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President’s Letter
LETTER FROM president Mark J. Middendorf
Dear Friends:
My first few months at Ave Maria University (AMU) have been an incredible time of joy. I have been welcomed by our current Board of Trustees and trustees emeriti, as well as clergy, faculty, staff, coaches, alumni, students, parents, past presidents, benefactors, and Ave Maria townspeople.
Since my first day, February 1, I have focused on working with our chancellor, Thomas S. Monaghan; our provost, Dr. Roger Nutt; and our board to better understand the history of AMU, especially its founding vision, and to put together a strategic plan to help the University continue to grow and fulfill its mission.
AMU is one of only two Newman Guide universities in the country with both a master’s and doctoral program in theology. Additionally, AMU is the only University founded in direct response to Pope St. John Paul II’s clarion call to found new universities, outlined in his 1990 apostolic constitution Ex Corde Ecclesiae.
As such, we are dedicated to a liberal arts education with the task to "search for truth, and the certainty of already knowing the fount of truth" (Pope St. John Paul II, Discourse to the Institut Catholique de Paris, 1980, cited in Ex Corde Ecclesiae). Pope St. John Paul II wrote in Ex Corde Ecclesiae that it is his “deep conviction that a Catholic University is without any doubt one of the best instruments that the Church offers to our age which is searching for certainty and wisdom.” And, that “Catholic Universities are essential to [the Church’s] growth and to the development of Christian culture and human progress.”
We are blessed with the most talented faculty and staff, situated on one of the most beautiful campuses, with what we believe is the most joyful and talented student body in the world.
On March 25, 2022, the Solemnity of the Annunciation, we invited the entire University to better live out our culture of joy in the truth by making or renewing their Marian Consecration. This marked the 24th anniversary of our founding as Ave Maria College.
Through Our Lord’s blessing and Our Lady’s intercessory help, we have successfully recruited the largest and most mission-minded incoming class in the history of Ave Maria University. We have recruited athletes who are not only outstanding in their sport, but also strong in their faith, and who have improved our retention rate for undergraduate students.
Our Advancement and Marketing teams have created the new monthly giving community, Annunciation Circle, to better support our incredible faculty and staff. Additionally, we experienced our best year in fundraising.
Our Office of Campus Ministry and Mission Outreach offers our students opportunities for spiritual growth and nourishment—perpetual adoration, three daily Masses on campus (and three more across the street at our local parish), daily opportunities for confession, spiritual direction, and Rosary walks. The Office of Student Affairs is improving many facets of our University related to our dining hall and campus amenities.
The complementarity of our great mission-driven faculty, Catholic liberal arts curriculum, and faithanimated, joy-filled culture makes Ave Maria University a place where the head and hearts of our students are led into deeper union with Christ and love for his Church.
I would like to thank my predecessors—Nick Healy, Jim Towey, and Chris Ice—for their pioneering work as the first three presidents of AMU.
Finally, I would like to invite you to support our mission through your prayers, sacrifices, and financial support (Annunciation Circle). Together, we can continue to make Our Lady’s University a beacon of light to our age, and the finest Catholic university in the world.
God bless you,
Mark J. Middendorf President