International Bioenergy Congress
I Brokerage Event
International Technology Transfer Event
“IDEAS for INNOVATION” Valladolid 26, 27, 28, 29 · October · 2010
The 5th International Bioenergy Congress will focus on biomass thermal use and in finding technological and economic solutions.
“Innovation in Bioenergy” Bilateral Meetings for Technology Transfer Within the framework of the 5th International Bioenergy Congress, AVEBIOM will organize an international BROKERAGE for technology transfer between COMPANIES and research institutions. Participants will find opportunities for collaboration and business through aimed-to-agreement bilateral meetings: • Ideas for joint research projects • Licensing, production and distribution agreements • Internationalization • Technology transfer and exploitation of results
How to participate Those interested should REGISTER in advance at Participants must provide at least one technology offer, a technology request or a R&D Project idea. This information will be published in the online catalogue, which is continously updated. Participants will be able to consult profiles, request detailed information and eventually arrange their bilateral meetings. Every participant will have access to his PERSONAL AGENDA to confirm, request or reject new meetings.
Deadlines • Registration and profile submission: September 17th • Request of bilateral meetings: October 1st • Meeting confirmation: October 11th
Further information Please, contact Silvia López · 0034 · 983 188 540 // Fray Luis de León, 22 · 47002 · Valladolid
Lenguage English, but participansts could agree any other.
Prices • FREE for Congress participants • 100 euro for everybody else
Venue Feria de Muestras de Valladolid ·
Spanish Bioenergy Association