Early Childhood NBS Literacy & Literature Program ACADEMIC CORDINATION | MS. LAURA RAMÍREZ ROBLEDO
Improves our students communication skills
Our Language Arts Curriculum At Navarrete Bilingual School, literacy development is a crucial part of our curriculum. Our Language Arts curriculum fosters a love of reading and writing in students through daily read-alouds, inspired conversations about stories, and self-expression. Numerous studies show that children who read for pleasure tend to perform better academically. Reading also fosters creativity and improves communication skills, which of course play a vital role in social interaction and career success.
“ Within every child is a young reader and writer waiting to emerge “ Ms. Laura Ramírez Robledo Academic Cordinator
"Star light, star bright, First star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might, Have this wish I wish tonight." - pinocchio
Improves our students communication skills
Improves our Students Skills Building literacy and language skills are NBS main goals both help children to be elementary students -ready, so they enter school with a love of books and ready to learn. This is important for school success because eventually they movefrom learning to read, to reading to learn. How important children’s literature is for developing young readers at an early age. With our Story Telling program children are exposed to narratives that rely more heavily on pictures and images than text encourage early-aged interaction with storytelling. The pictorial nature of the narratives, in these early readers, like board books, is an essential part of developing a child’s sense of plot, theme, character, setting, and conception of time, to name a few importantliterary aspects also included in our Learning Destinations program.
“The purpose of a storyteller is not to tell you how to think, but to give you questions to think upon.“ Ms. Marcela Benitez Storyteller
"“That's what we storytellers do. We restore order with imagination. We instill hope again and again and again.� - WALT Disney
Benefits of Early Literacy and Literature Programs Children introduced to reading early on tend to read earlier and excel in school compared to children who are not exposed to language and books at a young age.
Developing early literacy skills makes it easier for children to learn to read. Children who enter school with these skills have an advantage that carries with them throughout their school years.
Children’s literature creates foundational pathways for a child’s language development and acquisition, as well as encourages an actively engaged imagination.
Learning Journeys Vocabulary The Little Red Hen Farm Seeds Duck Lazy Grow Wheat Bark
Grow Wheat Bark Ground Bread Tasty
Alice in Wonderland Born Keyhole Cry Dissapear Drink Bottle Piece
Mushroom Tea Huge Wear Paint Cards Trumpet
Pinocchio Long time ago Carpenter Wood Puppet Eyes Mouth Promise Smiled
Grant Different School Homework Push Toy Cry Interesting
The Hare and the Hedgehog Buzz Hedgehog Hum Path Cabbage Fields Tiny
Breakfast Quickly Money Flat Hill Race
The Three Little Rabbits Spring Build Farmer Kind Strong Lumberjack Wagon Road
Bricklayer Wolf Huff Puff Blow Pot Boiling Water Joy
Carl, Chloe and the Candy Cottage Once upon a time Before Stepmother Slice Pebbles Freezing Dark
Woodcutter Mark Deep Fall asleep Crumbs Hungry Cottage
Snow White and the Seven Dwarves Daugther King Queen Mirror Beautiful Angry Servant Jelous Afraid Run away Petals
House Hungry Food Kitchen Beds Dwarf Castle Furious Old Prince
Afraid Scared Woman Push Crunching
Leo´s Cave Cousin Outside Yard Sunlight Rocks Bridge Bedtime Dinner Shawdows
Kangaroo Watch out Sky Clouds Spots Favorite Erode Crawl Relif
Cozy Cave Amaze Spots Belly