1 minute read

Director of Catholic Identity and Mission

2023 College Theme

Our College theme for 2023 is: ‘May we treasure God's word like Mary.’ This theme is visually represented by the artwork of Mary from Alex Rivette (Year 12) as pictured below. We have already seen our students living this out with special events for our Year 7’s and Year 12’s. The Year 7’s completed their ‘transition’ to Ave with a special liturgy on Tuesday, 7 February 2023 during which, several students described the warm welcome they had received and a desire to be open to the many opportunities the college offers.

Year 12 Retreat

Our Year 12 students have just completed their Retreat experience from 8 -10 February at Grantville Lodge, Grantville. They engaged in activities that encouraged them to think about their journey to this point and the type of person they wish to be in the future. It enabled time for them to reflect on their faith and their key relationships as they embark on their final year at Ave.

Ash Wednesday Liturgy

We look forward to the Opening College Mass on 16 February and the beginning of Lent with our Ash Wednesday Liturgy on Wednesday, 22 February 2023

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