Ave Maria Press Fall 2023 Catalog

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www.avemariapress.com • (800) 282-1865 NEW TITLES AND RECENT RELEASES FALL 2023

Prepare Your Heart

A Guided Advent Journal for Prayer and Meditation


Join Fr. Agustino Torres, CFR, on a multimedia Advent journey led by the saints and the Holy Family to prepare yourself to enter into the story of Christ’s birth through prayer, charity, and joyful acts of service to the needy.

Prepare Your Heart features stunning original art by Valerie Delgado of Pax.Valerie, along with daily meditations on a passage from scripture, reflection questions, prayer, and space for journaling and notetaking.

During each week of Advent, you will embark on a new path informed by Franciscan spirituality to guide you to becoming closer to God:

• Week One, the way of Nazareth: a spirituality that attunes you to the needs of others and the hidden presence of God.

• Week Two, the way of the saints: featuring Sts. Lucy, Nicholas, Juan Diego, and Our Lady of Guadalupe, whose feast days fall during Advent; they will teach you to live with intentionality, humility, and devotion.

• Week Three, the way of St. Joseph: revealing the creative courage of Jesus’s foster father, teaching you how he makes a home for each of us in the heart of God.

• Week Four, the way of Mary: a tutorial in learning how to say yes to God’s call for your life and trusting in his loving providence.

Prepare Your Heart is perfect for both individual and group use. Free companion videos; ideas for celebrating Sundays in Advent with family, friends, and small groups; and a downloadable leader’s guide are available at avemariapress.com

The book, videos, leader’s guide, and family guide are available in Spanish as well.


• The other four books in this multimedia, seasonal series— two by Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT, and two by Fr. John Burns—have sold more than 100,000 copies.

• Artist and illustrator Valerie Delgado has more than 70,000 followers on Instagram.


“This book is a welcome invitation for us to journey with the Holy Family of Nazareth on a deeply personal level. I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to deepen their relationship with Jesus this Advent.”

“I can’t wait to read this with my husband and share its profound truths with my children as well. I know it will be an Advent where the Holy Family and way of the saints will bury themselves deep in our hearts to last a lifetime.”

Is She

English Version: 978-1-64680-251-7 · 144 pages · $11.95

Spanish Version: 978-1-64680-295-1· 144 pages · $11.95

On-Sale Date: August 18, 2023

Foreign Rights: World · 5.5" x 8.5" · Paperback Category: Catholicism / Advent

Imprint: Ave Maria Press

FR. AGUSTINO TORRES, CFR, is a priest with the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal and the founder of Corazón Puro and Latinos por la Vida. He also serves as a retreat guide, spiritual director, and an international youth and young adult speaker.

VALERIE DELGADO is a Catholic painter, a digital artist, and the owner of Pax.Beloved. She illustrated the books Adore, Restore, and ABC Get to Know the Saints with Me.




978-1-64680-119-0, $10.95




978-1-64680-194-7, $11.95




978-1-64680-148-0, $13.95



978-1-64680-216-6, $13.95


978-1-64680-245-6 · 64 pages · $2.50

On-Sale Date: July 14, 2023

Foreign Rights: World · 4.25" x 6.75" · Paperback

Category: Prayer / Advent

Imprint: Ave Maria Press

Messages of Patience for Advent and Christmas 2023

3-Minute Devotions


Three minutes is all it takes to change your day for the better.

In Messages of Patience for Advent and Christmas 2023, Fr. Michael White and Tom Corcoran encourage you to focus on God’s Providence as you wait for the unfolding of his plan of Salvation. With practical, everyday wisdom, White and Corcoran—authors of the bestselling and award-winning books Rebuilt and Seriously, God?—will help you to cultivate the virtue of patience as you listen for the secrets and plans God has for you. They will guide you in hearing God’s voice and acting on it as you prepare yourself for the coming of Christ and the great feast of Christmas.

For each day from the First Sunday of Advent through the Baptism of the Lord, White and Corcoran guide you through a brief passage from scripture, a spiritual message relevant to your everyday life, and a simple prayer prompt to help you draw closer to God. While each day’s devotion can be completed in about three minutes, you’ll reap the comfort and inspiration the words bring throughout the day.

The book is affordably priced for bulk purchases by Catholic parishes, schools, and other institutions.

Messages of Perseverance for Lent 2024

3-Minute Devotions


Three minutes of prayer a day is all it takes to change your life for the better.

In Messages of Perseverance for Lent 2024, Fr. Michael White and Tom Corcoran offer practical, everyday wisdom for persevering in your journey of faith. They will help you develop the grit and tenacity needed to overcome trials and temptations. Even in the midst of hardship, they encourage you to grow in faith and rely on God’s strength as you persevere toward the joy of Easter.

Beginning the first day of Lent through Holy Week, White and Corcoran—the authors of the bestselling and award-winning books Rebuilt and Seriously, God?—offer a verse or two of scripture, a short reflection, and a simple prayer prompt that will help you draw closer to God. While each devotion can be completed in as few as three minutes, you’ll reap the comfort and inspiration the words bring throughout the day.


• Fr. Michael White and Tom Corcoran’s previous books have combined sales of more than 200,000 copies.

978-1-64680-247-0 · 64 pages · $2.50

On-Sale Date: July 14, 2023

Foreign Rights: World · 4.25" x 6.75" · Paperback

Category: Prayer / Lent

Imprint: Ave Maria Press

“The Messages series is very inspirational and uplifting. The Bible verses remind me to keep God in my life, the meditations guide me on my spiritual journey, and the prayers instruct me on how to grow closer to God.”
—Deborah Purvis Forestville, Connecticut
“With four little ones at home and the daily demands of life, finding independent prayer time has been my recent struggle. It’s helped me to remember that my time of prayer with God does not have to be at a certain time, because God is always listening.”
—Kerry Thompson Parishioner, St. Matthew Parish Forestville, Connecticut

Draw Near Daily Prayers for Advent and Christmas 2023

“Your light will come, Jerusalem; the Lord will dawn on you in radiant beauty. You will see his glory within you.”

This line from the Church’s Morning Prayer book ends your Advent journey in this new daily reflection booklet for Advent and Christmas. Draw Near allows you to build a daily prayer practice that will help you find purpose and meaning by fanning the embers of Christ’s presence within as you prepare for the light of his birth.

Each week—from the first Sunday of Advent through the feast of the Baptism of the Lord—focuses on a different seasonal theme, calling us to:

• wake up

• prepare the way

• rejoice

• receive the light

• wonder at the coming of Christ

Each day opens with a line from the Liturgy of the Hours or the Bible— a psalm, prayer, antiphon, or response—and includes a short spiritual reflection, prayers for morning and evening, and a unique “Traveling Question” to ponder throughout the day that will help you focus on opening yourself to God.

The book is affordably priced for bulk purchases by Catholic parishes, schools, and other institutions.

Turn to the Cross

Daily Prayers for Lent and Holy Week 2024

Lent isn’t about training ourselves with prayer, fasting, and almsgiving so we are “good enough” to be worthy of God’s mercy. Instead, we practice these disciplines to more closely pattern our lives after the example Jesus set through his Cross and Resurrection.

In Turn to the Cross, each day from Ash Wednesday through Easter Sunday begins with a passage from the Liturgy of the Hours or the Bible—a psalm, prayer, antiphon or response—followed by a short spiritual reflection, morning and evening prayers, and a question to ponder throughout the day. About five minutes a day is all we need as we turn to the Cross for healing, hope, and renewal.

Each week includes a new Lenten theme:

• God is faithful;

• the call to conversion;

• loving others by giving alms;

• self-denial through fasting;

• union with God in prayer; and

• following Christ through the Cross.


• Draw Near and Turn to the Cross are part of a new Ave Maria Press series of devotionals.

978-1-64680-261-6 · 64 pages · $2.75

On-Sale Date: September 1, 2024

Foreign Rights: World · 5" x 7" · Paperback Category: Prayer / Advent

Imprint: Ave Maria Press

978-1-64680-263-0 · 64 pages · $2.75

On Sale Date: September 22, 2024

Foreign Rights: World · 5" x 7" · Paperback Category: Prayer / Lent

Imprint: Ave Maria Press


Living the Seasons

Simple Ways to Celebrate the Beauty of Your Faith throughout the Year

Erica Tighe Campbell, owner and designer of Be A Heart, created this stunning, full-color guide to creatively celebrating the faith throughout the year. Living the Seasons is brimming with clever, doable, and beautiful crafts and activities; vivid photographs; brief introductions to the seasons and the lives of the saints; heartfelt notes of encouragement from Campbell; and original Be A Heart illustrations. This gorgeous companion will become your favorite resource for living your faith at home for years to come.

In Living the Seasons, Campbell offers imaginative ideas, effortless directions, and gorgeous photos of crafts, activities, meals, and snacks for a diverse variety of Catholic feast days, holy days, and seasons in the Church. She uses supplies that can easily be found at your local craft stores, party shops, or online retailers. You’ll find ways to celebrate all of the Church seasons—Advent, Christmas, Lent, the Triduum, Easter, Ordinary Time—and Holy Days of Obligation in the United States, and feast days for saints from Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and the Americas. And you’ll discover fun ideas and new traditions such as:

• blessing your home in the New Year;

• celebrating Fat Tuesday with King Cake and a piñata;

• living like St. Joseph by spending time in silence and making a wooden baby rattle;

• constructing your own gratitude journal and rosary;

• making art for God, including a salt-dough Trinity wall hanging, an Assumption cloud pillow, and an orange garland for St. Nicholas Day; and

• baking “Cookies of Joy” in honor of St. Hildegard of Bingen. This book is designed to inspire you to celebrate the feast days that speak to you personally. You don’t have to start living liturgically on the first Sunday of Advent—you can begin your journey anytime during the year. You also don’t have to celebrate every feast on a grand scale.

You don’t have to be an expert crafter or chef or have the skill to create Pinterest-perfect projects: Living the Seasons is all about starting small and working on what fits into your life. Easy-to-follow instructions and online templates help you put everything together with ease. Leave this gorgeous companion on your coffee table for inspiration and it’s sure to become your favorite resource for years to come.


Be A Heart Design has more than 70,000 followers on Instagram where fans can find tips and ideas for celebrating feast days and liturgical seasons. Additional resources and downloads are available beaheart.com.

“This book is a delightful feast for the senses, offering creative and practical ideas for celebrating Christian seasons year-round. Whether you’re Catholic or broadly Christian, this book offers a rich and diverse array of traditions and practices that will help you connect with the rhythms of nature and the seasons, and deepen your sense of gratitude and wonder.”

“I can’t recommend this book enough. It is a gift for any Catholic home.”

Cohost of the Abiding Together podcast

“My wife and I will reach for this book again and again to be inspired by the different ways that we are each called to follow God.”

978-1-64680-231-9 · 256 pages · $34.95

On Sale Date: November 10, 2023

Foreign Rights: World · 8" x 10" · Hardcover Category: Christian Living

Imprint: Ave Maria Press

ERICA TIGHE CAMPBELL is the owner and artist behind Be A Heart, a popular Christian modern lifestyle brand. She offers an original collection of textiles, accessories, party goods, fine-art prints, and award-winning calligraphy that models hope and light in the midst of personal and social darkness. The beauty of diversity inspires her artwork.


978-1-64680-259-3 · 224 pages · $17.95

On Sale Date: October 20, 2023

Foreign Rights: World · 6" x 9" · Paperback

Category: Prayer

Imprint: Ave Maria Press


The Ave Notetaking Bible (Hardcover)

978-1-64680-078-, $49.95

The Ave Notetaking Bible (Imitation Leather)

978-1-64680-079-7, $59.95


Ave Prayer Intentions Journal A Record of My Conversations with God

Who—or what—are you praying for today?

The Ave Prayer Intentions Journal includes ample space to record your daily prayers for yourself, your family and friends, your community, the world, those living and dead, and people most in need of prayer. For each intention there is also room to record the ways you’ve noticed God answering your prayer. This beautifully designed, full-color journal includes generous open space, as well as embellished inspirational quotes from scripture and the saints to inspire you. You will be prompted to reflect, pray, and record what’s on your heart as you place your needs before God.

The Ave Prayer Intentions Journal is a versatile resource that will help you take the next step in your ongoing conversation with God. The traditional prayers you have memorized since childhood can only take you so far—personal prayer allows you to invite God into your life in a deeper way.

The journal also includes ten guided reflections for each of the four main types of prayer: Adoration, Contrition, Thanksgiving, and Supplication. These reflections are rooted in scripture or words of the saints.

Over time, looking back at God’s grace builds our faith and clarifies how God is moving in our lives—sometimes in surprising ways. The Ave Prayer Intentions Journal will become a cherished keepsake that you will turn to again and again whenever your faith needs a boost.


• The Ave Prayer Intentions Journal is the latest book in the Ave Maria Press line of spiritual books.

• Lay-flat binding for easy journaling.

“It is a beautiful tool to deepen the most essential relationship in our lives, to actually listen to God speaking his love and goodness into our very hearts.”
—Mariana Pimiento Campus minister and founder of Big Apple Catholic
“For those wishing to bring their relationship with Jesus to life, I highly recommend using this!”
—Tanner Kalina Catholic speaker
TikTok evangelist

The Ave Treasury of Catholic Prayers

The Ave Treasury of Catholic Prayers is an indispensable keepsake of classic and contemporary prayers that every Catholic should know.

This timeless resource includes a variety of devotions, psalms, and litanies that showcase the diversity of voices and traditions that have been part of the Catholic Church for more than two thousand years.

The hardcover, full-color volume contains all of your favorite prayers and some that will become familiar over time, including:

• essential prayers, such as the Our Father, Hail Mary, creeds, and Confiteor;

• prayers for talking with God throughout the day;

• prayers for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion;

• devotions and consecrations to Jesus, Mary, and Joseph; and

• prayers from saints for each of the five main forms of prayer listed in the Catechism of the Catholic Church—prayers of blessing, petition, intercession, thanksgiving, and praise.

Elegant, vintage lithographs and engravings taken from traditional prayer books, psalters, and Bibles and presented in a contemporary design add to the beauty of the book. An index makes it easy to find prayers based on the saint or topic of devotion.


• The Ave Treasury of Catholic Prayers makes an ideal gift for Confirmation, RCIA, a wedding, graduation, and holidays.

978-1-64680-226-5 · 256 pages · $19.95

On Sale Date: November 10, 2023

Foreign Rights: World · 5" x 7" · Hardcover

Category: Prayer

Imprint: Ave Maria Press


The Ave Guide to the Scriptural Rosary 978-1-64680-190-9, $16.95 (Hardcover)

The Ave Guide to Eucharistic Adoration 978-1-64680-220-3, $17.95 (Hardcover)

“We know we need to draw near to God through prayer, but we don’t always have the words to do so. This companion book is perfect to keep with you at all times so that a prayer is never far from your lips.”
—Erica Tighe Campbell Designer and Founder of Be A Heart
“This is a comprehensive collection of prayers that includes traditional and diverse voices. It is an excellent resource for the youth and young adults I minister to and anyone wishing to enhance their prayer lives.”
—Ogechi Akalegbere Catholic Speaker and Youth and Young Adult Minister
“Michael White and Tom Corcoran—these two good shepherds— have done it again! They’ve written a timely, practical, wise, and humorous book that is sure to help not only skeptics but anyone searching to know the critical questions and the first steps in becoming a disciple of Jesus.”
—Peter Herbeck Executive Vice President and Director of Missions, Renewal Ministries

Rebuilt Faith

A Handbook for Skeptical Catholics


Do you question whether God really exists? Have you considered walking away from your faith because you’ve been hurt by someone in the Church or because you struggle with some of its teachings? Or maybe you’ve already left? Are you carrying around guilt for something you’ve done and don’t feel you are worthy of God’s love?

Rebuilt Faith, written by Fr. Michael White and Tom Corcoran— authors of the bestselling book Rebuilt—proposes five simple steps to learn (or relearn) more about your Catholic faith and deepen your relationship with God.

In Rebuilt Faith, you will learn that rebuilding and renewing your faith starts with a nagging feeling that you want something more—more connectedness, more community, and more purpose. That’s the spark that leads to a flame that burns brightly around Jesus, the foundation of living and growing in faith.

The steps in Rebuilt Faith can be done in just ten minutes a day over forty days during your morning coffee, at lunchtime, or when you are relaxing in the evening. Each one includes a quotation from a saint, a reflection, questions to ponder, a prayer, and a scripture verse.

White and Corcoran organize the book around five steps that build on different aspects of Catholicism and are meant to be repeated:

• serve—serve others and develop a servant’s heart;

• give—giving reflects the character of God;

• engage in Christian community—we need friends of faith to become more like Jesus;

• practice prayer and the sacraments—by praying consistently and continually taking part in the sacraments, you will better connect with God; and

• share your faith—having a heart for people who do not know Jesus and helping them in their faith journey will strengthen your own faith.

White and Corcoran have watched thousands of people in their parish in Timonium, Maryland, take these five steps and grow from seeing God primarily as an abstract idea into knowing him as a deeply loved partner who provides a far greater sense of purpose for living than they had ever known before.

Invest in yourself by taking your faith to the next level and allowing God to help you come to know his grace, favor, and loving kindness in a new and personal way. Not only will you strengthen your own connection to God but also the connection between him and the entire Body of Christ.


• Combined sales for the Rebuilt Parish series of books exceed 300,000.

• The forty-day structure of Rebuilt Faith is perfect for use by parishes, book clubs, and individuals during Lent.

• You can find a leader’s guide, videos, and other free resources on avemariapress.com and rebuiltparish.com

“I don’t love the rules and obligations of Catholicism. But I love Jesus. Fr. Michael White and Tom Corcoran reminded me why Sunday Mass matters: because Jesus, who I love, is there. If you’re seeking Jesus, or just seeking something, this book might be just what you’re looking for.”

—Shannon Wimp Schmidt

Parish Vitality Coordinator, Archdiocese of Chicago and author of Fat Luther, Slim Pickin’s

“Rebuilt Faith is a must-read for anyone looking to jumpstart their faith. Fr. Michael White and Tom Corcoran provide practical and inspiring guidance for taking the next steps on your spiritual journey. The forty daily exercises are easy to follow and can transform your life. I highly recommend this new book and can’t wait to share it with the people in our parish!”

—Rev. Gerald Souza

Pastor of Ascension Parish

Sudbury, Massachusetts

978-1-64680-201-2 · 256 pages · $18.95

On Sale Date: October 6, 2023

Foreign Rights: World · 5.5" x 8.5" · Paperback

Category: Spirituality

Imprint: Ave Maria Press

they host—Tools for Rebuilding, Rebuilding Your Message, and The Rebuilt Field Guide. They also are the coauthors of Seriously, God? and the bestselling Messages series for Advent and Lent. Corcoran is the president of Rebuilt—an organization designed to rebuild parishes for growth and health. White is its cofounder.



978-1-59471-386-6, $17.95

Seriously, God?

978-1-64680-084-1, $16.95


978-1-59471-912-7, $16.95

FR. MICHAEL WHITE AND TOM CORCORAN are coauthors of the bestselling Rebuilt Parish series, including the award-winning Rebuilt—which led to the CatholicTV series The Rebuilt Show, which

“Regina Boyd offers a sincere path toward connection and communion that does not shy away from difficult realities. She draws not only from her clinical expertise but also is generous in offering the fruit of her own journey and prayer to bring together this work, which is a gift to the Church, especially in our time.”

—Sr. Josephine Garrett, CSFN Licensed counselor

Leaving Loneliness Behind

5 Keys to Experiencing God’s Love and Building Healthy Connections with Others


Our connections with God and others are fundamental to who we are as people. The reality is that often these relationships— especially with our family, friends, and others around us—are less than ideal, and we end up feeling lonely. That loneliness makes us doubt God’s promises, our friends and family, and even the idea that we are worthy of love at all.

In Leaving Loneliness Behind, licensed Catholic therapist Regina Boyd helps you build the skills you need to have meaningful, rich, and rewarding relationships with God and those around you. Emotional intimacy is the antidote to loneliness, Boyd says. It’s about sharing yourself and your feelings more deeply with another person—being vulnerable and trusting through what you say and how you act.

So how do we reach emotional intimacy? Boyd identifies five keys:

1. Recognize the potential depths in your existing relationships.

2. Allow yourself to be vulnerable so that true intimacy is possible.

3. Communicate through conflicts in a way that encourages affection, trust, and openness.

4. Acknowledge the past and move toward emotional wholeness.

5. Give of yourself for the sake of the relationship.

Each chapter includes a real-life story that illustrates how applying the principles of emotional intimacy can transform marriages, friendships, families, and workplaces. Catholic thought, stories from scripture, and teachings from the Church highlight how our faith connects to our daily actions and exchanges.

Leaving Loneliness Behind

The Workbook


Leaving Loneliness Behind: The Workbook is the essential companion for Regina Boyd’s book, Leaving Loneliness Behind. It provides exercises, charts, lists, ideas, interactive questions, and journaling space to put into practice the skills you’ve learned from the main book. Scripture reflections guide you to explore ways that connection with others help you live God’s plan for your life.

The workbook corresponds to each chapter of the main book and offers:

• guided scripture reflections and prayer questions to deepen your relationship with God;

• two main activities that break down your goals into doable steps by using charts, lists, diagrams, and reflection questions;

• practical tips as you begin working on your relationships in day-to-day life; and

• room to journal and chart your progress. Companion videos focus on each of the five keys.

Companion videos are available on avemariapress.com

“This book (and workbook) based on Regina Boyd’s experience as a Catholic therapist is filled with practical wisdom. I highly recommend it. Put her words into practice and your relationships will flourish.”

—Bob Schuchts

Author of Be Healed


978-1-64680-204-3 · 128 pages · $14.95

On Sale Date: October 20, 2023

Foreign Rights: World · 6" x 9" · Paperback Category: Catholicism / Healing

Imprint: Ave Maria Press


978-1-64680-206-7 · 64 pages · $11.95

On Sale Date: October 20, 2023

Foreign Rights: World · 8.5" x 11" · Booklet Category: Catholicism / Healing

Imprint: Ave Maria Press


978-1-64680-301-9 · 192 pages · $25.95

On Sale Date: October 20, 2023

Foreign Rights: World · 8.5" x 11" · Paperback Category: Catholicism / Healing

Imprint: Ave Maria Press

REGINA BOYD is a licensed mental health counselor and marriage and family therapist. She is the founder of Boyd Counseling Services and a contributor to the Hallow app.


Seasons of Hope: Facilitator’s Pack Guidebook and 4 Journals

978-1-64680-281-4 · $50.00

Seasons of Hope: Leader’s Guide

978-1-64680-232-6 · 256 pages · $23.95

8.5” x 11” · Paperback

Seasons of Hope: Journal One

978-1-64680-233-3 · 64 pages · $6.95

5.5” x 8.5” · Booklet

Seasons of Hope: Journal Two

978-1-64680-234-0 · 64 pages · $6.95

5.5” x 8.5” · Booklet

Seasons of Hope: Journal Three

978-1-64680-235-7 · 64 pages · $6.95

5.5” x 8.5” · Booklet

Seasons of Hope: Journal Four

978-1-64680-236-4 · 64 pages · $6.95

5.5” x 8.5” · Booklet

On Sale Date: December 1, 2023

Category: Bereavement / Grief

Imprint: Ave Maria Press

Foreign Rights: World


Seasons of Hope

Finding Comfort in Your Grief

A Catholic Approach for Small Groups and Individuals

Seasons of Hope is a unique grief support program for Catholics that focuses on the spiritual side of grieving the death of a loved one. It invites those who mourn to accompany one another and to meet Christ through scripture, prayer, reflection, and simple activities that offer comfort and help to foster healing and spiritual growth.

The updated Seasons of Hope Leader’s Guide and our journals can be used by a parish grief ministry. Individuals are also able to use the journals for personal reflection and prayer. You can start with any of the four journals, each of which covers a standalone “season” of six sessions that each have their own theme rooted in a passage from scripture.

The Seasons of Hope program was created by author M. Donna MacLeod following the death of her daughter and has been used in thousands of parishes by tens of thousands of people since its original release in 2007. Updates to the new edition of the Leader’s Guide include:

• a new introduction;

• a new chapter about offering group sessions online;

• revised content and activities that meet the challenges and needs of the contemporary Church and culture;

• an updated resource list;

• access to online facilitator training materials; and

• information about caring for those living grief from losses such as suicide, overdose, miscarriage and other child loss, natural disasters, or homicide.

The Leader’s Guide continues to include FAQs about creating and sustaining successful grief ministries in your parish. It also provides outlines and scripts for the six group sessions of each season. Those sessions include scripture, prayer, reflection, activities, and faith sharing.

The Seasons of Hope Journals, which are perfect for individual and group use, have been revised with a new introduction and updated resource listings. The journals also include Bible references, reflections, prayers, and space for writing.

—From the foreword by Bishop John P. Dolan Diocese  of Phoenix

“Communicating loss is essential.  Opportunities to communicate with others are essential. Opportunities to communicate with God are necessary. Seasons of Hope offers both opportunities and, as a bishop, I offer my whole-hearted support and blessing.”
M. DONNA MACLEOD is a Catholic lay leader and the founder, coordinator, and facilitator of the Seasons of Hope ministry to the bereaved. She is the author of the bestselling Seasons of Hope series, which includes a guidebook and four accompanying journals. Her work was inspired by the loss of her youngest daughter, Erynne, in 1988, and the compassionate response of her parish.

The Grief of Dads Support and Hope for Catholic Fathers Navigating Child Loss


For a variety of reasons—including cultural norms, a man’s traditional role in the family, and lack of support—a father’s grief often fades into the background when his child dies. The Grief of Dads was written by Catholic fathers just like you who have lost a child at any age and from any circumstance. These dads offer the support, spiritual guidance, and companionship you need as you make your way through grief.

The Grief of Dads is an important resource to help you know that you are not alone and to work through loss and the upheaval of deep grieving with help from men who have been there, too.

Authors Patrick O’Hearn and Bryan Feger, along with Ryan Breaux of Red Bird Ministries—an organization that guides individuals and couples through the trauma of losing a child— want to normalize conversations about men’s grief.

Drawing on the richness of the Catholic faith, they offer stories from the men in the Bible and from male saints who knew the pain of losing a child and yet found hope and healing in God. The authors share their own stories and the experiences of seven other fathers who lean on their faith and seek healing with help from the sacraments, the Bible, fellow Catholics, and the devotional practices of the Church.

The book includes resource lists, journaling space, prayers, spiritual reflections, and letters of spiritual support, as well as guidance for friends, family, and pastors of grieving fathers. Kelly Breaux, cofounder and president of Red Bird Ministries, wrote a chapter for wives as well.


• The authors are closely connected to Red Bird Ministries, of which Ryan Breaux is cofounder and vice president. The organization has about thirty trained leaders in more than a dozen states, and also has grief support groups in Nigeria, Australia, Belize, New Zealand, and England.

• Red Bird Ministries plans to use the book as a centerpiece of their annual retreat for mothers and fathers and in other aspects of their programing.

978-1-64680-253-1 · 224 pages · $18.95

On Sale Date: September 1, 2023

Foreign Rights: World · 6" x 9" · Paperback

Category: Grief / Men’s Spirituality

Imprint: Ave Maria Press

BRYAN FEGER is a scientist and senior medical writer. After experiencing the loss of three children from miscarriage, he feels called to let other dads know they are not alone, grieving is necessary, and healing is possible.

RYAN BREAUX is the vice president of Red Bird Ministries, which he cofounded with his wife, Kelly, following the loss of four children—two boys and two girls. The organization helps parents who have lost a child of any age to find healing.

“Packed with rich stories and powerful testimonies, The Grief of Dads is a beautifully written book for Catholic men who grieve the death of a child. It gives you a roadmap to follow and permission to feel; a reason to heal and a purpose as you move forward, learning to live with your loss and your grieving.”
—Paul George
Author of Holy Grit
PATRICK O’HEARN is a Catholic author of several books, including Nursery of Heaven: Miscarriage, Stillbirth, and Infant Loss in the Lives of the Saints and Today’s Parents.

978-1-64680-257-9 · 160 pages · $14.95

On Sale Date: September 22, 2023

Foreign Rights: World · 5" x 7" · Paperback Category: Spirituality

Imprint: Ave Maria Press

PETER “GRACEMAN” LE is a Vietnamese Catholic who is executive director and founder—with his wife, Dr. ThuHuong Trinh—of a North Carolina–based medical clinic. Le came to the United States as a thirteen-year-old polio survivor among the Vietnamese “boat people” of the 1980s. Diagnosed with thyroid cancer in 2018, Le has dedicated his life to sharing his story with those overwhelmed by suffering and hardship.

My Life of Grace How I Found Hope and Purpose in Suffering PETER “GRACEMAN” LE

Peter Le understands suffering.

His dramatic story begins in a childhood marked by polio and a flight from war-torn Vietnam as one of the thousands of “boat people” who immigrated to the United States in the 1980s. But Le says his greatest trial—and most profound joy—began in the fall of 2018 when he learned he had thyroid cancer.

In My Life of Grace, he offers a practical yet deeply personal exploration of redemptive suffering and how we can uniquely enter into the Passion of Christ by embracing our trials so we can persevere in grace and hope.

“The greatest grace that God can give someone is to send him a trial he cannot bear with his own powers—and then sustain him with his grace so he may endure to the end and be saved.”

Le says this quote attributed to St. Justin Martyr defines his life. Throughout his continued battle with thyroid cancer—years of pain, multiple treatments, surgeries, medications, and visits to numerous doctors and cancer centers—Le’s confusion and hopelessness were overtaken by excitement, hope and awe. He realized that he was receiving God’s consolation.

Le considers himself blessed—and that’s why he calls himself “Graceman.”

Without glossing over the realities of his suffering, Le shares lessons he learned in the “school of suffering, including new life is possible in Christ, allowing us to share not only in the Cross but also in the glory of the Resurrection. He also challenges us to embrace our own pain as a conduit of grace.

The book includes a special novena to Our Lady of Lavang, the patroness of Vietnam, who consoles her children in their suffering.

“Peter ‘Graceman’ Le’s inspirational and powerful real-life stories of his journey as a refugee and survivor of cancer is a must-read for anyone who has ever struggled with pain, loss, illness, or doubt.”
—Young Hoang, PhD President
Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Movement
“Chock-full of tenderness, compassion, and lessons for the path of redemptive suffering, My Life of Grace is a true balm for anyone facing challenging moments along life’s journey.”
—Lisa M. Hendey Author of The Grace of Yes

Gaming and the Heroic Life

A Quest for Holiness in the Virtual World

Video games fuel a fundamental human drive for adventure— like the epic quest to slay zombies, a solo voyage to rescue the princess, or setting off with a clan to defeat the final boss.

The desire to be a hero in your journey is something Bobby Angel can relate to. A lifelong gamer, he was the cohost of the God and Gaming series on YouTube and often appears as a guest on Bearded Blevins’s Around the Halo on Twitch. In Gaming and the Heroic Life, Bobby explains that you don’t have to just play the role of hero in a game—you can actually pursue a heroic life by the way you engage the virtual world.

Gaming and the Heroic Life is a map to becoming not only a better gamer but also a better person—one who has a purpose and knows where they fit into the world.

The book contains three levels:

• Level One explores why people love games and what games have to do with God.

• Level Two examines how the Easter eggs of truth, beauty, and goodness in games impact players in much the same way that they impact your relationship with God.

• Level Three demonstrates how gaming can propel players AFK (away from keyboard) to find purpose and meaning in service to others.

Bobby shows where video games intersect with a life of faith in God—how games echo with our call to holiness and how we can respond to that call in both the virtual and real worlds.


• Video gaming is a $200 billion industry that captures everything from solitaire on your phone to consoles and computers to E-sports in arenas around the world.

978-1-64680-249-4 · 128 pages · $14.95

On Sale Date: November 10, 2023

Foreign Rights: World · 5.5" x 8.5" · Paperback

Category: Spirituality

Imprint: Ave Maria Press

“Bobby Angel’s insight into the world of video games, young people, and the life of virtue has qualified him in a unique way to offer the wisest counsel for anyone interested in all three.”
—Fr. Mike Schmitz
Host of The Bible in a
Year podcast
“With the soul of a gamer and a heart for Jesus, Bobby Angel really nails the mission field of gaming that a lot of people simply overlook. This is a perfect guide to being in the culture but not of it. It’s dangerous to go alone—take this book!”
—Katie Ruvalcaba Twitch streamer @MrsRuvi
JONATHAN “BEARDED” BLEVINS is the founder of BeardedBlevins Stream Team and Little Flower Media. BOBBY ANGEL is a Catholic author, speaker, and a mentorin-training with the CatholicPsych Institute. He has more than twenty years of experience in ministry. Angel is a regular on Bearded Blevins’s Around the Halo on Twitch, on Ascension Presents, and the God and Gaming series with Fr. Blake Britton on YouTube.
“I can’t think of a better way to keep Bible in a Year listeners engaged in sacred scripture than to study and pray into the rhythm of the weekly Mass readings. And I can’t think of a better resource than this little book or a better guide than Mark Hart.”
—Fr. Mike Schmitz Host of the Bible in a Year podcast

One Sunday at a Time Preparing Your Heart for Weekly Mass A Companion to Cycle B


What if ten minutes a week could help you experience Sunday Mass more fully and deepen your love of the Word of God?

“Bible Geek” Mark Hart makes that possible with One Sunday at a Time, the essential companion to the Sunday readings and an ideal resource for busy Catholics who want to get more out of Mass. After almost thirty years in ministry, Hart hears two questions most often: “How do I get more out of Mass?” and “Where do I start?” His response? Begin with what you’re already doing—going to Mass. You’ll understand the Bible better, receive God’s grace, and the liturgy will come to life for you in a whole new way. The extra features of each Sunday are designed to help you initiate faith-based conversations with your family and friends, form the habit of scripture study, and carve out time for God every week. In this book you will find

• color-coded sections that correspond to the liturgical seasons,

• brief summaries of the Mass readings for Sundays, major feasts, and solemnities in liturgical year Cycle B,

• engaging reflections that draw your attention to a primary theme and common threads among the readings each week,

• explanation of key Greek and Hebrew words in the biblical text, and

• fun facts and cultural context of the biblical world.

One Sunday at a Time also includes prayers and a weekly challenge to help put into practice the message of each week’s readings in your daily life. Wide margins are ideal for notetaking. Readers have identified the book as the perfect companion to Every Sacred Sunday. This beautiful, full-color book is perfect for use by individuals, families, RCIA classes, and small groups.


• Mark Hart is an established, nationally known Bible teacher and chief innovation officer of Life Teen International.

Category: Catholicism

Imprint: Ave Maria Press


One Sunday at a Time (Cycle A) 978-1-64680-170-1, $24.95 (Hardcover)

Our Not-Quite-Holy-Family 978-1-59471-917-2, $15.95

MARK HART—also known as the “Bible Geek”—is the chief innovation officer at Life Teen International. He is an award-winning producer of Bible study DVDs and the author or coauthor of more than twenty books.
“This book is a perfect combination of history, humor, and heart. I’m grateful it exists to help men, women, and/or families fall deeper in love with our Lord and his Word.”
—Jenna Guizar

978-1-933495-62-0 · 192 pages · $16.95

On Sale Date: September 1, 2023

Foreign Rights: World · 5" x 7" · Paperback

Category: Prayer

Imprint: Sorin Books


A Book of Uncommon Prayer

100 Celebrations of the Miracle & Muddle of the Ordinary BRIAN DOYLE

Afterword by Peter Boland

Brian Doyle was a one-of-a-kind author who wrote one-of-akind prayers about everyday subjects that help readers change the way they see the world.

Prayers for cashiers and good shoes; for shorter sermons and better senators; prayers for the bruised, foolish, glorious, stumbling, brilliant Church; for chaplains and mathematicians; for idiot authors and muddy dogs: These are the most heartfelt and headlong prayers you will ever read and share—the grinning, snarling prayers we mouth quietly in the car and the shower and the pub, the small chapels of our everyday life.

Doyle said he aimed to write short pieces that functioned like “arrows to the heart.” This book is a quiver full of those sharp arrows, ”stealth theology” that explores everyday encounters— from nuns to possums, from Chet Baker to Port-A-Potties— through a Catholic, sacramental imagination.

Since Doyle’s death in 2017 from a brain tumor, enthusiasm for his award-winning writing has only swelled, whether it’s his quirky prayers, kinetic essays, or magical novels such as Mink River and The Plover. This tenth anniversary edition of A Book of Uncommon Prayer includes a new foreword from his wife, Mary, and an afterword from his good friend Peter Boland, who delivered the eulogy at Doyle’s funeral.


• Brian Doyle is counted among the best Catholic writers of our time.

• His works continue to be popular years after his death. The original edition of this book sold more than 20,000 copies.

“Brian Doyle remains our great poet of paradox: irreverently reverent, wildly civilized, jokingly serious, and earthily spiritual.”

“A Book of Uncommon Prayer is an anthem to everyday wonder. It made me want to pray and reminded me that attentiveness is prayer at its purest. I will reach for this book and Brian Doyle’s magical blend of simplicity, tenderness, and humor for the rest of my ordinary days.”
—Shannan Martin
BRIAN DOYLE (1956–2017) was an award-winning author who served as the editor of Portland Magazine from 1991 to 2017. MARY MILLER DOYLE can be found painting in her Portland studio. She and Brian shared thirty exuberant years of marriage and were blessed with three children. PETER BOLAND was Brian Doyle’s best friend and offered the eulogy at his funeral. Boland appears in the final prayer in A Book of Uncommon Prayer as a big otter.

The Love of Thousands

How Angels, Saints, and Ancestors Walk with Us toward Holiness


Is it possible that angels, saints, and even our departed ancestors support and inspire us throughout our lives? How can we connect with them in a real way?

Christine Valters Paintner, popular spiritual writer and abbess of the online Abbey of the Arts, says these sacred beings are paving the way for our journey toward God’s love, even as we pass through a world rife with struggle, discord, and violence. In The Love of Thousands, she helps us open up our spiritual imagination to encounter our heavenly helpers, allowing us to become everyday mystics.

Paintner describes saints, angels, and our ancestors as sacred beings who surround us like concentric circles, watching over us with compassion and offering us spiritual guidance throughout our lives.

In The Love of Thousands, she guides us to see the ways these beings support us, from the care of our guardian angels, to the wisdom of the mystics, to the witness of our loved ones who have crossed the threshold to the light of God’s presence.

Throughout The Love of Thousands, we are led to explore and better understand

• the teachings from scripture and tradition about the four archangels, the protection offered by our guardian angels, and what it might look like to wrestle with angels as Jacob did in the Old Testament;

• the witness of the saints and mystics, with an exploration of how we are all called to be mystics;

• the tradition of relics and the practice of pilgrimage;

• the presence of our ancestors, inviting us first to claim the blessings of our family heritage and then to embrace grief and explore healing the wounds of our lineage.

Each chapter includes a reflection, practice, meditation, and creative exercise that will help cultivate an ongoing relationship with angels, saints, and our ancestors. Paintner also suggests various ways to engage with this book to reflect more deeply on the spiritual content, such as reading it over the course of a year or with others as a form of spiritual pilgrimage.

Find supporting materials, including a companion album, at abbeyofthearts.com.


• Books by Christine Valters Paintner have combined sales of more than 100,000 copies.

978-1-93205-733-1 · 224 pages · $18.95

On Sale Date: August 18, 2023

Foreign Rights: World · 6" x 9" · Paperback

Category: Christian Living / Spirituality

Imprint: Sorin Books


The Artist’s Rule 978-1-93349-529-3, $16.95

Eyes of the Heart 978-1-93349-554-5, $16.95

Sacred Time 978-1-93205-722-5, $16.95

Birthing the Holy 978-1-93205-727-0, $18.95

“The Love of Thousands is actually a retreat on knowing life more richly.”
—Robert J. Wicks
Author of Riding the Dragon
CHRISTINE VALTERS PAINTNER is the online abbess for Abbey of the Arts. She is the author of seventeen books on monasticism and creativity and three collections of poetry.

978-1-64680-267-8 · 256 pages · $17.95

On Sale Date: June 2, 2023

Foreign Rights: World · 6" x 9" · Paperback

Category: Catholicism / Healing

Imprint: Ave Maria Press

BOB SCHUCHTS is the bestselling author of Be Healed, Be Transformed, Be Devoted, Be Restored, and Do You Want to Be Healed? He is the founder of the John Paul II Healing Center in Tallahassee, Florida, and cohost of the Restore the Glory podcast with Jake Khym.


Be Restored (English Edition) • 978-1-64680-023-0, $17.9

Be Healed

PAPERBACK: 978-1-59471-476-4, $17.95

HARDCOVER: 978-1-64680-166-4, $24.95

SPANISH: • 978-1-59471-769-7, $16.95

Do You Want to Be Healed? • 978-1-64680-158-9, $15.95

Be Transformed • 978-1-59471-681-2, $17.95

Sé restaurado (Spanish Edition of Be Restored


Sanar nuestras heridas sexuales a través del amor misericordioso de Jesús


Foreword by Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT

Afterword by Mark Toups

We all have sexual wounds—some caused by over-sexualized culture, some by our personal choices, and some through the actions of others. Have you struggled with wounds from sexual abuse and molestation, pornography use, infidelity, divorce, sexual identity confusion, genophobia, or unwanted sexual compulsions?

In Be Restored, bestselling and award-winning author Bob Schuchts of the John Paul II Healing Center offers you concrete steps for healing and wholeness, relying on a combination of clinical expertise, Catholic theology, and personal experience as a survivor to guide you.

An essential guide to healing sexual wounds, Be Restored speaks to our deepest longing for sexual wholeness. It reveals the way to be freed from debilitating shame, sexual compulsions and sin, identity confusion, and wounds in psychosexual development. You will discover the reasons behind your emotional pain and how it’s connected to your sexual wounds— whether those wounds come from acute moments of sexual trauma in the past or from the more subtle trauma of living in our sex-saturated world.

Speaking from his own experience of sexual woundedness and his professional background as a marriage and family therapist, Schuchts—the bestselling author of Be Healed—is sensitive to the shame of sexual wounds. In Be Restored, he compassionately guides readers through a comprehensive understanding of potential areas of sexual wounds and shame. He then lays out a practical roadmap for restoring sexual wholeness.

Each chapter in Be Restored contains “Take a Moment” reflections and personal activities that include prayer and scripture-based exercises, emotional mapping, and thoughtprovoking reflection questions.

Four appendices offer specific instructions and prayers for restoring sexual wholeness.


• Previous books by Bob Schuchts have sold more than 40,000 copies.

• The English edition has sold more than 9,000 copies.

“Through vulnerable stories, practical tools, and decades of experience, Bob Schuchts invites readers to be honest about their sexual history so the light of Christ can shine through and heal.”

Start Talking to Your Kids about Sex

A Practical Guide for Catholics

One of the most daunting challenges we face as parents is talking with our kids about their changing bodies, boundaries, and sex. When do we begin? Where do we start? How do we approach these crucial topics in a way that ensures our kids have the information they need, doesn’t make them (or us) feel shame, and reinforces Catholic values?

In Start Talking to Your Kids about Sex, clinical psychologist Julia Sadusky will answer questions you may have and offers practical advice to give you a boost of confidence as you begin having these tough conversations with your elementary-age children. As Christians, we believe that the body is a blessing and a gift from God—and worth protecting—from the beginning of life. But many parents and educators wait until puberty to begin conversations with kids about sexuality and relationship boundaries. We miss opportunities along the way to reinforce their body’s goodness— like when young children discover their most intimate body parts, for example. We might react out of fear and embarrassment because we don’t know how to respond calmly.

Start Talking to Your Kids about Sex is organized in a questionand-answer format, making it easy for you to begin with the topic that’s most pertinent at the time. It will help you identify barriers to these conversations with a child. You’ll be able to draw from concrete scripts addressing everything from responding to questions about genitalia, exploratory play, sexual abuse, and technology use. With each chapter, the content will help you grow your courage and practical knowledge.

This go-to resource is structured around the most frequently asked questions Sadusky receives in her clinical practice, including

• What is healthy body exploration?

• Should I make my kids hug strangers?

• How can I help my kids learn to say no when I’m not around?

• What are good “house rules,” and how do I justify them to other adults?

• What do I do if my kids say they had an unwanted sexual experience?

• How should I respond to invitations to sleepovers and overnight trips?

An appendix offers additional resources for parents. While the book is geared toward parents, extended family members, caregivers, mentors, mental health professionals, and educators also will find the information helpful.


• There are very few resources that help parents talk with their children about sex and their bodies, and even fewer books that address these issues from a Catholic perspective.

• A second book, available in spring 2024, in the series will focus on children ages ten to eighteen.

978-1-64680-222-7 · 192 pages · $18.95

On Sale Date: November 10, 2023

Foreign Rights: World · 6" x 9" · Paperback Category: Catholic Parenting

Imprint: Ave Maria Press

JULIA SADUSKY is a licensed clinical psychologist and the owner of Lux Counseling and Consulting. She has done extensive research in sexual development and specializes in trauma-informed care.
“Julia Sadusky brings her experience as a licensed psychologist to help parents be proactive in leading conversations with their children about the beauty of God’s gift of our sexuality. Filled with practical advice, we’ve been blessed as parents by Sadusky’s timely and important work!”
—Jackie and Bobby Angel Catholic authors and speakers

978-1-64680-237-1 · 160 pages · $14.95

On Sale Date: November 10, 2023

Foreign Rights: World · 5" x 7" · Paperback

Category: Catholicism

Imprint: Ave Maria Press


Our Faithful Departed • 978-1-64680-167-1, $14.95

Ten Ways to Pray • 978-1-64680-057-5, $13.95

Creation • 978-1-64680-107-7, $14.95

Real Presence • 978-1-64680-055-1, $14.95

Becoming Eucharistic People • 978-1-64680-156-5, $14.95

Angels and Saints Who They Are and Why They Matter



Foreword by Brant

We often pray with the saints in our Catholic practice or see paintings of angels by famous artists, but who are they really? What do they do? Can they really intercede for us?

Elizabeth Klein, assistant professor of theology at the Augustine Institute, leads us through a soul-inspiring exploration of Catholic teaching on angels and saints and why they matter to us as individuals and to the Church.

Throughout the book, Klein answers common questions about the angels and saints in order to give us a deeper understanding and appreciation of the role they play in our lives, the Mass, and in the life of the Church. She also equips us to better discuss with non-Catholics what we believe about angels and saints.

In Angels and Saints, Klein explains that these heavenly companions are gifts from God. They are our friends and are joined to us in the mystical the Body of Christ. They invite us to love God and each other perfectly as they do.

In this book, you also will learn that

• Angels appear throughout the Bible in many forms.

• The Catechism of the Catholic Church says that angels are perfect, immortal, have souls, and are as individual as humans.

• Both the Old and New Testaments provide strong evidence that each one of us has a guardian angel.

• The Communion of Saints refers to the Church, the Body of Christ of which we are a part. This means we have true contact and unity with all members of the Church, both living and dead.

• No matter your state in life, you can find a canonized saint very much like you.

• When we pray to saints, we are really asking them to pray to God on our behalf.

Books in the Engaging Catholicism series from the McGrath Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame help readers discover the beauty and truth of the Catholic faith through a concise exploration of the Church’s most important but often difficult-to-grasp doctrines as well as crucial pastoral and spiritual practices.

“Elizabeth Klein’s smart, concise, and engaging treatment of the angels and saints in Catholic tradition unveils who these wonderful, holy helpers are and how they stand ready to help us.”
—Tanner Kalina Cofounder of the Saints Alive podcast
ELIZABETH KLEIN is an assistant professor of theology at the Augustine Institute, a contributor to Formed, and the author of God: What Every Catholic Should Know and Augustine’s Theology of Angels. THE MCGRATH INSTITUTE FOR CHURCH LIFE partners with Catholic dioceses, parishes, and schools to provide theological education and formation to address pressing pastoral problems. The Institute offers creative Catholic content and programming for the new evangelization.

Living the Word Catholic Women’s Bible

Do you long to connect with other women who live the Word of God in the world every day?

That connection is what makes the Living the Word Catholic Women’s Bible different from other Bibles for women: it includes almost four-hundred pages of special features created for women by women—more than forty scholars, teachers, religious, authors, ministers, and speakers—such as Leah Darrow, Sarah Christmyer, Johnnette Benkovic Williams, and Sr. Maria Kim-Ngân Bùi, FSP—who come from a variety of backgrounds and reflect the diversity of the Catholic faith. They will help you to better understand scripture and to live it in your own life. And you will feel as if you are reading the Bible right alongside them.

The stunning beauty of the Living the Word Catholic Women’s Bible also makes it stand out amongst its peers. The extraordinary and elegant design enhances your reading experience by connecting various features throughout the text. The gorgeous colors and rich design elements help you feel at home in the Bible so you can truly experience Living the Word.

978-1-64680-125-1, 1,984 pages, $64.95 (Hardcover)

Living the Word Companion Journal

Find reasons for gratitude and hope as you encounter scripture and discover its meaning in your life with the beautifully designed Living the Word Companion Journal.

This journal is the perfect complement to the Living the Word Catholic Women’s Bible. It will help you to be drawn in again and again to a community of women who share your desire to live God’s Word in their everyday lives. Journaling in conjunction with the Living the Word Bible will help you take the readings to heart and grow in intimacy with the Lord.

The journal’s stunning design is patterned after the Living the Word Catholic Women’s Bible and includes flowing pastel swaths, a full-color interior, and elegant type. This hardcover cloth book with gold stamping is both beautiful and durable—the perfect accompaniment for weeks of prayer, journaling, and reflection.

978-1-64680-126-8, 256 pages, $22.95 (Hardcover)

“A beautiful gift.”
“Unique and beautiful.”
—Jenna Guizar Founder and creative director of Blessed Is She

The Ave Guide to the Scriptural Rosary

The Ave Guide to the Scriptural Rosary will help you pray the devotion more deeply and bring you closer to Mary and her Son as you meditate on short scripture passages with each decade.

This durable keepsake includes all of the directions, prayers, and Bible verses you need to understand and pray a Scriptural Rosary with each of the four mysteries—Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful, and Glorious. The book includes elegant, vintage lithographs and engravings taken from traditional prayer books, psalters, and Bibles and presented in a contemporary design.

The book also includes background on the Rosary and its spiritual graces, how to pray with the sacramental, and how to use a scriptural version of the prayer. An appendix includes Marian prayers, a litany, a novena, and information about Marian consecration.

978-1-64680-190-9, 144 pages, $16.95 (Hardcover)

The Ave Guide to Eucharistic Adoration

Spending time in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament—a devotion that has been present in some form since the first century—is an important Catholic practice that honors the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist.

The Ave Guide to Eucharistic Adoration offers a rich array of prayers, devotions, meditations, and Church teachings to read during your quiet time with the Lord, whether you have fifteen minutes or an entire holy hour. The book includes elegant, vintage lithographs and engravings taken from traditional prayer books, psalters, and Bibles and presented in a contemporary design.

In Matthew’s Gospel, when Jesus goes to pray in the Garden of Gethsemane the night before his death, he asks his disciples to “remain here and keep watch with me . . . watch and pray” (26: 38, 41). This is what our Lord invites us to do during Eucharistic Adoration.

The Ave Guide to Eucharistic Adoration is perfect for someone new to the practice, as well as seasoned veterans looking for a unique way to pray during their time with the Lord.

978-1-64680-220-3, 192 pages, $17.95 (Hardcover)

“A must-have book for all who pray the Rosary.”
—Fr. Francis Joseph “Fr. Rocky” Hoffman  Chairman and CEO of Relevant Radio
“An indispensable guide.”
—Rachel Bulman Contributor to Word on Fire Catholic Ministries

Holy Habits from the Sacred Heart

Ten Ways to Build Stronger, More Loving Relationships


Jesus invites you to experience his love through devotion to his Sacred Heart, a powerful source of spiritual and personal healing that can also transform your relationships with family, friends, and others around you.

In Holy Habits from the Sacred Heart, Emily Jaminet—executive director of the Sacred Heart Enthronement Network—identifies ten habits and virtues that come from the Sacred Heart. She also shows how you can intentionally practice these virtues in order to get closer to Jesus and strengthen the relationships that are most important to you.

978-1-64680-218-0, 160 pages, $15.95

Arise to Blessedness

A Journal Retreat with Eight Modern Saints Who Lived the Beatitudes


Eight modern saints invite you to follow their example to live the Beatitudes— the heart of Jesus’s teaching—in your own life.

Through her beautiful full-color art, scripture passages, journaling prompts, and original prayers inspired by the Our Father, popular Catholic artist Jen Norton will guide you to put the Beatitudes into practice as she challenges you to examine the state of your own heart and your willingness to grow in holiness.

Norton compares living what Jesus taught in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:3–13) with climbing a mountain—a difficult, irregular, sometimes fear-filled path that eventually leads to a great reward. But she says that like the saints, if you trust God beyond your own understanding, the end of the climb is heaven.

978-1-64680-186-2, 160 pages, $18.95

“This will touch your heart.”
—Fr. Joe Laramie, SJ National director of the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network
“A creative masterpiece.”
—Allison Gingras
Encountering Signs of Faith

Holy Grit

A Saintly Guide to Becoming a Man of Virtue

Discover what it means to become a man of faith through the lives of ten male saints and their experiences pursuing holiness. In Holy Grit, you’ll join Catholic life coach Paul George to consider some of the tough issues facing men today—struggles in marriage, parenting, suffering, and finding purpose—to determine ways you can grow and take steps toward living the life for which God created you.

Holy Grit is rich in personal stories, thought-provoking questions, spiritual insights, and mental health tips that help Catholic men like you build the spiritual foundation you need to serve your family, parish, and community.

978-1-64680-198-5, 160 pages, $16.95

From Prodigal to Priest

A Journey Home to Family, Faith, and the Father’s Embrace

Goyo Hidalgo’s struggle with excess, pain, and fear plagued him for ten years. The inspiring story of his unexpected redemption started after a hard night of partying in Los Angeles and a life-changing message coming from his television. He woke up that April morning to the broadcast of Pope John Paul II’s funeral Mass. A reflection on the now-saint’s message of “Be not afraid” awakened a deep longing in Hidalgo’s soul—a yearning that led him back to the Catholic faith of his youth and ultimately into the priesthood.

From Prodigal to Priest takes you on Fr. Hidalgo’s journey of reconciliation with his faith and his family. He offers compassionate encouragement to those who believe themselves unforgivable and reminds them that Jesus is always there to welcome them home to the Church. Hidalgo’s gritty conversion story affirms the power of God’s mercy and the deep transformation his grace can bring.

978-1-64680-212-8, 128 pages, $14.95

“Paul George is a true man of God.”
—Fr. Mike Schmitz
Host of the Bible in a Year podcast
“A great story with a powerful lesson.”
—Archbishop José H. Gomez Archdiocese of Los Angeles

Love Basics for Catholics

Illustrating God’s Love for Us throughout the Bible


When you begin to see the Bible as a book of love, it will change the way you view love, sex, marriage, family, and your personal relationship with God. Using his popular, whimsical stick-figure illustrations and engaging style, scripture scholar John Bergsma helps us understand scripture and salvation history in a unique, memorable way by showing how marriage in the Bible represents the love between God and his people. Bergsma also provides insight into Church teachings on marriage and relationships—such as monogamy, the single life, the Sacrament of Matrimony, and Jesus’s words about divorce—to show how these teachings come from the love God shares with his people through the covenants in scripture.

978-1-64680-196-1, 160 pages, $16.95

Love in Recovery

One Woman’s Story of Breaking Free from Shame and Healing from Pornography Addiction


“So often, freedom begins simply in hearing a story that sounds like ours. Isolation feeds addictions, communion starves them. I desperately needed a woman to share their story when I was a teenager and young adult–a story that sounded like the one I kept silent for too long. In this book, I’m offering you a story, whether or not you need it like I did.”—Rachael

Love in Recovery is shame-free essential reading for Catholic women who want real answers about how to handle sexual desire and addiction to pornography and masturbation. Killackey, founder and executive director of Magdala Ministries—an organization that helps women heal from sexual addiction—shares her personal story as she helps you to overcome your dependency, be free from shame, and live in hope.

978-1-64680-210-4, 192 pages, $17.95

“Deceptively simple.”
“Healing light.”


The Notre Dame Book of Prayer


The Notre Dame Book of Prayer is the collection of prayers and reflections for alumni, fans, parents, and friends of the university. First published in 2010 and now updated with dozens of new prayers, this book captures the vibrant Catholic spiritual life of the University of Notre Dame.

This bestselling book is arranged around twelve stunning, full-color photos of sacred and beloved sites on campus—including the Grotto, the Basilica of the Sacred Heart, St. Joseph and St. Mary’s lakes, Touchdown Jesus, and Notre Dame Stadium. These beautiful photos were taken by Matt Cashore, the university’s award-winning senior photographer.

978-1-59471-803-8, 320 pages, $20.95

“Rich and delightful.”

When Your Days Are Dark, God Is Still Good Biblical Advice to Help You Trust in Difficult Times


“We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28)

It’s easy to see the work of God’s hands when things are going right— a promotion, a new baby, or a financial windfall. But what about when things go wrong? How could God possibly bring good out of illness, death, or betrayal?

In his letter to the Romans, St. Paul boldly asserts that God uses all the circumstances of our lives—good and bad—to express his love for us.

In When Your Days Are Dark, God Is Still Good, Gary Zimak—author of the bestselling and award-winning Give Up Worry for Lent!—shares personal stories and scripture narratives to show you that God is not only present in your pain but also uses your pain to transform you into a holier, more compassionate person.

978-1-64680-188-6, 160 pages, $15.95

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A Concise Guide to Canon Law

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A new study by Msgr. Stephen J. Rossetti—a licensed psychologist and research professor who has studied the American priesthood for thirty years—found that an overwhelming majority of American Catholic priests say that they are happy, like their work, and have vibrant spiritual lives.

978-1-64680-208-1, 192 pages, $18.95

“A must-have addition to every Catholic bookshelf!”
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—Rosemary C. Sullivan Executive Director National Conference of Diocesan Vocation Directors



Founded in 1865 at Notre Dame, Indiana, Ave Maria Press, a ministry of the Congregation of Holy Cross, is a Catholic publishing company that serves the spiritual and formative needs of the Church and its schools, institutions, and ministers; Christian individuals and families; and others seeking spiritual nourishment. In the tradition of Holy Cross, we are committed, as educators in the faith, to helping people know, love, and serve God and to spreading the gospel of Jesus through books and other resources.

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