Brokerage & Matchmaking Provisional Catalogue
This catalogue does not contain all the registered participants’ profiles
It is a Provisional Catalogue, which contains the profiles received up to the moment of elaboration of this document. As soon as the registered period closes we will elaborate the participants' Definitive Catalogue.
Due the big quantity of registrations of the last days, we have extended the Brokerage "Innovation in Bioenergy"" and Matchmaking "Business Opportunities in Bioenergy" registration deadline until 27 September 2010.
The new deadlines are:
- Register and submit a profile online by 27th September (the earlier the better of course) - Profiles are published in a Definitive Catalogue from 1st October 2010 - Participants select interesting profiles from the catalogue and request meetings from 4th October 2010 - Confirmation of provisional meetings agendas from 11th October 2010
Do not hesitate to contact me if you need further information or help:
Private Enterprise
Private Enterprise
Private Enterprise
Private Enterprise
Private Enterprise
Technologic Center
Technologic Center
Technologic Center
Private Enterprise
Private Enterprise
Technologic Center
BKG_10_012 BKG_10_013 BKG_10_014 BKG_10_015 BKG_10_016
Research Group University University Technologic Center & Private Company Research Institute
Private Enterprise
Private Enterprise
Private Enterprise
Private Enterprise
Private Enterprise
Private Enterprise
Private Enterprise
Private Enterprise
Private Enterprise
Private Enterprise
Private Enterprise
Private Enterprise
Private Enterprise
Private Enterprise
Private Enterprise
Private Enterprise
Private Enterprise
Private Enterprise
Private Enterprise
Private Enterprise
Private Enterprise
BKG_10_001 Country
Type of organization
Private company
Field of activity
Consultants in biofuel conversion, particularly bioethanol
Patent(s) granted; Copyright(s) registered
International activities
Activity codes
Hybrid technologies/applications; technology
We have a signed project with 3 top companies in Spain to convert automobiles to E85 in several auto shops all over Spain and fuel them in nearby fuel pumps. The driver will then receive a complementary 10 litre fuel.
We are looking for investors for that particular project. We have divided the project into investment quotas, and each investor will receive monies according to the number of quotas he or she purchased, besides having equity in the company.
- Mature product with over 15 years experience from a country world leader in ethanol transportation technology Advantages offered
- Product with an excellent receptivity in the Spanish and European market due to a strong environmental focus - Product with no similar in the Iberian peninsula and fully protected by patents and copy protection technologies
Target partner
Required financial capacity of minimum 40K Euros. Our project is mature and signed with 3 important companies in Spain and thus it is not necessary to look for more projects - Mature product with over 15 years experience from a country world leader in ethanol transportation technology
Innovative aspects
- Product with an excellent receptivity in the Spanish and European market due to a strong environmental focus - Product with no similar in the Iberian peninsula and fully protected by patents and copy protection technologies
Availability Language(s)
26, 27, 28 October Spanish, English, Portuguese
BKG_10_002 Country
Type of organization
Private enterprise
Field of activity
Engineering services
International activities
Activity codes
Offer Request Advantages offered Target partner
Innovative aspects
Availability Language(s)
We offer our services of engineering to be subcontracted. We are interested in collaborating in the development of R&D projects. -We have a technical team with long international experience, equipments with great calculation capacity, results of great precision, near to the results of experiments. University, company, technologic centre that values our services The results of our engineering services are reflected in cost saving, efficiency improvement, increase of the benefits, and productivity and better level of quality. -Virtual simulation avoiding the costly development of prototypes or real experiments. -Cost and time savings, we save time with the technician experience in mechanics of fluids of our staff -Deep Knowledge of your product or process, information of what aspects could be improved or where could appear problems. -Help to support or to reach high quality levels that will allow you to detect failures before production starts. -Useful as marketing tool, you can show our results to others Departments or even to the clients. -Immediate analysis of the effect of parametric changes in the final product. -Risk reduction(immediate observation of results due to changes like as fires) -Improve the dimensional analysis, similarity in the design of your products or processes. 26, 27, 28 October Spanish, English
BKG_10_003 Country
Type of organization
Private enterprise
Energy crops Our principal job consists in selecting and investigating new herbaceous energetic crops, we use the more suitable and efficient technological methods Another line of work is the valorisation of vegetable residues
from agricultural activities. Field of activity
- Selection and study wastes with energetic potential - Technologic research of associated process. - International markets studies. - Study of high performance biomass varieties. - Sustainable and social impact. - Projects viability
Patent(s) pending; Patent(s) granted
International activities
No experience
Activity codes
Biofuel densification; Biomass harvesting/collection; R&D Studies on a crop variety that overcomes 45tm/year of production. Development of a harvesting and processed system.
Advantages offered
Project from the herbaceous culture and manipulation to energetic transformation with integral systems of electrical production. We need a company that help us to develop specific machinery. We look for a company with experience in the electricity production sector linked with bioenergetics process. In the technical item exclusivity rights for the partner that develops the applied mechanic engineering. In the energetic item we offer the opportunity for the development of a single biofuel production project
Target partner Innovative aspects Availability Language(s)
--28 October Spanish
BKG_10_004 Country
Type of organization
Private enterprise
Field of activity
Renewable energy
Patent(s) pending
International activities
Activity codes
Transport and/or storage of gas and/or liquid (bio)fuels; Pyrolysis, torrefaction and/or gasification; Solid biomass; Fuel technology
Technology able to make 3 times more profits than conventional systems to produce energy from renewables.
Technology on equipment of bioplasmagasification, microalgae, biobutanol or capital investment.
Advantages offered
Technology able to make 3 times more profits conventional systems to produce energy from renewable.
1-Capital investors
Target partner
2- Equipment suppliers on plasmagasification, fotobioreactors for microalgae and biobutanol. 3-Biomass plant builders interested in optimizing profits with new technology.
Innovative aspects
Availability Language(s)
Our technology produces 3 kilowatts/hour from 1 kilogram from biomass, while the state of the art is 1,4 kilowatts/hour per kilogram of biomass. 26, 27 October Spanish, English.
BKG_10_005 Country
Type of organization
Private enterprise
Field of activity
Training in Hydrocarbons items
International activities
Activity codes
Offer Request Advantages offered Target partner
Innovative aspects
Availability Language(s)
Training related to the sub sector of hydrocarbons. Projects of training in business inclusive plans for native communities of our country. Companies or professional specialists in the topic. The organization takes charge of the cofinancing of the training and execution of the business inclusive plans for the Native Communities of Our country. Institutions or companies with experiences in work and trainings to Native Communities. Improvement of Native Communities quality of life across business inclusive plans, generating an economic engine with raw material of his own community, to insert them to the own development of his Ethnic group and the community in general. 27 October Spanish
BKG_10_006 Country
Type of organization
Technology Center
Field of activity
Renewable Energies: Wind Energy, Photovoltaic Solar Energy, Solar Thermal Energy, Biomass Energy, Renewable Energy Grid Integration.
Know- How
International activities
Activity codes
Pyrolysis, torrefaction and/or gasification; Solid biomass; R&D
Biomass Torrefaction pilot plant, 2 MW capacity (up to 500kg/h) including biomass pre-treatment (chopping, chipping, drying) and pelletisation. Plant available for testing different biomass materials and for process optimization to produce torrefied biomass with specific characteristics according to end use requirements.
Advantages offered
Target partner
Innovative aspects
-Unique Biomass Torrefaction pilot plant, 2 MW capacity (up to 500kg/h) for testing. Results could be directly applied for feasibility evaluation and design commercial plant representative product batches produced for end use testing at industrial scale and quality evaluation. -Torrefaction process transforms biomass in a more valuable product reducing transportation, storage and milling costs. Advantages of the improved fuel can pay back for the production costs in applications with large biomass consumptions which require long transport distances and / or applications which require very fine biomass pulverization. Some examples of these applications are: biomass cofiring in coal power plants, second generation biofuels production and pellet production for international trade. Torrefaction is based on the slow heating of biomass up to 230300ยบC in an oxygen free atmosphere. Reactions involved in the process generate changes in the biomass structure reducing the fiber content and increasing the low heating value. Power consumption for milling torrefied biomass is decreased and after pelletization the energy density of the fuel.
Availability Language(s)
28 October Spanish, English.
BKG_10_007 Country
Type of organization
Technology Center
Energy and Environment
Field of activity
Energy and Environment
International activities
Activity codes
Transport and/or storage of gas and/or liquid (bio)fuels; Hybrid technologies/applications; Waste derived fuels; R&D
We offer the companies new services to execute R&D projects, such as: Wastes classification; Biogas production and optimization from wastes through anaerobic digestion; Nutrient elimination or recovery through evaporation; Development and implementation of the Design Technical; Specifications (MTD) to minimize wastes.; Improvement of the composition of the obtained biogas. Laboratory of wastes energetic Valuation (Bank of digesters; Digestate evaporator and dehydrator; Steam boiler; Biogas analyzer; Calorimeter; Automatic system of methanation potential
Pre-treatment processes, such as the thermal hydrolysis process or steam explosion, to treat raw organic waste Biomass boilers Compost production process and equipments
Advantages offered
We strive to bring innovation within the reach of any business that wishes to become more competitive in a global market in which R&D&I and technological differentiation represent a boom in being able to offer a more competitive service or product. Our staff is our main asset. We are aware of the important role that our staff plays in fulfilling our Mission, and that our success depends on our knowledge, curiosity, creativity, vocation for science and dedication to selfimprovement. It is for this reason that we strive daily to become better professionals and to understand the needs of our companies.
Target partner
Innovative aspects Availability Language(s)
We are interested in all kind of partner: Research Institute, University, Technology Center and Private enterprise. We are looking for partners able to create consortium to participate in national and European projects. -27 October Spanish, English
BKG_10_008 Country
Type of organization
Technology Center
Research in Energy and Transport
Our energy and environment department focuses its technological innovation efforts in developing technologies and processes related to renewable energies, being its basic work lines liquid biofuels, solid biomass, hydrogen technologies, energetic design methodologies in building (sustainable building), equipment development for predictive maintenance of fluid energetic systems and development of products linked to generation, transformation, exchange and use of energy. Patent(s) pending; Patent(s) granted; Know- How
International activities
Activity codes
Heat transport and/or supply, district heating and/cooling; Pyrolysis, torrefaction and/or gasification; Solid biomass; R&D
Development of conventional engines adapted to be fuelled with biogas. Development of pelletization and combustion tests with different biomass species. Gasification tests at pilot scale and feasibility studies of gasification projects. Design and construction of biodiesel production plants. Design and monitorization of maintenance plans for transport fleets when alternative fuels are used. Development of specific plants at low power to produce energy (electricity, thermal energy (heating and cooling)) in isolated and non-isolated areas. Design and adaptation of pelletization process according to local species. Design and adaptation of boilers fuelled with pellets according to local properties of the pellets made of local biomass resources. Potential analysis of new crops and feedstock and their suitability with gasification processes (updraft, downdraft, etc) Design of biofuel conversion processes with alternative raw material (algae, animal fat, etc)
Field of activity
Advantages offered
Owners of biogas production plants Farms or cattle manure managers Forests managers or forest companies with wood residues. Agricultural companies interested in energy crops or valorisation of vegetable residues from agricultural activities. Slaughterhouses and fishery companies. Suppliers of these entire sectors mentioned in order to develop a product for the bioenergy sector. Transport fleet operators with high costs due to maintenance activities when alternative fuels are used. The Energy & Environment Department has available calculus and simulation codes, including own codes, as well as experimental tools for testing and validating the designed technologies. Moreover, in this department, prototypes and
Target partner
Innovative aspects
products, in the fields previously described, are designed, developed and materialized. Partners from Europe and Latin-American which are interested in the development of technology and/or projects in the bioenergy sector, in particular those who fulfil requirements from previous sections. Public authorities, municipalities or public institutions are also welcome as they establish policies about the management of resources We are a research centre with high quality infrastructure and human resources to develop projects within Transport and energy sectors. Our staff is specialised in different areas since simulation codes (development and use) up to experimental facilities and monitorization, control and analysis of them. Our centre is involved in many projects at National and International Level and integrating the holistic approach since the idea up to a final product including basic research, development and innovation activities.
Availability Language(s)
26,27,28 October Spanish, English
BKG_10_009 Country
Type of organization
Private enterprise
Design and manufacture of biomass plants
Field of activity
ORC Biomass plants
Copyright registered, Exclusivity rights; Know-How; Others
International activities
Activity codes
Heat transport and/or supply; Combined heat and power and/or cooling, Solid biomass; Turn-key and/or subcontracting.
Engineering, manufacture, assembly, start up, maintenance, promotion and exploitation of biomass plants based on ORC (Organic Cycle of Rankine) technology
Request Advantages offered Target partner Innovative aspects Availability Language(s)
--Companies interested in our offer. -26,27,28 October Spanish, English
BKG_10_010 Country
Type of organization
Private enterprise
Green Economy
Field of activity
Environmental development and industrial holding
Patent(s) pending
International activities
No experience
Activity codes
Transport and/or storage of gas and/or liquid biofuels; Biofuel densification; Solid biomass; R&D
Offer Request Advantages offered Target partner Innovative aspects Availability Language(s)
Renewable energies industrial inventions. Biofuel and biogas processed systems. Mechanic and/or industrial and agronomist engineering. Inventions for Patents and Utility Models. Guideline for Sustainable and Aesthetics designs. Investor in Renewable Energies and Sustainability. Evaluation of the design and improvement; Development of new designs. 26, 27, 28 October Spanish, English.
BKG_10_011 Country
Type of organization
Technological Centre
Field of activity
Centre devoted to the technological innovation. From its beginnings in 1985, it uptakes, develops and transfers technology to the industry in the fields related to its Knowledge Areas: Biotechnology, Environment & Recycling, and Plastics & Composites.
International activities
Activity codes
Pyrolysis, torrefaction and/or gasification; Waste derived fuels; R&D Quality solutions to the customers technological needs as well as collaboration with other scientific agents in the following fields: Biofuels production process development from biomass • Biodiesel production by transesterification reaction • Study of different raw materials (refined and crude vegetable oils, waste oils animal fat) and catalysts (acid vs. basic, homogeneous vs. heterogeneous) • Optimization of process parameters • Process Scale-up. GAIKER has got a versatile biodiesel pilot plant Microalgae (non-food aquatic biomass feedstock) for 2nd generation biofuel production.
Offer • Algal strain selection • Microalgae genetic modification in order to improve lipid content • Optimization of culture growth • Harvesting and processing technologies • Products valorisation • Pilot Photo bioreactor (250L) Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF). Development of techniques for waste and agri-foodstuffs by-products recovery and upgrading, and alternative fuels production: - Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) - Feedstock Recycling • Chemical Depolymerisation/Solvolysis (Glycolysis, Hydrolysis) • Thermal Processes (Pyrolysis, Gasification…) Request Advantages offered
-The main advantage is that we develop flexible technology adapted to customer requirement and market conditions
Target partner Innovative aspects Availability Language(s)
The target partner should be highly interested in innovation and improvement in the biofuel, refuse derived fuel microalgae or renewable energies fields Technologic development for second generation biofuels synthesis. Availability of pilot plant scale-up. 26, 27, 28 October Spanish, English
BKG_10_012 Country
Type of organization
Research Group
Field of activity IPR
Energy Engineering; Machinery Design Industrial Automation and Control Know-How
International activities
Activity codes
Heat storage; Pyrolysis, torrefaction and/or gasification; Biomass harvesting/collection; Research and Development
Skill in instrumentation and experimental test of consumptions and energetic behaviour of industrial equipments. Energetic audits of processes, equipments and industrial buildings. Offer Cooperation in national and international R&D&i projects (in consortia or in direct collaboration with the company). Projects related to all the aspects of thermal energy and the improvement of energy efficiency.
Advantages offered
Target partner
Innovative aspects Availability Language(s)
Companies that work at the field of gasifiers' design. Companies with experience in biogas, from his production to his energetic exploitation. Cooperation in projects where gasification is in use. Multidisciplinary group International network of industrial and investigation contacts related to energy efficiency. Know-how in the integration of different systems of renewable energies and storage of heat energy (sensitive and with materials of phase change) Innovative solutions with potential of application in industry and buildings. Company related to the design of equipments of gasification Company of generation of energy Companies and research centers interested in the improvement of energy efficiency. Gasification of the solid fraction of the liquid manure digestate with the aim to minimize the residues. 27 October Spanish, English.
BKG_10_013 Country
Type of organization
Field of activity IPR
Promotion and transfer of University research results.
International activities
Patent(s) pending; Patent(s) granted; Copyright(s) registered; Know- How; Others. YES
Activity codes
Advantages offered
Target partner
Innovative aspects Availability Language(s)
We offer highly qualified researchers, Know-How, great scope technical solutions. Our University has a long experience in R&D related to Bioenergy, possessing numerous experts in areas as, Bioenergy, Biomass, Renewable energies, climate change, thermodynamic advanced characterization of new biofuels, etc. Emphasizing specific projects as the study of agricultural and forest biomass pelletisation, Biomass pellets, Reutilization of agricultural wastes, optimization of the treatment processes for obtaining biomass, etc. Companies or partners in the Energy sector interested in the realization of R&D collaborative and cooperative projects with our University. Technological partners for projects development and companies interested in collaborating with the University to realize regional, national and international R&D projects. We participate in big national and international R&D projects. We have a great experience in management of European projects. Our researchers are of great excellence and prestige, with a long national and international career and opened for collaboration with companies. We search partners for the participation in European consortia and international projects as well as partners for collaboration or cooperation in all kinds of R&D projects in national and regional calls. Dynamic and periodically updated on-line Technological Catalogue 26, 27, 28 October Spanish, English, Portuguese.
BKG_10_014 Country
Type of organization
Teaching and Investigation.
Technological offer of the research groups of the University. Research Lines, services and equipments of the University and his Technological Park. --
International activities
Activity codes
Heat storage; Pyrolysis, torrefaction and/or gasification; Solid Biomass; R&D
Field of activity
R &D in Agronomic and environmental application of organic residues. Effect determination of the addition of different organic wastes on the quality of the soil and his contribution to the increase of production of food and energetic crops and in the recovery of soils and degraded spaces. R&D in Thermodynamic properties of industrial fluids. Thermodynamic investigation of fluids with industrial importance that have more than a component, obtaining indispensable thermodynamic data to development and improvement of energetic clean technologies for alternative unleaded fuels in automotive (oxygenated additives in fuels).
Advantages offered
Target partner
Innovative aspects Availability Language(s)
Companies who want to develop the part of research and development contracting the services of our University. Public or private institutions that are developing or want to develop projects. -26 October Spanish, English.
BKG_10_015 Country
Type of organization
Technology Center, Private enterprise
Technological Consortium Forest Company and an Biomass resources in characteristics, methods generation biofuels. --
International activities
Activity codes
Pyrolysis, torrefaction harvesting/collection; R&D
Field of activity
Offer Request Advantages offered
Target partner
Innovative aspects Availability Language(s)
formed by an Energy Company, a University. Its goal is to research Chile, Energy Crops, Biomass to densified Biomass and second
In Chile we can be partner of similar international organizations both in R & D as in Consulting Services. We can also contact suppliers of Technologies with Chilean customers. -Our organization is formed by 3 companies with a long history in Energy, Forestry and Research. We think that we can be an excellent partner for overseas companies. We need partners with expertise in Biomass densification (we run a small Pellet mill in Chile), in Harvesting of residuals, treatment of urban wastes and in Energy Crops, especially for Chilean ecological situation. At this stage we are starting our project with a budget of 4 million USD and we have not created any product. 26,27,28 Spanish, German, English
BKG_10_016 Country
Type of organization
Research Institute
Field of activity IPR
Basic and applied Investigation in chemical and energetic technologies, wastes and biomass valorisation and CO2 storage. --
International activities
Activity codes
Pyrolysis, torrefaction and/or gasification; R&D.
Advantages offered
Target partner Innovative aspects Availability Language(s)
Experience in thermochemical processes for the biomass conversion (combustion, gasification and pyrolysis). Experience in management of national and international R&D projects. Experimental facilities to realize pilot tests (preliminary studies). Service of biofuel chemical analysis. Business partners with interest to develop and optimize new thermochemical processes. Organization stable and consolidated with very qualified personnel and with wide experience in the request and execution of R&D projects. Experience in conceptual design, simulation and start up of thermochemical processes (pilot facilities). Easy access to advanced analytical instrumentation for biomass and fuels in general characterization. Company that opts for R&D as basic tool for being competitive on the market. -26,27,28 October Spanish, English
MMK_10_001 Country
Type of organization
Private Enterprise
Biomass, wooden briquettes, pellets
Field of activity IPR
Our main activity is producing wooden briquettes, firewood, selling pellets and pallets. --
International activities
Activity codes
Solid biomass; R&D;
We would like to offer our products to potential buyers in Europe. We are interested in meeting new buyers/partners for our products. We have the experience and the know-how of these types of products we offer, next to that we can communicate in several languages and our customer service is very high. Factories, energy companies, or other companies who are using briquettes and biomass
Request Advantages offered Target partner Innovative aspects Availability Language(s)
-26 October English, German, Dutch and Czech
MMK_10_002 Country
Type of organization
Private Enterprise
Environment and Biomass
Field of activity IPR
Environment, Biomass, Environmental projects, Industrial projects, R&D projects. Patent(s) granted; Copyright(s) registered; Know- How
International activities
Activity codes
Hybrid technologies applications ,Solid Biomass, R&D
Investment in the company to re-throw his 12 years experience activities. Sale of patented systems and copyrights registered and in exploitation with expertis transference and full systems break-downs.
Advantages offered
Target partner
Innovative aspects
Availability Language(s)
Investors in our company to continue commercializing and exploiting the patents and re-throwing the commercial activity. Investing or buying partners of biomass and energy production systems. Patented systems with minimal competition. 12 years of experience in management of organic animal wastes and experience in installation of our system of obtaining biomass and energy from organic animal subproducts and biomass in general. -Patented biomass management system with patent renewed in July of 2010. 12 years innovations and experience. 16 successful installations in private industries and public administrations. Potential customers, Waste management center in AndalucĂa and two slaughterhouses. 26, 27, 28 Spanish
MMK_10_003 Country
Type of organization
Private enterprise
Boiler and turnkey supplier
Field of activity
Engineering and contracting company, which supplies and provides service on complete biomass fired boilers, combined heat and power (CHP) and power plant within the size of 25 150 MWt (fuel heat input).
Patent(s) pending; Copyright(s) registered; Know- How
International activities
Activity codes
Combined heat and power and/or cooling; Civil/project engineering (Turn-key and/or subcontracting)
Our company has well proven biomass fired boilers and turnkey plants with extreme high efficiencies and availability, which ensures a solid business case for our customers.
Looking for IPP's, electrical companies and industrial companies, who are looking for biomass fired CHP and/or power plants.
Advantages offered
The boilers have high thermal efficiency, low in-house consumption, high availability and low maintenance costs.
Target partner
Customers, which look for biomass fired plants in the size of 25 - 150 MWth (fuel heat input).
Innovative aspects
Our Combustion System ensures the combination very low emissions, low fouling and high boiler efficiency.
Availability Language(s)
27 October Danish, English; German
MMK_10_004 Country
Type of organization
Private enterprise
Engineering & Consultancy
Field of activity
Environmental Consultancy
International activities
No experience
Activity codes
Consultancy services
Technical service of engineering specialized in the environment natural, and more concretely in the forest sector. Partners and collaborations with other companies in order to approach projects of interest in the biomass sector. Partner expert in forestry and environment discipline. Knowledge and planning of natural resources needed in the development of biomass projects. Partners who want to develop a business initiative with biomass. We have advanced technological resources (humans and technical resources) for forest masses evaluation and planning and an efficient management of natural resources.
Request Advantages offered Target partner Innovative aspects Availability Language(s)
28 October Spanish
MMK_10_005 Country
Type of organization
Private enterprise
Field of activity
Production: technology for the processing of straw pellets (LSP 1800) and pellets; agriculture
Know- How; Others
International activities
Activity codes
Heat storage; Waste incineration; Solid biomass
Processing machines to produce pellets or briquettes of straw; Bale conveyor; Bale separator; Straw shredder; Cooling machine; Pellets line LSP 1800
Request Advantages offered Target partner Innovative aspects Availability Language(s)
Looking for partner for other country Delivery and Assembly of pelleting line Companies involved in technology around the biomass Line for production of straw pellets; less dust 27 October Czech, English
MMK_10_006 Country
Type of organization
Private enterprise
Turnkey power plants
Field of activity IPR
Turnkey power plant supply including Biomass plants for straw and wood chip ranging from 15-60 MWe -
International activities
Activity codes
Combined heat and power and/or cooling; Solid biomass; Civil/project engineering (Turn-key and/or subcontracting)
Offer Request
-Project developer within the Biomass sector
Advantages offered
Turnkey power plant supply including Biomass plants for straw and wood chip ranging from 15-60 MWe, at guaranteed conditions. Service of plants and long term full operation and maintenance of the plants against performance related price.
Target partner
Project developer within the Biomass sector, having projects under development, that require assistance for progressing the project, and eventually will need a turnkey (EPC) contractor and possibly also a contractor to operate and maintain the plant.
Innovative aspects
Turnkey power plant supply including Biomass plants for straw and wood chip ranging from 15-60 MWe, at guaranteed conditions. Service of plants and long term full operation and maintenance of the plants against performance related price.
Availability Language(s)
26,27,28 October Danish, English, Spanish
MMK_10_007 Country
Type of organization
Biomass, Biogas
Field of activity
Biomass, Biogas
International activities
Activity codes
Biomass harvesting/collection; Consultancy services
Offer Request
Advantages offered
Target partner Innovative aspects Availability Language(s)
Sale of products in Poland. Location of areas for energetic plants construction. Support to Polish and European subsidies. Companies with proven experience with construction potential of biomass plants in Poland. Knowledge of Polish market. We speak Spanish, Polish and English. Direct contact in Spanish. 7 years of experience in Poland. We know the Polish and Spanish way of thinking and making. Companies with experience in the construction of energetic plants and with interest in the Poland market. -26, 27, 28 October Spanish, English, Polish, Russian
MMK_10_008 Country
Type of organization
Public body
field of activity IPR
Public body that offers tax benefits to new enterprises which decide to settle up in the Canary Islands --
International activities
Activity codes
Companies which develop any activity related to renewable energy and others
Advantages offered
Reduction of tax charges that could be used in a huge competitiveness of the companies
Target partner
Enterprises which develop any activity related to renewable energy and others
Innovative aspects Availability Language(s)
Tax benefits 26, 27, 28 October Spanish, English, French, German
MMK_10_009 Country
Type of organization
Private enterprise
Field of activity
Training in Hydrocarbons items
International activities
Activity codes
Offer Request Advantages offered Target partner
Innovative aspects
Availability Language(s)
Training related to the sub sector of hydrocarbons. Projects of training in business inclusive plans for native communities of our country. Companies or professional specialists in the topic. The organization takes charge of the co-financing of the training and execution of the business inclusive plans for the Native Communities of Our country. Institutions or companies with experiences in work and trainings to Native Communities. Improvement of Native Communities quality of life across business inclusive plans, generating an economic engine with raw material of his own community, to insert them to the own development of his Ethnic group and the community in general. 27 October Spanish
MMK_10_010 Country
Type of organization
Private enterprise
Extraction and collection of biomass. Advice and consultancy in biomass projects. Promotion and development in projects of plants of solid biomass combustion Know-How
International activities
No experience
Activity codes
Biomass harvesting/collection; Consultancy services
Collection, extraction, fitting-out and transport to 10 Mwe biomass plant in AndalucĂa. Advice on implantation of biomass plants and logistic parks.
Field of activity
Request Advantages offered Target partner
Innovative aspects
Availability Language(s)
--Electric company or Renewable energy company with a defined business plan and financial resources to attack the necessary investments. Wide experience in development of biomass projects. Largescale production of biomass fuels with own resources, machinery and personnel. Good connoisseur of the zone of influence to technical, political and commercial level. 28 October Spanish, English
MMK_10_011 Country
Type of organization
Private enterprise
Biofuels production
Field of activity
Biofuels production and commercialization
Copyright(s) registered; Exclusivity rights, Know-How, Others
International activities
Activity codes
Solid biomass; R&D
Offer Request Advantages offered Target partner Innovative aspects Availability Language(s)
High quality RUF briquettes and other biomass formats Distribution network Our products are of the highest quality and very competitive in price. We have exclusive products for restaurants and barbecue consumers. Wholesalers of solid biofuels Quality of the products, Competitive price, Exclusive products 26, 27, 28 October Spanish, English, French
MMK_10_012 Country
Type of organization
Renewable Energies
Field of activity
Consultancy and invest in Renewable Energies
Patent(s) granted
International activities
Activity codes
Biomass harvesting/collection; Consultancy services
Consultancy and support to companies to sell his products in Poland.
Advantages offered
Target partner Innovative aspects Availability Language(s)
Companies with experience in construction of biomass plants. Knowledge of Polish market. Knowledge of Spanish way of thinking and making. Information and contact in Spanish. Support to get subsidies. Company that have constructed some biomass plant with proven technology. -26,27,28 October Spanish, English, Polish, Russian
MMK_10_013 Country
Type of organization
Private enterprise
Field of activity IPR
Manufacturing of sheet metal products and non metal products in two locations (Adelaide & Melbourne). Sales office in Sydney. -
International activities
Activity codes
Furnace technology, Solid biomass, Combustion, flames
Offer Request Advantages offered
Target partner
Seeking to buy designs to manufacture wood fired heaters for domestic use in the Australian and New Zealand markets. Two major modern manufacturing facilities with most equipment required to manufacture domestic wood stoves in place. A trained and dedicated workforce in place Designer/manufacturer of gas/wood fired stoves for domestic use willing to sell or license their designs for manufacture in Australia.
Innovative aspects Availability Language(s)
26,27,28 October English, Italian
MMK_10_014 Country
Type of organization
Private enterprise
Agricultural industry installations
Field of activity
Agroindustrial, agricultural and stockbreeding facilities. Sectors of cleanliness, dried, storage and conservation of agricultural products. Leaders in grain dried.
Copyright(s) registered, Exclusivity rights
International activities
Activity codes
Heat storage, Hybrid technologies applications, Solid Biomass, Civil/project engineering (Turn-key and/or subcontracting)
Advantages offered
Target partner
Innovative aspects Availability Language(s)
Organization for the development on the Spanish market. Company well known in the agroindustrial sector. Biomass dried and storage. Background of more than 40 years in agroindustrial market. Furnace and boilers supplier to develop in Spain a sales and installations network in industrial and rural sector and others biomass consumers sectors. Competitive furnace and boilers manufacturer. Supply of pelletizer. With our current organization and our clients, human resources and financial means that we can develop, in exclusive, the market of heat generation with biomass, in furnaces and boilers. Manufacturer of furnaces and boilers, with possible range from 30 to 1500 therms, with possible compositions of up to 3500 therms Manufacturer of biomass pellets granulation systems, in complete range The dried of the biomass in origin will allow a single utilization, and a competitive storage and transport. 28 October Spanish, French
MMK_10_015 Country
Type of organization
Private enterprise
Bioenergy, wood pellets, Construction and administration of Port Terminals, Duty-free Shops, Aerial navigation, Duty-free zones. Copyright(s) registered, Exclusivity rights, Know-How, Others
International activities
Activity codes
Solid biomass, Consultancy services
Field of activity
Pine sawdust pellets in 3 formats: 15-20 Kg. sacks, Big Bags and in bulk.
Representation and commercialization in Argentina of Products (Burners, stoves, etc) for the generation of Heat / Steam/ Power with Biomass. Know-how and association participation in some business related with bioenergy and with the use of products made with renewable resources in Argentina. (Biomass, biogas, solar)
Advantages offered Target partner Innovative aspects Availability Language(s)
Pine sawdust Pellets: Representative in Europe and / or USA, Distributors in Europe and / or USA; Partner for Pellets commercialization in Europe and / or USA Manufacturers of pellets Stoves and Burners. More than 50 years of age. Company with more than 500 employees. Solid company. Knower of European and USA Bioenergy Market. Owner of pellet distributor. -26, 27, 28 October Spanish, English
MMK_10_016 Country
Type of organization
Private enterprise
Forestry activities
Field of activity IPR
Forest utilizations, Valorisation of forest wastes; Environmental services in general. --
International activities
No experience
Activity codes
Waste incineration, Solid biomass, Civil/project engineering (Turn-key and/or subcontracting) Production of wood chips, shavings and sawdust of different qualities for energy production. These products are made with: Energetic crops, Wood in roll, Forest and agricultural wastes and Wood industries wastes.
Advantages offered Target partner Innovative aspects Availability Language(s)
Company dedicated to wood the sector with more than 30 years of experience. Supply of all kinds of wood derived products to energy generation. Technical assistance in production and generation of the biomass destined to energy production. Companies buyers of raw material for the generation of energy from biomass. Technology that uses wood derived products and energetic crops to produce biomass. Supply of homogeneous and excellent quality material for energy from biomass in Levante (east zone of Spain) Company specialized in generation of energy from biomass which needs supplier of different type of products. Very selected material and of different calibres with different levels of humidity, depending on the selected product destination. 26,27,28 October Spanish, English
MMK_10_017 Country
Type of organization
Private enterprise
Field of activity
R&D in Biotechnology
Patent(s) pending; Patent(s) granted; Exclusivity rights, KnowHow.
International activities
Activity codes
Waste derived fuels; R&D.
Advantages offered
Target partner
Innovative aspects
Availability Language(s)
Metagenomic studies of microbial populations from anaerobic digesters, organic waste, water treatment facilities or other environmental samples. Techniques available are DGGE, PCR and Q-PCR and cloning. Development of genetically modified strains for bioenergy production systems. We seek partners to obtain different samples related with the bioenergy production in order to perform microbial population analyses and genetic engineering. We also seek partners for potential scale-up processes modified strains. Expertise on metagenomic population analyses, integrated process from sample treatment to phylogenetic analyses. Genetic engineering for the generation of recombinant strains relevant to bioenergy production systems Companies involved in biogas production, industrial waste treatment (for bioenergy production or not) who can provide samples from different stages of the process and/or with expertise on anaerobic digesters and microbial scale-up processes. Combined study of the microbial populations involved in bioenergy production, merging the data available from the partner with the metagenomic study done on several steps of that process. Potential to generate novel recombinant microorganisms to improved performance of bioenergy-based reactors. 27 October Spanish, English
MMK_10_018 Country
Type of organization
Private enterprise
Field of activity
Distribution and installation, After-sales service, Maintenance
Copyright(s) registered, Exclusivity rights
International activities
No experience
Activity codes
Hybrid technologies applications, Solid biomass, Civil/project engineering (Turn-key and/or subcontracting)
Request Advantages offered Target partner Innovative aspects Availability Language(s)
Availability to work at projects with strong innovative component searching increase of energy efficiency with support on our experience. Develop of associations on the European market. Technical solutions. Turn-Key Projects. Services of maintenance. Autonomy Partners with technology. Investors. Capital for new investments. Organized and flexible company. Technical capacity and human capital to answer to some challenges. Partner with knowledge of the market. Investors We combine technology and increase the efficiency without sacrificing the comfort. 27, 28 October Portuguese, French
MMK_10_019 Country
Type of organization
Private enterprise.
Field of activity
Estimation, Creation and characterization of biomass resources. Second generation biofuels.
International activities
Activity codes
Transport and/or storage of gas and/or liquid (bio)fuels; Pyrolysis, torrefaction and/or gasification; Biomass harvesting/collection Consultancy services We can be representatives in Chile of companies of Services in energetic solutions with lignocelluloses biomass. We have a wide knowledge of the forest reality in Chile and bordering countries. We can help in the search of potential clients for certain products in Chile. We offer service to companies orientated to implementing projects in the area of lignocelluloses bioenergy in Chile.
Advantages offered
Target partner Innovative aspects Availability Language(s)
-Our consortium has companies in the forest-timber area-; in Energy field and in the area of Investigation. We are able to undertake R&D projects in Bioenergy, as well as also to contribute to start up practical applications of already existing technologies. R&D Companies and service companies in Forestry bioenergy. -26,27,28 Spanish, English, German.
MMK_10_020 Country
Type of organization
Private Company
Field of activity
Biomass power plant development, Energy sales.
International activities
Activity codes
Heat transport and/or supply, district heating and/cooling; Combined heat and power and/or cooling; Solid biomass; Financial services Partnership in project development. Acquisition of technology; Acquisition of biomass; Acquisition of biomass transforming technology. Acquisition of projects. Possibilities to invest in our projects. Solid partners.
Advantages offered
Target partner
Innovative aspects
Availability Language(s)
EPC offers. Biomass offers. Projects in Spain and Portugal min. size 5 MWe. Solid partners. Experience (more than 100 MWe in operation Germany), financial strength, solid position in Spanish biomass market. Partners with wide experience in biomass (local or international). Partners with financial capability. Partners that offer a synergy in process. We have a portfolio of more than 80 MWe under development in Spain. We have experience and financial capability. Our Company is widely known internationally as being professional and innovative. 27, 28 October Spanish, English, French, German.
MMK_10_021 Country
Type of organization
Private Company
Field of activity
Search and analysis of emplacements.
International activities
Activity codes
Consultancy services
We have emplacements with contracts of enough biomass supply for the installation of biogas plants.
We search investing partners.
Advantages offered
We accumulate great experience in the design, processing and project management in agro-industrial and Energetic sectors.
Target partner
We look for companies that want to invest in biomass projects.
Innovative aspects
We have realized the work of search of substrata, as well as economic analysis of the plants
Availability Language(s)
26, 27 October. Spanish