» » Georgia Miller
What is one of your favorite lacrosse memories at Ave so far?
Hometown: Winter Park, FL
Once, when we were traveling for
Year: Senior
a lacrosse game, we convinced
Major: Psychology (with a minor in
our coach to go on a hike in South
Exercise and Health Science)
Carolina. Coach was very inten-
Sport: Lacrosse
tional about it though, pairing up
Extracurriculars: Vice President of
upperclassmen and lowerclassmen,
Mary Magdalene household, mis-
and she gave us questions so we
sion work, fishing, bug collecting
could reflect on the past season
Post-graduation plans: MA in Occupational Therapy Why did you decide to come to Ave Maria University?
while we hiked.
coach...they all push me to
originally wanted to go to a
be my very best. Coach, in
bigger school further from
particular, is super awe-
home. After stepping on
some, with an open door
campus, however, I felt so
policy. She cares about the
much peace at Ave, and I
whole team emotionally,
didn’t want to go anywhere
spiritually, and physically.
else after that tour. I love the
The teachers at AMU also
small, tight-knit community,
really care about you, and
and the balance of sports
not only your education—
a v e m a r i a m a g a z i n e | f a l l 2018
and academics.
you aren’t just a number to them.
What motivated you to
I was new to the area and wanted to try something different. I felt really excited to be offered a spot on the AMU team—it’s not very often that you can play a college sport.
I am so blessed to have great household, teammates, and
until coach contacted me. I
I’ve played lacrosse for 13 years. I started in 3rd grade because
like here? support at Ave. Roommates,
I had never heard of Ave
play lacrosse at AMU?
What is your support group
What advice do you have for others considering playing a sport at AMU? Not only do you get to exercise your body, but also your mind. I wanted to play for a Division 1 school, but I’m so glad to be playing for Ave. With such a great team, I am able to fall deeper in love with sports. It is so wonderful to play with a team that wants the best for you—much better than going to a Division 1 school.