Italian Singles Party - West Palm Beach - Zuccarelli's Italian Restaurant

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APRILE 2018 In this issue:

Italian Singles Soiree @ Zuccarelli's

Lamborghini the Movie!

Annual Piccolo Awards

Frank J. Todaro

Fiscally Fabulous Event

La Bella Figura

Orlando Italian Spots

Ricetta di Primavera dalla Sardegna

Florida is now the most Italianized State in the US

Depicted: Jupiter with his wife Juno the Goddess of Love

Mondo Italiano Magazine

Publisher & Editor James Iaco

Assistant Editor Carmella Gambino

Design Editor Jennifer Welsh

Contributing Columnist Frank LoRe Jr.

Internet Technology Mario Pelagalli

Non-Profit Director Kolleen Poirier

Event Coordinator James Lorenzo

UNICO - Brian Piccolo Awards Night Madison Michelle Borselino, Ann Matarazzo, Madison & Lisa Marie Conte Brown

Publisher Jay Iaco

La Bella Figura - 42nd Annual Gala at Breakers Il Circolo Presenta il 42 esimo Gala, 18 Marzo 2018 presso il famosissimo Hotel the Breakers in Palm Beach, Florida. Intitolato “La Bella Figura� per incorporare lo stile che contraddistingue gli italiani. Sala decorata con raffinatezza, candelabbra in cristallo, candele in avorio, tovaglia con filo d`oro, rose avorio, forchette in argento e bicchieri di cristallo. Band che vola dalla California per l`evento, servizio raffinatissimo. Copertina del programma il Teatro S. Carlo di Napoli. Ospiti importantissimi, abiti lunghi, e interviste di giornali nazionali e internatzionali. Il Circolo e` un’ associazione fondata da Padre Maestrini nel 1946 . La missione del circolo e` preservare e promuovere la cultura Italiana, missione che viene attuata finanziando Universita`, scuole, e compagnie teatrali dedicate agli studi della lingua, musica, e arte italiana in generale. Presidente : Paul Finizio, Presidente Esecutivo Sally Valenti, Vice Predidente Matt Rocco. Gli organizzatori dell` evento Matt Rocco e Antonietta Brancaccio Balzano(la quale serve come amministratrice delegata dal 2014). Matt Rocco nato e cresciuto in Sud Florida, di origine abruzzese(Nonno nato a Rocca Pia.) Matt e` il Presidente della South Florida Manufacter Association, la piu` importante risorsa delle imprese negli Stati Uniti.

Antonietta Brancaccio Balzano, nata e cresciuta a Napoli. Trasferita in USA nel 2005 dove esercita la profesione di avvocato presso Brancaccio & Associates uno studio fondato dalla stessa Antonietta(conta ben 3 studi in Florida e 2 in Italia). Antonietta dedica il suo tempo all`aassociazione in quanto Italiana orgogliosa delle sue origini e della sua cultura. Il circolo onora personaggi che si sono fatti strada in USA e che portano il nome dell`Italia alto nel mondo: Franco Harris, figlio di madre Italiana e padre Americano,campione di football Americano e considerato una leggenda dell NFL(Squadra di Serie A perintenderci) Adriana Trigiani famosissima scrittrice di novelle fiction e non fiction e produttrice di famosi film che hanno vinto prestigious premi , tra cui Queens of the Big Time. E` stata definita la migliore scrittrice dal New York Times. Carlo De Antonis di origine Sarda. Considerato tra I tenori piu` ambiti al mondo. Ha conquistato il cuore degli Americani classificandosi tra I candidati piu` amati nello show Americans got talent nel 2017. Allievo del maestro Pavarotti, Carlo ha deliziato gli ospiti del Gala con due magnifiche performance: O` Sole mio e Nessun Dorma.

Il Vescovo di Palm Beach Barbarito ha ringraziato il Circolo ufficialmente con una lettera sottolineando l`importanza della missione di cui il Circolo va fiero e ringraziando gli organizzatori, Matt e Antonetta, per il magnifico risultato alla cerimonia erano presenti la Console Generale Gloria Bellelli e suo marito Luigi, il famoso avvovato Mario De Orchis( 95 anni,che ha ricevuto un premio per la dedizione e la passion con cui ha svolto la sua professione), la famiglia Scarpa, la famiglia del Raso, la famiglia Salomone, la famiglia Finizio( tutte famiglie molto influenti). Tra gli sponsors riconosciamo il Grand Hotel Excelsior Vittoria di Sorrento, e Hotel Castel Nero in Toscana, che hanno donato soggiorni negli hotel. Tra I donator dell` asta dal vivo: Il tenore Carlo De Antonis che ha offerto di cantare per un evento gratuitamente, la scrittice Adriana Trigiani che ha offerto di scrivere una novella incentrata sulla vita del vincitore. L` asta condotta da Paul Finizio. Il circolo ha cosi` raccolto fondi per beneficiare studenti che ambiscono ad approfondire gli studi della cultura italiana. Quest`anno il Gala ha anche beneficiato una causa importante, l’ emergenza dela terra dei fuochi nel sud Italia. Voluto specificvamente dall`organizzatrice Antonietta Brancaccio Balzano per i non dimentica I problem che affliggono il nostro paese. L`associazione Noi Genitori di Tutti beneficiera` del grande risultato.

Eventi Italiani e Siciliani APRIL 8th Frank J. Todaro performs live at Pizzeria That's Amore 6-9 PM APRIL 18th Little Italy Assn of Ft. Lauderdale - Networking at Scolapasta Bistro 6 PM APRIL 25th The Authentic Italian Table - Coral Gables Country Club 6 PM APRIL 29th Il Circolo Luncheon - Trevini Ristorante Palm Beach 1 PM MAY 7th UNICO Dinner Meeting - Arturo's Boca Raton 6:30 PM MAY 16th Little Italy Assn of Ft. Lauderdale - Networking at Vinnie's by the Sea JUNE 2nd Italian and Italian American Singles Night. 7-11 PM at Zuccarelli's in West Palm Beach JUNE 4th UNICO - Scholarship Awards Night - Arturo's Boca Raton 6:30 PM

UNICO Highland Beach Scholarship Chairperson Gail Guy right receiving a $1000 check from Vincent and Rosario Gismondi the owners of Arturo’s Ristorante Boca Raton. One of UNICO Highland Beach Chapter members who has chosen to remain anonymous has pledged up to $5,000.00 if other member match it. We are off to a great start, said Gail Guy chairperson. The scholarships are offed to 12th grade students graduating from the 30+ high schools in Palm Beach County. Interested students can go to our web site for instructions.

10 COMMANDMENTS OF ITALIAN CUISINE 1 - YOU SHALL NOT SIP CAPPUCCINO DURING A MEAL! Coffee and cappuccino are the pride of Italy in the world; but if the first is usually consumed at the end of the meal, the second, more substantial, is sipped at breakfast, usually accompanied by some pastry. You can ask for a cappuccino at the end of a meal, just know that most Italians don’t.

2 - RISOTTO AND PASTA ARE NOT A SIDE DISH The organization of courses in the Italian dining is unique and requires pasta and – most of the time – risotto to be served by themselves (apart from specific recipes such as Ossobuco milanese-style). The presentation of pasta as a side dish to others is widespread in several countries, but in Italy is seen almost as a sacrilege.

3 - YOU SHALL NOT ADD OIL TO PASTA WATER! Oil should not be added to pasta cooking water! Pasta dressing (and oil too) must be added only after you have drained it from its cooking water. Find out how to cook pasta like an Italian here.

4 - KETCHUP ON PASTA: PLEASE, DON’T This is one of the combinations that most shocks Italians; although ketchup may have some similarities to tomato sauce, pouring ketchup over pasta in the “Bel Paese” is considered a real gourmet crime. Keep ketchup for your french fries or hot dogs, please!

5 - SPAGHETTI BOLOGNESE? NO WAY, IT’S TAGLIATELLE! While probably being the world’s most popular Italian recipe, you will not find any restaurant in Bologna to eat it. That’s because the original Italian recipe is “Tagliatelle Bolognese” (not spaghetti). Although this may seem a minor detail, in real Italian cuisine the pairing of the right kind of pasta with the right sauce is considered almost sacred.

6 - CHICKEN PASTA: NOT IN ITALY Speaking with American friends, one of the most frequent requests is the advice for a typical Italian recipe for pasta with chicken. It’s always rather embarrassing to point out that in Italy there are no hot dishes featuring pasta and chicken.

7 - “CAESAR SALAD” This salad, which bears the name of its supposed creator, Caesar Cardini, is a part of the long list of recipes devised by chefs of Italian origin, but in fact is almost unknown in Italy.

8 - THE RED AND WHITE CHECKERED TABLECLOTH IS ONLY A STEREOTYPE! For some strange reason, these tablecloths are universally associated with our food and with the stereotype of the "spaghetti-eater", and abroad almost all the restaurants that want to play typical Italian use them. Probably, tourists who come to visit Italy remain somewhat disappointed when they discover that the checkered tablecloths are almost never used (only restaurants for tourists do!)

9 - “FETTUCCINE ALFREDO” ARE POPULAR ONLY OVERSEAS This is perhaps the most curious in this top ten. The fettuccine Alfredo is both the most famous “Italian” food in the United States and the least known dish in Italy. These noodles, seasoned with butter and Parmigiano Reggiano, are in fact actually been invented in the “Bel Paese”, specifically by Alfredo Di Lelio, the owner of a restaurant in Rome, but in Italy have never been imposed as a traditional dish. Overseas, however, have become increasingly popular and in time became a symbol of the good life in Rome. For this reason legions of American tourists coming to Italy hoping to enjoy the fettuccine Alfredo at every restaurant on the peninsula remain very disappointed.

10 - YOU SHALL RESPECT TRADITION AND WHAT ITALIAN MAMMA SAYS. She knows from her mamma, who knew from her mamma who knew from her mamma and so on. It's been tried and tested. And what a mother teaches at her daughter while they are cooking? That love is the center of all. We must share Italian food with your loved ones. It is what life, love and family are all about.

Italian Space Agency -Mattarella Congratulates Xi Junping

Mattarella's congratulations to Xi Jinping: "I would like to congratulate most warmly on placing in orbit, from Jiuquan cosmodrome in the Gobi desert, the Chinese-Italian satellite “China Seismo Electromagnetic Satellite” (CSES) which will detect seismic phenomena. This initiative, promoted by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) with the China National Space Administration (CNSA) within the “LIMADOU” project, represents a major scientific target in the peaceful use and exploration of outer space and a milestone for the aerospace relations between Europe and China. In light of this result, that combines Italian technology and Chinese instrumentation, I hope that, within our global strategic partnership, Italy and China could keep on working together with mutual benefits in the space science and build new significant and ambitious collaborations as the one agreed between ASI and China Manned Space Agency (CMSA) in Beijing at Our presence on 22 February 2017. Remembering my state visit in China and looking forward to meet You again here in Italy, I once again express my highest and personal senses of friendship and esteem". “CSES’s launch – has declared Valeria Fedeli Italian ministry of Instruction, University and Research – it’s the result of long hard work and of a high level collaboration between Italian and Chinese scientific communities which extends to various fields and I had the chance to appreciate it during my visit to China last November. Scientific and technological research have major tangible benefits on society as a whole. This is just a first important step towards the stable utilization of space technologies and science in the study of seismic activity, a massive challenge in the understanding of one of the biggest threats known by humanity. CSES is the further demonstration that research and technology are an excellence in Italy and a patrimony that needs to be constantly sustained both financially and organizationally at every level. To invest for the first time 400 million on Prin and to call up a recruitment plan for young researchers, as our government did, it is the best way to invest on our country’s future”. Roberto Battiston, Italian Space Agency’s president, said: “it was a great emotion to assist to a perfect launch. We are all waiting to activate the satellite, verify the functioning state of the instruments aboard and to start the calibration procedures to become operative. The Italy-China collaboration has become more and more important in many fields, as already demonstrated by the the agreement on long-term astronaut missions studies signed last year in Beijing. Today’s launch realized the first great Italy-China space mission, a very important fact as underlined by President Sergio Mattarella and President Xi Jinping”.

Six Edens Resort in Messico Emanuele Viscuso vive ormai in Messico dove sta realizzando la sua ultima creazione: i Six Edens Resorts a Puerto Escondido, una serie di eleganti resort basati sulla natura e sul rispetto del paesaggio e dell'ecosistema. In progetto per il momento i primi due: un resort in riva al mare appena fuori città su cinque ettari di terreni con spiagge vergini e rigogliosa vegetazione tropicale, sede ideale per birdwatching e totale relax, dove sara' anche possibile acqusitare dei lotti all'interno del resort, per avere una propria casa-vacanza in un contesto super riservato, e un altro in posizione panoramica nel centro di Puerto Escondido con 12 suites, piscina e grande giardino a poca distanza dalla spiaggia di Zicatela e dai sui locali caratteristici. "Zicatela Beach" e' frequentata da surfisti di tutto il mondo.

Where can I play Bocce Ball in South Florida? Palm Beach County Bocce Courts

Jupiter: George Carlin Park

Royal Palm Beach: Crestwood, Camellia & Veterans Parks.

Wellington: Aquatics Complex

Boynton Beach: Meadows Park, Boynton Lakes & Jaycee Park

Regulation size of bocce ball courts is 13' by 91' but with space so limited in South Florida

Lake Worth: Bryant & John Prince Memorial Parks

we do find many courts with much smaller dimensions. Backyard bocce ball courts are almost always smaller perhaps 6' by 64' feet

Delray Beach: Gov Lawton Chiles Park

and of course courts inside restaurants such as Louie Bossi Ristorante are much smaller and

Boca Raton: Louie Bossi's Italian Ristorante

meant mostly as a novelty and to enjoy a friendly game with family and friends just after that after dinner shot of sambuca. Those on

Broward County Bocce Courts

the larger courts tend to drink red wine but that is not always the case as there are some bocce

Fort Lauderdale: Louie Bossi's Italian Ristorante

ball players who do not drink at all. If you're looking for a really nice court in South Florida

Hallandale Beach: Golden Isles Tennis & Bocce Ball Courts

you will want to consider the court in La Piazza in Ironside Miami which was designed by businessman Ofer Mizrahi. The local Italian organizations especially Sons of

Miami-Dade County Bocce Courts

Italy are involved in charitable construction of local courts especially in Catholic schools and

Miami - Dante Fascell Park, Bocce Ristorante & Ironside Plaza

they are a great source to go to for Bocce Ball related events and even local places to play bocce ball. There is also a meetup group

Marathon Key Community Park

called Free Range Bocce Ball, they have many members but they do not play on a court rather

Big Pine Key Community Park

an open space. Baci - Bocce!!

Amir Rossi - Private Chef 954-709-5978

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