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Yi want botox but i am afraid BY RAMINA ASHFAQUEHelp! M CM MY CY CMY K
FEAR IS THE BIGGEST NATURAL REACTION TO GET and bruises, which if it does happen, it is very minimal and any sort of cosmetic procedure. Most of the fear resolves quickly! Over seven million Botox procedures are comes from funny Instagram posts, memes and tele- done annually with little to no complications. Botox invision. People want it but have the fear of looking “weird” jections are pretty painless and definitely hurts less than or “frozen”. I will help to inform you about the quick and getting a flu shot! There is absolutely no downtime and it easy procedure and the safety of getting Botox: We can’t is something that can be done on your lunch break, and blame people for being afraid due to what we see on TV then get right back to work! mocking the appearance. The most important question Botox blocks signals from the nerves to the muscles, about getting any kind of cosmetic injection is, who is which makes the muscle injected no longer able to conthe injector? The Botox itself isn’t to blame, but who is tract and that is what causes the wrinkles to relax and injecting it. If the dosage is calculated correctly and it is soften. It is used preventatively and for active wrinkles. injected properly, you can have as natural of a look as you When used preventatively, you won’t have to treat them desire. Make sure to research your injector thoroughly as aggressively later as if you didn’t. This is something and ask for before and after photos. An injector I highly that would be included in your maintenance routine. recommend is Krishna Vattamparambil, PA-C at Liquivida Just like getting your nails and lashes done every month, Lounge in Fort Lauderdale. you would have to get it every 2-4 months depending As far as side effects go, some people experience a on your metabolism. There is no face cream in the world brow or eyelid droop but that is solely on the technique that could take care of wrinkles the way Botox does, and and placement of the injection used, which takes me that’s a fact! There are many ways to add to your beauty, back to my point of having a proper injector. When in- but trust me, adding a few units of Botox every now and jected, you may (very rarely) get temporary small bumps then is a safe FDA approved and reliable way to do that!