What are the Top Causes of RF Interferences with TV Signals? It can certainly be annoying when your TV’s signal quality deteriorates due to signal interferences. For example, you may get poor or distorted image quality, a freezing screen, or a ‘no signal’ message. However, many of these issues can be fixed with a portable RF spectrum analyzer. But first, you should know the cause of the RF interferences to eliminate the problem. Signal interferences can occur due to various causes, such as the following:
Bad Weather You may experience the most RF interferences with your TV signals during rainy or stormy weather. Such issues usually resolve automatically once the weather clears up. However, if the problem persists and the TV signals dish is unable to detect signals, a handheld Spectrum analyzer of a portable size can come in handy to re-establish the signal connection.
Faulty or Damaged Wiring After harsh weather conditions, technical difficulties, or negligence, your TV’s wiring may get accidentally damaged or burned. In that case, you will need to buy new wires and use an RF Spectrum Analyzer to get the signal working again.
Signal Issue from Provider’s Side Sometimes the TV signal issue may occur from the provider’s side. You will need to wait until the provider fixes the problem if that happens. In that case, you should call your service provider to know how soon the issue will be resolved.
Interferences Between Electric Signals from Appliances Electronic appliances such as hair dryers, electric drills, wi-fi enabled devices, etc., also transmit RF signals. These electric signals may cause signal interruption with your TV. You can identify the interference source and fix the issue with a portable spectrum analyzer. You can buy a handheld RF spectrum analyzer to troubleshoot various common signal problems. However, when you can’t identify the problem yourself, it is best to consult with a technical expert. If you need a high-performance RF spectrum analyzer or portable model for commercial use, browse the extensive selection at www.avcomofva.com.