Ave Maria University Viewbook 2021-2022

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GREETINGS FROM AVE MARIA UNIVERSITY Are you ready for the challenge?

Ave Maria University is a nationally and internationally renowned Catholic, liberal arts University located in a unique community in Southwest Florida. The 2021-2022 academic year is one of new heights for the University. We have record enrollment this year as we welcome the largest incoming class ever. This group of new students also has the highest academic profile of any class in recent years. We offer exceptional career paths for our students, including many graduate school partnerships and internship programs with elite industry leaders. These opportunities, and the education our students receive, have consistently afforded our alumni a competitive advantage to obtain the best jobs or gain entry into competitive medical schools, law schools, and Ph.D. programs around the world. It is not uncommon for people to ask what makes Ave Maria University such an outstanding institution of higher learning. This letter is too short to catalogue all of the benefits of an Ave Maria

University education. However, one brief response that goes to the heart of the question is this: inspired by St. John Paul II’s vision for the renewal of Catholic higher education, students at Ave Maria are not asked to choose between the pursuit of academic and professional excellence or deepening their faith. In his great apostolic constitution on Catholic Universities, Ex Corde Ecclesiae, St. John Paul II issues a challenge to students at authentic Catholic universities: “…to pursue an education that combines excellence in humanistic and cultural development with specialized professional training… This enables them to acquire or, if they have already done so, to deepen a Christian way of life that is authentic. They should realize the responsibility of their professional life, the enthusiasm of being the trained ‘leaders’ of tomorrow, of being witnesses to Christ in whatever place they may exercise their profession” (#23).

Every aspect of the university—all 31 majors, 29 minors, graduate degrees, the curriculum, faculty, student life, campus ministry, athletics—the entire campus and all of its activities are ordered towards the formation of students who will rise to meet this challenge. As AMU’s founding mission statement asserts, “…the University recognizes the importance of creating and maintaining an environment in which faith informs the life of the community and takes expression in all its programs.” How many colleges and universities can say their students are challenged—not only academically, but in so many other ways—to become the trained leaders of tomorrow by pursuing both Christian and academic excellence? This is the very core of Ave Maria University’s mission and identity: we form the leaders of tomorrow to be persons of deep faith who reach exceptional heights in their careers and fields of study. In a world that so often lacks truth, The Church, our communities, our families, and our places of work desperately need the next generation to meet this challenge. In just under two decades, Ave Maria University has become one of the finest Catholic institutions of higher learning in the world. We hope you will consider responding to the late Holy Father’s challenge by joining our vibrant, faith-filled, academic community named after the Blessed Virgin Mary and inspired by St. John Paul II. Sincerely yours in Christ,

Roger Nutt, S.T.D. Provost

Founded by Thomas S. Monaghan in 2003 to be a beacon of Catholic higher education, Ave Maria University is a Catholic liberal arts-based institution of higher education devoted to the education of the whole person, a dynamic process that engages students in both the pursuit of academic excellence and a deep exploration of Catholic faith and culture. The essential mission of the University is the development of a Christ-centered scholar prepared for lifelong learning, professional career, or pursuit of further graduate education.


In the Summer of 2007, the University opened the doors of its new campus in Ave Maria, FL. The campus opened with single-sex dormitories, the Canizaro Library, an academic building with classrooms, faculty offices, a lecture hall, a student union with a capacious dining hall, conference rooms, fitness room, student lounges, as well as, several outdoor sports and recreational fields and courts. Adoration chapels are located in the dormitories and the Canizaro Library. In 2018, the University completed construction of the Thomas and Selby Prince Building, which includes the 400-seat O’Bryan Performance Hall, a state of the art nursing simulation laboratory, and the Jack Donahue Black Box Theater. The University was built as an integrated entity containing all of the educational, spiritual, communal, and fitness facilities needed to support students in pursuing human and Christian excellence.

CORE CURRICULUM In an age when many colleges and universities simply offer distribution requirements that reflect the contemporary fragmentation of learning, Ave Maria University is deservedly proud of its Core Curriculum. The Core offers guidance to students by requiring them to take specific courses in the great tradition of the liberal arts. In these carefully selected courses, students share together in the discovery of truth and acquire the indispensable foundation for a lifetime of learning. Since each discipline views reality from its distinct perspective, students encounter the truth about God and His creation more completely through the dynamic interplay of all of the liberal arts, including theology and natural science.


What makes AMU's core curriculum superior to the general education requirements at other universities?


The principle of the unity of knowledge shapes the curriculum at Ave Maria University as it introduces students to the main areas of knowledge.

The Core Curriculum includes 14 courses or 56 credits out of the total 128 credits required for the B.A., B.S., and B.S.N.

THEO 105 Sacred Scripture THEO 205 Sacred Doctrine THEO 305 Moral Theology (for Theology Majors),

Math 110 College Algebra,

or THEO 315 Catholic Social Teaching (for

or Math 120 Finite Mathematics,

economics and some business-related majors),

or Math 150 Functions,

or THEO 390 Catholic Bioethics (for Nursing and

or Math 151 Calculus 1

some science majors), or THEO 400 Living in

COMP 101 Composition CORE 101 Western Civilization and Culture I CORE 102 Western Civilization and Culture II Foreign Language I (at the Elementary Level) Spanish, French, Italian, German, Latin, or Greek Foreign Language II (at the Intermediate Level)

Christ: Moral Theology PHIL 205 Nature and Person PHIL 206 Ethics Natural Science I with Laboratory Natural Science II with Laboratory LT 203 American Civilization

MAJORS Accounting American Studies Biochemistry Biology (B.A. & B.S.) Business Administration Catholic Studies Classics & Early Christian Literature Communications Economics Elementary Education Environmental Science Exercise Physiology Finance Global Affairs & International Business Health Science History Humanities & Liberal Studies Literature Managerial Economics & Strategic Analysis Marine Biology Marketing Mathematics Music Nursing Philosophy Physics Political Economy & Government Politics Psychology Theology

Students should learn to unite their broad studies in the liberal arts with the more specialized studies in their major discipline. The work in the major is done within the unity of all knowledge, and so it is protected from a narrowing spirit of specialization.

MINORS Accounting Biology Business Administration Catechetics Chemistry Classical Languages Communications Data Analytics Economics Education Environmental Science Exercise Physiology Marriage & Family Studies Finance Health Science History Latin Literature Marine Biology Marketing Mathematics Medieval Studies Music Philosophy Physics Politics Psychology Shakespeare in Performance Theology

HONORS PROGRAM The Honors Program at Ave Maria University offers qualifying students in concentrated form the very best of collegiate life: Stimulating and challenging classes taught by accomplished, devoted, faculty members Genuine interdisciplinary opportunities rooted in the classical liberal arts tradition but conversant with the latest developments in modern science and thought An environment in which conversations flow naturally from the classroom, laboratory, or seminar room into the dining hall, the dormitories, and other social settings A profound experience of the harmony between faith and reason, those “two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth” (Fides et Ratio, prologue). The Honors Program brings together all of the distinctive strengths of the education offered at Ave Maria University.

CAREER SERVICES Most college campuses offer “Career Services,” however, the approach at Ave Maria University is quite different. We view every life as a vocation, therefore we do not simply seek to “get a student a job” or help them land an internship. Instead, we want our students to engage in the temporal affairs of the world and order them to the plan of God using the unique gifts and talents God has given them. This takes a long-term, strategic approach which seeks engagement from the students the moment they arrive on campus rather than wait until their senior year to begin the process of building business acumen and a business network. Internships –Career Services offers several workshops throughout the



semester on resumes, cover letters, references, Handshake student profiles, and internship search techniques. This will include discussing the appropriate time to do an internship as part of an overall four-year plan. It will also guide students in developing a list of target employers. AMU has developed relationships with employers who increasingly insist on Ave Maria University students to fill their ranks. Graduate Programs – while our students can go to any school for graduate studies, AMU has agreements with certain institutions of higher learning to provide tuition discounts, scholarships, or automatic admission interviews.

Ave Maria School of Law (3+3 program) – Get your undergraduate degree at AMU and go to law school for FREE!

Divine Mercy University – up to 30% tuition savings for AMU alumni

Barry University - up to 51% tuition savings for AMU alumni The Catholic University of America – Get a $2,500 scholarship to the Busch School of Business for a Master of Science in Business Degree

Palm Beach Atlantic University – preferred admission for 5-8 qualified AMU students annually to the Gregory School of Pharmacy for the Doctor of Pharmacy Program (PHARMD) University of Mary – $2,000 tuition scholarship for all online graduate programs

* Conditions Apply * Career Networking – Career networking should become part of daily life for AMU students when searching for an internship, full-time work after AMU, or applying to graduate/professional schools. Career Services provides several opportunities for students to interact with recruiters on campus through career fairs, graduate and professional school fairs, live and virtual information sessions, classroom presentations, and tabling events. Handshake and LinkedIn are two online tools students use to build and strengthen their network. Students have the option to meet with the director of career services to develop a strategy for building and tracking their own business networks. Career Services also collaborates with the Office of Alumni Affairs to connect students to our alumni network which can bear fruit with internship and job opportunities.

sweet little


Ave Maria University offers students the opportunity to be part of an academic environment that combines the pursuit of academic excellence with an emphasis on building a supportive, faith-filled, close-knit community. The University’s low student-to-faculty ratio enables instructors to give informed, personal guidance to their students and allows students to form friendships with each other. Students experience a balanced way of life, in which their decisions are informed by faith and reason.

RESIDENCE LIFE The ultimate goal is the education of the whole person, augmenting the work that takes place in the classroom with real life and practical experiences. The encounters and events that are planned and executed are vitally important in the complete learning process of which each Ave Maria University student is a part.


Student Organizations are vital to the social life on campus and serve the student body by bringing people of common interest together to pursue a common goal. Organizations are comprised of clubs, ministries, and households. Students are encouraged to take an active role in student organizations, since such activity contributes to their total education as a whole person and the educational goals of Ave Maria University.

Accounting Club AEI Executive Council AMU Drama Club Art & Film Club Ave for Life Ave Maria Bull Moose Republican Club Ave Maria Surf Club Community, Camaraderie, and Super Smash Brothers (CCSSB) Equestrian Team Future Teachers Club Host Family Club Keepers of His House Life Skills Club Men's Lacrosse Men's Ultimate Frisbee

Nursing Club Papist Rugby Philosophy Club Pre-Health Club Snorkel & Scuba Club Swing Club The Anscombe Society The Debate Club The Second Breakfast Club Triathlon Club Turning Point USA at Ave Maria Wall Street Scholars Wojtyla Society (Psychology Club) Women's Rugby Women's Ultimate Frisbee Would Wood Work


As a Catholic community of scholars, we understand the ultimate aim of our lives is union with God. This particular mission as a division within the University is embedded in this higher and deeper vocation. The sacramental life of the Church is at the heart of communal life where we commit to doing everything possible to deepen, strengthen, refine, and increase the life of faith and the formation of the whole human person. Campus Ministry offers a comprehensive campus-wide schedule of Masses, Confessions, Spiritual Direction, Eucharistic Adoration, and other sacramental needs. 5 weekend and 3 daily Masses Daily Confession 24/7 Adoration Chapel 12 P.M. and 6 P.M. Angelus Spiritual direction Feast of the Annunciation Rosary Walk Marian Processions Theology on Tap Bible Studies Book Studies Prayer Teams

MOTHER TERESA PROJECT The Mother Teresa Project (MTP) brings to life the legacy of Mother Teresa and inspires students to follow in her footsteps by finding their own Calcutta and serving those most in need. The execution of this mission is seen through serving others and studying the spirituality of Mother Teresa and the Missionaries of Charity.

Although all students are encouraged to participate in all aspects of the Mother Teresa Project, the Mother Teresa Scholar Program is designed for those students who wish to take full advantage of what the Mother Teresa Project has to offer. To graduate with the distinction of being a Mother Teresa Scholar, a student must successfully complete the formation program of lectures and retreats, volunteer a required number of hours toward locally approved non-profits, and complete a mission trip.

Ave Maria University students are exposed to opportunities for service by volunteering with our local non-profit partners and/or embarking on domestic and international mission trips. MTP’s aspect of study is realized through the Mother Teresa Museum and the formation opportunities offered by the Mother Teresa Scholar Program.


AMU athletes love their teammates, love their University community, and love God.

VARSITY WOMEN’S Basketball ** Beach Volleyball Cross Country Dance Golf Lacrosse Soccer ** Softball ** Swim and Dive Tennis ** Track and Field Volleyball **

MEN’S Baseball ** Basketball ** Cross Country Football Golf Soccer ** Swim and Dive Tennis ** Track and Field ** - In addition to varsity, AMU

offers a JV or Developmental level of competition in these sports.

AMU athletes pursue excellence through outrageous effort, authentic toughness, and conquering love. They celebrate those aspects of sport that elevate the spirit and engage the creative process. They value transformational relationships, knowing that happiness resides in a dedication to Christ’s teachings. AMU athletes love their teammates, love their University community, and love God. They know that an intense competitive drive can co-exist with an uncompromising desire to be true to God’s calling in their lives. And they know that they need not compromise spiritual pursuits or academic achievement in order to achieve athletic success, and that—in fact—a healthy spiritual life and healthy academic life both promote athletic victory.

HUNTER ROSE, CFA Investment Professional – State Farm – Class of 2018

The experiences I was afforded at AMU not

professional that became a mentor and a

only helped me develop an interest in the

friend. Outside of my finance curriculum,

investment profession, but also prepared me

classes like Literary Tradition and Western

to succeed when granted the opportunity to

Civilization challenged me to expand my

work in the field. For one, I was fortunate to

critical thinking and communication skills,

have always been surrounded by curious and

both of which have proven invaluable in my

motivated students while I attended AMU.

role at State Farm, where I often present

My interests in the financial markets were

investment arguments to senior leadership.

first sparked by several early conversations

AMU was also the place where I was able

with fellow classmates that invested

to connect my call to love and serve others

on their own time. Those interests were

with the investment profession. Through

cemented in classes taught by professors

my involvement with the AEI Executive

like Dr. Sheppard, a seasoned industry

Council, one of the many unique and

purposeful clubs on campus, I learned how the financial markets truly can serve as a force for good and promote human flourishing by supporting entrepreneurs and providing ready access to capital. While today I am just a small cog in the wheel, I do find real fulfillment at State Farm where I have been able to connect my work with my call to love and serve others. Looking back, I can say that without the many blessings I received during my time at AMU (most importantly, meeting my wife!), I would neither have found myself prepared to work in the investment profession nor the sense of purpose that comes with going into the office every day.

While pursuing my degree, I participated in Shakespeare in Performance (SIP), the Student Activities Board, and Orientation Team for several years. I was president of the Students for Life Club and somehow had time to regularly visit the beach and meet the love of my life. How do I use my degree and experiences from AMU in my life as a wife, mom, and business owner? Well, while I may not directly use my history knowledge on a regular basis, I use the more basic tools nearly every day. My communication skills come from years of presenting papers and defending my opinions in many of my classes. The research skills I formed while writing all those history papers taught me how to quickly find accurate information when Googling weird things about my children, for example “how to identify a concussion” and “signs of a broken toe.” I am able to

JENN SANTSCHI Class of 2014 ‒ B.A. in History

manage my time and my business thanks

a solution with what I have been given is

to SIP and my role as stage manager. In my

crucial. My kids look to me for guidance

many leadership roles around campus, one

when things go astray, as do my clients. I

of the most important lessons I learned was

am confident in my many roles because of

to listen without the need to add my own

the lessons I learned in college. Though I

experience. The ability to listen, and listen

didn’t notice these lessons while I was in

well, is such a valuable skill in a relationship

the thick of college and writing late night

and when raising children, especially when

papers or memorizing lines, I have come to

life can get a little scary. SIP also helped

see and value each of them. If it wasn’t for

me to learn how to think on my toes and

AMU and all of my wonderful professors, I

be willing to work with what you have. As

would not be the wife/mom/business owner

both a business owner and mom, my ability

I am today.

to think clearly about situations and find

FR. JOSH McCARTY Class of 2004 I attended Ave Maria University in its

time at AMU. What can I say? I love learning!

early years. I started in Ypsilanti, Michigan,

I think one of my favorite classes was

and made the journey down to the Ave

Creation and Grace taught by Dr. Riordan.

Maria campus in Naples, Florida

He was such an interesting and challenging

beginning in 2003.

man and professor. He said things like, “Don’t always do the easiest thing,” or

We had amazing community, plenty of

“Choose some difficult things to do.” He read

prayer opportunities, and excellent, unique

the Summa in his spare time. He was always

educational experiences. I remember nights

looking for the spark in the world. He was

of philosophical discussions being held at a

informative, challenging, wonderful, and

favorite professor’s house. It was classy, it

delightful. It inspired me.

was challenging, and it was fun. Discussion ordered towards deeper understanding of

I’m a learner and a self-proclaimed nerd.

classwork was the extracurricular of my

AMU gave me the foundational theological

and philosophical knowledge that allows me to share about the Lord and His Church in a holistic and truthful way. AMU’s liberal arts education also gave me the formation necessary to use my God-given abilities to go on to serve my parishioners in various ways, while also creating a new software for parish priests: Pastoral Parish. I created Pastoral Parish to automate many parts of the pastoral administration process in order to aid priests with their multi-faceted roles at parishes. I am grateful that Ave Maria University gave me the skills and formation necessary to serve in the way God has asked.






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FINANCIAL AID We encourage all prospective students to apply for financial aid by completing a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®), even if you feel you may not be eligible for assistance. Our goal is to help ensure you receive all the financial aid for which you are eligible and uncover additional financing options should you need them. Almost EVERY STUDENT at Ave Maria University receives aid.

Academic Merit Scholarships Merit or Performance Based Funds without repayment Donor Funded Scholarships $2.6M awarded in 2021 Florida Catholic Scholarship Florida Merit Grants Bright Futures Application Opens Dec. 1st; 2 Tiers Florida’s Effective Access to Student Education Resident minimum of 12 months Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits Certificate of Eligibility Letters of Intent (LOI) Varsity Athletes Based on Performance Federal Aid FAFSA Application, Pell; Loans; Opens Oct. 1 Annually Student Employment Need Based campus jobs; earnings go to tuition, fees, etc.


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