels. just being cheated yet likely cause yet another fall behind by $90 billion. as Los Angeles and San To translate that into again, is anyone’s guess. spike in gas prices and That bounced the naFrancisco. English for you, 726 milWait, it gets better. leave us vulnerable when tional average up by $20 a It works, but it comes to lion barrels is roughly Remember that the oil rewe actually do have a sup-

Examiner Staff Editor in Chief Brandon Mann Managing Editor Sarah Niemann News Editor Natasha Castro Opinion Editor Chris Gonzalez News Editor Denicka Editor Wilson Features Ben Fassett Opinion Editor Jason Scott Sports Editor Benjamin Min Features Editor Brandi Fleeks Photo Editor Courtney Unander Sports Editor Melody Williamson Online Editor Russell GraphicsSpencer Editor Joseph R. Ortiz Copy Editor Jordan Lofgren

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Letters to the Editor should include a clearly printed name, address, telephone number and major and/or occupation. Letters should be 300 words or less. Letters may be edited for space and clarity. Libel will not be printed. Letters received become property of the Examiner and may be published or reproduced at its discretion. Letters to the Editor Guidelines Address all correspondence to: E-mail: avcexaminer00@gmail.com Letters to the Editor should include a clearly printed Editor, name,Examiner address, telephone number and major and/or 3041 West Ave. K, APL104 occupation. Letters should be 300 words or less. Lancaster, CAbe 93536 Letters may edited for space and clarity. Libel will Telephone (661)Letters 722-6300 x6496become property of not be printed. received the Examiner and may be published or reproduced at its discretion. Address all correspondence to: E-mail: examinerletters@gmail.com Editor, Examiner 3041 West Ave. K, APL104 Lancaster, CA 93536 Telephone (661) 722-6300 x6496


ply shortage. It is basically the equivalent to shooting your ear off to cure an ear ache. Remember how angry and/or sad you were when the BP oil spill was happening, watching all that black gold slip into the water like a coma patient whose reticular activating system suddenly decides to go away for awhile? Think back on the 53,000 barrels of oil we lost every single day, oil that very well could have done some small part to ease this particular burden. Still feeling a bit angry? A little sad? That taste in your mouth is bile. So with Washington running around with its head cut off, all that’s left is the same annoying answer that we’ve been faced with all along. Drive less costly automobiles, continue to find a balance in renewable energy sources and sitting out international tension that has made this all happen. Annoying, isn’t it? It’s like being told that the most effective way to lose weight is to exercise and eat healthily. You know that it’s right, but it’s a grueling, slow process that’s grating enough to piss off a methadone patient. Besides that, there’s no real cure for this nagging itch. Until some kind of compromise is made on behalf of Libya and other troubled Middle Eastern provinces, we’ll be looking at a long forecast of wallet rape. Sorry. We’re not kidding this time. Oh well. In the mean time, you can at least take a few moments to extend your obscene vocabulary for the next time you have to refuel.

Antelope Valley College’s Examiner is published by AVC Language Arts classes, typeset on campus and distributed Wednesdays during the school year. Examiner editorials and editorial cartoons are the opinion of the editorial board. All other opinion and editorial page material is the opinion of the individual writer/artist, not of the Examiner. Views exAntelope Valley College’s Examiner is published by AVC pressed in the Examiner not necessarily reflect of the Language Arts classes,dotypeset on campus andthose distributed Wednesdays during the school year. Examiner and advisers, faculty members, administration or theeditorials Associated editorial cartoons are the opinion of the editorial board. All Student Organization, although they are reviewed for publicaother opinion and editorial page material is the opinion of the individual writer/artist, not of the Examiner. Views expressed tion by the advisers. Requests for news or feature coverage in the Examiner do not necessarily reflect those of the advisers, orfaculty concerns about administration editorial or advertising content Student should be members, or the Associated Organization, although they are reviewed for publication by the addressed to the Editor in Chief. The Examiner is published advisers. Requests for news or feature coverage or concerns aboutthe editorial should be addressed under auspicesorofadvertising the Antelopecontent Valley Community College to the Editor in Chief. The Examiner is published under the District Board of Antelope Trustees; however, sole responsibility the auspices of the Valley Community College for District Board rests of Trustees; responsibility the concontent with thehowever, Examinersole editorial board. Thefor Examiner tent rests with the Examiner editorial board. The Examiner is isprinted printedbybyAmerican AerotechFoothill News &Publishing. Publishing.


Page 10

March 2011

Marauders improve but still a work in progress By Benjamin Min Staff Writer

After a forgettable start to the season that included a seven-game losing streak, the Marauders baseball team has gone 5-4 since, improving its record to 7-14, 4-6. The Marauders struggled through a challenging non-conference schedule but managed to turn it around during conference play. “We played a pretty tough non-conference schedule,” said Coach John Livermont, “we played well but our record doesn’t really reflect that.” Livermont’s team managed to put together five wins in the last eight games but still stand below the .500 mark, proving that they still have a long way to go. One of the bright spots of the season came in a recent come-frombehind win against the Cerro Coso Community College Coyote (7-15, 3-9). The Coyote went straight to work scoring a run straight out the gate in the first inning at Marauders’ pitcher Zach Myas’ expense, giving them a 1-0 lead. The home team was able to hold onto the lead for four innings. Scoreless after the first four innings, catcher Alex Mann put the Marauders on the board

Brandon Bird / Examiner

Marauders celebrate in the seventh inning of a come-from-behind victory against Cerro Coso.

on a solo home run that blasted straight over the left field. “It was a great feeling,” said Mann about his game-tying home run, “I don’t hit too many home runs and that one was great.” The celebration was short-lived, however, when the Coyote took the lead once again in the bottom of the same inning. The home team scored two more runs follow-

ing Mann’s home run as Myas continued to struggle on the mound. Replacing Myas after the two scored runs was Brad Sailer who held the Coyote scoreless the rest of the way. As for the Marauders, the team scored another run in the following inning which inched them closer to its opponent. The run was assisted yet again by Mann who hit a double in the inning. Still down by a run head-

ing into the seventh and final inning, the Marauders needed help in a big way and got exactly that from its second baseman Enrique Alvarado. With a man on base, Alvarado hit an RBI double that tied the game once again at three runs apiece. The tying run in the final inning seemed to have shifted the momentum of the game as the Coyote made two critical errors which the Marauders converted

into two more runs. First, a bad pitch by Ryne Milner of the Coyote allowed Marauders’ pitcher Cheyne Underwood to bring in yet another run, giving the visiting team the lead for the first time. Up by a run, Brian Ebert, an outfielder for the Marauders, hit a soft bunt that was quickly picked up and thrown to first baseman Javier Ledford. However, Ledford was unable to keep

the ball in his glove, allowing a base hit to Ebert and also another run brought in by Alvarado. The Marauders finished strong, not allowing the Coyote to score in the bottom of the seventh inning and took the game 5-3. “As soon as we got that leadoff guy on, from there it was all uphill,” said Mann after his teams win over the Coyote, “we definitely knew that we can come back.” However, the Marauders weren’t able to make an encore performance in its second game of the doubleheader against the Coyote as the home team came away with a 9-7 victory. The Marauders followed up their split against the Coyote with a 4-2 loss against the San Bernardino Valley College Wolverines (1211, 8-4). The two consecutive victories prior to the Marauders’ losses to the Coyote and the Wolverines showed promising signs for the Marauders, but the team seems to be headed down hill yet again. When asked about the Marauders’ season, coach Livermont replied, “we’re just getting started,” giving its fans hope for better things to come. The Marauders have shown glimpses of improvement in recent games but still have a long way to go.

Tennis drops second conference game By Avi Ithier Staff Writer March 24 was a cold, cloudy and windy day, but the weather was the least of the Marauders tennis team concern as they hosted unbeaten Foothill Conference leader Rio Hondo Community College and would have to do it without their team leader Shirley Zamora. “We knew it was going to be a tough game,” said Marauders head coach Bart Hansen. “But it was a good opportunity for others to step it up.” The stepping up was on the shoulders of freshman Alex Baker. Baker, who won her singles and doubles match against Victor Valley College and College of the Desert, lost her doubles match with teammate Alyssa Gonzales (8-4) and her singles against Rio Hondo’s top player Maggie Vasquez (6-2, 6-1). “My goal was to play my best,” said Baker “She (Vasquez) was really good; she played more gracefully, knowing how to place the ball on the court and hit with spin.” Shirley Zamora got injured with a high ankle sprain during her singles

Avi Ithier / Examiner

Alex Baker takes the lead against Rio Hondo. match against Victor Valley College on March 11; watch her team closely during the matches. AVC was not able to win a game and lost 9-0. “I felt upset because I was looking forward to playing them,” said Zamora, “but I am proud of my team, and I know Alex played hard.” “Our fundamentals are getting better each week,” said Hansen. “Like our first game against them, we just had too many unforced errors.” There will be sunnier days. The Marauders have two regular season

games left, their second round match against VVC and a makeup canceled game at Mt. San Jacinto. “We have a good chance against VCC,” said Baker. “I know they did not play all the players last time, but I feel confident.” If AVC wins those two last games, it will place them in second behind Rio Hondo for the conference tournament on April 12. “I really hope to get better for conference,” said Zamora. “I have time to recover during spring break.”


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March 2011

Page 11

Big month for Marauders track and field By Avi Ithier Staff Writer During the month of March, the AVC Track and Field team hosted two of four track meets while placing no less than third in each event, putting the Marauders in a good position for the conference prelim on April 22 in San Diego Calif. On March 4, the Marauders hosted Saddleback College, Bakersfield, Canyons and SBVC. In men’s competitions, AVC ranked third with 120 total points and second in women’s events with 174.5 points. Marauders Sophomore Ulises Aquino placed first and third in the men’s 3000-meter with 9 minutes, 2.99 seconds and 1500-meter run (4:2.80); his brother Uriel Aquino placed second on both the 800 (2:00.94) and the 1500 (4:01.89). In the women’s events, Anaiz Ortis placed first in both women’s 1500-meter (4:52.36) and 800-meter

Avi Ithier / Examiner

The Aquino brothers placed second and third in men’s 1,500-meter run. run (2:26.99). In the 4x400meter relay, AVC with Jessica Flax, Ashley LeGrand, Shanea Miller and Teja Rogers dominated by placing first in 4:09.4. While in the field, the freshman Brianna Jefferson

helped the women with 22 individual points by placing second on both hammer throw (42.73 meter) and the shot put (10.14 meter), and third on the discus throw (33.35 meter). Freshman Santana Al-

ford, who broke the AVC school record of 5-foot 2 inches on Feb. 25 in the conference preview in San Diego Calif., came 2 inches short of matching the jump but placed first with her 5-1 foot jump.

On March 12, AVC traveled to Riverside relays and ranked first in women’s events and third in men’s. Ashley LeGrand was instrumental in women’s events. She came in first in the 100-meter (12.62) and the 200-meter (25.93); she was also part of the women’s 4x100-meter dash with Jessica Flax, Shanea Miller, and Ezechukwu who finished first (50.40) and the 4x400-meter dash in 4:06.48 with Ortiz, Flax and Miller. In men’s events, Ulises Aquino, Christian Powers and Angel Quevedo finished first, second and fourth respectively. Troy Arceneaux finished first in the 400-meter hurdles in 56.71. On March 18, AVC continued to show their strengths as they hosted Rio Hondo, SBVC and Chaffey College. LeGrang and Flax placed first and third respectively in the 100-metter dash, 100-meter hurdles and the 200-meter dash. Ortiz continued her dominance, placing first in both the 800-meter and 1500-meter run. Santana Alford continued to reach for the sky as she placed first in the women high jump (1.53-meter).

Brandon Bird / Examiner

Brianna Jefferson participates in the hammer throw Brianna Jefferson and Alexa Wright showed power as they placed first and second respectively on women’s shot put, discus and hammer throw and first and third on the javelin throw. The men were lead by Troy Arceneaux, who came in first in the 110-meter hurdles (16.67) and in the 400-meter hurdles (57.50), was part of the men’s 4x400-meter relay (Dickson, Hawkins, Steward) that finished second overall (3:23.76). On March 25, the Marauders traveled to Santa Barbara for their Easter Relays; the official results have not been posted by the time of this article. The Marauders will host the AVC Easter Invitational at 10:00 a.m. on April 2. at the Marauders Stadium as they hope to continue marching to a good season.


Page 12

March 2011

Mixed Martial Arts comes to the Antelope Valley By Avi Ithier Staff Writer

There is a relatively new sport gaining popularity in American culture today, and that is Mixed Martial Arts (MMA). According to a research done by Emerging Growth Research in 2009, MMA is the fifth most popular sport in the U.S. behind football, baseball, basketball and NASCAR. It has become so popular that slowly it has infiltrated into other sports and pop culture. NFL star and Heisman Trophy winner Herschel Walker began his MMA career in 2010 at the age of 45. W WE superstar and Division I collegian wrestler, Brock Lesnar, made his transition to MMA in ‘07. On March 19, Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) showed their new star, Jon “Bones” Jones, the youngest Light Heavyweight champion at the age of 23 was the

Avi Ithier / Examiner

Alex Reyes connects with an overhand right in his win against Darren Smith. first UFC fighter to be in the Tonight Show with Jay Leno. If you think you have to travel to Las Vegas or have to order PayPer-View to see a onein-a-kind action, you are mistaken. On March 25 in the Antelope Valley Fairgrounds, we saw

action when local MMA promoter Justin Vasquez brought us six action-packed fights in Chaos in the Cage 8. “I am excited with the turn out tonight; we had about 1,700 in attendance,” said Vasquez. “I hope we can return in June and do it all over again.”

The night started with an explosive bout featuring Bakersfield’s Rodney Rhoden (6 8) knocking out in the third round local fighter Brandon Hastings (4- 0). “Going into the third, I thought we were even,” said Rhoden. “I was hurt when he kicked me in the solar

plex; that shook me, and I knew I had to dig deep to do something big.” Hastings was car ried on a stretcher by paramedics and evacuated to a local hospital, where he later recovered and regained conscienceness. “He regained conscienceness and told paramedics he did not want to go to the hospital,” said Vasquez. “He still went for more evaluations.” In the second match, Pete Sabala (2-11) obtained his third win which came in a split decision. He faced local fighter JJ Williams (11). “I feel good about the decision,” said Sabala. “I know I had to stay active and counter his moves to win.” Daniel Mancha (210) defeated Jeremy Bennett (3- 0) in the second round by submission, using a right heel hook. Ruben Rosas made his MMA debut as he

forced James Frazier (0-2) to tap out by an arm bar in the second round. Daniel McWilliams (8-16) had an amazing night when he defeated David Mancha (2-1) with a rear naked choke in the fortieth second of the first round. The headline match of the night came as Alex Reyes (5-2) gave Dar ren Smith (4- 0) his first lost. Smith couldn’t contain Reyes’ attacks in the first round, and the contest was stopped by the referee. The next CITC is projected to be held on June 17 and will feature UFC’s Junie Allen Browning. “He was supposed to fight but could not due to contract obligations,” said Vasquez. “We are working it out for June.” As MMA gains popularity, one can expect more and more events in our community without having to travel to Las Vegas.

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